PERTINENT PAS : pier, Potnted : Peovls and Pisces. = Margaret, the dsoghter of Mr, and | : ‘Me Hagh Whiteford, died at the fam. | ily residence on Mellon avenue Sanday | after an illoess of tenn days. The im. ' mediate causes of death wis paralysis, | : * | although she had been i with diph Co GRAMMAR scoot, : ; Nomber enrolled, 83; Average attend. tee, 4; por cent of attendance, 85 {Those present every day: Th Holter, Broce Bell. Arthur Jinkine, | Uliadys Morey, Avna Monteith, lotilda + Biller, Hope Irwin, Fanoy Wilkins, 0: | Frances Campbell, Annie Jones, Nellie Elignleth Asbury, Hay Shunk wiler, Nelson, George Delozier, Willis Meo han, Wilbur Shunkwiler, Thomas « Uhapman, Albert Jenking. : HIGH MoHDOL . Number enrolled, 57; Average tend. 7 anon, M4; per cent —- attendanos N70 [Those present day: Zein | Woomer, Rachel! Haden, Harold Yeck- «iley, Daniel Jones, Thomas Harper, Rhoda Rhody, Mary Witman, Rachel : (Sandford, Agoes Donpelly, Millie 5 Yeckley, Eleanor Witman. i ROMMARY Whole sitiber enrolled, 846; average | attendance, 536; per cent of attendance, J10¢ many more to secure some of the dur "90. Present every day during month, Fs i003 § i BI MyEss, Principal. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. a Thomisine : theria previously. She WE eleven your 1 by her parents and three brothers, W i Ham, James and Hugh, and one sister | Matilda, The faneral, which was held at the bouse Monday aflercoon at four o'elonk was oondusted by Bev BH Witman, pastor of the M. BE. chown, | Tuterment in Fairview cemetery. | A clearsnee sale ut the Bon Tou store Aiwnys moans » feast of barging. That is why the annoal event at ibis | popular shopping emporiom ie alwayw | eagerly looked forward to by sooner. (onl people. This year the sae will ox. dowd anything ever known in this sec tion aw a glance at the prices quoted ju the big advertisement in this leste will readily prove. ~The second week of the clean sweep sale at Goldstein's department More promises to be & record breaker. The low prices drew a big crowd jast week and thee quoted in thelr pew | advertisement this week ought to in bargains SEx-Gov. Danie H Hastings died at Bis home lo Bellefonte last Friday of | poeumonia, after a short lines. (lon. Hastings was largely interested in col | Fimotliogs Fertaioing # ! | Three Interesting Sessions: Ebensburg Monday. Ae as A SMALL ATTENDANCE | Acewant ol PR Wether Wi Past Masior Alex Strittomatter OMeiatia Cavniy Depry 3K Each Reporiad Nine ton: Working Granges Thea quarterly meeting of the Cam ‘bria connty Pomons Grange was held at Ei wusburg Monday. we meeting was called to order Warihy Past Master Alex Strittmatter After sow rootine work the query bax inder the direction of the lecturer, Mrs, Bannon, wan taken up snd man oeeful and interesting qoestions wer soswered. J. E Each, county deput then gave his report of the condition “of the subordinate grange throog the vounty. He reports the grange in good condition, with nineteen working Eranges and 970 members. The afternoon session opened af | o'clock. After a song by ihe grange chair, the merstary of the P. of H. fire insurance company made his report. It shawnd property insored to the am. ‘aunt of $800,000 and BO Kasestnents ig hw past year. The following were lected as directors for 19a: A Haver, W. T. Saaker, (3 H. § Ivory, Jobo Wright, Wm. Rowland Avg. Kirsh, J. H. (Jas. Westrack, J. H. Hoover, J. . spies sae Bot tae os ‘oporations in Nothern Csmbria county | Tom inwon, J. B Each aad T M. Shee- a Charged Hands Baeenily, | Thomas J. Litsinger, by treasiirer of Cambria count £4 Ourroll township, | iB. _ Oambria county, by commissioners to B A. Litzinger, Carroll township, Charles F. King »¢ ux etal bp Gort. | rode Taylor, Barr township, $1. Swan Swanson, by commissioners, to James Mellon, Carroll township, $1. Ai Bwan Swanson, by teemstirer, fo com. , missioners of Cambria county Carrell; | township, $1.68 i John 1 Detrick ¢t ux to Goons Prin. i dible, Carroll township, $45. i Fdward W. Humphreys to AZ Evans, Ebensbarg, 2.000, Andrew Lagizy et ox io Joneph J. death of Mrs. Taylor's father, EM Galo mongpoly bas its scares in laws grant Holtz, Hastings borough, $150. i John Hanson to John Long, Barnes | 3 bore, $60, L. 8. Van Omer #1 0x to Mille Row, | ; Reade townsbip, $5 ims, | Henry W. Fox et nx to Marie Len. he pet Carroll township, $0, GOLDEN GATE TOUR. ari ki Under the Personsity Conducted System. ot the Punnayivani Railroud, The first Pounsylvania raliroad per. | sonally-canducted tour to Culifornia 1 for the present season will leave York and Philadelphis on the {Gate Special, Jan. cago, Kansas City and El Paso to Los Angeles and Ban Diego. Au entire | The Golden Gate Bpecial will Francisco, returning Toes | ake ai or 00 pot cet repse last year, but was withdrawn of the impeding tryuble in nthe the miners have had expert isticians at work Aguring on the on which the demand will be de The statisticians have found, it Safed, that the increased opera. the Miners in asking for 20, going wis Chi. year on Tuesday, Pebruary 17. Nom- a3poct to opens met mavket in 8 fiw News, was in town Wednesday and || {and was a frequent visitor to Patton, John Zabhusky was given a bearing | before Judge Boone Saturday night on the charge of assault and battery, "| surety of the peace and non support. | His wife was the prosecutriz. He gave | ball for court in the sum of $400 ! «Peter Somic, Jr. the son of ri and Mrs Peter Bomion, Sr, died Wes pesday morning at 2 o'clock of rr Mover, aged fiftecn yearn. The rimaine | were taken to Osceola Thursday fur funeral and interment. Mr sod Mm Jos Taylor were called Dickerson Run, Fayotle county, Wednesday on accoust of the ley, which occurred the eveni: vious. ~Hev. Ve ergenbery, of Avits, will | ocotpy the pulpit of the Baptist chun Sunday, both morning and evening. : Preaching in the Swedish language 63 11030 » m osnd in Buglish 0 7p a. | Mim Elizabeth Shoemaker, one of ‘the teschers in the Patton public etal was called to her home in Love : Haven Monday on socount of the ser cous Hiness of ber brother, = Bome miscreants poisoned the val. Hg Po 3 3 Doll and the canine turned op ite toes and departed betice = Th. (i. Fagan, the painter, has a petition in bankrupey in the I district court at Pites | burg. Ho gives his liabilities ns 43,109 Slate Geo. H. Bierlein was granted a transfer of license for the Bonifsce i Bouse at 8. Boniface Monday and is Bow in full possession of the property. ination papers must be filed 18 days prior to the day of election. : —Nick Anstead and Tom McKenzie Ricker, Gould & Co. have been shinery of Doll's shoe factory to the ‘new location. —-Rditor Yahner, of the Hastings |! paid this office a pleasant fraterpal | Mr. and Mrs Jas M. Gilliece have returned from a week's visit with rela. tives at Milton. =A. Ellison and T. 8. Blesh, of Ben Jasetia, were in town Tuesday on busi. Chureh Notes. Revival services will be held in the | Baptist church Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock and will continue all week. (Rev. A. J. Meek, D. D,, of Reynolds. ville, will assist and preach and other ‘ throughout the work. Ravival services were commencnd rin the M. E. eburch Sunday evening (and will continue every night except : Batarday for an indefinite period. Services of the Fpiscopal charch {will be held in the Good building Sun. ; | day at 1 am, and 7:30 p. m. han. W. A. Baver was elected coun "deputy and Jas Farsbaugh ss gran reprmentative on the Sounty hoard | Parmery’ institotes. : adopted as road: Whereas, The department of agrienl- tare was created to promote the wel fare of grie ricttiture, therefore be it Resolved, That it bs the seam of this Ponyina Grange that only prect Ws rein its grip on rh hut momo and Wisersas, 11 in further evident that ing special privileges, therefore be it Resolved, That we call apon our fel. low cities in all occupations 0 join Ou can remem ber what slaughter in prices e made in all lines last year, | “specially i in n clothing Vhat it's worth? If you do. y irectly Opposite the Bank. PATTON, P? bantls in the movement for reform | he along this Hoe. P ALRX BTUITIMATIER, | Jom. Fasasavou, Tam W. Hreanes, Wb STRITTMATTER, 4B Bsc “What kind of an education would tend to help the buys on the farm.” was thoroughly discos by Jos. Pars | bangh, P.O Strittmatier, Mrs Bag- New | uable bunting dog Moodsy owned co- Ban and others. After a sony by the Golden jointly by Postmaster Greene and Lo eho, the grange adjourned. ; The evening session opened al fp. Cm. with a song by Mes Bagman, fol owed by an address of welcome by Coatdy Superintendent Jooes J. T. Allman, secretary of Pennsylvania grange, gave a talk on “Edaca- the sate lige, follgw od by s solo eo titled! “Daddy,” W. F. Hill, master of ; Penrsylvania state grange, gave an | address on the geoeral work of the | grange. After a song by the choir ad Huxuax Dumaxr, Secretary. To Protect Newspapers The new postal laws are soch that { newspaper proprietors can canee the | THE BON TON STORE'S CLEARANCE SALE COM- MENCES MONDAY, JAN- UARY 19th. READ AN- NOUNCEMENT ON LAST PAGE. YOU CAN SAVE MONEV BY READING THEIR AD AND ATTEND- ING THE SALE. ‘arrest of any ope for fraud who takes im a paper and refuses to pay for i Under this law the man who allows bis | subsiription to ran along for some time unpaid and then orders it discon- it refused, and bas a postal card sent the himself oifying We publisher avy | dissolution of the firm of Mirkin & Kusner, I have { Hiabln to arrest and Boe. Exchange. Advertised Lettics. 1 £ § The following letters remain aneslied j for in the Patton post office for the two . weeks ending Satorday, Jan. 10, 108: i Clyde Anderson, I. B. Brown. Foreign: | Tocod. Persons oalling for the above letters | will Please say that they are “Adver CB Wi GREENR, Postmaster. In order to cut our stock down on account of the recent MarKed Down Ril Good ® Jamas Matekcwies, Nicos 204 will continue to keep them down until the ‘of the big stock is disposed of. I must do this to make oom for the new goods I intend to put in in the early Every thing must go—no reservations whatever. While other places have been sof. anthracite districts. For several | clergy men are expected to be present fering from a famine in the product ‘that puade Patton famous, the "North ‘Mar’! has been experiencing a kero sone oil famine A good msny people wary obliged to go back to the primi. | y candle this week and electric light ack wont up ten points, Sufecribe for ami adv ortise in the. | Patton COURIER. OVER. COATS, SUITS, BOYS AND YOUTHS CLOTHING, LADIES COATS, CAPES, FURS, CHILDREN'S COATS, SHOES, DRY GOODS, ETC. ETC vour looking for Bargains, BONNIE KUSNE | Goed Building, Next Deor to Rank, Flon’t miss this opportunity, if
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