The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, December 19, 1902, Image 12

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    cities in the
many of ins Sltuminous
the United Btates, and yet
nmi and factory chim.
re $0 Jamiliar 8 sight
Log :
mw bituminoos cos
nnd other lurpaces
: Gratting Vegetables.
{ looking the animals.
in the brush not far away, Dolan
{ upon an lamenss grizedy boar
and ® ©
eo Adventure.
t and smoke asl
Hear Keeps Hunters Cpa Tree.
wv IM DOLAN, of Sierra {lounty,
in company with
© York, a well-known Ran Fran.
isto man, who Is visiting
: Si County, Nevadn, went out in the |
bills to round up his cattle, and arriv-
| Ing at the summit of & ridge just west
1 of the City of Bix, Dolan left bis horse
and made a descent into a deep ravine
on foot, bopiog to discover sotoe lost
: - tle.
- The country thers is coversd with a
‘| Auep growth of underbrush atul close
scrutiny is necessary to avoid over
Hearing it noise
worked lis way through the bushes
in that direction, and suddenly came
bad frequently encountered animals of
this species aud was not st all discon
eerted. He threw up bis hands and
yelled at the bear, expecting as usual
that he would take fright and de
Hriuin gave an ugly prowl and made
for Tim, and the latter made for the
{nearest tree, which fortunately was
the indimeriminate shorting
into the
is cone
an ignorant and wasteful pro-
only 8 short distance away, but even
#0, had it not been for Tim's dog, who
distracted the bear's sitention for a
moment by sitacking bi in the rear,
Dolan would pever have résched shel-
Tim was barely out of the bear's
reach when the animal stood on his
‘hind legs and reached up toward him.
The bear made po effort 10 climb, being
kept occupied most of the tine in de
16 | fending hhinself aguinst the attacks
F< | of the plucky canine.
Apo Fern
y. The
well it ix hiked in this :
Posten. Kill,
0.05 writes: —~
15 constant!
gostom one 48 in Ag
_ | the Dear, |
{too, was roosting in a peighboring
reated one of the
‘and locked me in.
‘Boon hour,
| thing to hypnotize animals,
| stage in these Intter days.
Meantime York bad remained further
op the hill, awaiting Thn's return. He
| finally beard Dolan's call, and leaving
{ bis horse, rushed down the hiL Ariv.
{Ing on the scene he found himself, to
his consternation, face to face with
and two seconds later be,
tree, narrowly escaping caplure by
{ihe fierce animal, which now trims
{ferred tx attention from
Xork, the dog coutlisuing his attacks
{in the meantime,
Dolan to
York was wonder
ing bow long kis Ran Fraoelsre job
twonld walt for Lm, as be only bad
Iuix weeks vacation,
At length, however, the bear appar
entity became disgusted and took to the |
brush, disappearing over a ow ridge
pear by. About the time the two men
. | concitden it owas safe to got down
the bear caine back. These tactics |
he repeated several times, and It was
pot nati] he bad Leen gone some thine |
that Dolan and York dared to come off
their perch. When they did so, afier
having bern in the trees over an hour,
they lost no the un getliog to thelr
horses and thence out of the neighbor.
Locked Up in a Coll.
Sneaking of newspaper met and the
misthody they sometines adopt fo get
{abend of thelr adversaries
old reporter in the New Orleans Ti
sald in
Democrat, “reminds me of an effort
I made once to got nhead of su after
noon contemporary. It ‘was a dwrapd
fatlare, which will Hereinafter appear.
1 was doing the pelice work for an
afternoott paper, The police had ar
most notorious crooks
of the country, tot had put his Dame
on the secret docket in order to put
bing through the ‘sweating’ process
before making apy pulilie statement of
the matter. The thing was tipped off
to me. I had to pet the story ins
gulet way lu order to allay suspicion
88 to the senrce of my information
iand there was but ose way to do
into the body |
this, and that was to get
of the prison snd talk to the man. '1
1 had to alip tn unawares, so 1 watched
for a cliance,
thought I could slip fn and slip out
1 pot fo unobserved, 1
before the turnkey locked the door
But to my utter astonishment the
turnkey went out before | got through
It was alwut the
I could wot yoil after 1 had
gotten the story, because the police
did pot know I was in there, 1 waited,
thinking the turnkey would return and
{ give oe a chance to get out. The hours
Slipped by, My paper was telephonlsg
everywhere In au effort to find me. 1
had not been seen anywhere except nt
the police station, and the officers wt
that fostitation sald 1 bad left there
early in the morning. It was € o'cloek
fu the evening when 1 got ont of jail
1 was awfully sore, hot couldu't suv
anything, of course. It was a bit of
ood luck for me that my afternoon |
competitors ¢ Gid pot get the story, Bat
it waz in the morning papers all right
and what was worse for me, one of the
papers bad a long story about my ex
perience under the rather catcliy head,
A Scouper Seooped.”™
Hypnotizes Aliigators.
“Speaking of catehing alligators res
finds me of a rather unique charac:
tor in thls sevilon of the country”
said a man who Lag spent the greater
part of bls life in these parte, “for he
has the power of hLiypuotlsm devel
oped to an abnormal degree. He hag
the power of by puotizing alligators,
and, In fact, never uses any other
means In catching the wary suurian,
How he does it no living man knows
except himself, Animals are very sus
ceptible to this Influence, and In many
instances it Is a comparatively easy
trained animals, for instance, we find
in the clrens and en the vaudeville
It is sii
y A case of hypnotism.
power of suggestion. 1 suppose it Is
je Ramo thing in the ease of an alli-
troubling part of the thing is
Bow on earth a wan con command the
f the sau ian 8 long shough 4
‘pen poet
Take the
It 1a ithe
HE r the spell. The old
same, end Le seems to be rather
prowl of the fact. He 1% 10 the hatils
of telling his friends that i iz alto
gether a matier of the evox. It 4
Of course, 1 have to git in close
range,” he suse ‘else 1 éould have ne
Influence on the alligator
“Besides, my éxperience has taught
not very extensive. Ie can only ses
& short distances, bat he can see suffi
ehently well to enable him to be ine
Buences] if you go about it in the right
way. | am not well enough posted
to pass on the merits of the old man's
me that the slligator’s visual range in
explanation. Bat from what | know
of him and from what others hav told
me about thelr experience, he id able
to catch alligators without resorting
to the methods usually smiployed by
alligator honters,
“When he once gets then under his
influence, catching them Is a com |
paratively easy matier. He throws a
thems in... He never falls in his work
when he ean get ln close stough range
and the fact
1 there is something in the oid man's
has convinced me that
eiatin that he bas the power of hyp
potizing alligators. At asuy rate, he
Cnet around them, and it ia sufficiently |
‘strong to hold thers unill be can pull
ran cateh them, and be doesn't nase |
bakies for bait either," New Orleans
Times: Degioerst.
Bagged a Rod Boar,
Peter Brown, of Liberty, Pa. while
i deer hunting on the opening day of
the season, discovered a bear's tracks
in the soft margin of Briar Swamp
aud sent Ris dag into the swamp lo
yout the bear out. The lear came
oul pot fen rods from the Duster,
Brown shot and killed it
He was surprised when be went up
to look st it. It was a bear, all right,
Lut not ke poy bear that had ever
or heard of before in the
hesidork belt
ita fur was almost aa deep 8 rod
fx that of the red fox. ix legs were
tnuch Jonger and thinper than those
of the native Penossivania black bear,
and iis nose was of greater length and
guite sharp,
The bear wis smaller than the native
bear, but eeiently fullgriwn, A
Inmberman from Petoaky, Mich, who
is working in the hemlock woods, says
that from the description of this besr
it ta undoubiwdiy coe of a variety
knows In Michigan px 8 cranberry
begr, which has ita habitat In the
arabes of that Sate
How pod wily #t should be In north.
ern Pennuvivania, where there are no
ersnberry thatihies, reginins to be ex-
Boy Brase in Face of Death,
Nerve aml foriitode that won the
nidmiration of all those sloet kb
wore Gheplaved by 8 sevenyéaral
Boy who was ran over and fxialis
injured by a Long Isiand Rallro 4
train in Brooklyn, The jad, "Jinn
Bapdarys who lived with bis paren Bi
at LET Pacific strent. was on his
to school with several playmates w be +
he stiempted to cross the ralbosd
tracks in front of an approaxihiog treo
at Classon snd Allantic ayennes,
He was steuck and the engine and
forward oar passed over Lim, both of
bis legs being out off at the knees
The Little Sellow was vonsclons when
pleked un, rod, §
injuries, dbl net even
whimper. “Jims
ple U1 held to his school books,
“Please dog't Joes ther” he pleaded
a8 one of the men took the books
gently from din,
“Don't 18d mamma 1 got hut” La
said again to the ambelan ie surgeon
who wis called from 50 Mary's Hoss
The fone Shad in 1k Te bo 5
hours later «New Yor
ES 4 3
A Companion 1 te the Blind,
The porson who Is Bind
of the besostityl ia theisngh
atfiiction. There ls one woman how
ver, whose bose Iz a this city, and
who, having mesns, finds a way to
satisfy hey fasie for ao knowledge of
ail that is going on. This she sceome
plishes with the help of a clunpanion
of the same sex, hat
She woman 8 hers! seventy-seven
Years oll wha takes her from place
to place, explaining everything,
Thus an afternoon at an art exhib.
tioh resulls in both coming away with
an excellent dea of the tose notable
canvases, The architecturs of the
varions new balldings is described at
length: the bindings and HMustrations
ils terrible
the ¢
much younger |
of late Lonkis are laid before the mind |
af ths afflicisd one With much elirenmn.
Even the new operatic and dramatie
Aventis are attended with great regu.
rity, and the costumes, forma and
faces of the performers g
in She fullest fetal tho $0
2nd the pe ple | in th :
matevial for
I noe FE
givens a Belween
fai ithe gq 6
sightivss eves
the SSmpanl on i the
alnler ©
ef er
the employer,
man il Lave in wind ¢an (do it just the |
1 Bend for List of testin ania
| with Prryax } Fapsress
on the earth, woile wan was in pro}
: G2 | table world.
pendz an how he Inoka at the slligator |
the sfect that it
pen iod at Talila,
! pictures for
amd every feature that goes to give
that varisly which seems a necessary
spice to ving 1s brought cut with the §
New York Mail
utipost particularly,
amd Bx [ress,
A Sealing Sautrrel,
tha |
The stearship Nomsdale, which ar |
rived light from Boston, has on hoard
a small animal, the spocies of which |
The ani
is seldom sven on shipboard.
mal is 8 common grav. squirrel, sac
ny is seen in Droid HI Park. The
little fellow was shipped at Vera Crus,
Mexieo, about six months ago, and has
since proven himself to be a splendid
snitor, In Hen of a forest, the frisk
{ittle chap disports himself among
the rigging of the big steamship. He
is on friendly terms with everybody,
and often perches himself on the shoul.
ders of the sallors an they walk about
the decks.- Baltimore American,
Plants That Cough,
Man bas not a monoply of songh-
Before there was a verishrate
cers of evoiabion throuah the végo
, oetada tossions
what botanists esl] Mm. whils we
know him as “the cougidne bean.
conpzted and blew dust
giving special attention to this bean |
atid tell Interesting things about It |
I ja an native of warm
tropital countries, and obiorias moat
emphatically to dust.
settles on the branching pores in the
leaves of the plant ard choke tain
& pas smccumalates Inside. and when
It ging suffeiont pressure there
corae an explosion with a sound ex §
actly like coughing, and the dast is
blowy. from Ha loderient.
stranse 3till the plant gets red in the
face through the effort.
pr LAN no dns AA
An Electric Tree.
Thive are a peculiar tree In the!
forests of Central ;
most enrions chapacleriatics.
leaves of the tree are of a highly
sensllive nature, and so (ill of elon
tricity: that whatever touches one of
them receives an electric shork.
bas a very singular efiect uson a
magnetic needle, and will Influence it ¢ 2
Tho &
at a distance of even 70 fest
siectrionl strensth of the tree varies
ot of hls
tunes. Recently botanists have boven:
and moist §
When dust
India which has!
according to the time of day, it be
Ing rtrongeet af midday and weakest
at midoight. In wet weather ia
power disappears silogeiber. Birds
novir spwroach tha tree. nar have
insects ever been Poon upon it.
The Composition of Electricity.
The: latist word on electricity in to!
x 8 material sub)
fix urit, the elecirom, form
an infinitesimal part of the atom of
any alement and when spit off it
produces & stress In the other similar
to that doe to & fagalively electrified
body, The sovering of the elertron
from Ha atom Is the generation of
§ sdectricily,
The remainder of the
atom acis ad a positively charged |
body. bal it js not certainly known |
whether the positive electron. sup |
pmedly to be about 10 times as
hawey As the negative feally fxists, {
Women “Doctors in Paris.
A statistician bag discoversd that |
Paris has now 57 women doctors ort
of a toa! of 3500 practitioners, Com!
pared with this country the propor
tien | small, but none the less shows
& add disappearance of a stromzx
prigqudics. Twenty years ago Parle
had only seven women phisickns |
Every year g large somber of dip
bomess Bre given In women gratuite
ity the medical faculties of Paris and
Mont wiier, but French women are in
the wmtnorily, the groeabor pumber of
tandidates being Russian and Hou
mains. :
Three Bundred and wixty phek-
poids are knoen by the Japaneso |
Two hundeed 4 tho
thisvise do their pillering In ruins
S180 Reward. B18 i
Ths readers of this sarer w plaxamles
Iemrn that thera (x at east sins dreaded dia.
snes Liat podenos has Boon alie to cues in sll
Ha rtapes. and that bs Cavaery, Halls Oatarr
Cure is Lhe only pomitive ram pow Keown ie |
the matical fraternity, Catarrh Dade 4 son. |
#itutinaal disease, reguires & constitutions)
teeaiasent. Hall's UntarrhCars ii taken inte.
Badly, setting dirertiy upon the aed Bs
Loins Surfaces .
CRE the Soandation of the
the patisn? stornmth by bu Sing ap the OR
slur on and seeisting sstare in dang Be
wisk. The propoiston Bae wo % Tats a :
114 suave powers thst they « £¥n iY
dred Dallas lor dny case ian 12 lala to
FL1C HEUEY & Co, Toledo, OQ
Badal by Denpinss, The
Hall 's Family Fills are tha be
A woman's age is a by ber ef
fortis to Appear 3 ¥
HH Ones’ * Sexe, af Atiants Ga. are
the only suscesslul Drapery Nr eniakists th the
world, Sea thelr literal offer fa slvertise-
meant in an River isd af this paper.
Taugh, ad the world laughs wilh you:
| but nt af your own Jokes
FITR neronansstiy sured. Ko 80 or aseran
Bosal tar drut dav a ase of De, Kia's tend
Nerve Beatoree $2trial boils ands Lemativalros
Dr. RG. Koa, 44. FLA
All women may be jew
desl depends upon the setting,
phir rer Se,
Me Winslow’ s Soothing Syrap for abl Ado
teniiiag sulted the gains, redads nlan gs
Shin MISES pain, 2d re ines wind wath, Be abot
The oaly opening the pessimist expects
Is that supplied fy the gravedigger,
Frat acids will not stain coods dred
The man who does all be can generally
Bnds that some one will do the rest.
Piso’s Cure cannot be too highiy » xen of
"»s h eared, W. O'Batss, 55 Third
Avenue - Misoea a poits, | Misa. 4 Jaa. 8, 100
The fret tan af anthracits was was delivered
in Phiadeinhia & century aso,
AS 5 5
; Buaturey. « ai harity =
tof Americans are
;iands in Canada, where the climate
A paris
| wont,
ths agricultural and
the territory
Taw tn
. 4
ern raliroads are leagulng
(do stimulate sugar
It roquioes §500008 to equip a good =
i fmeteny. :
that fs Rig
And, more §
country of the ti
r Charity’ sre koown.
the charges Smite
i Jd but they aio susister fo
their bodily needs.
With oo many children ti take ears of
i and Ne potent from chimate sod dwsse |
[these wise snd
pewdent Batery have found 4
Preia a never fusing ssleguard.
man receives many lettemm from
Catigsie Sutera from
: Bates
from 8 Cathal institotion mm
Moh, reed as Ioila
br 4B Harriman, Columbus, Ohte:
Pesr Str:—"" Ens young girl whe! 3
. weed the Peruna was suffering from
| faryngitis, and loss of voice. The
result of the treatment was most] pliymcins aad |
Bates, re the frst man to
cine ioe hope to ba able to say she is
entirely owred V'—Siatere of Charity. |
Thar young girl wan ander thor care of the |
4 used Feruny for eae |
| at vues $0 Dr Hartman,
| nasnt of your case and he
ta goes yon haw ealiabile advices
Address Dv. Hurtosan
. satisfactory. She found great relics,
and after furiher wae of he medi
thie abe etter tealiSen.
Berd to the Peeana Melicine Co
Hendin, (Ohio, for a free bool
: written oy
: Pe Flartmas,
Want Law to Gpen Up to Farmers
and Stockrangery
The settlemont of Alanin ims
conn a smatier of peooral
Armariean jandssdieru
Gre severe than in wane
amp wor |
Be spiritual and in- |
all omer the United |
A resommend recently ere |
Bane :
Interest to}
aur grist territory In the North.
General Greatly and
of the Denartment
cre, have repartad favorably
ities of Alaska, and the poopin of
will wrge Copigress, at
anprowe Bing afsdalin tx base 8
ohen the regan
nckranpers. A WH
of KR comaditie of Aas
i embodl 8 the chief fomiures
Oregon Dopation Ast of 1850
does not anole Wor minstrel of
of THY acres I
unmarried man oor
fier & margin mas
it Ax eens Srizenn.
residence spon the land and
in for two vars. Wi
and shall be an sheolite donat
#igot of lewd
the hand
al the
A hwmation
Top ER
a 2d
fa enlty
of the
Advvnturous raanhood alway
wav were
attracted tir Al guia than to any sami
roclioad possession. Thin fact
proved hy the hiovy movement
| Southern states,
be RR MR A ne
The managers ot Some Northwest.
Bevreliary |
of Agre.
seal possi
to farmers
bev n
arated for i purpose unl placed
after x
ther the :
on or
lmioortaiesd thas the
tseritary to
"re great thie of American
ran. :
8 mors Hiely be
of 2
Americans to Brithsh Americn rather
than to our pow possessions of to tho
De. tata ove — the Best
or loro alate a
It was through hus and peree
verance Hotrglpuiney seon sn pyro a
eal profession of this country.
PS ron ae ct deri t and smtinfae
tary resulta fro the we To Peruna white
President of The
Hartman Seattarion, Columns, hig,
My skin was sallow, I had |
a bad taste in my mouth in
the morning and my breath |
was offensive at times and]
occasionally I had “a bad}
headache. By the use of
Ripans Tabules 1 am now |
in a condition to attend to
my daily duties, my appetite
is excellent and my diges-
tion much improved.
he FiveC At draggrate
ive-Cent packet in voough foe
ardinary ovcasin, The famiy Dottie.
80 conta contain & sipniy for § year,
or 3s Miastand Gf ane
Hh oat faltis
TG gi go fy
Nr i - a shoul te A fogs
send Fhe Jala am
Hh: i SHE al
tek we stherwise
i goal —
cultivation |
Chessbrough )
17 State Strest, ew - Gir.
SL grmatin
Imacaban, &
mir bevy ry .
pr ) gel :
mere throat, and that she almost ¢ 1
Awakened. He requested ia amen Cir rib hier mother's
1 ihent with Wa id ert
ny refurn
* weil a —
while he hastened for the
vies “1 Fusasd my
She uw waiver had soy roe
since ani I eeaily believe Ian 4 Off say
advise eveyone to keep itis his