., “bat ns yon oon: | ¥. tolling xpee will veal fuelf to a; a pes wa as William \ years ince he hat hams, and it orld ie was crus oF dust stained and pereptr. I runing Hike fre dn lowly onwprd until be ¢ here the tack | i ; Gay, who at fire! ale so Tavenonsiy an 10 astonish Robins 1 w 1 prols ly won't get 4 an the sgent’il be 1 try to get out fo. gdh We side of thie ravine ng sun the man 1 Vater from, the : r he [Hs fo there as he had ‘been earred to fa wigate 1h Scared by t dennintion. fio to a ttice ‘while the man ta ittle Tellow, at Whoin azed in amazement before a to say: There was vo suggestion nk you're a long way 'm dlscoverin’ like Robinson 3 of the tale of childhood rn 1 Dame: my real Fulman, an’ I'm ‘gor, an’ we A on Come on, course, you “remember that Away from the savages 1 1 guess Tn Bate to before we find the 1 | you've found Friday. | think 7" tile nnd you'll feel hetier, ger In the station here; this be knew, “hay you'll tell hn you want it for Friday 7’ POF potiree™ “Thats it! 1 knee you'd make that mistake. Can't you see yourself what trouble it would maker” UN “PH, > “Well, It would You'd gay, ‘T want rome food for Friday, and the cook would say, ‘For who? and you'd say, | ‘For Friday, and he'd say “What, that old savage? You see, he doesn’t know that You are going to have me for 8 good servant, awl Hike as not he wouldn't believe it." “What had I better do "bout 17 “Well, I think you'd better not BAY A word to let Lil, or anybody, know that What do Fou 4 All right. " MAH right. Lack?” “Pretty soon” “Well. I'll be walting for yon, an’ 1 | guess the ROBIE wort be tauch seal Ptered by that time” After Robinson Crusoe hud gone, Frio day again lay down and before long How soon will you be The man nelly watehed the litle creature for a time before he again spoke: “It may pot work, partner: bot if It | does I'll seo that you have & muare eal for once, This desert alr must get Kind o unestisfring to you 8s » redlar diet sometimes” At the sound of a human vole the Heard again slid away, and the man arose to look down the track. Hobin son Urusoe was coming, and that he | bag been successful in his mission was indicated by the fact that be was alone, | wills a parcel was tightly clutched in i one of Ws chubby Hitle banda. “Row, then, Friday.” he apnouneed iremediately apon bis arrival, “ron ent Thin We for the Hing the boll | ang” rigretted that Fri mast harey afer the. po couk sald that he would | for me to cote before very 2 It Is much 1 bin pr gy t%, on Crusoe, tingly sn i drlnyed the cating of bis SUPE? na well pe the gyredding of a tenant for | the Hened, that Thee bell rang for tho ro. ctor of Robinson Crusoe before the search for the goats had began, This i %aa oa fact that greatly disturbed Mp Crosor, hut be regained 8 eeriain mont of composure ¥hen Friday, | wha dil not seem to be greatly grieved, sakured hiss that be probably would be thera if ov er Crasoe should retyen, When No, € with the General Mana: BerR private car attached, pulled out of the Hitle elation that night it bore an unsolicited and uuticketed passes. person of Mr. William | raves, more recently known as Fri day. It had been a trying task to hide behind the tank and reach the brakebeam of the private car unseen, but Friday was 8 past master in strat ey along that Une, and, after various Barrow escapes, Be Lad syecieded Ag the train sped eastward a crave less storm of cinders best upon hing f the dust blinded Lis eves, tut he pulled his frowzy hat as low as possi ble, and consoled Miniself with the reo fection that earl hour was taking him further from the country of absolute In his comfortable bed in i the ear above him slept Robinson Cru. {sos and dreamed, perhaps, of Friday and captured goats, and ms the worn { wayfarer beneath him pletured the lit tle fellow there a tender smile tried to make Hteslf visible through the grime { that hid his enuntenance., On few the train. Brady's had been i passed, and Shirrell's; then came a stop which the man on the brakebeam could not understand, There was Bo and, sven if he Had not known, the glance he stole from his hidden point of obser. | vation would have convinced Hm. He had protruded his head as far as he dared in order to obtain a better view when a succession of shots and the sound of hurried footsteps caused him C hastily to withdraw 1, “Bome of the boys after the stuff on hoard,” he muttered to himself. “Well, let "em get it. They won't bave any ‘easion to bother me” With this pleasant reflection Friday settled back to the enjovment of the gratification be found in temporary re lief fromm the flying cinders. He was thus pleasing himself, and at the same time trying to Imagine just what stage the outside proceedings had attained. when two shadowy forms passed hy his retreat and the low murmur of con. versation came fo his ears, “I tell you there is the biggest kind of money in it” “The old man will be wild, He thinks his is the only Kid that ever lived” “Ro much the better. We won't get a cent less than fifty thousand ran: som. “He'll have every officer In the State out after us.” “What good will it do him? Give us a two hours’ start, and we are certain of more than that, and the Lest posse that ever chased a man can't get us,” “Howl we do it?” “Hasy. You an’ Bill take the front take the rear. If he tries to do any shooting, drop him.” As the footsteps retreated and the volees died away the man on the brake. ‘beam started 4s if to emerge from bis | retreat, at the same time muttering to himself, “Well, I don’t know.” Then e took a second ought and settled gaged fu oa desperate strugele, the lxard timidly renewed his invest | gations. door of the car. and Jack an' me will | : ears of Et on direction of herolsm, yot he lay thera T and contemplated the doing of & berole | : ded. Not that be conaldered the deed in that Nght: ‘Bintiered wards: “The Ditle chap was Iabeled such tn ofder fo make 2 80, thought, 8 doden Little things made it evhient to the man that matiers on the outsides of the ear were mpifly pro- grossing to a denouement. Two nen | pasaed 10 the rear of the car. and be heard footsteps on the front platform, dene gnickly. ment longer. Then, very gquietir. he emerged trom bis retreat In the dark. ated npain, bot only for a wonent, “TH take a chance” he muttered to himself; “hw was good to mie” A mevoml later the two mien on the front platform of the car were sur prised as a shadowy form swung {tsi from the ground to thelr side. «Mix thar vou, Tom? whispered one, “Where did you leave the brakeman The snsver was 8 singeerine blow that knocked him to the ground, where he lay, stunned by the force of the fall In souther moment the two men that remained upon the platiorm were en Back and forth they wwared for 8 pindgte: then there was the crack of a revolver, and William Graves foil. He had just tine to Taney that the shed was eokond hy another. smal then the dls ears seetned chasing each other In a fanins tie race, aad be kiew po nove. “he General Manager had taken a hand in the siraggle; meaning of the echo he fancied ha heard before the world and he parted shrspaty for a time The General Man- sger’s shot dil execution, ton, and. with two of the outlaws disabled aed three to put the rest of the gang to yout, When William Graves came back to the fed of the ving from the anueen country wheres he bad journeyed for a Httle while, Ble eyes opened upon such sxnin he bers aware that a very small volos wis ad dressing bie “How are yoo now, Friday? “Pretty well, Rotdnson “Ties your shonkler burt much Taw 77 For the first time the man who had passed from the brakebeam of a priv vitte fF to a place on ita softest bed maticsd that something 44 appest to bie wrong with his right side Mt does seem to hurt a jitile” said : “That's whors the robber wings you, but my pa fixed him. Golng to go aflier goats with me when you got well, Friday? I gaess 1 will, Roblinson™ That was all the two talked then, for a fall man appeared and sald Hn Wil RN Liraves: “You would better go to sleep now, There will be time for talk heteaflier” Ko Willing Graver, with no room in Rly miad for suviliog exept wonder that he the man of the brakebeam, La hg, Went to sleen. It was quite a week later, and Rotiln. in the meantime, when the tall man wal down Ly the bd in Bis bods where Fhe wosinded men stl passed moh of Lis thme, and sald to Bim: “Tell me something about yoursel!, 1 Yor pleas; tet at present about that night, for 1 saw you when yon ab tacked the two men, but about your self. od wk a on By this time Willlam Graves kbew that the tall man was the General Manager, and, kind treatment he had received he! stood somewhat fn awe of him. Ro be merely turned uneasily on his bed and sald: “There isn't much to tell” “What is your business?’ “Brakebeam tonriet” The tall man smiled. “Seo I fndged” Be sald. “13d you ever have any other businesg ™ “Used to railroad it.” “What Bappened?” “Went on a strike; sever pot back ™ desperate men the ether night? “Heard theth say they were going to steal Robinson. He had been good to te.” The thonzht of Robinson was a very dear thought to the tall man, and so, shlered strange that thers was a pecu- liar and very unusual dimness in his eyes. But all that he sald was: "Well hereafter you will have all the chance of which you prove yourself worthy” he proved himself worthy, Through with the General Manager's kindly eve division. Sometimes there strides mito his office a all young mana who says, “How are you, Friday? and bs re sponds, “Hello, Robinson” for the two fire as good friends as ever, althongh they have long since given up the {dea of finding goats on the Califaruty des. ert, And so It was that Willlam Graves was promoted frem a brakeleam.— New York Times, Cornell is going to retire her pro. fessor over seventy years of age on annuities, and, strange as it may Sees, 4h Ba Tusk 10 vetics next dupe. had tended in the protably his entire | / § thought wes best sxpresssd in his own | goml io we: he fod tie when | was | hungry.” But beroism needs not 10 be £ As be lay on the brakebeam and | if suyibing was to be done, it must be Willtatn Graves hesitated just a mo | ness on the outside of the ear he heads | thrt was the | the paserngers aware that resistance | had beeoine possible, it took but brief 8 siene of juxury as caused him 1 | I ricae thers agsls with the notion that | i he must be dreaming Then, as he! slowly oprued them { they worse brought shoul] be placed amid such surround. sop and Friday had had many a talk notwithstanding the | Lilm to walk beyond the intr “What made you attack those two as he tarned away, it nead not be cone | William Grave had that chance, and | the various grades of the service, and always apon him, he worked his way upward. To-day he is in charge of a TORTURE For BRAVE SCOTT. DIONEL KOSTERIITSKL commanding the internations] | Benadary Rifles of Sana, Mex. has received froon Major | Joaquin Fontes, of Potam. Ris Yaqui, 2 Jetter giving an scvount of the tragle Genth of “California Dan” Ryan chief | of scouts under General Laois Torres, ast Torin. Aecording to Mayor Fontes El Rewnsgado, leader of the Yaquis, | shifted hin position from Ontelfuota to | Bac without the knowledge of the Mexieana, To this way he vas enabled to set the trap into which Hyan fell Bysn beams ehin! of dronte under freviern]l Torres thronigh the Mllnence of the American Genera) Egan. Eaan Introduced and recommended fipsn to remeral Torres, and sobsequently the | Mexionn Genersl made the Arizona cowboy chief of his seonis i tha om ty of Torin, ut a salary of $3120 faonth Through Ryan's efforts the Yagols were Kept awny from Terln aad cone | Aneel to thes bosh between Blaster and Onteinsts. Owing to the success of i bis death move than that of any other Len axcepting General Lorenss Torres | Rinse November 1 thers nuisrons skirmibabes Between fhe roots of Goneral Lorenzo Torres amd the Yaqels ander Guten vielnity of Onteine's, Biremiplioid of Gutinese Heved that Ei Lene it wag he owas closely 5 the oan in the viel. ity of nt Where the fares of Lor er2n Torres Were guartered. Dat by msking a long or very Intrients detone El Rens, Fada succeded tn changing his pusition from Chtejucia fo a pulng bee twesn Baedm snd Torin and within fonr miles of Bacum. In order to ac tompiish this strategy ba eould nos tre bad more than a dozen Vagus | with hisg On Novitnhey 27% General I ; felegysss geking for prone, fateh whe rerun alite rile Yisn 1 WET Rent Been henrd of Po nothing "a : tante Jat ‘0 aa 1s appears that when the seonts had made 8 tory In the road that Bid them | from the escort they were set upon suddenly by a band of Yeauls that had hn comeesled by the rogdaide. So pn. expected and fetve wos ths stiack that the seouts were thrown from | thelr horses and fell Inte the thick | fosilvide ; Before they could oiter a sings ery they were besten over thelr heads hy macanas x the hands of the Yaquls | gntll they were unconsclons. After bedi gagged sod hound te telr horves the Yagul emmy at Onteinsta, where | they were triad by the Yaqui Connell af Wir, consisting of Bl Bepnegndn Guotmasole, Maldonads, Cans and Fierro Tenebanto, El! Renegade acted wx president of the connect], “Callforaia Dan™ was condemned th Aeath, Gutomssoles and Pierre vated | to spare him while Moldonads and Tung voted Josth to hin Fi Rene gaddo, who held the dering vores, voted with Maldonsds and © Wilean was gcgnitted fn order thet Be ralsht tell the Mexicans what hal bappe™T To “talilornis Dau” Wilson was warned to leave Mexion “Californian Dan.” whose unser wos great, was given 8 splendid meal hee | fore being 1d to execution, TEh was nod the result of generosity on 15 Of the Yaqule Dut was boespe of hers dealers to rowlle Bly death all the more sxeruciating ; At the exeentlon prounds, in the presence of Wisas, the Yanuls, dull saws, cat off the feed of “ality tia an” fost aluve thse ankles, . Be Torso Ton kim ther ou pir and report to duty. By gpoeading vhnhments ul Onteigota. In thie bush, hnindrest yurds beyond the mpenty, Ge fell and expired npony. Next mornitsg the Yaguis fonk 1) Body of “California Dan” ie nba i") | ter thie roadside, There they sun neiond it by the neck from a tree. At th prot they released Wilsap, lay to send Mexieans to cut fhe body of their friend and Recent burial Wilson, siter reaching Racum, eo . sinned that he did pet Meoxiva, trons to PECOYer the Iw fognia Dar for the fm a positioh cont of Outelgots, intreneh- in 2% dy of “Oalt shied bee the Yaauls —N Tork Wo reid, SMASHED BOTTLE ON 0OCGADR Four ehiblen of al Bodenbers whose bots is at Bie Skookam, | school | way olf. One Wednesday derieg the fast of June these children, being on | j the road bumeward, were stravglice ghoniz at soso distants fram one an- | other, when a cougar sprapg out of an ambush and seized the litle boy who | { brought up the rear. This little fellow was the youngest of the party, being only six years old, and least lkely to Sesist the beast, as that witehtwl crea- the elie! of sronts the Yaonin desired have been that there wax | Aik Torres | { received from Mis beviler Lo Tenge a i de Tha deg. CMatames of a5 oficial powerful enough | growth of cact! and prthava on the | t by thelr capdory to | with Atier 1 r| { tis they unbound him aed tall hin ts YER for ¢ ried : reputation for abt ope i srest avd veld intend fo leave | but would lead oa force ef renson that Mn is | The body is In Gpen ¢ sieht of the Mextean troops of Cocorit. | 1h go to] at a public sede! house a long | idk battle of heavy glass, Bold of abe of the eoligar's ears, snd suncling beast over the bead Af ihe sesttered about. It ls possible that some of the fragments entered the the bottle broke he let go bis bold and ran off, ploneing inte the bushes from which he did pot again emerge. Meanwhile the anhurt chilean took the wonnded boy Into a farmhonse The wonnds weve all flieh woands, and whet they were dressid the Hintle fol low naw gute animatnd In Bis neronnt of the adventere, whieh was sean the talk of the neigabartinet—Seattle Past. jateiligeneer, —_ a A WOMAN'S HEROIRM, The Siberia that fhe Bussign convict knows i, i hall the reporis about it are tr we, a place where life Is worse than death. Yet it ix mor an nneots- on lng Tor the wives of Nossian ernviota to Tollew thelr husbands into Feline, fruits recently there set out for the mines of Biberie a ely woman with & bake in ber arias Ble will trades e Be: the whole distance Hf her strength which Ix the | holds emt, flone, begring her foul where she can Her seb objet 8 to Join Ber husband, who I a cotiviel Heo wae one of the Russian troops who, mone months beek, refassd 10 fire ari a mob that was demonstrating agai the ron hand of bureaucracy. He to the mines for lle, He was less lueky than cortain ofliere, who were Fmerely shot. Without delay he wan dragged to the penal settlement, and rot far days 414 bis wife Jearn what hed Biwome of Siow A® toon ax she kuow she sanght por. mivsiog to fSn Bin Hy that he pot within hearing or deny her persussion, hat | i : be merely sald that the eH WEY 8H open Toad, | no | heard him say that be loved ber for all Eh was worth" ~Judge. : snd I abe enuld wall the distances : A 4 be put in ber way. ‘oux the rosdalde and dies | ur starvation, with hay Bop heey hWoaasn, SEVERED BROW, the world will SOP A X THRILLING CAREER, Afar soating the ssn of £1204 of Bye regiments fo Mowing has of jas? been canght and Peaped. Bul, great ss has been fhe error Inapired by this famons handle, his sctual power was small compared 3 apd the services -BARTIY TWO Yours with (hat of seversl mterowned Kings | whose names sre far loss known to the publie. At the ze of fomricen, Boris Sarafoff, a young Pulgarisn, at- tacked singlebanded the prison in which bls father and grandfather worn tring lo ehalns, after erie! tortures at the Dande of The Torke aed Rogeed alist tn death, The boy swore to devote his His te reve. He entered the Bulgarian army and pala a pave 88 2 fDagnIa cent eavalry wader. File bravery and open-fanded censroslly made hm the ad of the people. In 1800 he loft the regaiar aviny awd raised an Drreguiag corps, with whomt he retired Into the fastisnmes of the magotains Riode Ahat time Ee Bos fon a%4 rads inte Teil bearitery. Une be captured the Turkal town of Med mek with no mers flan forty men. driving before hing 29 Tarkisl troone, The terror of Lis name Liaw penetrated | to the Sultan's palace, amd Bis secret i geen are sald to be fovsd In Cen ntiople itself, Fin zim Is 19 on ganizs an menses rebelifon fn which sil the Balkan States shall foin, as well ss Greece, seize Constantineple and precisim a Christian Kingdom of the East Not anly Tinker. Dut Aus i Tw Hosea and Britain know that this san Dodds In Bie homds the peace of aro pir ~Poarson’s Weekly, wa PRRAVERY OF TUE MATADELR A man be oonsideral Teave, god right Ir =, who walks up tog tiger gn fool, armed with an etprews rifle: bar this Mar | wsear | fiom. Their tactios arp dosoribhad lip | Below In 18s Soars of the & Hen havieg killed 20 ox. a Banat : Matatside warriors wonld tok him pandd arconnd bis abr. When the king - bottate was roged the warriors Lelemusd In on Bim Finding retrese out Lf on all sides, the lon stiod a2 bar, i Mweing first toward one of his naked | assailants, then toward anther, growh ing bLoarssly all the while, A chosen man then rashed the lion, shaking kis | shiehl znd shouting oul words of oats | tentaptt apd abuse. i Almost Invariably the Pon accepted he challenge, and charged down upon intrepid SRVALY. As the Hen reed). is challenger, after making we stab 80 1 with his assecnt was Sashed to the ground but eadesvored Abele Wie and Gg srmed enly with a hide abledd, atiscks a FO Wearhl taf Cio fall beneath the cover of his great gx-Bide shield Ab the sane mame Crashed dn froin nt hls sompanions #1] shim, and the Hon was son stabbed to death. In these sncoiters any men were killed or more or less serlously mauled: het single Hon, when once surrounded and brougint te bay sella escaped | When, as often happens, a party of Hons were attacked, ofle or tog were usoainy killed, and the rest broke uch the cordate wkoadun Express. | rave oy had fn bis right hand a | He took | with the bottle began $6 heat the third or fourth blow the bottle broke, | m1. and 8 hundred fragments of glass were | cougars Blaging eyes, for as soon ax | sxihe 0 that dreadfel land of Bard | Fun court omartisled sod sentenced! It wax only by i. Bat the world is richer § « © Lor Bar «fort 80d ew Jove, se Lialian Govervment He was seized det no fewer than | agree tales bedbre tha Sha waite for tn come who never a FT TE CLT And Fh ame shed spurn his touch, but sta Ble waits for bim snd grieves her life SWLY. ~Chiosgs. Record Herald. IIINTIERT HH ERITED, "Remember, my dgughter. that ‘the gvek shall inherit the earth” “Yea! But seme chesty individeal wil aiwnys sash the will™ Puck. THE REG CLAR THING. leverton-"You've been pretty M haven't vag?’ Dashaway "Yes, sly! So 11 that several doctors bad to be called in dine Afssenient: Pot, I WHY ASK? And what does your son Infend to mite histories! sovels or literature?” “As I sald Beturs, he expects to get rich from the work of Lis pen Chi cago Record-Herald SL A SURE THING. Flabdabbe~"Do you supposs that ghd Bilkins i= ft» marry is as rich #9 she is sald to be? Pinhedde~"No question about J know Bilkine "The 8mart Set, A STUDY OF A RICH MAN, “1 wonders how a rich man feels? Well, I'll tell you. He feel ais avray: Now dat he got It be can't keep it) en of he do keep It somebody eles will abo’ ght kRM~Atlauta Constitys tien. HIS BADLY CHOSEN PHRASE. “Don’t you think that young Honker wiints fo marry Miss Dollyers for Der watery PT asked Holack, “1 think »a” rolled Tomdik. "1 POSITIVELY RUDE you here, Mr. Saftleigh. 1 thought you wire traveling in Europe.” Boftieigh-—" Weally, l-aw—Jid think of going, doneberknow, but ~gw—at the lait moment [| changed mio mind ™ Miss Cutthuz-—"Indesd. But I sm mire you couldn't have lost anything by making the change.” New York World RESPONSIBILITIES, "Remember," sail the serivas eftizen, “tar wealth has ite responsibilities ™ Neu" answered Mr. Campos. “Se lotig as you are humile and ebwenre you can say ‘I seen 11° sod TT done I” and eat with your kuife sil you want to Washington Siar, HE KNEW, Mra. McCanl—“lsn’t this Uitle John oy Gadawar? Johnsy--"Yes'm"” Mra. MeCaol—-"1 was just going te call on your namo. Is abe at home ™ Jobnny--“No'm! She's just went loien on the next Blork tw look for me” «1"hiadelphia Press JUST THE Siz ‘The Nlver moon peeped up behind tha hills of Lake Bodansl "What fa the Beizht of your smb thn? she asked. more to break the Cametony than anything else. “Oh about Sve feet two nches™ be replied, grsiog nto her dark eyes. he cards are ont New York Hen akl THE COMMON ENEMY. Captain Hull was recounting the glirions victory of the Constitution, And sa” be coscimdel “wa were plikinly ote too many for the Guers rieze™ "Yes." Interrupted bis officer: “we wire a Hull jot” Throwing bouquets at each other, thse then retired to Bgbt the & the Navy ~New York Times, ITS BRIEF CAREER I» an evil hour the Association of Kitchen Ladies, pumbering forty, dee clibed to bold a goRkery conipetition. Five prizes were to be given. The affair eae off, and the five prizes for excellence in cockery were avearded Whereupon the thirty-five Litchem ladies that bad faled to win any eof them Andignantly Seuigted and broke