The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 28, 1902, Image 7
as dt as sit is. Mim Margaret Proscneliv, n Webater Fe, Brookiym, K. ¥, weites: : ’ “Perna was recommended to me abomt seein” 1h ground where they tre | § SC a a 1 ror ee for catursh, = 4h wioeh | Sat J is “prstained and free” Seth ; wat » | AB JEN Es i par | toi a yipht iy wi + We 4 A ; Fad goves me seria Tron in n few montie Bigeld x hig : an — a # : j before 1 took Peruse In twos wesis my : } heey risk » Bowling oi ; RF rd cleared up, - star iE 5 i ataia airy We get 8 wooden ball, for instance, £ EER “Of EN “LE Bacher, and in = fib pkigpie retired bowling hell, 2nd grew small BAN 5 odadl i} weil,” Margaret Dosasliy. Cosi i, or, in Tare of wig his shows | “ism <3 be, face; pean “a lady far: i “ianial us pu “an cath of tut | Jezmine, 3 nat an uncommon thing to hast | eg has : : ; jroctly 1t is known that heir | " F ce 1 jsft. The reason for this i» The Monitor. AE A / : November Colds Shauld Not Be AL DE . tom | ii || lowed to Develop Into Chronic alike down to the kitchen after As Crows ud a Bear alr fh wed to veveiop into Uhronig E is ; ; *For're 8g cross as a bear!” said Poesy i : rs ; Catarrh, to Billy. : pee AAT i Uncle Jim whistled. “Bears aren't] 2 . ay : Sali eross to members of thelr oon family | 5 : 2/1 Pe-ru-na Cures a Cold Promptiy and he sald, “Now, 1 knew a bear] gdp. = ‘lal 7 ’ AN Permanently, | omoe—" ar JA fo rire f Bess and Billy ran to him end} A700 3 b.. ae | am gad to recommend Perona, an 8 | Telimbed up on bis lap. - ih, ei han : hoe Some * a fer tie. 2 Jud hen 5 © “Did you really ever know a bent? | G07 4 Na J 2 ending ar E14 ' eried Billy, with wide open eves Ll Rg to 3 th kat 3% has hod “Well, not jatimately.” sald Tncle A rt , aba Sa by | rim “bet 1 used to go hunting then JH YTS / faa wr a it 1a 1 3 mond : eifla for catarrhal affect that when 1 was up In Canada, and one Gay : 7 : or. 191 ih we - ir £ Fn ever pen, Thx when T found myself with a bad case g | I was out with a bunting party snd we | J : §/ - : a nh bb a } i ’ Pe at i of caiarrk of the head and thront saw right straight in front of us| a 3 ZZ ~ Lo | Und, be i | the = = ds en tes cured of we dwt rong sti exaspersting a | Peruns was the first thing that I what do you suppose” 1 r 4 pero of |} tenon 180 duty of | ihowglil 67, And my convictions were not “A resi bear?” gasped the children opposite { Pera ra Be one re eal te * atten rong, lor ia a lew weeks after any Ya {1n concert. : points, We ® soepend the ball from the is aba ta v5 ff a aa hy Thr io cure. ou ad "Yes, a real mother bear and her 10. | ceiling by a thin string or cord and Ue | aia. Afar wed rtnin of Bix rire | ini 4 Beware of Conn Imitations ot Pe. we isew how efeiemt Perane EE : ; } . : < “i Soupe enn ly + friend nd the | cpges-Be Sure That ¥ et | AY thas Lr Bie : i MISSING ANIMALS PUZZLE. |waimaiisiieniioes i 2 Ny RETR FREE A Ail the adres itsraents n the srl : : SE ; : ty conld not make Prruna as popular RE . —— ———— sittin Prrana cures That is the i i ny ; ~ gl reason prapie ithe (f Perune cures ch mae tory sentiite 6 very stubborn disease. That ts why wap imitations. Dewars of them. Pe 8% ones to : rs | gerd everyone retsmmends 6. Peruna | o hat you get Poruna. mend ol your ; or y- oof MS r ER i : : x0 56 Jennie gs ; #05 Potasm ave, im I iin maser is in the | : 4 Rd iho get a) NL euvres chrovle saltarrk iter al Lp a, N ¥ an 4 Big a servant's pay for : fat) ; oat | < “at “I - pemadies fa], wl exp od *Be | nig Biss 1 aime af ® “eruna | A fe AAA EI made on the bottom fo BER LS Ba 5 QUEER PEOGPLE. ! Sierra Save 1 % > be 8 British eT : 0 fF |] ibis ag #ation and RX is fatended pera Lolcs Have Custom Entirely Differ. nantly to stineh Land a drals- ent from Chinese, : pe ib Ht The fortes at Sierra Loone Ey time past bern strengtd- | ; { : %] 1 { : | 21 | yp} 8 | } ¥ i ¥ 4 i titling of tha Todom of Clilnnue : : oo \ aE oe : ; Fh %y vol slp Horm pion Beware of Distwments For Caimrel Yieas fo: i Fis 3 & " CR po ; a fe : ; A y er a A oR €ontntn 9 ere . he iid | n a arions con FRU Lh AP ll . i Lh, over ; BAY ut « hazarded to account for FRY re aT Lr 4 LERE I Larown. wh ; from | ae mersmry will sumely Jentons the sees ol slecutive, hut i is RR at oH Iv I oi oF Af RECK $0 100 KNAE, Ah WE Gael OF | and So. Rhu % ; 3 3 4 3 » oy : 4 1 = g % #3 : BI, when ends SE Be wR than SCN gr : i] . ] 3 : ; & bah a ad Es Er tres Sue ariisloms § ovwr Dw sand sportsmen and by drought aE" oN | 17m} : iit BA . TIRE. CARL. Sh A pressriptiine from msatable pb re, leopards, wolves and ad ; - ; 3 jab As = erabe ally Weal su | meluna, as the damage they will do is tan fod 3 ed tronmerx, ton, One peculiar b Lo sossiitay derive tha manner of dressing the hair | them. Hall's Catered gens ef Sans roa ausae fo the way 9 F J Cheney & Co Tolads aps ot X shoe £¥himy 2 Fos Lots ai Ra MATOLY, and is takes: inte al {he sete, In 1 ba rare 1a gu £ $a gre le son. The door sis ted afte th and the wmother Dear hogsn 10 res, i but the Hitle baby sin conlidn’l Tun B81 ho fast 5p she did, and the dogs wWete grin. i give Ing on him, so wnt do you SRP far BE oti TL ARES IE = we a ess fos sehind? Ro, sirceee; fan hoe piel thin weaker ford. Xow Yark Tribune, 5. rth Lar Erin fers Sa re, Temas ie | Jord me fl, 163.5% | 12 he ernaris © vig tron ff a a IS BAAN baby Twar op £51 her Stout Yliakin a 07 i Sapa Hho 3 Chen hsm in ¢ 4 ; i 5 i ; z £4 pact: ig i oe fn ow of. and Aeripad LE pesed him way shea then she ron! Modeling & Toy Wheelbarrow, pn ea A Y een ge % = ? wa A A Pstant Ge? Faved fas Cit Go. Sue : “iy oh A 1o¥ wieaibarrow sy be on ! send ool : Air soa oe TREE amd lo fo 0 3 : Jit, Nar. fonsaran, Fam yokes akt and canght uo to on and gavel 4 in x ; RAR IO a #3 Why Bag oh Fo >. : BE ME PM ane] {The prnuine have W fim another boast toe t hn fiy ing EY lo ‘With very lute thou! . wel wilh 1.040.556 tons in 1a | BUEIRI. SARIS NUREE TH aa ie mt, 2 BEA through the air, She Lent this up por and lower parts of the whee i oe mo——— ! Aetelep ie - a w x ars oe BROCKTON, MASS. mile and a hall, then she was tao iad aw Hu Te to be formed em Sega A SURPRISED PHYSICIAN, | this Bande or spon Lhe koitle, except green to go any further and the dogs wir 1 & Tirtag Patten Recavars Through tha 00 POI, msm Tou ded her, Then she sat up on her Isterposition of a Hamble German, ar aE pm pix & oe ded A oi x 3 ale Lv ng iY oy § ; mi ai i : ; irs paws and fought the doas SR off with ez . Prr=. or Home weeks ago Dr Goo vers sepa | ido sot baitevs Piss Cues for © Sma fore Laws. Ard bow she d Hd rear? ] ; tale and widely knows physcan ving ou 318 han a SqBu X fae SOUR a amdl esd Ce : : ; 3 i : Bess shuddered : Se aad fr ud Bi 1 will be ust sone years ol FER HOTT, et streel, waa daied to sitend a very HRA Apr, and ail wy Bad bee Fe : LT 4 3 3 Poy or Mego Ee Ww YY. Sih § 5 2 %. % TA ¥ & Has ES Laie 3 * na J You eoul? hear her less 2 Siha iw cotapudated case of rheumalion. Upon Procrastination aa word that “RET sufferer from Syvspepun and ladiges nover forgot Lor baby; Reg guarding = 1 srivag a% the house be found a man abew % Wa, Linn Ee Hien, te. * 1 wan uy noni the fiae Vi the moiler J TAY years of age ; : eit = eh kaby Whine’ en heed fa oh = he Cy Phot tographing the Alps. : WAR Bot The BBY Cub SO a he eddie gaia Among the mow daring {eats ats SE me eS refit. deed body and tried fo figst off the LR gE FRA Rodste eipnted by modern photographers are fa tl POYEEEIAN told we is ry Fe cans dogs with his Nitle baby paws. That's eas. He prescr: the patizat, bul those performed by the same 3 E3gaT Poni In Be 2ad § it ee en the way the bodes stand Ly * neh orien vod dive oo : STR DEA Towle mother got a bottle of Lydia Rometimes I think thes salt of high : ; . vis Gre faith in them £3 ’s Yegeotable £ ; Better t than Lira hers 4 TE La ; WEY Seki § ELAS i fon Roe Fo EE in 5 fo 8 : : no i he & iY tx % medicine when § began for me, and it reemed to ot wlignt Le lOuE an dg & 23 waske ca Yuga n ¥ ; 6 phe wpm AAA LAS ART CRE TRG ye § Fe CARNE % AE Wi I MRF any E Pe iS, wit are rou CEFR aan 4 T : ty TER ee ? i A i 3 Ey : § ge Pe & 4 her my back and help me nt . . ceivi Hihae Camel and vind pot le Ro : cue tad 0% ed oe eld r within a die gw and did not get Bo tired as £UesEs 1 won: fet} Fou Any IA bs " Pe aaa Ea Bot Ba W ord 4 | : : tote RTE ie Pei TNE STR xa 1s SR great lieve I Rens take 1 continued to take Hy and it stories If that is the way BH ukes Feu | AF Wilh extreme dilbondy Sha ABe Pela coe vate tv Gp I steiking looking | 78 them aad sentinsed 5 improve, 1 feel Lat Rul be turned 3 bel. Gath hha ET be . CL oy . HOt hike 4 mew ow ard my Dep REL. WHEELVAREOW DIAGRAM at thrid ur Sats vakva ; is a a A a TT 3 and friondy saw 3 greal change “Bille.” sabh ed Bess, UronTe 8% SU I een ~ : shia uibiasd sling OWES rpg The ret OF Lh DAFTY CE0R0eR 10 | he th or in uy beadth, hay has done me. Mss al id pees Bit : ; : ro ag good a8 a en 42nd st, & Wales Ave, RR Fi ni Kix ee this man eoniinesd to grow wor dunday ew Toa Be waa found to be is opi miL of iB sh : amity tan Be REESE : cL Crimea in. eli Ye vin & Pe sdanted 1p Lees 18 fovea tar Sin ae uric Soi per Cir BA essay Tun Prvaleny metne § Then They = arhed fagetuel Pha TR Le ps BROT Rov Ly BR rT FA, # RAR 3 ikon hatte LR ELE Eh UE 4 2 Reta Soin. sary sdomon. To forg at what tiwey had Hees oioss abou, | be O08 BRL ciple fo: “hd a 37 : “1H 3 v5 > : 3 3 o %: : 4 : i SoBe § SESE Tr oa ven —Xew York ” Teer 1 hen! wm (AY bave © 8 peg of wood : hi ® CC : aE - bon ALA TT RG] y ] ; el ys Whrsbigieih § Binion ono eR Una 3 0 BErve pry: i Fags ; sf 5 Kg 1 mare of b Rais Ww (eH prope : a and b- . £ Tira That Cannot Fly. who knows of a bird that ecanput sol oy? Castls ot he Soames, Eten a tame goose can fly, thongh) There appears ia the Loodon Tinies the faz i : 6 5 4 Fd ier oid y § boty Fyvilrey ov® wr Bor a , 3 $ very » awkwardiy. But I know of one, ? letier, jointly signed by the Dinke of | to try bis remedy, aad sovordong 7 brought | came en the © the auk, who capnot fiy at all, = (Argyll and A, J. H. Campbell, of Duns} farth a bottle of 31 Jacecy til The poor | viaced that those above could not have staffnags, recomnending the progervas § wife pope fk are too short, and tbe a Ts a | his wings wer tion of Dunstafnage Castle. The Jet | eation eared the julien vey mach; after a | 10 such a wind Howwvir, the painind | i n havdiy wall Ih dangling was soon over Gnd a simple * £8 ar 5, we % > x -, FE La ¥ EA pg Bd ha Ad ae far back : ae tnt and feud | 10 Reotsmen to sca that thelr old Castle | of wonders, the pain vanabed entirely! | 7 am ble up ine Broken RCE ted 104 How then, Goes Le zet WI of Duneiafinage. where tie coronation | Every subsequent application improved the | TSPAcious revess Calih would accom. | pine yoars ago explained thas “ail their ; ain. Lie Ndetowe le the hidta i ee Ror aki eg ak ep ets j 3 fall énto ruin. 18 history is the history | eat. When the doctor called & faw days | iy thousand is the record number a! : b= NEA Fd rewes produced by ans treason & time ; re good oars, MBG rn mn sn Sina bio disame a a | % : ; : ¥ 2 broad webbed fect a fallen, Whe rool is gol Tred el This was in Helland on Madame Reg 4 i “8 i ¥ wi iy 4 porirai were paced on sie in the 2 hey get over the ground by swim. year's rain ond frost do of or ¢ yew | bY, England, has bal 3000 Slovs on car's Dar. it at the same time thes reeds ae first apps. | sulietent Bold to masipulare the rope | Be a ter gays: “Th time has cote to appeal | few hours they Cwcd 11 wgain, sad, wonder ¥! hie food? An old Irishman sailor stone wos kept for centuries, docs not] patieat, and in two days ke was well and { musinte the fam: walkin' was done by swimmin®.” Their , enely Kings Ona hE Ben ie tent virpeed ieir short wings are useful paddies. vhleh was lia ded 63 ta IXY. Kael Thirty million stamps bearmg King Fd. pews and. A Marechal Niel at Whit iy’ Which 1s the best way for Thun |, age to the walls.” Pstatiee throughout England on New HA AH