Nivered n several places and y peat by by men of Jepulation. 1 . ras is seriously in is the dation « of th & eotnre, | mission 25 conta, Ad. : A anguinary fight occurrad on | | Bat Maurie avenue Thanksgiving night NOW In season, as usual are and ply all demands. ¢ Fix, Land the trio of beligerant participants or Joho, - {who were arrested by Chief of Polly | Gill donated several simoleons tot . | borough exchequer at the argent re = Ha nest of Judge Boone. Too much sold eh as tifteen Bears cheer cansed a couple of 4 on this Week. Hungarians to become unduly exh y O. Lewis, of Johnstown, _berant and they were promptly knoe Ragiving wih Patton rela- ‘ed down by the third member of tie [arty whese efforts Jlentifufly covered iy for a visit at Pirabarg LL | smashed into anothér cosl train at th | yr worvices will be held in |p cin hore 4 little before six o'logk | on Wednenday, December | Tuesday morning. Engineer Holes was in charge of the first named train | values are told about in the {and signalled the other engineer to rtismen of Ed A. Mellon in back np. The latter for some reason i] did not obey, with the result that | of Patton young people Holes’ engine was demolished and the select ball at Spangler end of one of the coal cars crashed fo. pig Holes and his fireman jumped and thus escaped serious injury. The | {wreck was pot cleaned ap for a couple | “of hours and the New York Central pas | | | senger train was not able to leave here | “until abont eight o'clock. ; : | ~The foot bali game between Pation and Altoona scheduled for Thanksgive . ing afternoon did not take place. The | | contest was called for 1:30 o’elnok bat | Manager Yerger received a telegram | if alr . John F. err, of Re- from ion Reilly, of the sevotid Thanksgiving with their named team, abont two hours previons |. Somerville. stating that his players conld got come | other of Mra J F. and assigoing po reason. Not wo eh ywnas Blythe, of Ma: tively disappoint the large crowd who Mrs Dale on Ma wished to properly relelwate the Nae tion's festal day by witowssiog a pig. stated that there will be at’ akin kieking contest, & game was hor we dew applivations for Bauer riedly arranged betwes wy the frst anid from Patton at the next session wecond elevers of Patton, The first team won by a seore of 4 4 able social events were d in Cloldstein's Hall Wed. t andor the auspices of No.3, A OH, and the one in the same place given by Spyders. of Patton young people. You ean do better at ox of Spangler, and Mis a goes Barnes 9¢ Bast Hiversi) on A few flakes of the beautiful were. pe of the bride's parents in Obi visible Thankegiv ing. : 4 at home after Decersber 1 The bend of the weather bureas is. wr, where Mr. Fox is employed SOMetinms a weather Deusen man, : Bros. Oil Co. “Duquesne beer is goa rienced advertiser says he Ep A. MELLON, saspend advertising occasion. A bad temper is an awkwird thing wit fornd that it cost more in the 10 have and a dangerons thing to Jose. that uninterrupted advertising There is almost as moch realism in have oosty that he always lost: fiction ax there is imagination in his INTERESTING is ENT ATHENS Hae the turkey digested yaoi ? Have your wateh repaired at $b White d bad to ‘doable his space to Though a man’s will may he strong So : in law, n woman's won't i a law onto i, and continnes until i is much easier to see the wily | Secretary Kalbfoe of o. shonld go than it is to © the wity ! in a recent 0- we pee. "Bure saws are usually temperate, but | SceAsionally thay take two or Soren | i If baby could say what it thinks | when people kis it one kiss would be : sufficient. Swell dressers wear our derby hats, h Fall styles pow ready. Wore & TROMPSON, i “Duqgoesne’’ stands for all that is — good, pure and wholesome in beer. et. : En A. MerLion that the fail shadile We sedl the famous Widow Jones’ in railroad will not wits for hoya A target and 3 7al, je | RIVED with sach suit, Priog, 20 te Worry & Tuy Purity and excellence, enipied wi coh in Nay nd ‘Novem: age are what rakes a good beer, When | Gaon Tie not 30m drink ‘Duqtesne yon ars assured Eb A, MELLON, farther : a Velvet Bowne siippers for [adies and aT ine, gentiemen at thirty-five and forty something from 88 €x- | conta respectively. : : Eps Warr & Tromso, i Our Begent patent colt skin abives | roe or four days simply by are the best in the market amd at prites am of tartar. One ounce that are sure to please. : of tartar dissolved in a pint | Warr & TaoupsoN. : : * : Hyde Brothers. of Pittsburg, ia ro It corporators of the Clearfield Steel and | x blinds leaves * {fron sampany, 2 are buy! ying several irom | | sotidate them at C Wearfleid Mollie Ecken- | Why drink a“‘green’” non-union made Misses Mary beer, when yon can get union goods. : pemaker, of thorooghly aged and not nade by a Miss Macy Ritter, of Bar- trust. Moral: Drink Duquesne beer. rthur Commons, Bert W En, A. MELLON. If you miss seeing car new fall sults before you bay, you will be i long time E forgiving yourself, We will charge ‘yon bat from $8 to §15 for usuit that. 1% be sure to please your wife. Worry & THoMpsaN, Goldstein’ 'y Hall sei : Wanted ~ A good energetic agent tudo on § Satarday as for Patton and Glen Campbell to well Racha oe a aur high grade teas, coffees, 5 pines, : ae oe baking powder aad extracts, We pay 5 3 ae Dunnsits ee highest commissions and furnish nwfal ier, ipetta and costly premioms to help inflaencs | dos I ab: hors ¥ Xiond. [business Address, Groat Atlantic | Mamie J ones, Dory Prye HEC, and Pacific: Tea Co, 1311, 11th ave, Altoona, Pa. Job 5. Bertha Mellon; Rachael Gold: : le Eastman and Mrs B Fine printing the A coal train from Plasugat Run E and Summit Ranges take the: : lead. J. E KIRK'S HDW. May gee Ave. of Stave es Ranges fuller and more complete than ever, 1S The Largest Line most fastidious. in This Section of the Country. Evervthing the best for the least money. As everybody knows, Kirk's is the place to go \, when a man gets married, as ‘they can furnish everything from cellar to garret. The well known Red Croke) none the lines we handle. Furnish you with any kind of a Gun m ade. and also Guaranteed in every! respect. shoot it with. A speaalty of all kinds of Buggies. Big 6o-day s now on. ALSO “Everything in Hardware.” J. A. CORDELL & CO, Fifth Ave, PATTON, PA. Carpenters’ Tools, Catlery, Guns and x fall line of OiF (othe and Linoleum | < Palnts and Glass, be sold days to ro heating stoves Sash and doors will at a bargain S338 ike room fo and faraiture. The following will be sold below gost: | 12 aed Ho inel Lawn Mowers at $1.83. Tew Orem Preceers at 31.85%; Seoreen room a iow as Te Cave ae goal at the old stand below the Coroner inl Hotel, for LF ale & FURT STCRE. Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. New Line of the Celebrated Stet- son $5 and $6 Shoes for len. iE Careful Dressers willl appreciate this foot wear. RU BBER GOODS. Boots, and felts. Queen Shoes for Wi Ene stood the test. : We sel Is a courteous invitation and one that 18 appreci- ated when vou have the article to back it up with, Dur rubbers Omality ha Ye 1 them. 3 You can do at IDEN'S.” hetter Ah the : Yt i yer for a social Finss Lr * : sth The White mh Bis or ; medicinal purposes. It i . Pye Shoe Store. higher than 3%. inal ] 1 " PSE Dene R203) rr ey ET | 4 SEW 3 ¥4 EE BKey His HhA is attie Patton, Pa. at We not good Test, w y Wicker but average pur- Ov er brands to good good, for 1 aa i pric Ch. different TOL, po IMS at al fifty ect At all times and at all seasons. We carry the finest lin 4 of WH i- ens in this section. When in need of any- thing in our line, don't for- get that we can please you. Dinsmore Bros. is the par - excellence im brewing. It the gentlemen's beverage and unexcelled as a tonic for sick Porter, wines and champaign of every price and 1p fiom. je people. desen ED. A. MELLON, Wholesale Liggaors, Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. PHONE. Ww, are prepared to sup- EPR and SARS AME SI re VAR We can please the. Few as good and | better than | the ammunition to hats, Flats in all colors. hats. styles. those that are kept on DUQUESNE BEER another Com aie ness-at NEW | SHOES! Our new Shoes are now here for your mspection, One of the largest and most np-todate line of Shoes ever shown ; in Patton. A x = see the .. Treadeasy Sh tor Women i Get a pair of Treadeasy Shoes and walk on velvet You will then know how com pletely stvie, comfort and 5 hygiene in footwear have” : combined. You walk—at i! least you think you do—on 2 cushion of down with an elas tic instep. No jarring, no irri tation to disturb your nerves. Ask vour doctor about them. N NEES ae Wo MEY OF ‘He will tell you that your general health will be much better if ‘you avoid debilitating colds by wearing Shoes fitted with cork cushion insoles. They are made in all the very newest shapes and leathers, are snanpy nptodate Shoes in every respect and are sold at a uniform price of £3 50 the pair. They are not only the best shoes made at this price, they are the best made at any price. Buy your Shoes here ind you can depend on getting the very best Shoes, at all times, at the very lowest price. Do pot forget that we have for Men, Women, Boys, and the Baby, We have wt Se ¥ Shoes * % . Civis 3 3 WEY. oh 0% Xo then in all kinds of leathers, Ril NIZCR and width PS. Come 1 be convinced . Vent Ti aney Patton Supply ‘The Money Saving Store.) Full line of ladies’ fine trimmed children’s school fate 1 Res Rims and Misses street and dress of assortment oft New line ( rood ladies’ outing hats, latest and and » oft lon g birds al gs, large vanety plumes feathers. All the newest shades of ribbon, Fancy Pon Pons and Buckles. Fifth Ave. Patton, Pa. THERE 1S A And a fresh wholesome drugs and wide one between pure, the vears. We do not handle the latter class and that 1s why we are She $0 many prescriptions. All our go helf for I yoonds and Wd jnew and clean, which 1s a big point in oar favor and our prescriptions are com pounded competent pharmacist, which is HH a CRle Druggists' Sundries Of all Kind, H uvier's Ce (00d Tob: C00 and Cigars ful An thourong rhly % by Jebrated Candies, and a full and everything m the busi- ACY Patton, Pa. is id HC § GUNNS PHA Tlagee Ave.,