PATTON, PA. a ® SEatIMBEEREILRAIEREDE ¢ $ 5) Thurs day, Jan. 29, 1903. £8 2 eBTET IE SUNREEGAASREG TY Bu . 9% FIFTH ANNUAL GREETING x, Miche held nck Rf Breeton Morrdale Mines Murison Pht pba Mu EE MONVIVIAL | That Hurrah Hilarious aT OE TO NE wk kw fool ak BESOHANES XS gn SEs 2233 A OO Ae SH ime 3G smi lL OMEDY Gutintawn | HAUGH err = INSTRU CTI IN re LEADER. If you are looking for Neat, Tasty 38 Juste iy REE ON | Whore assistant gon iE I et Jove ro A Rhars Te = : : EW ae oe Se Eo iat RE ye vouget itof us. Our business has Poa we : (Bi Piadepun ara mcreased over an hundred per ONY vin Taman ar 83 i HG EWiy NY via Phith ur is C8 Bx fm Ee Ct iois bon 2m wn Min cent during the past year, simply cause we have furnished a super- tor quahty of work at a reasonable fray a» Ma atin ad Sort price. Most of this increase has Tt seme to Sisolve E. Dretsisie. Ww. H, Norhrap j ot | ug fre nal wey | | been from new custemers, too: a A. seh hon map, New Verh, Assembled With the Notable | gota] ; Irish Nabobs, large percentage of them business oS eters in giving Pittsburg, Tohuatown Ebeus- | | coutaiva 20 open burg & Eastern aaa a | men who appreciate good printing is drag and may "R.R a MiOaM AUD | Eh ly tonbabe astoan ve. Table tes o LER ER : il vh hea, y, 1.) le by CW. Hodgkins, 5 desi Time Table fn effies Sonne o. 0d i : RN when they see it. Our old cus ¥ Lancing Hames, * yi Kis $i By LE ¥ = ra een 1° | received. We make a specialty of Tn sm on on x ral Comedy 4K¢ 3 Sp y tomers have also stuck to us and - > 5 A on wt deni - RENE Compani ons. | dong work for Reserved Seats . 50 Cents mi vy ai General Admission = 35 Fastidious Children ARS pm soo 6 is; 55 54 Tm —those who know a good job when they see it and i insist on hay- Pattee : xith eve Cre fail EE -- el x = ing the best that the Art Preserva- = tive affords. We have built up a He, | nists at ad tnd : / i : iw idl ! “ Buffalo and Hovdewter. oo 3 Bamady | Of colts they do. It in their : reputation in that line that we are quan in 1) a outs wa of liaening and it is your duty | mm Al 13 to RW T, Y 0H Tay Yee a die So ol ERR AE mento: ets joutaing 155 "over: Yor may wed a dic proud of and our business is still ou : : [remedies ized fier crery question, but thers are] on the increase. If we are not | Philadelphia & [Dent physica I, oly or ol gion, ; amaaa Biri £ # wers. 1 ] L431 : es x isi i Reading Railway. i! erin 18 Dot | alwut le on ee : doing YO JR Ww ork, why not? | Engines Burn Hard Coal ~No Smoke. | oe LE un the sin, machine ; Be ry . 8. INEFFECT NOVEMBER, 0. Meni i {thins tho ses, smachinery ‘Chen, | Having added a quantity of new | Traine Leave Willimaport From Depot, Four § R. F B. EVANS, py, the chiklren can find their] - «a For Kew York via Philsdelphin 7 36, 10, 1a, | A 4 on i er Some of oar ; / Ar fl: : § wk 'y Fey Arg » a - - - wm, restr va, hgrostest mem have ascrited thei] and up-to-date faces in type we are : ’ show OCS ree At Commercial Hotel, Barn. § A to study of he GR : | esboro, every T hursday mar ou Want Le | onary. T The moa eritical p wd Tenins for i SEN | leave New York vis Easton i, isn | ANTHONY ANNA, IBS in, Supinys Via Phitadsiphia 1305, 425, is on of 0, a. 7 190 and TH poms. Sundays 120s | JURTICE OF THE PEACE anve b niphia. Rending Tormizas, sao | Collections promptly attended to. 7 Tye aud ws WE x ted : Nae Sundays 4 Som » mon pm... Dealer in real estate, etc on [8 p pm 3 Fob ans New Tork. Throat sy ER vo tare any qutions] that few can equal and none excell. rT Philadephia. | 'YARNER : z FRY. . \ oboutilwritane J : : Linh “in Wiikinmapori ¢ | BUTCHERS, HASTINGS, PA, : | 1 Note heads, ¢ lopes, letter heads pe Your 0 RA, HAS FA 1G= A ne O01 iNote heads, envelopes, letter heads, than ever to turn out Job Printing Fall tine of Fresh and Smoked Monte o% reeked fron Botei« sin] residetioes © (Unuously on hand, Poultry and game ta Mo uals Wan | bill heads, statements, paper books, on Bit General Prasnger Agent. elu portion of your patronage cordially so ho Prt ot 3 +. HES al A ; x Geneon! Baperintendent E Te —— £ : oo i : a TY LEVI PL o wg Ey dict . E avea.. wosters, mining and commercial Pts Coch Searle” | -Patronise the bome print mop. IDI posters, mung ; IMeren : Weare better prepared than ever to a et i, . ty turn out commercial printing of ab oo _— i ; printing in all Is branche CS €X¢e- | Huntingdon & Broad Top Mt. kinds and at prices that can't be dupli. | rN. | mast | Railroad. cated for good work. 1NBEW FE cuted with neatness and dispatch. t most anxioas hours of a | In effect Sept.1 , 1901. co aN y 0 j life are those when the little Sesuthward, Pennsylvania Railroad. ® There is no job too little or too bro ie household have the oroup. Toad Nis FE CX prion Four vy oH $10: Eig $s in effect » av a ya} : na g hd ® * : } re > 3 = ! =~ : ? med Every doy oxeept Bunday! for ML Pwilss at Ht 0Y. a, * 5 : : : ho oth icine so effective. Nish a. mi, ariving al MU Dallas at i005. m Main Line. Lo eo ] WwW i terrible malady as Foley's | pahrain No 5iMatts fenves Huntingdon vos Lave Crosman Fats: that we can't do. FC Carry as £ tae > £ # igs YL bow $reg x5, G-y a Fy pi og ‘ § a 3 » Coton - od i] arriving at Mi. Thciine 07-30 1 04. Atri Mt, : { New Biood, | ; un Pon # 8a Train Nao 7. Ban % Taf gives Hointiae AHL is Foi] ¥ + : “ ; x ow Eo uf a on A Tr 3 ey SH CE # opiate 1d other a it fore Mi Fanaa : A ns tn St Aft ‘ 5, dati Makes New CUTER, bi Hg < ~Li k { 1 state HIUTY ds any Boilie al 103% a. me hye . : A, yo a - - ¥ given. Ernest Prycklund | al twins go pes sas at ML wl a fh Wadnant, pa | New hae : ihbsiii a ( an l Tg nfxs \ rn} Good mr ar M0." | pug ETE TOSI 13s me Up i Witte Syste and ofice in Cambria county. A trial Physctans Preserite if, | Train No. 4 on Clemson Mu Pallas for War Pas Rasil : is as " 1 : : ’ Hy 134 Era, ny arriving st Hitting. Woy Box prews . 3 ey +3 Ey ¥ 5 i § ; Sp v ry wy gn 5% 2 £ i Many broad minded physicians pre- ar a ar a, mo arriving us Hinting Matto ! AM pm CURES CONST 1041 hs, order w il conv ice vou of the § Tout N 2 Past Lin Loscves Mi a Li ir Fis Phe sltiy . : . TAS es a : : : - , al Foley’ 8 bones and tar, BR they | | Foster ui ph Ho. ad n atmiel ARTE A sus Hi a + Bax " wr al BE : : Sp 7 Sas te Fok GE ampind Dog : - r found 80 safe and reliable a fdon at a pony | i umbria & Clearfield TT : 8 ® VES Yi trut h if throne and lng troubles as 2 Tratn No. x. Sus; 8 only: Braves ME Dal : : Lamive Patton Noantboeand By TY CO.. Le Roy, N. Y. hd Han thindes Bp arriving wd the above. TER AL BL RIE Ing at Ores 4 wi & ¥ Fo Hideking Pate wy FE worse AH fisivis ake elo connec tinme w ith i ops Noy TR at ORE Nb ATE 48 Presi {Y Ww ¢ Hodgkin, i atl bon i SOE TER ¥ CHT berth eat and west Wt t Hun rad 455i Fe Lo Ba Wie gE er ving .. Geo. Simmelsberger, THE (OORIER, xo PATTON, P A. pheclioag LIVHRY AND FEED STAJLE {2 Praying and Hauling done on Jo rg Te x % Fala Toney » ane Tgr } - beais Wags str 0p be cough «Read your own COURIER.