i in such shape that | Sons Lite. 1. 1. Black, the wel knows vit Kemith at Seahaminiila, Sul. wd Ts wish to report that Foley's kidney eure has cared a terrible eae of Biwi. ak given | 8 Tt seman to dissolve h mows and ‘by gl ving fre : wl nme i no danger} bes giving remedy for it contains no Hplam her injurious drag acid may be given ws confidently to a bute an to an uit, Por male by CW. Hodgking wn, Pa. T: remove # Trivibile lon: First souk fi LR COE Aa down fA wloweiy BE guy drawing Blood and apply lain's. pay balm twice daily. reabbing aniy for five minutes 31 each up - plication. A onarn. plaster shoal be : worn for a Tow a AR, Lay prot iE fram AR A penerst Halonen for ; Brame, mete and rhein Hero, pain balm 8 nasqaaied. For sate hy CW, Hodgkine Pate on, - Pa. x Poltessens: Fi Tv ent Tian y LN Patterson, wight pes voman of 1 Nash, In writem, “Last winter § had Yoiest Bail go, * domen advertised const medicine and an abad old on my lung al Bad treatment from two physidiane without getting any benefit. A fiend o recommend Fo By'a Hones and tar and two thirds of 5 bots consider if the greatest a anil tung medigine in the worid © Ersest Pryck. : lund and Ueno. Moi 1 have Sunt AY bg SED 3 Led : a The 4 i i elect oYen in (he mowt make it a favorite everiw bens safe by OW, Hodglons, ia Be Cond Basti Get up PH. Daffy, of Ashville, 11, wirite “This is to certify that two hotties of Poloy's It has helped me mare than any other 3 medicine Sfx rind many sty or tiaue remedies, but pone of them gavis rue Ls any retief My deaguise rec mended | s kidpey cure and it has oured fowunn contd hardly get! Pole me. Bafore commpncing & his 1a ap when onde down” lund and Geo. 8 Eroest Frock Creand Axons Momus Some of the moet Buxions hoor of a | : Mothers’ & fife are those whet Lhe fittie ores of the household have the onmp. x There is 60 other medioine ss effontive in this terrible malady ie Foley's “honey and tar. 1 i 3 hoaseheld Dave ite for throat and lung trouble, and ss Ib contalas no oplate or other polsons it ean be safely given. Eeoest Fryokiund : and Geo. 8 Good. Physiulans Freseribic ks. Many broad minded physicians pre. suribe Foley's honey and tar, as they have never found so safe and relisble a For sale by ori or benion Warm walor to soften i, then pave wilile wiihint Chmaber. eareal we 10 I have taken B kidney ene and srfnia’s storasoh al Boer tablets They will olenase your stomach, tone ap vour liver and regolate yone bow. ale making you feel like a new man, Pa i : rE Thoneands Haye Kidney Trouble worth the onnelie take a dhowe of { har. ; : and Don’ Know it. : Bow To Fina Ont. ; Ful a bottle or coveman plasy with your whiter srl tar 0 sand twenty fooy hours 8 {. W. Hodgkins, Patton, | Ww A Herren of Finch, Ark. writes der trouble that two th ap. rowed, CRETE Feneat Fryoklond and Geo Chamberiain’s stomach and Sabletsoriee Lions, and besddavhe ret pleasant a effect ¥. Hodgrios, Patton, Pa There is ng songh fein so papa. bar ax Foley's honey and tir. It con tains no Opiates of pobsone and never | win yokiaad sad 0 fala to care Ervies: Fr Frees, SR faownd, Foley's homey and tar always Soin re cotigh arel beads the lange sobutitaten. Trnest Frycklund Lavsds = Lpiptach Foley's hone and tar for vo eerie pédial aed Choe, apd Rare eich EE BIO LI TION RAFV ICE, cin LE YE Ln The Hottest Thing in Town © Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SU RGEON. i 48 in Sri 3 TREE \R. F.B. EVANS, PENTINT HASTIN GN, PA. At Commercial Hotel, Barn. every Tharsday CRIT ANTHONY ANNA, JUSTICE &F THE PEACE Culiections promptly attended to. Prealer in rest estate, ote Folay' 2" s Haney #8 dears uags ai ep: ie SpeEh remedy for throat and lang troobiles as and Geo. 8. Good. Ernest Frychlond E | convinsing sroof that the kidneys and bad liver soiatipition They are easy to take | For sale by 0) efi feed righ gpd triad mond tested, safe fi SRE i Bingharaton, NY. 5 FirstNation'I Bank ney anil Heer troable amd all around tng Opp elt, Kane, Eine Nha ge, Tar CE Hane Eidenca ney dpoy frauen: pass i the buck BF oa a 10 Po. { PLUMBI ! G. % the kouwiedpe wn THE y Supp | | Sar Ere Thers is 23 he { and ire prepared to do all m, pan in the work in that line expediously Ne grad ERE park ¥ well 3 sary passage. ty | £aTracts | Hi and : 5 haid Wi and se beg e { % 3 3 All kinds of tin work, roof | ing and spouting. Big stock of stoves and tin ware, }. C. HARPER CO, Lees NEW LIFE 9 ing Carrie i guring THE HY. & 7 during a ight & Sscovery ~ tei 2 a. Rn pie. ry 3 ; Co, Bin an NY When a ton reading this penercus offer in tiie paper, Tat pale any mistake, bat remem ber the name Swamp Root, Dr. Kil tees’ Swamp. Root, asd the address, Gn eI bottle i : OF PATTON. Makes $y Rew Hee 4, Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. "UT, O , Tes, sv on pio smon. | a Eni for win tors ed" wine th Sl COL LeRoy, BUY. Bm pruiaipE aint £2. W. Hodgkina, Patton Pharmacy AT 22¢ A POUND Butter 1s too high Jabori mg man to buy, ‘us your order by mail terme, | Cambria Butter Co, 241 Pranklin Su, JOHNSTOWN, PA. 0 puted on. Parra, Premident. Wa H. Saxpyonn, i anbiar, HOT SHOT, for the 40 send for rheamativm, neorsighe, kid for But. Htusehold meddiotoe, Fropared by L Fa, wold by Lao Patton, Pa. Reuel Somerville, HETCHERS, HASTINGS, PA Attornev-at-Law, gr dof ¥ PREY - 3 vere Bawniad ad Sieg ieng Minis wy amt guime In wid ervey sd Pog PATTON, Pa, Offloe in the Good Building. Pa rel I, Cowher & Co. FIRE, WEN Ak Sth 4s Peni patrosahge sonia Geo. Simmelsberger, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT REAL ENIATE AGE rR, Cormack Sutatisg. Futoon, Pao" Plone No & Draying and Hauling done on hort notice. _ H. A SEITZ, Dentist! Office ap-stairs in Good Bailding. Of | g tee Heuwrs- Sam wim and lp Pate Ss Br The grautast EPT DIGESTION.