Go EN GRRE BA Hs Td lk ‘are leather coverad vinaigrette, tiny case with scigsors, and a litle blank book and pencil and equally small coin purse. Auother manifesta tion of the leather chatelaine shows & pendant pocket book af ordinary size to the bottom of which are atinched a TYinaigrette, scissors and blank These chatelnines may be had in various Jovely shades of leather, such as soft sage green. hellotrope, green and blue, Bo the up-to #irl may have her chatelaine mateh ber costume, whatever be iis Our American Women, There Is a charming blond young woman well knows to Philadelphia as well as Baltimore and New York City, ho “lnughs when you call her ra.” A woman friend gave the away. says the Philadelphia and as she takes it good natar edly, there In no nee keeping the Joke from the public. You see, young as she is, she elected to marry a man who was a grandfather, or, rather. he be- came one soon after his marriage to yer. Bhe bas that deceptive, innocent £rpe of benuty that gives the owner the appearance of being abiont eighteen was Jooking at the Cuban curios ind souvenirs for sale at a bazaar with 8 woman friend, and the old woman behind the wares called her "Senorita No, no” sald the friend, “she is Senora.” The old woman shook her ead and declined to beleve aia enorita.” she sald. “She ls a girl” continued in broken Eoglish; “she She young and pretty,” “Yes, dhe lon senota.” sald Mrs, G— wishing to tense the younger woman, amd, remens. being the birth of the grandchild, she added: “Ehe's not only married, but he ix 8 grandmother’ “Dias] Bul these Americans are so progressive!” sal the old Cuban, Ao Maintain » © » Goal Complexion, Hers are certain plain, simple hints for the securing or maintenance of a rood complexion, which can be carried nd practiced by the woman who can sWord veither the fees of ity doctors nor several honrs a for grooming. Wash the fage it LC never with very cold water At night it should bave a warm soap bath to clean it, rinsing the soap off : ghly, and drying thoroughly, with an upward movement, Learn al to rob up and never down, to ret drooping lines and saggiog os. Take at least one Lath a rubblog the body vigorously, Re. ber that bot water Is necessary to and cold witer to invigorate, | sot the blood to cireniating. Rose water and elder flower water are bene al In softening the skin lemon , sold by u reputable house, Ix ex- , for the face, It should be in, not hard, but thoroughly. arm bath, A little on the tips fogers Is sufficient. It softens freshens the skin, Remember that foods are enemlss of a delicate The roseleaf skin of the baby from ita simple dict. Avoid « pickles and pie. Candy Is as anything can be, and makes ae peides. Tea and coffee are d, but cocktalls are worse, Study he nose of the man who has imbibed or many years and see. Eat fruit] : inp and drink Plenty of the system of the : Got lias accumulated on the ig of the stomach and other or- luring the night. A good com iB comes from the same sources health—fresh air, exercise, correct d, bathing sufficient sleep and activity of the internal argans, ; ] Wear Orders. Sumber of women—especially l Women wearing orders at ceremony was roi of much remark and has hers. er, footed. by! Victoria in 1863; the Imperial dered in nursing the slek and ] nded of the Imperial Army. One of atest reciplents of the decoration Orde “the Crown of gn as Us hitens. hands, Any good, cold A and dpam- Jey ched to a bow of Helt bine water Tilibon with parrow white edge, The decoration of the Order of Vie tora and Albert. which is of four glasses, consists (for the first nnd secs ond clase of a mednllion of the late Queen and Prince Alles set In dine monds snrmounted by a swelled crown, the ribbon teed being white moire. The third class Las {he medallion sof in pearls instead of dismonds, and the fourth benrs only an lntertwined “v© and “A” in pearls, To this order bes long the Empress of Germany, thy Em. press of Hussia the Queen of Nous mania, the Queen of the Netherlands, and many well known wanen of lower rank. The Queen of Fngland Iz the only Indy of the Order of (he Garter The oldest of all orders instituted for women is that of the Blaves of Virtue, founded In 1602 by Bleanare of Gon. pagua. widow of Frederdek HL of Austria, “to enconrage in the wWonien «7 her court the sentiments of wisdom | and plely.” The Bavarinn Order of Ellmatetn, founded in 1706, and the | Order of Queen Marie Louise, Insti. hited In 1702 exch had an exvingively charitable ralsoan etre and Imposed hahits of kindpes: and helpfainess upon their royal members Bot perhaps the best-known foreign order to whic h women are eligihla is the French Order of the Legion d'Hon. | peur, of which Rosa Borheur was a wmomber. as was also Mou Dhenlafay, the wellknown explorer, who Is the only woman permitied by the French Government to appesr in en's clothes, An interesting fact in connection with this order js that all wearing the Little | crituson ribbon are entitled to a mile tary salute, women as well as wien. New York Mail and Bspress, Miss Ethel Smyth, composer of the recently produced oners, “Thr Wall" te the first vamboser of ber sox to lave 8 work praduesd at Covent Gandon, Mra, Mariah Vanes, a colored woman, who was for years Abba Lissaln'ns SErVanL, is Hill Bying nx Banviile, HL ail learning to read, al the dre of Bins yone, Misa Diochemig, of Tlostss hus in ber possession sofue china more than S06) years old, which was fives to her grandmother hy the duughitir of a wald of boner io Queen Atos, Princess Victoria, the Kaiser's fen. year-old davebter In sald to be the bBaughtiest member of the German royal family, pever for 8 woment fore getting whe ie an BEaperors Qaugliter, “Mrs. Elizabeth Silsbes Archer, who Hed in Mole, Mass, the other day, Was an eye-witness of the peeat naval i fgbt between the Chesgapeaks and Shannon off Salem during the War of 1812 There are sald to be sxoellent open. Ings for American divsenakets 10 Japan, Where all the high class women fare douning Oveldental dress, with which the na Axe modiete struggles helplessly. Five datghiess of one lowa family are practicing physicians, Allee Bravn warth Halstead PLB. sod Drs Jen: Tle 8, Emin Land Teusic A. Braun. warth are established In Maseutine, Towa. Dr. Anns M. Brauwnwarth is as sociated with Dr. IHeory T. Byford, of Chicago, A fifty-arre farm in Indiana hae for | the last ten years been successfully | eotducted by Miss Abbie Peller, a pices of former Senator Peller of Kan. sas, Miss Peffer was for sone years a teacher in the poblic schools. She las a thorough knowledge of agrient tural pursuits, and all the work in flelds, gardens, orchard and statis ls done by her own hands, Siberian Byuireet in made futo charm. Tog bats, Tyrolese crowns, {tis whispered, will follow the very flat effects Fow dross silks have Agiaved stripes of velvet running lengthwise. Rashes or wide girdles break the long lines of the newest princesse modils. The ultra-swariness of squirrel fur ix attained when a touch of ermite Ia added, Many matrons have taken up the ear. ring tad, confining themselves to X * pearls. A handsome chatelaine bmg Is of | golden Brown walrus skin with frame j and ehain of plain gold Wool laces are very much used on cloth gowns, and the gripe patters in clusters of rings is the favorite, Crushed black velvet is artistically comblped with green point veuise col lar and cuffs to form a swell garment for a twelve year-old gin. Huge clusters of ralsed grapes and teaves outlined with black tracings are the decorations of a dainty white chiffon scarf for afternoon or evening wear, Puff bags for carrying about powder puffs are in pink or DLlue satin, and gather up with dainty “baby” ribbon 4 | draw strings, or with silver cords and tassels, “Moleskin brown” is one of the novel shades for wool (dress waterials, which tints, advices from Paris sfate. may be appropriately trimmed with the skin of the namesake animal Nothing Is smarter. for the woman with a perfect figure than one of the new tight Francis coats. These are | full three-quarter length and watch the Ein when for F Promenade Wear. The Two Hoads, Wise : shes, Btraght over the slamberisnd beach it Lins, Where the smaadvian gathers (he sand for FOUL eyes, I That he shakes when the sun bas feft the wii eR And the gray evening shadows cree. But to real this jand by the rad of MO, You roust rub the sand from your eyes. When vou leave the etanddry of drowsy through the gateway of rariy | Into bealthy, wealthy snd wise -¥ auth’ & Car HDT in Miss Maousis (ter herself “rent Ei od I don't Hike the Yaoks of thinee at nll {Wome and play poss in the corner and stay to tes” they sald But Um afraid they mean me fo be the ea. and 1'4 father pot. 1 Know what 1 will dn tAlomd): Please, Miss Puss, pay ty i three fat Hitle broabess cons au] pay, too, and may I go and feteh thm 7 “Cortalnly, may dear,” Mrs Prise sald, “otidy be quiet as you can. We whould Hike you all to Iw hers for tea (Then there will be une Rjdore,” she whiepered to the others). “Hooray?” Mousie inquired as she vanished into a | hole. “Now, what could she have meant by that?’ they asked each ether, but uo. body ktrew, And they walted all that afterioon and evening, getting hin gree and hapgrier, bar Miss Moog and her fat Hite Loothers never came *Hhe must have remembered she hb ad | Oh, the road to henithy, wesithy and | Runs by night through the gates of | tha pun has “Which would you rather have tea] Bow 6r wait nt Fou gel IT Mus Jdirvpyr igize. Bat he was pot daunted, and minde straight for the evex of the big sh Be thought he saw coming jo de vour him Atlantic sthelilsde ematior, bat fast ae interesting as pete, They are also easier to fae ! than thelr Western esusing, i fatal, bovies files {hing sects to agr How to Make a Whiphow, This graceful anid pavorts ai wea pos ls Tike an ordinary long i Efeshiion that te hawslring a : pretty ape shower ie made of novelty for the medium wine (fourteen years: NEY YORK FA New York City —Bhople shirt waists mide with the fashionable princess | losing are much in vogue aed sult young girs to x nicety. © The very Fo Ar vd SAAR Sn Ghd nb Be HRs Mitsmy’ EHIRT wane OR BLOTS. HE in shades of Live with collar, oniffs | i shoulder siraps of plas Blue, the | combination being smart das well xs novel, The Masry Mamton sriginal ix worn with an odd skict bat the desian suits the shirt wilst gown as well as the separate wait snd is adopted to many materials, The foundation lining 8 smoothly | fitted ard closes at the front bag separately from the wilst itself which: consists of a plals back, draws down tn gathers at tle waist Has and fronts that are gathered. at the neck! ard at the waist The front edges fre tieked and brought together oer the heme through whieh the clming made Invisible to rive the prigcess effert. The sleeves are (nn hishap style ! with novel offs that match the stool ! Dyer the shoulder sean are arrasesd straps, out in points that fall over the i glevses bot these may he omitted The quantity of material required | 4 the Sw hipla: terminates on tiring eas in . HETEW no made ke any ofher arrow, | vither With a Ment ond ar a pointed HER rpoing, In che side of the arrow a tiodeh oeull the Bowsiving being Pedinoed into this fotel the at the ced of the string | Trem lpping of Ho thrown by the re oo Wh sling the butt of the pighe har Goblin the ie Inft hand: foun aide to cith his deft Lp A BOXING GIRL PUZ Z.XLKC. AN Rb be This athletic girl has reo box other as hwy went sadly off to hed, ord-Herald, The Little Sickieback. 1t sewing as though the Jifile «lekls back often suggested for aquariums was really created for that burooss * the water do not rellsh if, as nies and, being exactly perpeundicalar apd very hard, quite fakes away thsiv ap petite for the next stioklebmex they most fah are armed all slant back ward, and that is why big sh swallow stickleback found in ssl water its enemies are ost numero 18, developed the straight, =f spur. loses much of its hardness if fig owe ually forgets his fear of attack Rifcklvbhacks make Cas prie taining pels. Those brought fr 0 Lower California bulld nests. view himself in a copeave tulrror, Where he appear many tUmes ols real another engagement,” the y satd to eel {ba The way Miss Mouse go! eur of her | #Crape Was very clever4hilcage Deo | only. [It is not goud vor fool. Even the other and larger inualitapis of they happen to cateh it af just the | right angle, the little spur with which | tx back is armed, and from which 11 takes its name, catclion In their throats | see. The bones and prickles with 'w hich ! 3 their prey Lead foremost. But tie | are also pugnacions and will try pk Sfiaht thelr own veflection in 8 mbvor? held near the side of the aquariam. Ope | doughy little fellow was allowed to 7 » May RsiPaeiore. tie extending hia Inet frogs his Vek Plsgs Bn = wing, HRs we ating [renter distance In sone PEN ot Lhe country th Is a great favorite ; pong the bevs. who throw deri Ipoan atiaring dstapoe. An PrEYR can De ought In oabhy oliv ba tant boys prefer too make thelr owe, bmving the “store arrows” fog the girls Ta vie With thelr pretty “siuce bows, A siwple whipbow & made by any Pho¥ fm a few tinwtes out of an ehastiy sEplng or brapgeh, and (be BIPaW ut pent of & plee sblogle with a pocket {Smite Thiz ean be joprovesd upon As we etn. if Rr i wel deatiaoad worst Tor the wreen leanch apd veguiarly monde qn Armies for TK We pine ones. New York # bh Baar x Pies hoay 4A is Rept in an aquarium, where he grad TREE gore i sreseutin LR suidEoe as white ax suew, and beneath the noonday glare : ¢ sun os Jdazaiing that the naked erdbet csinud Ba radiapel Br i aben alten, Col, an ovean of b Ty | Nibater ing white Fescles away for miles and wiles oi FABHIONARLE Bldg $3 la three and a hal? yards twenty oe inches wide, three and ree eighth yards twenty seven huches while and ren amd a quarter yards ihinty ewe taohss wide, or ane aml seven eights yards forty-four inches wide Waorsan's Bisons Javier. Short Joublebreasted blouse coats oy ith Sted Basques make a notable lope are of tha aon and are fears erally worn Tor walking RE the Ta, Males of Ife than any othor sort N stelinh May 31a wn rosadel whown arge draw fnelnddes Thee | nable sled wemine u% the fronts | the plabt sleeve with roflave 3%% ®s that be wy foal Hodd A® abi : 4 te Black zibell stirefed wish | : : 3 wertionlll IR and Is worn with go skied Pik nf different material, Ian the design! % the oustipme of olatl echeviat | we, velvet amd velveteen ant they © ifs weed rom of all rhe messes fabrics vps ily well When preferred Dapp portions oan be omitted he Blonse finished with the bein : The Blouse cota off a 5s h Baek, oder arm gorves with slightly | tall fronrs snd side fronts which ex. | Ppgnd fo the shaubdirs aml are aritoket | 1a an wsder strap to form the slop seams The right front laps over the | lef in double bevasted sivie aud the | eck is finished with the fanlilonalide | coat collar that meets the fronts and | yolls back to form lapels. The basque | portions are joined ro the lower edge | the sean being concesled by the left The ecal sleeves Are twoseamad anil | finished with eodlandr caffs i The quantity of material pequired | fur the wediam size is four snd a. quarter vards twenty-one Inches wide, two vands forty-four Inches Wide er cipe pad three-quarter vards tility two inches wide t Knick -Kaseks, Ver ¥ preity buttuds made ig ehing val rommd and sqgBare, are fo TE. ib wis oi 3 i following he designs of Dossier rent Binds of olan Prresden Seve 1 Staffordshire | Cryst a) gid pa in Parm fhe Libel to parvny boas ben which oar Daren rary Fires itary: paste baekies and r i tani dower tassels, which ive, breve & good deal worn one way or Bn he Pima op Lditional tous are efeetive pawl these oC i Knots thd In rithens and in stocks reginire an edncniion. A series of three or five chains feniooned hotween bars is a fashionable form of necktie, nat to wear tight round the throat, but to rest on the neck. Brooches are orn very snail and some are beans tifully painted. Rome of the pearl brooches have very pretty pear-shaped pearl drops. Peacocks, with dlamond alls, are pew, and a small feather in diamonds makes an admirable rode, A Fuetnl Contome, A young lady whe aot ent on her ciravels bad a combination costume (hie really seemed immensely somprehen- P#ive ale weed to have everything in ote garment. Rhee Bad gotien herself a aller made of ole of the Sner Sorgen, and to it had a jong espe. and all these PL Were worked in owihh one another In the most scientific way, The Jong skin ard the cage hind In common a decors. tioth of graduated military braids with a neta of white cloth lightly embraid- ered In green and save wheres fhe : cont torted haek. This éntgt wan of the ¢ open or clased formatisg, so that when elosd, the embroidery being conesalmd [the cont looked quite severely simple, i which arrangement had fo do with the fari that the short akirt wis alee se : verely simple as far az an adorning eleinent Wis Sooesrnod ikaving Jos {three twoineh tacks of Its based It will be evident an thinking over the Pmmaiter that this daventive girl had quite & reperiory of roe Rs | in ibis on renuibly tioste taller vost a Hisase or Shirt Waist, Biot seam ¢Tects are seen gpon the intest waleta amt gowns and are of cemitingly #ective. The very stylish Map Mantas Blodse instrated shows rhein weed 19 pdvantare and In san. “tion with fueks 31 the shoniders Canal the princess ¢tslne in front. The JACKET. tegeda pesa de and titehod : taoelll AiR Dal all wails aud sitks wd pany ows me iy wagriate as the design Sak WaT abd the eos Hatng woapnghe ftted anil closes the contre front quite separspely no safnidhs Bie van be omiitred & waist x desteed LN af fennty cid i inverted gels that are stilt to give the ie phouider te te ales inehade 3 he shoniders dpe atte dh a yoke depth and #5758 $ siggy nd in wide ¢ the Bets threueh Bar bs made he back Boa move! siaok and at wale & 8 bit with pestillion ART mei effect fram Phe swise 2 LIPR0N in vefitre hack, The guanticy satsrial required : isan sles he Tour aud throes iwemty-ate wide, fone BLOTSE OR SHIRT WAlsT, aedghith yards twenty-seven wide, three aml sevenwighth Lirty-twe inches wile, or twee yards forty-four JEN On spent overs i mpteTesal of Loree