The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, February 06, 1903, Image 1

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    or EW 2 Made,
fe he od ms the ro om
1 of fron mall delivery service
: 16 all towns and cities where the post. |
reced sta wre $5,000 or moe or the
ton is 5,000 or more. :
¥ will oame in bere this ou
inetoans wil axowed that amonnt this
come 5 nw it all the SOugTEesmn who
; mediste Sclion » 0 is bo he the swe
through the Howe putes io Mae
: ; Ajo
es of ribet aa ag a every y other |
i tow that Wusid } pros 2 the Jasnags 4
wrk and what EVEE (a
: wast be dns quincy.
good Wing; push i along.”
BANE FRow ation
: Smiter Patten 2 An
Cis Lael Hosas,
iA A Hoon 1 Fives, Momsatay 5
| Between dand 5 o'clock yesterday |
" fermen a young man called at the
© office of De. BF. Books and stuted be
| desired some medicine for a breaking
CR Says Fails Was
tapes and guickly
; es te trwantie mm sa tIDt He
the fellow 10 city ball where
| disense bospital on the a, farm. |
The int was not at the Stage
. don,
| Eider township, $n
the: post o . roll toweship, $i.960,
most $5,000 and at the present rate of
Mining Co, Hastings, $204.
5 vin Tew Mera milys, 8
ow nwhip, £35,
: Rein Township 0.
{out on bis face. The doctor took in
’ Health Officer Miller was summoned :
Ae : Personally conducted tour to California
anti sow on post creer nd post ve and Coke Oo, Clearfield township, oe
roads. It will be reported ant and be :
| Gute special February 19, going vis
¢ Clocineatil, New Orleans, Sen Antonio
TRAST oes w v opary
Sarton 1 1H Beciiee " wo Properties Fm Tote Fra of the fematy Than
Tenet Hola Boeenity
atten may hve free mail delivery Simon M. Wilson et ux to George iP
re many moons kavr waved and Yeager, Patton, $420.
3 ody pots his shouider to B. Sunde
nd, by tressurer, to eri in Wet
Borda eounty, Susquebaves 1 :
The Parion List ws on Nenehed Dit Ak
omy idole Foentny Nigh Parrieent
Rowen rkn » he Cours Other Business |
x . oe i
_ Vincent Tonkin of ux to A P Com- :
¥ shane township, :
Spangler Improvement Co. | ‘o 7 I
Bheppurd, Bpa: rier, £36 :
Archibald Kirkpatrick to Mary ( Jolin, |
e x
The annual ndiords convention of
Cambria connty convened at the court
house Toesday with Judge Francis
Jomepli OF Connor presi ;
| liberal bons were aitended by the Sarg.
(eat crowd of mpplicants and Spectators
over gathered togeiber under similar
tironmetances in the history of the
The sppiicants from the north’ were
on band early, most of them going
fk i We the penalty west on the early morn.
Freimer, Bare township, $1.00, ing tein. The Patlon contingent alt
Arie Smith fo Regel Semervilie went ia Way, ixenpt vos Whebs :
Patton. : yn wy ft, who sited the train and
cet ux to bh. BM. Mar wa atid Ls drive reeling the
vay del BE leven Soloek & Mm He
Wak Bl litne, however Sa Lhe Patton
Hat was wh rem wh wei aboaul the
Fame Sige thal 5 ht.
A few of the oid
bore wi
stared Yom looking Hix Hosor in te
fw. ig Withee he
+ Lather to Carper Lioh Car.
Neola Songere of al to Ciaeltons Fay
Line, Patton, 8800
Edward McHugh to Puritans Cond
Edward Storm of ug ta Webater ( Seal
B84 84
Andrew Pretewr of ux to Joseph
ya Sai tn Lavinda Zotwer,
IPOH wn, $i
Bt L divans to Hire Metioipen,
- es while othr endured
: Bg peiaeee for a sebokelerabile length
township, of thei : :
fip Herteop
al snd Coke §
STs 91
ony io
La, Lamrell
dre BoB Sieve Bende
Jobin. Rowmiey 0 Frank W Tarts on,
were given to nuderstand trrcagh
sundry rears tid the Judge was cin
Vermanl with thelr past Blstory.
All of the new ones asd a good
many of Lhe oid ones were called up
and quéstioned by the court as to ther
intentions, their knowhedipe of the aw,
| their hisbits in ow matier of temper.
A gree sod their wat
A. 8 Dumem et ux to Anis Alana,
Susquebanna towrship, $48
John A Baker #4 gx to Peter A.
Jucikon, Hastings, $135
Tou 10 cawonms
Usider the Peramaniy « onniere tan rates
: ihe Pemsoayteaanin Ral read.
The second Pernuylvania aiid
for the present season will leave New |
York and Philadelpbia on the Golden
a any tints a8 10 whether tw
and Ei Paso 16 Los Angeles and San app cations would be grasted
Sppicunts from :
ied ome of Ihe Dew ones Were ex. :
ew ied, :
At wast two of the oid Patton Bp
ante ween ao ged ap’ for al ged ir. |
slariteen aad the pow applicants
6 | Diego. Three days will be spent In
: New Orleans, during the Murdi-Gras
fentivition Should & sufficient namber
of the questions asked Some were
told that there had been complaints
than they could glean from the natare
To our r Big Cle eirance Sale 3
you have not, you are cer
missing a good thing in
saving money.
When you can buy one of our $16.50 Suits for $12.50
don't von think it good policy to buy even if you don't wan
to use it {or a month orso? :
If yor can buy one of enr i Chvercoats for
the winter has two months to
new 7
$13 w
an yet isn't it policy to
These are only twin of the many bargains oFered. All
Qo oo
other Suits and Coats are at same lihera) percentage of
ducty 1
L we are passing every wee ek for
nation. Ea
Toe oo
So will as ts stir) Le ree ly es $£ get 1
haven't got the money borrow it ont of the bank
at 6 per ce cut, for 30 days, and by so doing make 2 23 to 33 per
cent. Its money earned when vou can save it so easily.
goods only. It's theo ]
if you
the best place for reliable
0 T] \
Hon §
© | Patton, Cambria county, on Ssiurdsy
| lant. Heo bad been in the city rver
since but could not tell where Ls
ding house, He further stated
the | that _Patton be lived with & man
about. ax years ago, but
Sh mt ve + rk An other
Pointed Praelings Pertaining. tos
Peovle and Pincers.
bo! — Richard, the infant son of Mr and
: Mire 1.5 1 Tingle, 4 Qed : Sunday after-
conducted by Rev. Father
Interment in the Catholic |
4 | Rate, $275 from all pointe on the Pens. | Applieation of the Mt Zion Evan.
i#yivania reiiroad east of Pitsburg, gelicsl Latheran church of
o'clock: Thrall
® (owned a coxy little home. He went to in an acre
prefer ; an extra fine quality of goods and are
of passengers desire to teavel under
the onre of a tourist agent and chap
eron, a delightfol month's ition rary in
| California bas been outlined: and a re
tarning itinerary to leave San Fran
cisco March 25, visiting Salt Lake City, | come operative on the 15h prox.
(Henwood snd Colorado Springs snd The following other business wa |
Denver arriving in New York April 6 trasacted during the day:
willing t pay the price, while others want an in
in regand to their Bonses’ and were
ity at 2 lower gure. We seil
given an opportanity to explain.
The decision of the jadge will be
handed down whenever it suite kis
(convenience and the licenses will be
Of course, we prefer to put out a superior quality for
‘then we know you are satisfied Come and see us anyway.
A complet line of whiskies, wines and hquers. :
i covering all expenses of railroad teans for i oration Shed. :
8 OrTatics, side ripe to California, and Petitisn of George W, Cree to vacate
berth and meals going on the special % private road in Heade township, :
train. No hotel expenses in California Petition of the Hew. Philip Bowen, |
are included. Tickets are good for re | executor for ab order fo sell real estate |
{turn within nie months, bal return of Margaret Gear fe
ing cover transportation only. For Allegheny, at private sale Granted. for the Celebrated Duquesne Beer . Ale and
{detailed itinerary apply to ticket The following polling places were P .
agents or address Gen. W. Boyd smist- changed: For North Resde. 10 the orter.
ant geceral passenger agent, Broad house of Harry Ross for first ward of | :
street station, Philadelphia, Pa. Patton, to the barber shop of F.B
William, for Blacklick No 2.10 the
wrstERious orate second sory of John Davie’ store.
[An Aged Resident of Barwsbors Passed Report of Emory H. Davis, Esq, as
Away Menday. soditor in the estate of Elisabeth A.
stances at Bis hon» Monday morning.
He was a bachelor and worked in the
imines near Barnesboro, where he.
How te Enthaate Coal.
An exchange says the gosstion i
‘often asked, “How ‘mach coal is there |
So moch coal land has |
and bought that the ques- |
pertinent. A cubic foot of ooal
a bushel An acre is a little over
feet rach way, or 43,560 square feet.
town Saturday night and returned been lead
(home 8 very sick man. He was at tion is
[tended by his housekeeper, but his makes
8 condition did not improve, and shortly | 300
In order ta cut our stock down on account of the recent
{dissolution of the firm of Mirkin & Ruse, lhave &
before he died a doctor was summoned, |
arriving at the hoase a short time after |
the old man had passed sway. He was |
lequal tn 43580 bashels in one-foot
| yein. H the vein is four feet thick
Waste of Time and Energy.
Gl Johnstown people have a new county
ee move on fook. The scheme = to take
| Somerse i ae mike a ew |
county with Johnstown as the county
: des She prevent. state consti. |
boro for a long time His property is
lars ard he left a snag bank account.
- {the deceased believe be must either
ine Toward to any. one that oan prove it,
% an it is circulated to hurt my character. |
an Boglishman and had lived at Barnes- |
protiably worth several thousand dol.
the sere. Al 2 cents a ton royalty the
Some of the most intimate friends of coal is worth $28.10 an acre and at
4 onvnte a too it would be worth $379.90
an acre. Ab 10 cents a ton royaty it
would be: worth $S§7.00 an acre.
Marituge Licenacs.
Clyde Lucas and Esther Anderson,
both of Patton.
| have been dragged or received a severe
blow on the head, as be worked in con-
i valsions for several bours before he
passed away.
A Dental
Some person who don't love the
truth has circulated a story that I have
collected $40 for Mrs. Person and kept
1 would like to give a
dinger, both of Carroll township.
Dennis Weakiand and Filisa Wasser
both of Carrclitown.
George Weston and Amelia Glasser,
‘both of Hastings,
; Mea Ina Lispsioon. Thomas ¥. Gaantuer and Mary O..
Patton, Pa, Feb 8, 1002 | Lumadae,
ee Soviting % iss lo Ste
Thomas Harwood and Annie Simm.
{an acre containg 174, 340 bushels, and a |
and will continue to keep them down until the |
of the big stock is disposed of. I must do this to ke oom
for the new goods I intend to put in in the early ¥ spring.
Evervthing must go—no reservations whatever.
Don’t miss this opportunity, if your looking for * Bargains.
Good Building, Next Dose to Bank, _ Parrox, , PA.