ie» wel We arc ofturing our entire hne of winter goods Loosl oapitalists i . 0 oo ~ Mn : iced a desire to spend value. Please note a few of our offerings: money in this diretion, 5 a i a €. 10 x Ladies’ Pur 1 op 8 lippers. warm fined, : ih Mor 8 Sve, value 6 oc, cc, sale price 100 33 Ladies’ Fancy SH pets, Colonial jr Beaver Men's Jerse Hose at 39¢. : £3 lined. were 130, now 8gc Men’ 5 Flannel Shirts, worth l Z8C, now 400, tt ladies’ Velux Slippers, worth soe, now 3: se. on for refraining from put. i Sn AS HE Ste pred ea La Sot eis WR Felt Boot 3 1d Crums, wera 1 o8, now 31.3 ; nto what ix nngquention- | a Children’ % Long C oats, some fur trimmed, others 13 Hest Roll Eda % Proof Gums and Fel 's. were MA venture, vet it not head trimmed, were $4.00, now $2.64 3} 2.50 now Rf much of theos if they help Children's ; Coats, trimmed with As gore fur, dark 3% oo ~ Meu's Heavy Backle Shoes 95¢. outsiders to at least hall the capital colors, were $1. 30, now 99¢ - iY Foe A Extr Tat ality Heav y Shoes $1. a5. [they a willing to pat In to giv te. Children’s Coats, mort, n i ie, weeiy 3) 2 Lo Ais eavy D Shoes, with outside | counter, iBeld a thorough test. The Covmmem 3. vided, were #2 00, Cin Se at $1.10 : BN aN 81. . | knows of at least one man who i will. | § 39 ¥ : Tan Shoes with outside counter, : ing to. Join with focal parties in the 5 a 2% ory cond, worth 2.40. at $1 85. ; simation of a stock company for . The above coats are | lob Lot Men's Dress Shoes, odd sizes, were 1.50, that parpo me and will take $4,000 worth | a ‘excellent values. it 2.00, 2.50, nie gc. 7% of sock out of 41000. = 0 aa . LL > 3 ae. Mens New Style Diress More wore ls a pratica oll nase gas We AVE a lew | achies LO; pes $% NM Shes. $r IR : fh Je Sattd + this weetion a number | a ps fein we eae 3 "1 LJ Good Onality Men's Dress of time : Shoes, worth 1-5, | Children’ s ; Cashmere Dresses, Blite. red, and fancy 3} ANG [0 | Men's Extra Quality Dress plaids, well made, and nicely trimmed, 4 to 14 vears, 1} £51} Shoes, Jew Blacher shape, former prices were gc, 9U¢, $1.79 up to $2.5, 3 7 at 3. 1 on. 3 [adie 2 Dress Shoes, were 1.10, now Soc! le P pice | 10 per ¢ nt off. rel F Quality Dress Shoes now i . Ju tr = mach more ‘> exceed A Large Tine of Mo's Pants, Corduroy, Jeans 3¢ KN HY Cais Heavy Kangamo fu sue text what the capital of te pre F and Cloth, all gO at to per cent off ie A Lidics Fige Dress Shoes with. 1d el heavy extension soles, regu | Bed Comforts, large Size, were 85c, now 6gc. £3 lar $00, How Er 805 ; rep ‘Bed C miorts, large size, were $ 1.20, nob 9ac. ¢ La die comet for al whether. ~All Wool Blankets, were $4 pair, now $2.90. ddr ous fluid. exists in puying Horse Blankets, , Were 1.50 and 1.75, choice $1.20 g AC Ladi hes’ Ready Made Suits, blue. brown and black AW a ; cloth, nicely made, will close @ig\ Our stores completely filled with cut at half- price. - AN ( P press in every line including shelf hard- worth 1.50, Extra Fine Dress Shoes, worth 300, a full Doe Boys and Girls' Shoes, both reavy and fine goods. at greatly reduced prices. wt fake in this country - { ¢ : . wh The ini “ia il: : Ladi s' Wide Shoes for chmiort : 2 Wa tims ware + CHESTS, glassware, granite- by ling. nowge. | a es xi hoes oe Ladies W Arm Laned Shoei close | aE te THE, ped per oo SIMOHES, underwear . rv and notions, $ » mirage, » distorted phan. a LE : : | amAgors of the besin and a delmied | A visit to our store will make € you a customer. e, pipe dream, bot it hax no reality in ne wn fiotion, mite. a : ; nol x gs xs Ld (FE ENT TSoo%T ee ge er Fotos, md shop io Our motte is; {0 LT P RIC ES and » WHY PAY MORE?” “ the state, nation OF COUBLY is 8 conven. Si : : : : in ent vehicle for the cuts ta get In with, ne sae hat will ever. be mere of ater election, Blea = ar Es % Sat the | Het refivrmer and his mas are Wk fakes. Do tion gther ge : doth And a Big One TR Tene Hi 1adu te me eel ti main pe rp ase: sl sll be to slevate the arts of good wilt retone to sit fo o that up. the ® cheap = stuff. As mul di Tre: Joe du ba : ad is i e i Sl A wie 4 Pout gw plas : 1}: 4 i Sen bers on about an equal | SAL BR SpELiRdy of hag as regan g Membershi Pp mm this cinb La i and Re ces, there are none. If you ly at the club house. (Bast Ma. & Ty Homipson’ s Store. What benefits do 2 tub? These: Its members are free Thoroughly Aged Liquors : y hg | ce from exorbitant charges; free Serres od different bra Halw : fing : £31: Fini 30% 43 COCTI Te ey uy the fir of their clothes The ; Fos iis hie ii enld lies ot oer Beat seers 4 dat of Men's s Ohveroats at SA Ac A pM 5 A NTE A ph ~~ Buch as is pro. weather is almost an mdispensihle necessity. duced at our Stadio | ae La was considered as SOLE AGENT _ valuable and taste. = : ra . he hr ful a gr as any in this viemity for the Celebrated Duquesne 5 Beer, Ale and Porter a $800 and $10.00, 30 We shall an en : Sa ; Cw liionh alll mee hee of aly chub will ATE are fully COW ; oe tn t a . a 2 on Ef ae rh EE SHER ue gree are inly worth a deavorto wow Ere A Viellon, five dollar iE mre this high ard of WHOLESALE LIQUORS. work, and solicit “your patronage, LL Sor Magee Ave. Patton, Pa. Bissarr TION NotI Ustrenise the home pein Bates 18 to: Vie re ballon prepared than Patton Courier, Promoter of Publicity. 48% A Tie Coread ¥ Advertising Rates made known on saplicatiog. : Photographer. a4 : Puttin Fu Jay 7
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