The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 30, 1903, Image 1

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- 1 and Coke oom i Samia
i 3
Teacwens enwmanons.
When and Wher They Wi
North Cambria,
T To the Local hide of Sab-District Teachers’ examinations will be held
1, of District 2, U. MW. of A {in the north of the county this year ,s
| Your attention is hereby called to an | follows:
larrorin the oall for the sub district June 19. At Blandbarg for Reade.
| convention, which reads “Wednesday, Jaue 34-Patton, for Hastings, Eider
| Peb. 27," the 9th bein Friday instead and Paton.
™ of Wednesday. Therefore the conven- June 26 -Barnesboro, for Spangler,
{tion will be. Wednesday, the 25th, in Sasquehanoa and Barnesbor).
t: sted of the #ith.
Wa McPuERsoN, President.
ey *
Michael McTaggart, the secretary. and Ebensbory,
© treasurer of this sub-district, was re. Joly 15. Nicktown, for Barr.
elected a National auditor by the In. July 17--Loretto Jor Allegheny,
% disnapolis convention. He had the Chest Springs and Loretta, |
i inrgest majority on the ticket. Mike J01¥ 318i Lawrence, for Chest.
is an excellent saditor, hau served a July 2456 Augustine, for Claus.
_ namber of terms and the union miners | field.
throughout the United States appear to July 25 - Ashville for Ashinnd, Dean
satisfied with his wie. Land Ashville,
be werk : August 21 Special examinations in |
be Ha wl
; Carrolitown.
‘ Jan. Mitchell and Peter Hertaog re- |
turned from Im tis Thursday
night, where they had been attending
| the National convention of the U.
h w. Of A. an the Peprammiatives of the |
: mm local unless | : rai cation for a school L
Ttin stated that the Bosoh Creek APPlicanis from other counties mast.
Coat and Coke Oo. will open another srement valid cortifioates from their
a mine at Arcadia this spring 4 and that own superintendent before entering
5 Aplicatts will present their last
+2 [year's ceruficate with an envelops, |
National Orgasieer 2d Seka and, : Tampa aad addromed ber Yaemasived,
Examinations will begin as a BL
os Lintendend.
: 20m were in own Wednendny.
_ Satuniay wil bn puy 04 for the om
iployes of the Beech (reek Coal and RL Myers & Co., and Hewett’'s Ele
ments of Paychoiogy, patdished itd
a on
Dell Kotiey, by treasurer, to (ireen- XKDOwWn quantities.
ys ites Oval 404 uke company, Saugus | Reading will be based on Shas
h $81.07. : | Towa Machetl, - Teunyun's Eiaina,
Ome at Johastewn in = Wish Paiton oun
4 0 be Well Repressutod. :
onght to be well represented at the
anthorities of Cambria county.
board of health. and the objet is 10 se
Pox and other contagions disesses.
City Hall council chambers begloning |
at 10 o'cloek & m., taking 8 recess at;
12 until 2, and then resuming to con
tinue as long as may be deessed exped- |
+ lent. An invitation to attend and par-
| ticipate is extended to all interested in
_ securing the best conditions of health
{for the people of Cambria county, but
"and members of school boards, who
ander certain conditions are required
y | spective districts. Tt is hoped also tht
8 large number of physicians of the
| connty will be present. ;
The convention will be devoted to a’
: | diwcasrion of matlers pertaining to the |
by treasurer, to
ria nnty, Patton, $13.18. | small pox situation especially, but
; Cambria county to W. T. Robinson, | 100ehing aa the general heaith of the!
ae Leonnty, and ax an outcome of jt prob
ably some definite action looking
eo-operation of the various sections of
(the county will be taken, The met
H 8. Boucher et . to Harry Mo
, $850.
| Patrick Cosgrove, by treasurer, to
| Cambria county, Spangler, $3.04.
ria county tu Harry Ager,
; Bpangl $3.04 4
Thomas Barnes et to Matthew
the: : cussed by the persons indicated:
pe et al, Barnesboro, $100. Ls,
: 3 ‘Whose Fault is it? The Lessons of
vey Roland et ux to John Meck.
{the present Epidemic of Small pox,”
ling, Susquebanna township, §1.
| Benjamin lee, M.D, Secretary of the
D, E. Notley et ux t Jon Meckling, Stat '
squebanna township, $1. © Board of Healt
nie M. Notley et vir to John “Prevention of Contagious Dis-
1 Leases.” John B. Lowman,
; Johnstown. :
- Barnhart to J: E Yeaglin, The use of Anti-Toxin and the
: Method of its Application,” John C.
an M. D., of Johnstown.
ton, who will outline briefly tse objet. |
Mayor Pendry will make un address
‘and the following subjects will be dis
e M.D, of Lilly.
d “The Requirements Needod to Elo
inate Small pox,” W. E. Matthews, M. |
D., of Johnstown.
: w. J. George, M. D., will also make
- an address on a subject to be selected |
‘by himself.
BE We are better prepared than ever lo]
am out commercial al printing of dng
xd work.
July 3--Carrolitown, for Carroll and
July 10 Esensburg, for C wanbrie |
Paper will be farnished by the Saper-
on ml coos a Guide, pablishod tid tr :
" aqaatioes dontaliing one and two wi
In view of recent eyents, Patton
‘convention to be held in Johnstown
' Thursday, February 12th by the health :
“Phe ‘call has. been fuoed by Jon.
Fulton, president of the Johustown
_ eure uniformity of action and co-oper-
i ation in the effort to stamp out small
The cotvention will be held te T
_ especially to the varions health boars |
Ito act as health officials for their ee
ing will be called to order ty Mr. Puli
MD, ofr
“Experiences at Lilly,” Pred Krevs,
__Patronize the home print shop.
Three Borongh Tickets Plac. |
ed in the Field.
Harper Leads the Deacrtie Ticket nod
| domes the Chodes of the GO. P-Wn.
Mechan bs the Candibite of the Soetaliny. :
Tabor Party, |
locke u up the 5 store 2 Ye money
“best results, and where there's never
risk as to qualities.
. Both the Democrats and Republicans
| made nominations for borough offices |
last night. The Republican primar.
‘pew were held at the Miner's Rest hotel |
| for the fist ward and in Young's store
building for the second ward, There
C was but one contest, and that dide't |
dignify the name of contest, ax the re
wait proved.
Dan P. Jones and EP. MoCormick |
| were the candidates for chief burgess. |
|The farmer had a majority of eighty in |
the borough. There was little interest
in the primaries and a light vote was |
Our absolute conf
Teachers must be examined in de fed, 1a the first ward MoCormick | that we've ev ood resn it to offer oun rs
| dintries in which they wiil make appli- jot = ery. R y prices,
mustered 31 votes, while Jones had #0, thit make it of importance to you that all yous Shoe
| giving the intter a majority of 38 in for ourself and me
the ward. Jones polled 50 votes in the hic mbers of y our family, be directed
second ward and MeCormick 17. § fe i
Jones’ majority 42 The complete Clever Values in Men's Shoes. Up-to-date, all the cor
ticket is appended: (rect shape in the coloring to suit your individual taste.
: Ralston Health Shoes $4.00.
Chief Barges Dan P. Jones.
Men's Fine Dress Shoes 3.00 to $5.00.
Tax Collector - J. D. Lyons. Good Dress Shoes at 1. 45 to $2. 75
Auditor - Fd Huanter.
| Hohool Director Elmer M. Smale. They give the service. Made by heat makers. The acme of
Councilman Geo. Wilson. y and reliable. Priced at Mo to $2.60. Boy's }
| Inspector of Election 8. E. Jones.
Counctiman—A. T. Coton er. fi 7 hos ba:
Lg 1 year. Si Remem
Justice of the Peace - Fred Mitchell,
Jadge of Election Joseph IH. Ricker. Ae
School Director Hiram Wilkios
Trt of ection x Loomis. |
Democratic oancnses were held Wn)
i old stock exchange room in the Good
He aa ts J |
% Teo Peace Jae ee -
Aunditor--D. H. C. Warren. :
School Director ~ Wm, H. Dealinger.
Judge of Election Wm. Campbeil.
Inspector of Election —{ bas. Holes.
School Director—£Lieo. Howe,
Councilman Chas. Waiter, 1 year.
Councilman —A. H ork
Some prefer an extra fine quality of goods and are
willing to pay the price, while others ‘want an inferior qual
ity at a lower figure. We sell
n the eid, Be float
there is no ticket in the second ward, |
the first ward being the stronghold of
the party in Patton, and the county, |
sither, for that matter: i
Chief Burgess W. I. Meehan.
Fntion 1 the Poaes af the Celebrated Duquesne Beer,
Constable Thom Cox.
School Director Wm. Willis
Councilman — Robert Grahan.
Jutige of Election ~ Patrick Cox.
Inspector of Election a David Boyd.
= Of course, we prefer to put out a superior quality fa
then we knw ot ace satished Come and see us anyway.
A complete line of whiskies, wines and Heors,
C1 bs Nal 5 New Brewery Will be Located |
at Daw or that Dibve.
Eoowing ones again assert that out |
wide capitalists are thinking seriously |
of establishing a brewery in Northern |
(Cambria county and the same wise. |
acres are authority for the statement
that the choive of = location lies be!
| tween Patton and Hastings.
| A Clncinnatti brewer, who recently |
spent some time in Altoona looking .
‘over this field, is at the head of the,
project apd is of the opinion that it
“would be a winner. In this opinion he |
in backs Wp DY iy omy capil | and will continue to keep then down until the greater part
who is said to be willing to invest con (of the big stock is disposed of. I must do this to make room
siderable money in that way and is for the new goods I intend to put in in the early spring.
_convursant with the field. Everything must go——no reservations whatever.
The brewery, if built, will not be a
. cheap concern, bat one modern in all
ite equipment, and expable of compet
ing with the best in this section, both
‘in quality and output. This is the
story as told the COURIER by one who
‘claims to be on the inside and is given
for what it in ‘worth.
~The Free Masons of Clearfield will
have a banquet and big time generally
‘on the Mth of February. Unusual
| spareion is bent made for + the oe- |
In order to cut our stock down on account of the recent
‘dissolution of the firm of Mirkin & Kusner, I have
MarKed Down
Don’t miss this opportunity, i y
| Good Building, ) ext Door to Basi, PATTON, PA.
ff your looking for Bargains.