: watch repaired» a 1 You oan do beter at | #hot store, The Ions money # man hes the more alge it seems. Aman with lots of money shoul be J satisfied with his jot. 2 Pork sheild be quoted by the hog “h ¥ fi thong the White | Wipers Bu A Mua Lg : grow weary tEving io ; 3 look youtg, ot they do not tire them : [selves half as och as they tire others. | © | “Duquesne” stands for all that is ! 1 Las pure and wholesome in beer. : En A. MELLON, re Lost—A pair of gol spectacles in = square case. Finder will please leave - _ {8 this office and receive suitable re. : ward. " go The average man ju generous fon. | faaltif it happens to be ove of his - own; and be treats it so wall itatays) vid exceliance, coupled with | age,are what makes a good beer. When | nf this | Ep A. Merion. | a Lowt-A Duquesne Brewing Co. ad- | Ww | vertising pocket book, containing | {about $40 in bills. Finder will be Hib. | . erally rewarded by retarning to this | 8 The annual meeting of the stick: of | holders of the Patton Building snd | 1 Loan Association will be held in Good's | | Hall Toesday evening, dan. 2M, 1908, ot | 1730 o'vlock. : Wa H. Saspromn, Bec'y. sae | Why drink a green’ non: anion made re Deer, when you can get nnion goods _ thoroughly sged and not made by ul trust. Moral: Drink Duquesne beer. £ Ep. A. Mario, Wanted: A good agent for Patton, Hastiogs and vicinity, A hostler can make good money and have stesdy “lemployment all the time. Address The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, 1m 11th ave., Altoona, Ps. | : [mace al the ittabury ispaten Made | Lo Happy. The New Year’ s number of the Pitta. | t ong Dispatch wasn groat treat 0 ie Tmany readers. I consisted of 32 pages | yi (Jost think of it!) oon staining a ou plete resume of events of 1902, sveu. | rate and reliable. Tt was not only of interest to the hundred of thousanus of Dispatch renders in the Pittsburg terri tory, but invaluable to ali; no matter where, Tor It was u ready reference to thousands of omseful and interesting “items. Undoubtedly it was the best {number of its kind ever published and ste which could be sued only by one af the greatest journals in the United | States. : No wonder the Dispatch enjoys the | if Inrgest circulation of any Pittsburg | i paper! It is the only 2c morning paper | : Ling in that city, and that partly | | acconnts for ite wonderful popularity. | The people kuow it pays to buy the 3 best, and it holds good with the Dis- | n | patch, for very fow think of trifliag 4 : | cenita difference {the daily being only | 10¢ by the week. | Those who are not taking the Dis. | patch should at once submaribe, as they | will not regret it. When you do sub. scribe ask Prank Kinkesd to send and get you a copy of that great Review | Edition, It alone is worth the price of 8 six months’ subscription, Your Money Refund- ed if Purchase Is Not Satisfactory. T here must be 25 days remain just 2 25 days (Go - Will be said to every piece of merchandise. and will stay out during this great 23-day one-third before we take inv entory on Jan. 31st in the month of January. a clean sweep from one end of this great house to the other. one thought will remain supreme in our business. ed if Purchase Is Hot Satisfactory. ® In these 25 days there For these Regular prices have already gone out sale Our stock must be reduced fully Owing to the Firm Changing on February 1st we will sell all goods ‘during this sale at prices never before heard of and many customers will profit by them the first choice. Here MEN'S OVERCOATS ME Black and Blue English Kersey Overcoats, Italian lined, regular price 38-00, clean sweep pric eat $4. 50. avec aii ST R( US es Z4C. drown Heather Mixture Over.’ coats, full length, latest make, regu. ; * £TE, Teguiar lar 8 £4.50 coat, clean SW eep $3.00 5 sweep $2.49 MEN'S CAPS Cle £ can swWorp $10.00, Fine Ww inter i \ and warm, a Frosch Koroe oy Overconts, shoulder satin fined, skirt imported corded lining, regular price §ik, ; Brooklow thverooais, all trhportee fix. forda, satin lined and silk quilted, regular $18 foat, . Clean sweep $10.00. STORM COATS, GREAT COATS AND ULSTERS Cireal coals and storm oo als, foil length, high eollnr, sll in latest color and patterns, regu. lar price $8, lar price Me Mx: pair, Clean sweep $3.75. All Overcoats and Ulders redoced prices that are surprising to ail MEN'S 8 1s. Men's Fancy Dress and Buosiness Suits, regular price $8, Clean sweep price £35.50. Fine Business Raita, your chicos of this Hine, regular price $10, clean sweep price $4.50 Men's Pancy Clay Worsted All Wool Suite, v Pugiar price $11, clean sweep price $550 Miner's Watch our Bargain Adver- tisements every week, as it is a money saver for you. are a few examples of the Cotton ers, regular price $1.25, clean sweep Fancy All Wool Worsted Trous- 84.00 trousers, clean Driving Caps, nice a clean sweep of one lot, 24c. FU LNISHING GOODS. Fine Pore Silk and Hatin Neckwear, rego Gent! '. Guger Suspend ten, regrolnr price Special Fancy Bosom Devs Shirts, ae port ted colors, regular The shirt, : Clean sweep price 49¢. Men's # Negligee Khirte in all colors and sizes, regular price Soe, Clean sweep price 25¢. Caps. ity, clean sweep Sc. ‘Goldstein's Department Siore, Patton, These are plain cold facts— To-day is the first day and affords many bargains: ERS. Worsted Trous ME N's FINE DRESS HATS. Latest hats for the coming sea non. Latest Alpine hats in black, ‘hrown and steel. Men's Fedora and Stiff Hats, All the above styles. Prices rauge from $1.50 to $2.50, clean sweep DTIC BI. 24 BOYS KNEE PANTS BO Pairs Bove Knee Punta regular price Hv, meat steiped and figured, Clean as feed p we Toc. Men's Colormt Coliars and Lata, sean sweep price, Collars Ie. Cuffs 0 pair. ENTS RAIN COATS Men's Rain Coats, fl! length in bive and ack, regular price $5.08, Clean sweep price $2.00. Men's Flowowd Underwear, Beuvy and warm, regular prices $8 to 88, Clean sweep price 34c. NOT I CE: Premium tickets will Be given with all purchases un- til Feb. 1, 1903. All tickets must be gives mm pn or before the above date, Clean sweep 25¢. Clean sweep 24c¢. regular 25¢ quale We Have Bargains for You. Pa. Cail and See Them. Pittsborgers should be proud of their Libis paper. DISSOLA A TION NOTICE. o ati Bat ts te Ped ween AL Sr ; S Mirkin nd ° Ho seiier on Mager ave Pal Good 4 Co. have been Dteme, Pa sler the fens nan of Mirkin & on-dallar contrast dur Kuper, is this day ; : want. AE de dy § Lia he paid te BO Ress, to whom sl adits add iensanuls asd Wee alld pa rtssdrdilp ar v6 be presented for pasment, wind hed Bsa tied oi Fe ERY DRE A. MigKis, B Rusven Po Patton, Pa Jan 70088, pounding pure WE MAKE A ; of Druggists’ Sundries and are agents for Patton and. vicinity for Huylet's ~~ Such as is pro duced at our Studio was considered as valuable and taste- ful a git as any received during the Holidays. We shall still en- deavor to turn out this high grade of work, and soliat your = patronage, knowing you will be pleased. Now thre Text three months an- md general advance of nt in the wages of employes. | ‘the year | 1902 Coroner Mil | vestigated the deaths of | we are prepared to serve both hot and AS USU \ 4 | = 1 now In operation cold dri DKS. AL, . Onr Hot Soda Water Fountain fad i! otic 351 Department ix tilese di if i rich drugs. SPECIALTY Celebrated Confectionery, A FULL LINE of High Grade Tobacco, Cigars and Smokers’ Arti cles aiway 5 Fl} hand, aunns PHARMACY, Magee Ave., * Patton, Pa. get your picture enlarged at the price, $1.98. © DUE PERELL Art Prsiogragher. rill iE your, in vogue. : y sleigh load from this ple at the Adbrite hanes, The | sted of Mrs, Chas, I. Wal | FIRE, Gionad Baiding, Patton, Pao ier Nu DYS PEPTICIDF Foln's The greatest al | to DIGEST: ON. Parnell, Cowher & Co. GEO. BOONE. sig fog NSURMNGE seat Ged Buliding prom Ply abled Wo wetl ami rent LIF AND ACCIDENT HEAL ESTATE BTICE OF THE PEACE. Calieetians AGENT, ¥ Propertios 10 KX fdney Cure makes kidoeys coe biodder rigat. taste and style and from a club's first attraction 15 a Reuel Somervilie, CHAS WILL YOU JOIN ODR CLOTHING CLOB? the members ou shent an equal Membership mm this club Its Simin pu rp et shall I ee een ud RARE nl ALE all footing as regards their clothing is unlimited and open to all. Fees, there are none. If you care to become a member apply at the cinb house, {Rast Ma- vw Ave noe + Wolf & “Thompe ‘His benetits do v ou g good i alum pha XG Store. VY bat ain by join gil These: [ty meniiers sre fre free The lot of Men’ 1's Overcoals at § { ther i RTE 5 trom Hil concer redrara oad #1 £33 ie he hiss attractions will he the showing of our $12.00 Suits at $8.00 and $10.00, which all members of the « five dollar iil more. dub will agree are fully worth a Came to one olub biomes for farther information to join us WOLF & THOMPSON, The Clothiers. we thick you will want 1" hE. Artornev-at-Liaw nt Dentist! ss tiaien ip OG toad Butiding. Of . four--8 & m, to 12m, aad 1 Pp m Pa’ 2 flew in the Gost Baidding. Fi i war 3 9 Yen Bho Sloan i i ; : iter af the Whine BOB sg vive FTEs Bln Fae