eh it was “spelled b back: n tho a state Cia no ay na carporation, ; anil no denguiisation, - ance sale of the Keystone Clothing Oa. | = Bon Ton store is always & little ahesd, 8 of establishments of that character {nnd will i. one Monday to sscnnd wesk of this big dear] es Lo be a reoord breaker. | spony be disposed of ‘and the quoted In the page advertise. pa ge prove concla- ively tht he ood will be rp eA mil end sale i» Something un. {osual in this section and rarely at de of the cities, but the ble eee will toll yoo has been nominated for . di hoe store. id and you can count po hin 98 & rrgaing sy on Apri i | : age, are what makes a good beer. When 1 you drink Duquesne you are ssstred commissions to right man. oar : Wateh You can Gi betier ab “Duquesne beer is good.” Ep A Merion. Ask the deel! 14 dine with you ones the White | | boarder. “Duquesne” | good, pure and wh 0A Mit $4N, We are chosing Gait our heavy weight : trousers ut §6, formerly §7 and 97.50. | They are suitable for either drews or ‘business. Dissore Bros, Purity and excellence, ooupied with of this trio, Eb A. Muuiox, Buffalo Bill says bs hes given his last | ‘Wild West show In the United States, | ands for 8 that is He expects to show two years in Eu. rope before be quits foally. Why drink agrees” non-union made | bear, when you oan get union goods thoroughiy aged and not made by 4 trast. Moral: Drink Doquesos beer, Eb A Mauion . Wanted--An aptodste man for «manager aod general agent of this county by the Fidelity Life Iusarance company of Philadelphia. Salary and Address, | © orty One agrinat the pol | bare, Georce Si ’ Piitor 2. : 5. Goff, » nur hospital ju hat place. we not alwnys u night 80 very many weeks ago orter, and it wis part of atv to call up the hospital was the daly of Mim his calls, There was meth talk about, Pinaliy t the nversation was carried on at closer ' and finally well, the telephone » auld and Sistant 8 : Bx Thon From the Strittwsttor and Melton | a Schauts tar the Past Masith. : Report of Mellon sohoal, Carroll | wnt p. for ‘month ending Jan. 22, ye nber in atbendano 8 fomales 25, total 33; Sverage mdance, males 6, Tomalon 7. total attendance: males 8, average 75. The fol. 5 fests in Sissies: ¢ - "| Adan, both of {hest Springs. Medial, 5d Barn TAs: % (with references, F. M. Wheaton, 113 N. Broad Bt, Philadelphia, Pa. From Sia Two Weeks Tour via Persarivania Rar i rowal, - The first Pecnvytvenia rallrond tou. 3 ay rida Baltimore ‘and Washington by special train on Peb | Excursion tickets, incloding railroad | shpat erase Pullman sccommoda- | special train wiih it be siidat the Tollowing : New York $50.00; Philadeiphis, | rishiirg, Baltbmore snd Washing. portionate rates from other points For tickets, itineraries and of Pe fn formuition Spy 10 Hoket spents or to Geo, W, Boyd, amistant general pas setiper agent, Broad street station, | Philadelphia : BONDS ron SALE. Sealed Propuesty will be received by porough council. on or before Friday, | February 6, 1903, for the sale of Patton : borough municipal improvement and funding bonds to the amount of $7,000, {dated the 15th day of November, 1902, to run twenty years, redeemable in ten years at the option of the burough. These bonds kre tax free snd draw| four per cent interest froon that date, | payable semi-annually. Bach bidder will be reqaired to forwird a certified check for $100 ax an evidenes of goad | faith. J. M. Giladece, : Beorvtary Barongh Conacil, Patton, Pa Marriage Lissa i John . Barnett and Angeling KE. | Frank Wetherson snd Maury Start, : oth of Spangler. | Mike Matoosin, of Windbor, and Mary | | Ebr, ! Joseph Perry Canter and Junie Nel- ; : aon, both of Hastings. Sion 11; toa 2; Je 5 M. G. Dv MM, Teacher. : Sound Sense, : In view of the approaching muanicl. pal election the following suggestions from the Bebool Board Joarnal become | property pertinent: 5 wasted on school boards are sach as ‘are strong, of known character and The kind of men ] : ability. It matters little whether they 5 | posEoRs A cutlege diptoma or « hie common sohoal | sense it makes no difference to what eduoatiing pid horses | poiitient organization twy belong, so , | long an they are wise enough not to tarry their politics nto the board of any doubt but duc, ation ) Foon, Bas i in of impor Sod to 2 altminie LL the 1 plete Hue of no party It Is of mpaer | tablished reputation, that the points. iy trust them and receive Lhelr de Sisions with confidence." Aw ki pont Laat favs, © Phe fotlowing bettors remuls vuoatied sr iD the Patton post office for the two irks ending § date. 24, 190%: Fleming, Peer Me Hove, AM Fir w Saturday, me paling fr the above letters is ay that thay are “Ader. i Wit Grex, Postinaster. : linow, both of Barneshorn, Mure 1. Kohn, : signs we Ladw ig Juiski arid Agnes Shall, both | | Wo. » Brown add Edi 8 Wik. | : Paul BE. Gilpore aed both of Monntsindale. Yiu Bhoe Riore, sad Gh better al the White This office makes a specialty of fine commercial job printing. Prices and | Workmanship a are gil i rigs, Tou a large trade for the winter ‘months we have prepared our- selves >of 3 ith = large HNsT the newest shades and de- 8 of SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS narket. Also a Blacks COm- and Bines, We are offering some good inducements in heavy weight business suits and heavy teht trousery ngs suitable for dress or Business wear Dinsmore Bros. Merchant Tailors TION, br Ags, $20.00 tient | You WILL FINI SPECIAL BARGAINS. Heating Stoves sold below cost, Hardware and Glass always the best for the lowest price. Furniture at {duced prices to make ispring goods. Kitithen and dining room chairs, a great variety. Rockers of all description, Extension Tables at 4. 5.00, 5.60, 6.00, 7.50, 8.00, 10.00, $12.60, etc, Couches—extreme low price $3.75 $20. Best bargains, jon carth. Springs and Mattresses. A large line Pillows from | #1: 25 to $5.00 per pair. Lim deum-—a few remnants will be sold below cost. New| ‘stock: a fine line, Chiffoniers from $5.00 to All solid oak wood. That is the motto we have fol owed ever since we have been in business here and Sr constantly | mere : and we wre nidin a ever before. ‘He utmost care is Laker this branch of the business, Hot Sada Fountain ros: Huavier’s Celebrated Candics ee fresh every week, full tobacco, cigars and smokers’ rtieies, druggists’ sundries almost too numerous to n tention. BE every aay, SETHE GUNN'S | Tlagee Ave., WILL YOU JOIN C O00R LL CLOTH ING CLOB? Its main purpose shall be to elevate the arts of good taste and style and place all its members on about an squal [footing as regards their clothing Menthershiip in this club 11s unlimited and open to all Fees, there are none. If your (care to become a member apply at the (Jub house, (Fast Ma. gee Avenue Wolf & Thompson s Store. What benefits do Lyon gain by joining the club? These: Its members are free from all clithing ¢ ree from exorbitant charges: rom all ¢ ak fern regarding the fit of their clothes traction 1% 4 lot of Men's Overcoats at Ck, The club’ § first | i Chamber Suits of all de- sen pty m. : - Flare Remetaber the Plotare Checks snd | ight editor of the ton, © $48.00: Pittabirg $53.00,804 at ' pro- | : Rebate Samp. J, E. KIRK'S HDW. & FURT. STORE. Magee Ave, Such as is pro duced at our Studio was considered as valuable and taste. fl a gift as any riiceived during the Holidays. We shall still en- deavor to turn ont this high grade of work, and solicit your patronage, kaowing vou wiil ber ples sed Now gt your picture DRVE PERELL, Art Photogra pher. k Groce rich Do your eyes have © That Tired Feeling?” If HRT ¥3 Fy yy : you should cali at Tozer's and nil, have them htted with specta- Lenses exchanged free at any tige within a year date of ale Satisfaction gp anteed or money refunded Don’t forget that we have re pany v uli Hp in North wrn Cambria Co. TUZER, r ATU 3 the Dsl en ppd Tug x JEWRLER $12 00 Suits at {ther attract: ES I Oi ORT New 38 00 ana Phe Cui Wie which all me ve ayy five daoliar ill 1 Hae, ve are uiiy worth a ia $a Ee ERIE Cri Oh Ea Corse bo to ¥ WE a WOLF & THOMPSON, The Clothiers. Gor trtiany dca inns owes think you will want APTER THOROUGH THATS RECOMMEND Po PRIZER STOVES AND RANGES Por economy of fuel, cleanliness in operation and exielion qualities ia baking and rosshing. They have improvements and advantages Bor found in other stoves and cenges. Sold ; under 2 Satamice Ww de good work and CL GTAN windr w lant WTO 1 Fiske mmoney Beck STANDARD if mot satiwfied. R EXCHLLENCE Would be pleased to Rare you examin them, J R.CORDEL 1 & CO. | f=. 5 7 ig Pa. 3 Ave. PATTON, PA, «Phealoge fee VRP. Js Wil 1 Westy. GOODS. and aplaes ate t ths fiw RUBBER een rig ber { (hires 5 Wome We del] . Flour. Feed Sha ¥en them FOVIS- You can do better First-Class A New| The White Shoe Store. i x {ownis, it 18 an wndication that YSTERS 0, a aii bd we BAe Patton, Pa. E 16] ment! { : t wg se Ao Tabm Neil sii a LEU RUE 4 Nie on =0. BOONE, SSTAURANT, & Mot rmiak Sesser te BT Bee ee ITY RE Prigiee roe a