The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 16, 1903, Image 5

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    When the Shoe needs are on, always
Hooks up the store where his money secures
yr 3 0, hest results, and where there's never any
Do your eyes lave * That an [risk as to qualities.
iH so, it is an indication that SPECI AL |
Dealer in . i should call at Tozer’s and: 3
have them fitted with specta- BARGAINS.
‘cles. Lenses exchanged free at,
any time within a year from
: bY r= 5
| date of sale. Satisfaction guar Hardware and Glass always,
|anteed or money refunded, the best for the lowest price.
10ns. : Don’t forget that we have Furniture at gre reatly re |
the best equipped repair shop duced prices to make room for —
in Northe Cambria Co. 8 ny goods. J : :
Fir {Class Stock and New! yr a B Bo | pring g Our absolute confidence in our qualities makes us feel
n irst-Llass otock an TOZER, . Kitchen and dining room yhat we've ‘every good result to offer you here—prices, too,
*iGoods. Givemeacall | Typ Patron JEWELER. chairs, a great variety. ‘that make it of importance to you that all your Shoe b
le ae Rockers of all description, |for yourself and members of your family, be directed
this store.
Extension Tables at 4.00,
| 5.00, §.60, 6.00, 7.50, 8.00, Clever Values in Men's Shoes. Up-to-date, all the cor-
10.00, $12.60, etc. | rect shape in the coloring to suit your individual taste.
Couches—extreme low price Ralston Health Shoes $4.00.
$3.75 to $20. Best bargains Men's Fine Dress Shoes 3.00 to $5.00.
on earth. | : Good Dress Shoes at 1.25 to $2.75.
Springs and Mattresses.
Ka is Spring . Sion > v ‘GOOD BOYS’ SHOES. |
| That's what we make of arge line Pillows Irom = yy.y give the service. Made by best makers. The acme of shos goods
- a hee just mn a $1.25 10 $5.00 per pair. ness, dressy and reliable. Priced at 80c fo $2.50. Boy's high cut shoes st
wile, goods, including SA ITA Y | Linoleum—a few remnants 1B wpe
3 a LL ees RE TIINTLY ‘will be sold below cost. New|
Ne w Hearses, oh LUMDINU ‘stock; a fine line, Ladies’ Susi! Drsss Shoes a
red ys i wt fasbionable eff
wo and am prepared to do all: und are prepared to do alli Chiffoniers from $3.00 tO shoes for winter jis buyers. "Priced _ % to $5.00. We have Petr
ns work in that line. Embalm- work in that line expediously | ($20.00. All solid oak ‘wood, kinds of low prices. Remember we have the best $2.00 shos that can be
®ling a specialty. Calls. re- and well, | : A
: sponded to at all hours. = | Chamber Suits of all de Ask to See Our $a 00 Shoes.
| seniption. = i
| All kinds of tin work, roof. | | amembar the Piotare Chocks “ed SHOE BARGAINS. 1 lot of Shoes to go at hat pric. MONEY aavERa hs
er, ing and spouting. Rebate Stamps.
+ Big stock of stoves and tin- 'Rernember.
{ware. J. E. KIRK'S HDW. | We carry the largest and best line of shoes fn Patton, and we are sure
; ‘can save you from 25 to The on every pair,
STERS, Cums, Hurd] J CTISRPERCO. = GFURT.STORE. comeantwe mnt mosnce tha wesw mes eeu
LJ and Soft Shel! Crabs + and sa
1 all the Delicacies of the
ldasen: | PATTON, PA.
Fine Lunch Counter and
la New Line of the
Fourth Ave,
Heating Stoves sold below |
i cost. i
* Groceries, Flour, Feed
and Provis-
Cha at AS SAA Re OH
Magee Ave,
* -
0 SE AS Ts a
Meals at all Hours, x
IW holesale and retail deal- i
{ers mn lee Cream. { 1 have openec d al Al
one city RESTAURANT {first class grocery ni
\ | Mitchell & McCormick, Props, | ov Cob tld Foe vid
|| rmoxE ret mee the old Young build. Shoes. for Men. : Full line of ladies’ hne trimm
¥ ave \ : uk x y.. ; . 4
-ing on Fifth avenue Careful Dressers will hats, children’s school hats, Rolled Rims
. FirsiN and will carry a full npreciate this foot wear. > oy i
1 irs ation’ [Bank : . ‘ 1 it appreciate this foot wear, Flats in all colors. Misses street and dress
OF PATTON. and complete Stock « ; ; : ny : : he
: Patton, Cambria Co. Pa. 1 is Selling for "RUBBER GOODS. hats. New line of ladies’ outing hats, latest
| CAPITAL PAID LE. 100.000.00. If*..1 Boots, rubbers and felts.
iin] UP, Sone Cash [ am enabled to Queen Quality Shoes for SY les
" le or other or salen Site of Corporations, Firms, nates DI1IY OU TO yds muc ho women have stood the test. * FC |< Cre re vy gn = i : 3 “1d ST
ve gies. Ernst Pryckiund REAR She Fees favor | iP 9 . | } We sell them, Wi Ings, bar =< 3 riety of ong plu mcs
; an IE ii hikes Toor mantis Boor all Shen donning | Lt 1Ca} Cl t lah y ww goo yoy . feathers
Hines, Foreign Ima yakbie th the prnseiped © 1 1 1: SE You can do better % he
| ettten of the OI ond ! sll Cro hit System.
All snrmsponiience will have our prompland | v at
erent paid 0 isn dopenite : itn ia All the newest shades , of ribbon, Fancy
Eu Mrs. Susan Crook. |LEIDENS, Pon Pons aiid Buckles
The White
Women as Well as Men Shoe Store.
Are Made Miserable by 5. nl
Ki dney Trouble. Magee Ave, Patton, Pa.
Good assortment of birds an
Kidney trouble preys upin the mind. dis
| sourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor |
i and cheerfulness son
CReYs are ol of orde ix LJ) 4 :
Kidney troubie hay | a a ;
E roe su) JERSEY Niaz X, PRIZER
H 77 that itis not uncon 3 5 Zk A : ATL \
Ci : . ih pod v Hicted with weak Kiel Leanhotime | =
0 tes oF isons and never LE Mc, anc IR & ig Pe 3 . & Fox coanamy of Suck. cleanness in apesation
pa Br bo Fryckiund and = ; Fg \i HR I the child gre x . iB nil _— and excellent qualities in baking sod roasting.
} tie calls the en or i, Oe ch At all times ; a Ne Thay have improvements and advantages
ce Geo. Simmelsberger, rine seals he Tleh or if, whos The Shit “ found in other stoves and ranges. Sold
# t Lege hl i - -~ gy § Y
Ty Honey and nr always stops LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, control the passage. it is vet afflicted wilh | and at all ] ; ander a fumuntee io da gov
and heals the lungs. Refuse I; I the Te ty depend pen eid His pau it SEASONS W ¢ : : if not satisfied
i 2 : : % JHCa vy troubie, und tha first | SUAS >. LC 3 : 7
~ Ernest Fryckiund and Draying and Hauling done oni 28 0 0 ovads the treatment af < Would be pleased to have you examine
short notice. : theses important organs. This unpleasant |
oy St b
: ony on 4 tar for coughs an 4 { trouble is due 10 a diseased condition of the car ry the hne t
: kidneys and bladder and not 10 a habit us |
colds: reliable, tried and tested, safe most people suppose. | Fi of wool-
: En t Prycklasd and Geo. 1)! R. E B. EVANS, {Women as well as men are made mis |
DENTINT, | erable with kidney and bladder trouble, | ¢ns In this
; ie mil an th immedial {1 ¢ tC f *
At Commercial Hotel Bare) Swamp-Root is soon mediate - et of section, vhen
| esboro, every Thursday iby druggists, In fifty- or, in need of any-
cent and one dollar “The Hottest Thing | in Town ”'
sizes. You may havea
smo on hand. Poultry And game in ANTHONY ‘ANNA, ‘sample bottle by mail Ney Tg thing in our for rheumatism, neuralgia, kid. |
"X portion ot your patrouage cordially so | free, also pamphlet tell- Home ve Seams. | line lon’t fc od S74 iver Jroutle sod ishing Tabe ring man to bay. sos
Hetted Lo JUSTICR OF THE PEACE | ing all about it. including many of the ine, dont 10r- (household me ¥ Ting
ese mee “UM thousands of testimonial letters received | M. Oppelt, Kane, Pu, sold by Co-opera- | o vonr order by mail for
PA i Collections promptly attended to. from suffersrs cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer get that WE can tive Store, Patton, Pa :
a Lo & Co. Binghamton, N. Y,, sure asd Mrs, Aber Fox ex of Hi Crvnts dyspepsia ta | teriue.
3 {1 WEP Yeas, pal ;
mention this paper. i ple aso y OU. LR Evens of Haat: en gapped of bvzem. Han C b Bi tte
| Don't make any mistake, but remem. | { arn Bertram 's child, of Ualiitein, could met ambria r
ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil! waik wie wag cued,
241 Franklin St,
| Bchamion, Now every wt: | Dinsmore. Bros. | | Odpapers rmination | JOHNSTOWN, PA
Dealer in resi estate, ete.