\ ble a lamh ed to e enaghter— ~ Has he the Jeast excuse r lnughter? bh, 8 1 it his lo anghter, a Leresughier! : Jed py tis battla f ) » mining, when you What portion of the ore “ EX briten 3 ead i Jead? 3 Sp om ow ot Fee said no lesen Pours ton wee ful make your ie hours; In fact, the subject only bourse This wondrous spelling ness of ours! : sltimore News. halt “suibly 1s she gathered tiently, to throw for doubt Cecil's Joyalty. the worst, yet eters arnt Perhaps, after all, Cech ge. If I econld only understand guage! "But he never speaks French, Courage, Nitette! ard tells your story. Is it a dark gil who is loved | open ~ SG door. and, with serving the erouching figure of to began to whistle 8 merry alr. can Jou whistle when I am Sn have no eyes for me. You Fi Te seen another it she had ther would not have kept %o perhaps—-und tears, too! Now ¢ tiresome, when 1 have bad turn of good luck. Listen, 234 diy your tears. My pic he great vue, "The Dawn? biteds Then if Juck Coren sure to happen, wo can | | drew Kinette to him In afer eL race, too elated with bis Paterrupted the uopleasant rev. } with, “Nioette, do you know I we my Jove for you has made me tter painter! Monsieur de Thales Is morning and said the and soul of ‘The Dawg’ we re houncement that Jove for her aided him ia putting varmih and to the eyes of another woman } very comforting to Niueite, dashed out of the studio, and pracit in her own little ehaniber, h was on the ground floor. ie ttle vixen™ laughed Cecfl “1 old Gretha gave ber a bad this morping. Bhe did not pearly pleased with the possi. of our being goon—Ah, Julia! 1 | you have come. The pleture arly finished—and such good news! Thales was here this morning, and hted. Why do yon look at are Fou afrald of ghosis fol- ng 0, Ceell, but do you know 1 have ng $ feeling of fear somieiimes - Bhe heared at me 4 yes Jooked Jike those ot ress. Cecil, that girl is dangerous ope she fst too fond. of You; you ® 1 that excelent ud pe emotlon—"ialwags supple nother woman's love Well 1 ¢ yeu one thing. Juda, N Visetie ® Jove dangerous than her Ieate, oad 1 should not like {o trifle with But I. who so thorongtiy un- lerstand Ninette, shall take cove hs nt Bo danger atiends her love for me” Ninette had crept froin her chamber was Hstening #t the keyhole of ti studio with hot breati and apgry eyes, ow tender his volee! Almost the nglish word that Nineties knew as “dear,” and she heard him apply Rh ey Julla—the falr-haired. She feit je ald barst with jealous passion, At this moment she beard familiar ices on the steps and several com: rades siood before her. jood morning, Nina™ exclaimed oremost on beholding the model, srhom all knew to be a favorite with Cecll, nnd locking his arm familiarly ‘hers they entered the studio, fol- wed by the others. of 8 all orpe--just heard of your Boyt Give us a shake of the the world to vecopnize old Let's have a holiday now in ud amiled much hos bard. 1 It will do you good | gentismen; | eves, and Julla involuntarily shuddered loving him.” La Vie" io the Eden of both, Cecil the morrow. [last siraw, row, H ing beyon | Before” fom morning, good-by, Cecil=~Ninette!” The last was an exclamation, not a greeting. Kinette was glaring from her dark as she lifted her rich silken gown and swept down the stare. “Oh, If { knew bow to speak French I would let that Hitle French demon know she must pot stare at me so in- solently, Poor Nipeite! 1 hope her 1 love for Cecil will not interfere with his work, but 1 am the last person in the world who ought to Llane her for Careless and free ss are only the pleasure Joving Baglish artists who al ternate the siudy of art with that of Thorne and his companions made the cafes in the Latin Quarter of Paris riug with their merriment until a late hour, when Cecil returned to his lodg- ing, Intoxicated with the thought of He spent a halt hour or $6 in bis studio, aud after making a few final arrangements started for bis attie bedroom. As be passed the door of Nipetla's apartments be wondered if she slept. Then, st a sudden recol lection of his hopes, and all they meant 10 him, he broke into a merry whistle, and mounted Jight heartedly to his own door. His burst of merriinent was the “To-morrow,” she thought, “1 will not forget that I have helped you to put warmth and soul inio her eyes! You think you shall find fae 1o-mor- and thal the falrhigired. wold. hearted Eociiah elrl will belp you to rejolce; bul voor do not know Nipstte™ Springiog from ber conch she felt for mintehen, but could find pepe, UNo matter.” she sald “1 know the eased well Have 1 met watched hin nd ing over It me though he loves] the cagyas Half? Ines! you should have exhibited Nipetie™ Nolstlemdy, vin Motively, nhe gropad her way alveg the dark passare info the studio. Not even a maonbenny (6 assist her fet over the cold stance floor. “Ha the easel!” ghie gave a te ery of pain 6s her tender fool eame suis! with the sharp edge. Thon, a wei brush, with deliridus ¢ ale dressy fb again aud sgain § the pleture, Lmear | secannition «vey earoaer of the canvas, “There!” she sold, nx she threw down the brush snd started fo leave the stills, “There! Mademols elle Yellow Hair-T Bate goblet halr- af least, 1 should hate 4 3 Cell bad not golden hale” The thongiht of Cecil's falr halr, which she had fo often covermd with ardent Kisses, recalled her to 8 1oment af sudden reprosch. What bad slic done? Ble who pretended to love Ceell had dextroved the result of a whale half year's toll apd bis bope of fortune, aud perhaps-yer, that pellsh “nerbape” wwint aver her with over: whelming foros, and the Httle orimtual crept Lack to Ter 6 naraber, threw her sell upon her couch, swl here re mained til her sesiioss slumber was disturbed by the sound of Caell's tout slepm entering the siuain, © Bhe sweks with a start, He wag wilking toward the easel, She dared not go to him: she would wait ti the first outburst of his passion bad passasd For a long ile there was silwolite gence In the studio, At last, wanble iotger to bear tha suspense, sls ime aly opened the siodie door and looked iv CAN trace of the defiant lnsolenee which made ber so bewitehin had vanished, and she nausid submissively, sacaiting the volley repro which xhy foil shu to desereil, Toe Se this, Cell srrsiied at Iachiolding fier a and ai Avaneed to met her, a t baif an Ah and gop wi done? Ni, Epes apn wi nr By 54} rhe thers yon are, Rin ehorbs, St ostnne villnipens hand ne Aivwe red Ni etd £7, atinping Lils sadry. 21 noi Oh Cestl ve mad wird wt ig ~ Seslonsy. 0 ih ar you an uot belleve that 1 love devotedly" c8top! Yon enlled her ‘dear. Croll answer me this—do vou love the fair Julia wito sits for “The Dawn® “Love her-of course I do-—hut not a8 1 love you” There, vou confess! share your love with her. 1 wag sorry I did it, but paw I am glad glad’ You would be famous with her por trait and she would be gind with vou, 18 it not so¥-you dare not deny [1 “Why, Nineite, how straegely yon talk! Wonld she not be an wnnatural woman not to be giad of her brother's SUCCesR “Prother” almost shrieked Ninettoo “Brother? RBhe Is your sister, Ceelll” “My dear child, do you mann to tell me you have not known that?! “Why have you pever teld me that rE Vit yr yong vou fowdive I will not “Why. Ninette, I never dreamed that knows it, and you bave sever of this before” And now—oh, Ceell! Cecil! the pleture «thn viilainong band-—" “Oh, yes! to be gure; 1 nearly forgot the picture with your wild talk. 1 fay, Nineite, what a good thing "The Dawn’ bad hon removed from the exsell” Hinette burst into a lond laugh “Hemoved? Say It again, Cecil! TY was removed, snd II was net her pies { ture that 1—— Oh, what would you have done?’ Then the painter realized for the first tire what she had intended to do. spokes “Xn. 1 conid pot bear to speak of her, and 1 heard nothing of your talk 1 do pot undersiand your English talk. lu kK ond © ® A hen the Rifts Failed to Work. Y HE tellers of tales of bear hunts and the strenucis deeds whic 1 often scoompany them will be forced to bow and re tire racetally before Herman Wee deni, & neweormer to New York. “When I was a younger man than 1} am today.” Mr. Weedon sald recently, “my chief delight was in bunting, and | thy thia I do not mean the so-calied “You little vixen!” he said seriously hunting In which some people hiduige, “did you do it. and Ald you mean to ‘gach s= Iving io a rooway and shoots spoil “The Dawn? Ah, black indeed would have been the dawn for me, my title madcap! IT eame fo late last night and packed up "The Dawn’ to wm) away, and eet ears! the Inst thing before leaving the studio. Al, Nipette, you sre really too bad!” But she was not listening. how to make hor New York News, The Beginning of Ostrich Farmae. Fifty years ago the domestication of the estrich was an idea scoutad by most of the zoologista who had given peace with him time and thought to the subject. Their young, it was believed, could not be The raised fo a state of captivity. great demand for ostrich feathers was then mer by hunting std killing wild birds, and there were indications that the species would secon become exiting, Bat, In the early sixiies a French grientisgt named Goss jsynsd a pasph jot in which be argued that the donee. jo and Cwhic tiecation of the oxtrivh was feasih practicable, and not long afterward a brand of ostriches was roared In the Gosse's pamphlet and | city of Algiers. news of the experivent In Algiers be. came familiar to twas farmers in Cape Colony, who determined to pnderiake the domestication of ostriches in South Africa, Beginning with two birds, which they canght and piseed in an Ins closure, 10 a twelvemonth they had & | brood of eighty, which marked ths birth of a new Indusiyy which bas | played a potential part in the develop. tarnt and commerce of a vast region, Tarpe tracts of land to South Afries, which could not be profitalily used for any other purposes, ars now devoted to thiz business apd feathers to the vane of $0.000000, from neatly 400000 do. mestieated birds, are now apnaslly | sent abroad from Cape Colony 880 Cat Leaps Four Stories, A ral named Troubles, possogsed by Francis Rane, a political worker in the Eighth Ward, bas frionda, ng on the windew sil of 1he fonrin floor of served Kaye on the =idewalk below, Panving faint Tmeow" Jes, and made the awlel : Bomereault after The bard asphalt pavenwnt was 104 nstich for the Kitten's feet, and its right forelog was broken at the knee, When Kane noticed what bad happened to Lids pet be vouldu't conceive that the horriadiy mscended the stairs {oo neser tain if any of eros] anough 1o thiow the cay out of the window. Upon learuiog that the eat had made the Jump he carefully gouveyed 1t to the Jefferson Hospital where the feilnes had its broken limb put fa eplinis, been carefully narsed snd foodled Philadelplia Telegraph, A Raby Hira Yen Feet From Tip to Tip. George LL. Billwell, who has fos returned from a 1p to Sania Barbar County, youn: bird of the giant condor fami the Inrgest spocten of birds in einency The bird was eaptured after a most toriilipg aud dangerous exswTience. lofty crag and engaged with the mother Bled. Thay gh fifteen fot from f its wings, aud uv rien i Lirulsges, The : Hever nal yet slraayg enoug weight of ts body, Wyse feet from tip to tp and fa dvs L4¢ el it Ry Havity i . in a rent tip to snllered Vind 8 sad Lens cri baw FAR FF iw Bove bs « in Banta Bs Deo hears ER dat ia Between i Hake AX $3 XY Xa io 3 mR PF CAS0IR Np i An Expert Tutks on yl alan i Walz Bre’ iia Silica TE amy 1 3. AB Bak ~The i 3 book ou {ities of wa ! plete & aE ctapey in the ing a ip” says Going “aud should avold approaching a guest i he sera him in the act of drawing vhange from bis pocket. A walter should never pose as an oblect of wily with a view to securing a tip. If he deserves a tip, he should let the guest Teel within Mmself that he deserves it Should a walter receive a tip previous to waltiog on the guest, be shold leave ft Iying on the table sad then do his level best to earn iL. A waller should never make any demonstration of grat ftude when receiving a tip beyond a polite acknowledgment.” New York World. snatter of rd Cheap Ships. The United Kingdom builds her war vessels both pore cheaply sod mare rapidly than any olber country in the world, according to the Scotiish Aweti you aid not keow It. Every one else; Vile : frug dawn : Custom { the grizely bear, and many a time 1} his head on the She knew | ¢ § had intended ronnie raion, hades pumerces One morning Troubles was its bores when $f ob its maxtor, the feline uttered a thing to do poder t sorsersanit 1 terned noiil bods aided an terra firoan, | BEE wiley threa oF ent had msde the frightfal lesp. He i had our cane ifs servants had been Binre then the ent han bie heard t has brought back with Bim P Yanenty Stillwell snd a companion scaled no Lattin i bird! § 8 $ : ha learned to Oy, smd its wings ane | th | ted | stoping | Bat and § bs Chron. fo agai n an noffensive sinall deer, “Revers yonrs ago Ht was toy annul ta go to the Rockies fo hunt have been in quarters so close that 1 never expected to extape with my jife Rame people think it takes nerve for A man to enter gq cage Blled with sani mals that have possibly for some time been sublscted to the more or Jess refining influence of association with buman beings, bat this ls mers child's play eowpared to the attacking of a grizgly who knows nothing of refine. ment and who will pot pause to dis. cuss thie subject, or who has no re gard Tor the ardinary rajes and usages of polite gaclely, an sninial of this description, and had his life and etrength lasted one second anger than it did 1 probably would not Le here tow 5 tell the fale Ja the ald story of & Bunter why is over eanfident sd Who grows caress. 1 was with a perty of friends in the White. River couniry of Colorads, Hoevery Lunter Knows Iss ver table paradise for onic who seeks Hig | gare. 1 had been ont doring all the day with bat lithe lurk, Bnd was res warning to the camp tired and loots sore. When I arrived within a han dred! yards of the piace [| was making ny tesnporarcy home I sinldenly almost ran Into 8 Jarge grizsly who was nosing arsind thar nelghloriead, probably atiracied by the odor of the cooking In the camp. “Perhaps 1 was overconfident apd onrsless, or perhaps the reason was that 1 cams seross the hrate so sud denly that 1 was a bit furried. How ever that may be, my wink wan badd, and {hs hulled went wile nf the mack Atiaal in the henr rt fhe ceeded cply In edging in foreshonlders, breaking he infuriating 1h wmonate? Bailie one of oot and Lerand Inman Furious and alosoat biinded with rage snd pals, the animal rose and charged toward me. I. was prepared for this, Bowers, and thovw down the lever of ny rifle In order to throw In a fresh cartel Ts my barcor, the far eles faded to work For s second # looked tha ; old be an easy vietim of 1 a beast. Thern wan but Rd w RE bie ren sianees, aud that was to dodge ths brite and | Fran for my iife as from my eile, © had nothing bot a it ng knife which would have besa of absolutely ct RRRInAt Ww griviiy Dear. “1 do not think It took mars thas four acroagae at this euleide for ma to reach the cfaries wheee we Theres Yas ove an in the camp ie however, was ot 2 huntsaman, but a8 young artist whe Bad rome with ux for the p we of shatehl Ing scenery in that vicinity, Severs) times we had Hitempnte +3 to indunee Bw to foln ue but In vals. He always sald that camp and skeleh, that Be had po de sire to Kill anything, and 44d not know He BRL how to use a gun snyhow “Ir ehapesd this young man was In the camp and siarted towaed me When the shot fires] He pleked np the gun af the thme. tithough be alter ward fald wie he dd gal wrorntod los to de an TF foe Grd fhe bean I saw AE wand yelled moh to shoe Bot tym Ii but to take 0 Sian ps eaw would be Bnipas fh oa weapon po the The fact mir advice tery fe wa wr fi Lewy har wy Is ald Lt cris : § x eredlis £1? bases i du iargest mon ” Struck hy a Watsrapont. CAN Norte spond Close TERgS, Riven Monthly Wenther Review! }t reoent road Fermuson, of 3 Hastia, to nv foto a weil-farm ter-snout while Caps So bende 3 nr the TE wih oF Hatt orgs sponte in process of formmlion or four hundred yards the ward, Captain Ferguson inuanediatele eudcavored to chanse his enaugh to svold a collision, but was susuccessful, Finding that this was | thre £2 © © Adventure. Inetead of striking the | his ; of Charles Qal bie preferred fo satay in the § PREP nt Tans, asd, 2 Dard hat the Youngs man fohow ok i i the dar { whale away. Campbell was de fed, dereription of a water HE ened to his ald was the! gd fortune of Captain Ferns 2 steamshiin | | ployed in LC When fing oliserend there were several! watch the . ot nomenon until the spout fied to eover. A deafening rear was quickly followed Ly strong gusts and Ia sudden shook ns the spout siruck Camideline and passed over the deck ing on deck two tarpanline which had povered the hiatehos as well as a plank | eight fest Tong and ten inches wide, { were seen high In the ir, a= was also a patent log. showing the presence of a very powerful apward ection, Very Jittle water was shipped, which seemed to indicate that the lower section of the waterspout was made np chiefly of spray held in shape by the powerful vortex motion, although the character fetie whirling mofion was not noted, When first seen the waterspont was jpeomplele, A portion of cloud dipped down (rots the general cloud level of alout 2000 foot, while at the sim time & cohunn of wilsr was apparently rising from the ocean surface jus below, At an elevation of hetween 2000 and 300 feet the ascending water column and the descending cloud col- ama met. The dikmeter of the spout was between forty and fifty feet when it struck the veusél Within the ecb umn there “was 8 dark cores, aimost black, with a diameter of two fost” An examination of the weather map 1 been moving eastwardly and would | have crossed the path of the Hestin, Si —_ Cinng to Ledges Over Abves, Asybreak a few days ago for the Rax Alp, Intending to climb over fhe “Out's the worst of ali paths to the peak. They Jost thelr way and the two best climbers Jeft the third, named Grudier, in 8 spot whers he coud nBelther get rooit enouith for his fent and & seragyy pine to hold on by. While he was waiting for & signal apd were Insbed together, be muidenly heard & noise above him, and, Jeoking np, saw his two friends fying over a precipice head foremost, He grasped the tree tightly, and the next moment hiz hat waz kicked off by etie of the falling roen, who disappeared in an ghivrs O00 feet deep His cries for help were answered afl tar many hours of sgony. Those Whe leaned over thes provipies conld not see hima, and they shented to Baw to tle it sround his waist, Thouith the ope was 250 feet long it did not readh him. Darkness esme on and ihe expedition bad te velurn Botre i Bt would reach the valiey in safely. The hnely man win wid te keep Beart vniil daybreak, when revo ners wonid relurn. The nest dav al 5 5 51. they were otf | an the spot again, And & naster glasier trom Vicar: cone Bcber, lowered bin seit 30 feet to where Gribler had po sf and sumied that le seeinnd more dead than alive. The tes, firialy tied together, were Snally drawa up the precipior Grubler's companinse wire afer ward found at the bottom of the abyss, every bane in their (bodies broken, their clothe, sven to thelr Lioots, torn off by the rocks New York World, A Swine Yor Life. Bow Quick, sisinen years old, son a of Matsmors govons the Dv lawesre River from Por Jervie had a ihnildag experience river ty rensiderably swollen feo gd among the matior dows was an eel rack syainst the maddie pler that drifted that lodged of the Bridae, he iad ord and a8 bdw boat 1 tn rerover the rack, pares] the per 18 cap sige In the Bhd waters, and com. ed Bim to grasp an Iron anchorage any the abl ments While n tiie pote ivy gil then Ahrew Bin sank with big weight wel fo AWLEY to 1% 4 ae eal yards down stream. He cong toy thre bn ottom wf the boat over perilous ft suerent foreed It neat fe and a gare hwlow the 14 Por feat ang ami # 38 oily pnt the atid, A Plahotman® * ¥ bar be w FIN » Whale, i a ey roo get in sl BY hed Bim. Bus Rony roa ? y wi Footy 1 4 Cn BRIE WRT RE WR ade goead se sniysier o sat, man smi veachod over w mingles sli Mr Campbell yan oar and for a few in keepine the i Toaedomd as though a small boa in sight and its eocupants ootics ing the man's eR position, hast The whale thea dis ~Toreato Globey is Ty Chemist im Germany. The tiumber of trained chemists ame fierman (actovies In 1855 It has pow 4500, bealdos an sivorseiosd BY day 5 OEY ae appeared, aux 170 Pothier 1000 employed abroad. Nine big wigld- | dye works have from iwenty to 105 i chemists apiece, eoUrse | Sh Si rl A a The uasuccessful man is generally the most lavish with advice. was close to the ship. when he sleo of the day of occurrence showed that {a centre of barometric depression had L® #1 Have on ov arm the soars loft hyo thus accounting for the rare forms. | + tion. It Three young men of Viennn joft At Pail” to the “Devil's Own Batbroom,” ; forward nor turn back. He eonld Jost | from his friends, who bad the rope! lowered 8 rope and | ie salied RKimerl! to hia tree, bat so cold | = nat i Fe " Le tr Wan: reed baat, Why Smee Biossoms ossoms Oper : Others in the Day. There are many Interesting in Bntare. that Wa can fully 8 : in {he direction of the storm. On com: i He it on the dower and th prot vosels down tuto it ror a fi : legs and feet polien gc frou othe ir Sowers. Without this po There are certain flowers that at a cortatn fhe of the day, and othe #75 tht open only af 3 night Now this Hikation and they open when those particniar insects are on the wing. ; Flowers somastimes act as if they werp endowed with human intelligemes. Ct 8 spray of lame] from outside and put it fato water fn your house Now you will And thet the Sowers will last lenirer in the house than those on the wees Almost Ineradinis, hot | i tree, that these flowers last because they I sre waiting for the visite of the ineecls ory wideh they depend for fertilization, fad from whied fey have Leen Sep a by your bringing them inte the Soros fropieal orchids las! jonper In aur Bathonses than They do 1a thelr antiral state for me reas --they are walling for natural fertilisation. CS AE WISE WORDS, En They f4lK most win bave he Jeast to say. «rior, Great talkers are Bot great doers Frineh proverh Without consistency there is no more gtrngth Owen, it is better to wear ont than ts rust out. Cumberland. Nothing is so bard but search wn Brad it out--Herrick. The worth of a thing is what if - bring. Poriuguess proverb Sloth makes all things Sifenit wt wiry all things ens. Frangide. Friendship has a power to soothe - Siction in ber darkest bour.~H. Kirk Beauly Is the first present sature | gives to women and tie first n fakes wi Ayo Mere. Fhe ermal Gdelitien of Nile semuvilaty: to; sreat changes, unit] af last the faith. ful ean $3 born again Lawrence Pr. i Jacks | $ince we are sot Neve so fast in the a | milder of duty that we cianot escape if wo would, we mune fal a way, even if we eannot find beagty in daty, to bring beasty out of it~ Heary Wilder Foote. a Beaatifal Is the good man's regard tor all otber wemiors of the great human family, when pothing that is haman Is allen to hie heart, when the sizhe of the weak. tie ignorant, and ths poor reminds him that we are al} of ane primal nature, and that the law of Kindness is the supreais Jaw for man ~-Nichalax PP. Gillian, - Precisely ss Adveytised.™ Racn aller oie of the lirgest Amen bers pailways had been epened a rave cher natlend a ash wi disregard for winetnality on th tof the oliviale, bur Re was terested | in the conniry ul ade po complatat Af Ins fhe tere baa was resched. Thire he wef La bepming oficial of company, Sus, moiiEg oa said. the iy, his wach, “ued heel gl ses wWihal time Jou. make i will vou, please? said the “IE avanis tan Seguin 7 eoveler. g Witle pasaled, ; -¥ ir. 1250 exad ey? And that's the hear she's thas] ro arrive! How's thogt tr ar prompiaese] Cresaing the con tHaspt almost S006 sailee and potting hers gt 1250 o'cloek, precisely aw ade vortiami™ “Erni dene that thir Len Thaw vrasy fated rary koe” sald glany days were ERIE 4% three, porham hat we "o-New York cast at 12.50 —————— — Fram Warway In a Cotto, Lind, clahiy yeas oi arviest at Tacoma, i of 'Kagwar whieh holt 1 ogrranced 0 Lisl wont toe Noose t hig birth: sotded th bring ble viln Bm to Ballard news the remainder Ai abe pod not travel navy way he hii spon the making a Norwegian coffin a conveyance In which she carried aboard trains and 1a Londen this acrongetient attracted mach atiention. Lind sees mained by biz fother's side day aad sight during the trip of seven thon sand miles, personally feeding Ber at peery menl--New York Worlds ————— 5 doy Bey Pogt gad A Fag Hora Twelve Feet Long. A fog horn twelve feel long and tour feet across ihe mouth is to Ue piace an a ¢lilf on the St. Lawrence River. followed by a shriek every two min. utes, and will be produced by sirens smd compressed air. The hors Is ~ ie mounted on a reveiviag Juink bush fromy which you ent them The sound will be a deep rear, that the sound may be directed — «GA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers