! ballet in bis loft arm, {was socidently shat while handling a y revolver pwsl and ! fred during the year. i ao and 18 years Pi ¢ men were talkiog in : * Lone of the rooms when a mass of rock, | ] | eighing probably & ton , fell on them. i Thomas Meher, of Baker 4 Mines, was at the hospital this morning with a | He claimed he The X-rays was ; he bullet loeated. bit the wean left the | Linstitation withnat having had the b- | Het removed. Altoona Mirror, Toes. day. § The State Grange of Pennsylvania, 8 | patrons of hosbandry, began a four ‘days’ session at CO Yearficld Toesday. . Eight hundred delegates were present, (President W. F. Hil, of Crawford | county, who presided, presenied his ¢ annual report in which it was shown | + that 18 pew granges have bean organ | 3 A local sporteman says that the | dist | coming winter will be a severe one. He | n. bases his prognostications on the fact | > ; Fick on inside of case : | Nationa god es o civil war nda Bio. w « Kaylor § Poet, GQ. | ol Christmas. 8 ¢ ing ite bough to the public, : fan) siyion now ready, il given with each soit, # sol l ash : enough busines Y faring the holidays 1a thick this fall that it can hardly be cut . with akoife He says he has hunted {for a namber of years and lus not! § nailed to note that when the squirrels '% 2 hide is thick and tough, A Evers winter follows. INTERESTING INDENTATIONS, Begin to practice e writing it 1003 Big scandals often renalt from small | talk. Have your wateh repaired at Soyder's One week from Thursday will be | You can do better at the White b: {Fs sto Sin Ww In; mY Some men don't even becdroe suc | feath VETS, consful fallares. Few mwoen can ose their morey and retain their popularity. : The Christmes tree will soon he mak Hhmgaesns hoor a Ere A Mu eve i wear oti derby hale Wars & Toe £3 PEN Aragon” wands for si that Bo % good, pars wd wholmeme in boar Eu A Miao This wre it will pay Unhristeus shiwpirs to look vp our sd. on edher | page. SavRtosy Ulorinng Oo The best reserved until last. Don't fail to bear Dr Pow loctirens “lin tol the Troest American” a evening. Dec. 19th We sell the famous Widow Joves suits for boys A target and piste! Prive, $25 10 Worry & THOMSON. Purity aod excellonoe, conpied wit hi . Age, Are what makes good beer W [ors you drink Dugnesne you are tisstired | of this trio. Ep A. Mion, Velvet house slippers for ladies and ¢ | foutiemen at thirty-five and forty cents respectively. Wols & THOMSON : | ob Bape patent colt akin shows are the bent in the murket and al prices | that are sure to please. Worry & Tionpsox. Confectionery store for sale chap for entrally loeated, Can do ‘clear money invested. For farther in- formation call on or address Joe Ter [rene Patton, Pa. If you mie seeing our pew (uli suits | t before you bay, yoo will be a aie} & Fine forgiving yourself. We you but from oR for oa aul EAEAL will be: sure to please your wife Wor & Tuo 1% Lowreo KX lady's gold wateh, between the residence of Mew Giiliece, ta Pal i i ie er avenues, and the walleoad station, Ciium initial wt Fos ed on subside of of Miss Ueeolin A liberal re ward will be paid fur ia medarn bo Mei on’ 8 Hotel. ane, also a piclire Graal i ¢ 4 3 murs 4 0% Hor 3 ; Sonal paper Furreney, Blokets atul eente aa : SEARLE roms, Capital whivd paid in + Burp fad. 0 $b vided roils me bee site Banks : Sindtvidus) Apri i certifies tox Of op 0 Beer Gert IB eR il de pint xe redban iad 3; verti ox} eleeke ; Pov IE Noddary Thebde reel X fant : TB Parion, i 3 AMES Kuny ARE TAY SE Li FeBiira A Big Lot of Ladies’, | hats, children’s Flats in all colors. styles. ] P. 11% P His .. Beer We Sell It! 0 ol Magee Ave, EO bu the Good Building. Misses’ and Chi ldren’s Coats and Capes Mast be dispe wed of before our Annnal m Jannary. SHOES! [nventory Sale i These goods are of the latest pattern and are left on our. backward hands on account of the ing to sutite bargains. DON'T MISS IT! Also a large line of Furs will he disposed of sacrifice prices. Overcoats, Under: included in this sale. MIRKIN & KUSNER, Good Building. BEART. Crp ® La od {that the hide of the squirrels isso , i Fu fine trimmed, school hats, Rolled Rims and Misses New line of ladies’ outing hats, of long plumes H line of ladies’ hats. Good assortment birds “i , large variety of and oN All the newest shades of ribbon, Fancy and Buckles. Friday Now find presents at Kirk Hdw. and Furniture store. 1s the time know what that ANY BISIness At this season of the vear, i Lamps of all description just hefore inventory, | Vv A505 and Ihsh £5 want to reduce mv stock “4g w ¥ 3 FFL SEY 2 Yi and will give special val- Money Banks. cial Mirrors Pioctires, Sleds, Pix Fi VEAT, oe § diy wo W hes ATL 3 he digposed ket Knives, ar uh s BAC, Ag drnst: thy! Eg = { Most a § “Duquesne ,_**~ pg -» 3 Tt % 3 £4 % 5 pg A on 4 $ 5 epson Tables and Char % ke - he a 5 : ber Nitsa ine ine. . i FY eri tee ot Ye. ¥ . in Larmw #110 the fest Come and See For Yourself. in the market. Remen Yi ¥ oie Ra ther Rebate $ Repecttuily, ED. A. MELLON, Wholeasle Liguoms, J. E KIRK'S HDW. & FURT STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON. PA. Patton, Pa. "PHONE. :H. A. SEITZ. Dentist! a Good Building, mobo om. Reuel Somerville, Attorneyv-ut-Law, 3 Ways oy x I Pas roN, Pa, COles gpestnles Of fee Hours 8 a Ch Bode pom i toy your Christmas Somebody 18 gor at the same! wveear and Winter Suits are} NEW Jo Our new Shoes are now here for Your uspection. One: irgest and most up-to-date line of Shoes ever shown NEW { %! ced $l in Potter Ask to see the + Treadeasy Shoe for Women, Get a pair of Treadeasy Shoes and walk on velvet You will then know how com- pletely style, comfort and hygiene in footwear have been combined You walk—at least you think vou do—on a cushion of down with an elas tic instep. No jarring, no irri- tation to disturb your nerves. Ask your doctor about them. ‘He will tell you that your general health will be much better if you avoid debilitatin 1g colds by wearing Shoes fitted with cork ‘respect and are sold at a unt street and dress latest and the very DEAT and 1p. ‘cushion insoles. They are made in all the very newest ‘shapes and leathers, are sappy up- to-date Shoes in every rm price of $3 30 the pair. They are not only the best shoes made at this price, they are the best made at any r price. Buy your Shoes here and vou can depend on getting the very best Shoes. at all times, at lowest price. fryer Men, the Bat ¥ * & : : PL Kinds of that we have Women, Boys We have ¢ leathers, widths Come « Oe $4 oN gly PUN ba ex VY PYRE REL e ed CNERS RIURIEN . 3 dect Christmas Presents, when ca big variety select from. at this hist: to Toilet Seta, Nokes’ Nets, Maniones Seta, Plotares, Brashes, Ladies” Pocket Books, Glove Caen, Photo Baws, Calendars Nisyinla, Chetan { Meaodalions, Figures, Busta, Mirrom, Comba, Gent's Pocket Books, Handkerchief Boxes, Photo Albans, Ping Pang Sets, Chvistmius Boakos, “Ard, Ink Stands Faney Perfumes. pve AY 's 15 the Best Candy f as well as any We have it H Ly nin Yo penguins other time. freshly ev ery Tt ke. P wanted of io RE PLE a “py pb HS 254 be 32 redjuesisg, { aunNs PHARMACY, Magee Ave., Patton, Pa. A GOOD MOVEMENT H&E W at ch is to be de- sired th han a haodsome case, hut when hath caz be had for a moderate why, get rE Res - bath. SLY YRUA We can sell you a Watch m WAYCH which heanty of exterior and ATA RELIA ABLE PLAGE uracy of movement are BE ON TIME com ¢ an ned, but oh we cost of which iS guite reasonable. We have such a number and variety of Th iniepieces that it possible to deseribe them. Buy here and be on time. nlisre Sa % Fi 0. wl a B In 1p bed ik Holiday Goods Coming Every Day. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES, Fires tombe by the celebrated © Beticosoopie Tost” and plusses correctly fitted, Lenses changed, free of charge, at any Sime in spectachs sold by me RE oH 38 Feed BVP J. CC. SNYDER, Patton, Pa. i EARS a ge yy of Ey Boat x SETI Y BITE LAT ial,