The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, January 09, 1903, Image 5

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    and chesrs louder than any that had
greeted Mm on the footlall Bed rang
in his ears
Avashed and overwhelmed by such
an ovation, Clinton rads haste to eo)
oo bow bis way through the crowd, and
| a ne 2 it
i the scone that he had witnessed, bub
{be unselfishly held his tongue.
: ] bo 0 Going nearly overthrew bis own
SeFor heaven's sake, was that you
Clinton?” he cried in astonishment.
"Do let me get out of this.” his b
brother responded, imnpatiemtly,
family together, as the - ;
Rn tis particolsr Saturday evening
o all were assembled before Clinton nme ating mountain alr, The great sersgey
i meuntain files to our left ware cov.
ered with dwar! ploes and vegetation
TH | ot differeut kinds, while down the |
in. Herold was sll ago to
% 1 not spall his story for him, but wih
give him a chance to do justice to 10.”
he mentally sfaculated. as be watched
his brother swallowing lis soup with
| unruftied som
| dining rem,
But Clinton sail nothing rpon the
stublec , and Harold looked ot hima
rinlly set forth the respective merits of
the opposing football tennis and called
their most vulnerable
1H tun 7) early tonight, I think™
{be vawned ax he withdrew from the
“1 put prety solid work
#54 {closed my eyes and sald to mywll,
Wall ft sess aloo
into ths last Ball of that game”
| be leisurely wended his way op stairs,
“1 wish that Clinton would put a
Tittle solid work into something else”
1 hls father volunteered #8 be disap.
+ | peared from the room.
past repeatedly scoffad at his brether's
“w | athletic prociivities, fstautly fired up.
eo Myon
being you dws 10 ses the
Patber” Ie burst forth, “you're
{making a blip mistake alwut Clinton
He's got more gennine staff in him.
fikan all the rest of us pat tog
and I i's faot ball that's done it, the
{ sooner we all go In for the game the
| better” and then he proceeded to give
2 graphic account of the sftersoon’s
experience, which ecufised bis father
110 blow his nose loudly and repestediy, |
iwhile his eyen glistensd with happy
1} pride, and which sent his thother weep-
i Jeoived a note from his gid friend Bob
t] wok.
with peoples who were |
8 the game, mingled with
As Te stey pped from ;
Ben : became conscious that
y. slowly,
n, who was old and seen: |
ared thoroughly daged
Btep upon the track
epught sight of one
pon him, and he
d wax about to
other down-com- |
something very
4 follows:
Fike hole
ing In search of the sleepy athlete,
{who could not vodorstand what be
lied done that was worth waking such
a fuss about
A few days later Mr. Cromplon ve
ert Choate, which ran somewhat as
“Por Crompton: I hear that your
may well be proud of him, He scared
I want to talk ts him, With kind re.
tgards tor Mrs. Cromping, believe me
ever your friend,
lng Saturday his father hasded him
haven't approeiated your foetball, eld
11 man, but I'm going to do better fa the
= ffatare, and, by the way, Cliaton, 1 hear
that you're to play in the game next
1s that so?”
Clinton pudeded,
“Nery well, then” Mr. Crampton con.
tinned; Uvotr maotber and 1 would
Hike to hnve you got us the best seats
that van be bought, for we've set our
] ite up geiug up 10 see you make
first touchdown New York
eating Cans.
The Northwestern Rallway Company
of Eosiand has halted ly sone of Hs
trains with a unique beating system,
says the Baltimore Sun, whic
two concentric ovlidders, the anunlar
rade Between them
oeomotive boller, The
containg aceiate of soda, a compound
remarkable for dia qualithes of Pauity.
pig when waited and of wooling very
srs eased In
| having hinged doors, By opeaing or
elosing ihe door of 8 box, the wat is
| tat ped on or off.
= aa a oss we
i The Poegh¥ecreis beige is being
patted a slate color, very simiar to
the shade of United States battleships
When Bay have thelr War paiet; at
alsa mountain ferns, Sowers
{ Rising
uh a 2 surprise, as he Judi ere firs snd pines, whose Jan and
| without an
{hares shook violently from lead to
fet, staggered snd fell dead ver the
eilge of the cliff. Of course, 15e doo |
“This ix death”
At this Harold, who bad in times
seratch snd po loses were
| Clinton is golug in for law, and if eo, |
{1 want him. When he pets through
{ with the Ixw school you oan band him
{over to me, for he's just the material
1a ithat I am on the lookout for, and you |
te out of a year's growth the other
{afternoon at the station, the young
{rescal bot in spite of that I wish you
{would tell him to come around and
gt {take dinner with me some night, for |
When Clinton came home the follows
FPm afraid 1
“are alive,
: Yalioon
3 etapiave
WHE a seam pie extending fron the
nner cylinder |
The radiators thus constituted |
ashwstos fined Doves
Down a Cours. ;
Mra BB Porter, fori}
of this city. but pow
x lgve suffered from ihe Incorsions of }
A monsier American or mountain eagle,
of Marietta, Ono, have been
"in Bt leuk for & few days
Past visiting their son, V. Melt Porter,
su well known stiorney and chabman,
#0 routs to their home from Oolorads
where they spent the semmer. White |
a 2 inal! mountain camp In the Bork |
fox called Twin Lakes, about eighteen
| miles from Leadville, they bad a won
dertul escape from instant death
Crap friends tell ae” said Mra Por.
'® | ter at the Tome of her son, “IME when
| the chances npsitst death were one fn]
| 8 thousand for ns, we ough! to tos!
> | predistined for some pool In the world.
OI We had spent x fer days at Twin
1 lakes enjoying the splendid febing,
and, before starting bore, decided to
pay s visit to an oid miser up fn the
mountsing who had repeatedly urged |
| the dortar to examine 8 gold late be |
bad. Wa ingoired of the only very
man in Twin Lakes if be bal a sure
fovted horse, ge the winding monstaly
road was a dangerous ons, 0 Darrow
in places that two vehicles onuid pot |
1 P8x, 20d extend
| & yeecipitony canyon S00 fest deep. It
ing slong the edge of |
WAS sbaolutely Becomssry to have 4
sure footed anloal, as 8 misstep on his
part would throw us headlong over |
| the precipice.
“He sssored us that he had und sent
| need not make such a fis becanse 3 8TEr 10 the Neotel next morning a single
knocked the old duffer over” and be |
: bolted In the direction of the gymss- |
Saturday rights Senersity brought
; the scattered members of
top buggy spd lesn, wirylooking |
Borse, whose only trouble, the owner
18804, was short wind."
It war 5 besutifel bright ssorning |
As we began to swend the mountain
| We noticed that the Bote whenged and |
pasted and | suggested that we drive |
lowly. So we stopped every sow and
then to rest him, then continued slowly
on, theroughily *njoying the luviper
rides of the caoyon were massive
Jeddpes of rock, huge Douldern ae o"
thrown by gant Bands There were |
bushes springing from avery crevice. |
ig from the devils of the vanyon
Solty tops easily resrbed our vel
“We were sdmiring the ragged wild.
pess of everything when soddenly, snd |
instant's warning, our
tor snd I were thrown In the air 1
too wonderful to Te true, bot Dr. Tor |
ter and 1 canght on & digs af rock
thirty five feet down, and thers ee
bung. the ductor some five feet away
from me. When | opened miy eves!
and found I was still slive it weermed |
ossihle to yealize 1 looked ever
and. saw the doctor Iviag »till with
{ blood sireaming from a wonnd fn bis
farebeasd. ‘Oh d's dead or ele ter
rfitly injured.’ I thought bestantly, but
be oalied to me that It was only a
Below us the dead horse snd the |
boggy, wpaide down, had landed In the
ses of An Inmetise pine growing |
*We Iny there belpless nutil some
time later, when a man eatoy down
the mountain. He beard one cries snd |
went as quickly as Be could to the
Beavest cabin for Lelp. Wih awwist-
ance we wera able to eran] up the
sides of the canyon and were 1iken 10
& miner's cabin, whore the only thing!
we could get was coffer; thers wos
po such thing as arnivs or 2 lotion of |
any kind and it was several days be
fore we bad proper care,
“When the mining nen besrd thst
the lveryman hisd given ns “that loco
horse’ they were ready to lynch him,
for it seetos that sviry one of them |
knew the animal had what ls called
out there the loca’ or 8 disenss
brogeht on bo eating the Joon plant:
i it produces short Breath staggering
wheesing and fioally S15 ending in
death, We were the innocent victims |
of this man's carciessness, but as we
escaped so miraculously withon: any |
Xery serious injuries we are Too thank.
ful to bear any malice agains ln us
possibly he aid gr pon’
eoadithen of the Sure
Bare Have us Lark (io Balloon.
Paul oud Boy Realwnsbue, vo
sone of 8 8
editor of the Toleda BY ade, fire the
Yous of the city, and ace (hankful they
At the :
the exbibition was 5
Diucing the day. when few
peaple were aby ioe, Tue
yunngsters worn attentively sindring
this ballon
They bad neither of
aboui a balloon, bal
nen the hiding
ola gr §
HY 0
nrge ERT
43 Baga Li 5,0
> PE. bi oe
USweey THB
3 HEY 1
Ehime ©
J dato > Fite Tartor when
i 1 hy batioan was bh
ih vapors yal he Ter
fing for Lireatl
Then thie Taih
8h alaninin AR Fan
the partly Hox Ka
frp the perils Grip ts
iad pulled the vopwe of the exéape valve
to toat it The valve fabled 1b slow
tightly and § conseanent lass of zus
Ballagr was thrown out and when
opportunity came the anchor was |
dropped and held fast. Then the bal
aks sean dyaps gy)
HW perviil
he true |
! Dave Har
hoabeushne, coe of the
gronnds Sor it
theln any Hen
Bhi nection,
For months the farmers abet thers
which bir summered among the bly
while Mrs. “Inckson ei alose tn the
familiar obijec
Sy Cyurd. A Jftle chanticieet,
S galiant fight. With en:
bird hors de rombat
1 upon the woede srmel
with A billet of woed, She strock at
the engle which at once attacked ber
# furrow fn her face apd tearing her
dress. The woman retreated to the
hatehet, returned to the yard sod
found the eagle preparing to fy away
with the now dead rooster. Mow Juik.
nied the fight.
Bei 8 quick, deft movement, sh
the biade of the Batchet, and ge bate
royal wos won, The eagle Gs
Mood almost covering Mrs Jackson,
whe, woman like, ewooned.
The farmers of ths Red Rock section
propose to present Mrs Jackson with 8
30) Sax her 3on2 Fok a middiog the
| Cheng Inter-Ocean.
Buried Alive While Charmed S20 inate,
bask, being unable to move on acrount
of the spell which a bags ratticsnake
omier the care of a physician at Ans
Jared by falling earth
Canon. Cal. whers Saunders and 8 31
Adams, ale of Whittier, had gone to
inspect an onteropping of coal. Aw
they were uncoverisg a ledpe the sarth
Jowiag bot on looking beck saw him
fsrevioe shove
of Ms companion’s gare —a big rater
toward Ssunders. The Dest woment
hypnotized men frown sight
to be badly injared. Ho stared that
gr, tnt could not free his gaze from
Killed the reptile after be bad dug
Ban Francisco Chronicle,
a A pl
A Conviet's Daring Set,
Folsom, Cal, bas been recaptured and
ginver of the prison train
Drisener, served 2x heakecian,
The locomsotive was switching in
the prison yards. and Murphy was in
track was clear io the main Yioe out-
side the prison walls, pulled the thrartle
wide open.
bounded forward leaving O'Brien be
himd. AMrich the brakeman sought
cab. With as Iron bar Murphy told
brought the locamolive to a standstill,
| alighted and bade Aldria good bre.
The latter ran fhe sngioe Bock to the
Que Arm Bere.
rigan bas only ope
that be need it to excellent advantage
when Be resoned from drowniog a
(woman manmed Mazxwaell
would hare perished Bad BB pot been
(far i Pousnnr ssslitence
When be saw Vre
Maxwell in the walter Be jumped In
without divesting himself of anv
bis viedhiar saught the drowning
Pwenan anil held ber bead oad af the
water ual a rope Fas hii te bin
5 It was
by LR
Drm “
tr. and 1 he is pow eoaleave
outain sy Poms to por.
base an artifical mb A man TXKe
Kiar ivan, who dh not Basliaty to lap
Be saw a Tvllaw.
whe has
Lis hses af
ViTeRs aa
ENE ID Sray the i #5
fedal arm Jowrvis
BH slitax Mail
So sn
Sheep Kitted fo Uaheaing.
There I2 an authentic revand of
ty-six sheen
ightning stroke in Colorsde.
Co Bome fellow
a salary,
; are > antag! te > wark Tor
while oftbers work Top a
a arson 2 A a rt
It doesn't require a stretch of the
Iragination to conceive of an elasiie
| conscience. :
Mes. Tack. of Red poy Ta. te]
ueidersd the greatest women ia all]
e. the eagle, which Bas become ih
was elecling Shen
which was no match for its antagonist,
Witt stroke the eagle pinced the seh |
Just then the avenger, Mrs Jack: ;
{ furioosly with beak snd talons, cutting |
howe, sod. arining hersel! with wi
sony made s pass at the eagle rw hie pr
strack the bird full in the neck with
fod, ih
head Yeing pearly severed, nid op
handsome «ilk dress for her bravery |
Frank Ssonders, sx Whiitter (Cal)| 1
tuan, stood still io the face of inypend.
ing dexth Trova the caving in of 8
had thrown around Bim. and be is now
beim, having been periaps fatally ei
above them began to split, and #0 fm |
| menses coven was impending. Adame |
catied 1s Beanders to leap, and Nomad! |
aulekly scrambled down the moan |
He supposed Bsunders was fol |
intently garing at the ever widening i
Adsrng was qalek to detect the obdeet |
which held a bead steadily directed |
several tonm of earth fell, bursing the |
When |
Bacnders wie exhumed be was Toond |
he waa all the time xwere of Ris dan. |
that of the snake, and Aas powerless |
tn move while the spall Instead. Adams
Raunders from noder the failen earth i
Brron Murphy, n eonvier fSreman,
Whe sade x desperate dash for [ibevey |
on th lncsmotive need ia the prison an
® one mote in hie oll The escape
of Merphy on a prison engice was |
/ HIE } Ya 4 ines F
most daring Murphy was fireman, | actly true, mall them to each other |
with short nails driving some in|
cus side and some in the Siler. Iw
Bsure 5 the dotted lines slaw bow |
ned Edward O'Brien, a citizen, was en. |
Ablcich, &i
the cub alose, O'Brien having stepped |
Marphy perceiving that the
io 8 second the maehine
fo prevent the escape of Murphy, He
raped to the pllof, ran along the res- |
ping board a ] ;
ing 4, 354 tad $6 Beak inte tha | L the site of
i lim to desist, or be would brain him, |
There was a mad dash down the |
track for five miles Then Murphy |
The latter!
an i
or and Re Din te
Just gases inte your iver and you will |
16s Tow beckise the convers of yon |
Fiew take his mpi rime,
si bighosts
1's always dreary ’ wether ia commtrrside
When ou rab: and nd fhe comers of
Four mouth tornsd dows.
bright indir
Ad ipa Tn
3x ull hia i"
Thom take hiv imple rime,
Jin take thir stmpl
Theres oy
>a : _ = Youth's Companion.
A Redtosen Crasee Wheatharrew.
some time before a ship was Jikely
to take him off. Be in the meantime
De hod to provide himself with food
And shelter. This was not @ieuit,
Tor the wreek of bis little vessel was
close by on the beach Rut twrrying
| fhe material out of it and wel ts the
#0 be set to work to make Wheel
, | barrow. He took a four barrel sad |
& soap box thal bad washed sshore,
and, with baminer and mails from |
Take the two livads out of & barrel
Bot be apiit. Now ny these two bends
on top of each ther. In surk 8 wan
ner that the eracks in the npper one
will be at right sagles to the cracks
in the Jower one. The iden, of course,
fe that the graim of the word shall
be balanced so tliat whatever ‘way the
And feel inclined to grumble pout er]
the morning fal of}
the blessings is your |
Then ice nts ome mirror 1nd you will { 7
* tise cornereof your mouth yo
5 Splesty in this world ta 89]
MH you'll ‘the corners of mouth]
you hey your E
EE , xtom 48 Wan! were,
This fa the way to et be 28
Do 1 carefully. so that the wood shall |
Yow are viady now 10 make
‘ot the wheelbarrow, :
more simple matter than th
| Be work, for sou need only to
the top and end put of an oa
aphox. Bet this on top of the
#8 shown is A Sgore 1.
pall Kt on Srmiy Sus
The Batiardy Feperiment.
Geta bottle tN a wide pening
lose J with 8 cork ia which 8 §
fants) cline. FI Soa ie bat
an encape only 3 firele ara hone
Ge or the ofr of the little balls
Lewp the opening of the funnel ¢
until the pressure of the gas bose
Hirong stoagh fo fore the tall up.
wach 8 way 8 part of the ges secapes,
ibe pressure x relieved, snd ameter
” wal
as ¥ia *
sia kurinn
Eplit ander It
Having placed the two hesds ears
fully together »; that they are ex.
the Besd that bi underneath should
Le in relation to the top ene,
After the two paris have bien firmly
yield, take a plane and curefully
that has been thox made so thet Wt
will be perfectly round. Be careful
to plage only a very little at one Hae
wheel f& roe ls to draw a eirile of
a pail for x compass. Thea You can
jar the wheel ci the drawing from
time to tie to compare Bountll Us
font jong and
esl pest. comfort
able handies. ax shown 8 OU in Ngare 1
LK, in fSgere 5 nal a wadpeshapnl
a pleew of wo] about four aches
syne oft the shle One edge shook |
Le pointed. Tost file the wodipe The
eter sud of stouid Yor mal hore
guarters of an wh thei,
Nai this to the sywar ro anil
C Bamte as shown in 3H figure 5
Now, ow heg :
both handles vou will be remdy Ww
aske the axle 3p) the whad Baska
RK. 5 Toes of
The: ar
ite tr
ele rd §
ioe bw pane
tr the wedge,
wralride 06 the axbe
ami six
eed fray
“whet oh Be dim
Bites | 1
being Xidied by a sp gle | 1
ys Dead
ha te 3 |
“mn BEY 3
whet x
| ihe xin nd af th
Pwhesd rot
will Ja the raratss | i the Rewindis
LX fter the wheel has been wees
adiosiad. the hawmdies will lw ln
ithe position that they are a mui
| tain in the completeil wheillmorow |
All they need are Mace 16 Key them
JE s¥ic
sXe. The
strain may comin the wheel will met |
palled together so that they will not f
smeoth off the edges of the wheel}
A pond way to make sure tliat the
thie wheel. You ean
make it with a piece of a siving and |
Now. got two pieces of wood aboat |
{four lnches wide, theew - quarters ef §
| an fel thick aml four
i shape the
TE To the sansre end of each hauiile {at |
Bloek. This blocl should be gigsle of 3
vot Bave thaw flashed |
tof cach |
wha Eine Bast Plow Dvn
thir ER | £
; . yest
ball clown up the funarl opening. This
“wilt keep on until ai the an is exe
Thin experiment can be made mere
wlective by painting ihe balls in S86
ferent colors. Or you ena make but
terfly wings of tise paper which
To cnn coder amd fasten to the balls
aa shown i the Hlustration. — New
York riba
The bee fatin i% age of Ihe HEMETONS
toys that may be formed of cardbosnd
A bexagog ix to be constructed within
the smamtler of two roncestric clroles
and peneil Hoes are fo De drawn from
eh point of the figure 16 the next
point but one, cutting ihevugh beth
iid tat DIAG ERAN.
5. tive tniddw miersction Me
only Siroles ave then To be Joioed
by straighs Does Our lagram exhib
PRs the engnivte wiih the wh
C1 angie ploves thal ave left for gluing
owe stds of the tewtuinmg is fo
fares of a sevsraie Seka gn af
Wi Bs Boren Star.
Lamd Por Apple Trees,
peal 8 yore vie
pes Ake very
Brae Wonnd
Ode. wih npper
8 wood will
in such
an When (he
Ha aed pear
aw ils ne
taan seo
freed Tian
frarR 8 Byads aay ib
Resi “x
td ba turned une
Cader the weeand wear If the sogson ie
3 re the grass may severe the greater
share of poistiee. Bence when the oe.
Tanai Bu 0%
| charg is in grass and a drought ape
: pears the rrass scald De plowed ume
dex at once, :