| morning. Through » iy pamenger train which leaves here at 6 } o'clock and a freight train almost i onme together at the curve at the! for culty that they were stopped when The incident created considerable ex. oitement among the passengers and ? spectators. - | Soranton, the bishop of this Greok ntholic diocese, will make 88. Peter \ 6AD- |g. m. While bere the bishop will look | "ove the fleld with a view to ina manicants of the church at this place. hi ons Sgbwp ibd ation, which will convene at Al A ball will be held in Goldstein's : | pected to be 8 social success. The oom ' statements a t | mittes In charge is composed of Geo. tbo in ig po E. Prindible, Howard Dinsmore, Jos. ning | M. Giiliece, Dr. H. A. Seitz sod W. A. One wittiess Mellon. : at A {ba Want had sald tocer- | HB. J. Cawley, of Pittsburg, grand tain persons that be wanted to prevent | president of the Pennsylvania juris +A | the pr rs of the Central Hotel diction, Young Meu's Institute, will 1; | from securing a license this your. (make Marcellos Coancil, No. #8, of . : meio A BRUT. this place, an official visit next Thor oo : {day evening. Med Mon Fenat and Mave a Mary Time! The intended removal of Dan M. Wednesday Night. : i Harper to the first ward will creste a) on Killback Tribe No. 369, Independent vacancy in the second ward's repre ! Order of Red Men, entirtained Chas. | mentation on the school board. John |B. Willits, of Harrisburg, the grand | Dinsmore is spolien of ax his susossaor, 1 Bachem of the order, at an elaborate {banquet at the Commercial Hotel Wed: tends to move from Clearfield town o. | offloer was the guest of honor, + 110 the banquet s meeting was held in Vacated by Dan M. Harper. the lodge room at which the grand (iEreon. The banquet was served at gold wateh offered by St Jy | midnight and COVErs wor laid for fifty, church. She tarned in $100.55 Gilt Was served In courses sad it 2086 The Germania orchestra of Look ,. | Without saying that it was a firiumph Haven will furnish the music for both fof the culinary art. There were BO of the amsemblion to be held in Gold: n. | #quaws present and the bucks discussed | grain's Hall n {with relish the following: MENU, Suh SEF : BOE FORTE Bi Baw Mary's wat week, Arthur Commons, of Hastings, bas : purchused the pool room and billiard hall of Jan, Gilllsoe and taken posses. sion of the same, i conn Haw BARY Caneign ~Frank H Rinkewl Bas been pons fined £0 the honse for several dave this 1s Yin UNAS EE REE LL ERTS PAR VER BRIA RAED PTE TEER which the oper. algo the scales, will re April Tat, that for this, 2 being held at Altoona. ERIE TERA mide 2 {BREE week suffering foo an abscess : GEE k AMG FR ; AA RTE CE ARCHED FRET LANG, BET 3g wi ¥ pri ul the Ol R GREE day, 3 »e 23 wok. Bo Mason will YEE : B Willian was infared in the | fe of the Hep Top Coal com. | t Hastings last Friday und died ¥ from the effects of hia tajuries. Properties Si This _ Sool the Eonoaiy Tha 6 father-in-law, Wilitam | i hangod Baods Baoouily, orking in the Spaiog, | 8 M, oC lark ot TRANSACTIONS IN REMY Bin fare Faieny fey Gy forte tie residenoe an we Ah Mirkin. Dave Perell, the was ln Piltabarey and week on busines ayy be vacalasd by photoraniar, nx to Margaret B Lock HH AAR LEANER {hin ~Fhe residence of HO. Yerpger again quarantined on wcount of diph- theria. ~dohin WW. Sects, of Blandbarg, has been grant od a pendon of #12 a month. Vig : : i Zider towviship, ” shoulder, breaking his arm! WF Gromiey et ux to Jobo Eaton, g in internal hemorrhages, Bare township, $600, § the young man’s death Matilda Lindeberg et 3 J. day. He was twenty-seven Lather, Carroll gold and lesves a wife and one oe The coroner decided no inquest | CL Th Feed Yona dvy in Took Fav vag wat pry i Tos ¥rgess {aad ry gad the body was | buried | Commencing Mond: ay, ihe 1h net, he following It ters Fema nueull metery | ‘a bowling contest will be inaugirted or in the Patton post ofles for he b¥o | 8t the Grand Central bowling alleys Weeks vuding Saturday, Feb. 7, 1008. : Land end Saturday, the 25th inst, at Mrs Harrison Dukoeman, James Lover, board of the midnight, Two beautiful pris will be Nicola Mobilier, Geonarde Salvatore, rs decided Tuesday offered. The first prise will be given Mis Nellie Daughtery, Joseph Lait, plan of OrEspisation | i | 10 the parson BOOKING the “highest fur. Foreign. Lorenz Mikloy (2. Ea p | Persons calling for the above Jeiters will plesse say that they are Hadver. : tined, E. WiLL GREENE, Postmaster. i J «Sissons Jennie and Ells. Evans visiting friends in Johnstown. "Ee Lekvedtived faitirs “the cond highest. that they hope § it will be impos score. : i rowly averted at this place Thareday | {ing of orders the New York Cental | Guarastioe Laws. However. ave Martetly Ad. Bored ts and the Scheel Butiding is Ther | lower end of town. Both were going owshly Fumigniea Every futarday—Re | tat 4 good speed and it was with dif | r within about fifteen feot of each other. | ~Rt. Rev. Andrew Pordoboy, of {and Paal's chorch at this place & vivit ion Banday, the 23nd inst, and will 2 preach and celebrate mens at 10 o'clock |! the spiritoal weithre of the pariah. | a. Rien In indebted to Hon. |" Thon Doi for fio of the Legials- : lls aaa, Hall next Friday evening that isex- | nenday night, where the distinguished ship to Patton and will oconpy his ros t Prior Mence property on Fifth avenue wha : «Miss Margaret Flynn was the soo- | i Sachem conferred the past officer's de comstnt contestant for the handsome iy To tntuns wl bo snd, Most excuses for Meuse mate that; ai | Hara Loog, John Csllaban, Dick Mor. | gan, Jobn Somach, Eddie Wilkie, Fi. mer (ole, Richard Loyd, Nathan Croms- man, Tom Manoel Willie Alrbart. Erra W. Hitieoas, Teacher. FOURTH PRIMARY. Namber enrolled, 73; Average attend: | anes, 58: per cent of attendance, MW. Thom: present every day: John Mo | Nally, Orvis Ivory, Wm. Greene, Wal- | ter Thomas, Bert Williams, Geo Sheks, | James Zaboreki, Annis Somite, Mary Uallaghen, Hose Lodge, Kalle Pick, | Michued Fiynn, John Rogers, George County Commissionor Sheehan hi. Radelift, John White, Joseph Suosers, Orvis Biunkwiler, Clarence McFarland, Wien Pokorry Surrer, Teacher, INTERMEDIATE Number surolled, 62; average attend. cwnee, 52 per cent of attendance, SN Thos: present avery day: bury, Francs Brasean, Rossel] Barton, | Harry Ubapman, Cecil Gil, Andrew Hunde, Walter Irwin, Francis MeCor- George Mitchell, i cmick, Ralph Miles Jame Morgan, David Nelson, Craw. ford Nelson, Harold Welsher, Agnes Harpar, Annis Kaba, Elizabeth Somer ible Lancers BE Paavo, Teacher iter SH aI, Tt HER tof Privman GREY 48; Edwin attendanee Suing 4 AY, {sreningey, Ge sass Liovd, asi, o Jams White, al “th ail aghan, Aunie : Pow ail, Lanmions, £5 <n % BY rai FRE Hixa BoLaws, Teaches THIRD INTERMEDIATE, Notabwr enrotied 32 goer ag atte pd ance, 45; por cent of Thos present every day: Blair, dors Crooks, Margaret Kerr, Neotnge 2 Lil: eve MeQormiok, Ann gel, Mary Bhort, Lillian William Liana Ansie ad, ta Lansber oy win Jose Fedor, Livwol, Wilke mare, Andrew | fav PTE Lioasny i: average attend: : stiendance, 54, These present every day Katy Anstead, al Anstead, Grace Monteith, Gert. | i ance, 57; per cent of CONTINU ED ox PAGE 3, Jaron Aste Joweph one more oY to - money at this 14th, but desire to give ig buy here and save a lot Matchless Sale. ‘Be sure and get in this or next week. {See big bills out on F riday this week, Some prefer an extra fine quitlity of goods and are willing ts pay the price, while others want an inferior qual- ity at a lower i id We sell Of course, we prefer to put out a superior quality for § ‘Baramati ft for, Boudin Foros, Mary then we know you arg satisfied. Cone and Sg tis any way. ; (A complete | line of whiskies, wines and liquor Agent for the Celebrated Duquesne Beer, Ale and Ed. A. Mellon, WHOLESALE LIQUORS Porter. Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. Dissolut ‘ion Sale. file fia Fife BN for ¢ bya goods 1] Everyt! OVYERLD LADIES SHOES, COATS DRY Hn must go—no OATS, SUPTS, CAPES, CHEM Es, ETL BOYS Ft’ BS » 1 w the recent the greater part | lo this to > uke roont Spring. AND YOUTHS CHTLIE CLOTHING, TENS COATS ETC. Ja SCENES our looking for Bargams, | Goad Building, Next Door to Bank,
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