I I No wii eid aig © answered Solely. hasten his return, | the net question. Answering weekly. : “Next week, the twentieth. 1 winted it moober, bot Constance sald she wouldn't be married until after the | sixteenth. The fact 1s, she was en: gaged before" He stopped abruptly, vexed with him. wolf. What on earth could his affairs, and Constance’s, matter to this man? “1 quite understand,” replied the other, in his Jevel tones. “1 have heard of Miss Merton's former engagement.” “Oh, 1 see” Dick looked relieved, He hated explanations, and reficcted that thir was probably somes old family friend. He Ht suother cigarette snd restrosd In a mors confidential tone, “You mes, she had been engaged to this chap for nearly a year; Forsyth his nage was, apd then be went alra®) and forgot her, the brute “How do you know he forgot her? jille curiosity. Dek flung bis cigaretic into the fire with energy. "Oh, well, when a map never writes, or answers letters for two sears, you patiesily conclude he hag forgotten. And Con bas waited until Just pow. Why it's only twe months ago that she promised to marry | wis, thengh I have known her all my jife. and cared for bor too. You tes, | #he thought she was still bound by het promise. And nolhing would Induce her to be married until after the six. 2 teenth, because that was his birthday, {and he had once sald they shonld be 4 married on that day. But that wae yesterday. "ee There was a silence, broken only try the stow beating against thx size ‘I dows, y or | Lap : '} There was an undercurrent of pas. i { sion in his tone pot lost upon bis | “There may have been reasons why | he-that man Forsyth-4id not writs, 1 1n the depths of the bush there are many difficulties, Lettera are lost, peaple one has trusted prove enfaith- hearer. Ho stood up, straight inbed _ | and tall, on the hearth rog. be and ee x wa barely 18 ont just now,” a chat toward ean do dnty hin bsence. I ean't say I'm bee stenting al leally 0 Soak an the easy with seareely re- “May 1 ask your Won't Fou sit down, a tonk 4he ehalr, he 1 To the guestion in 8, The latter began to foul Hage carrying on a con Kod “His eiettar. his nes contrasting £0 exidly ] in kis eyes. “I am an D>: friend of his, but have not seen bi ) SF Some time ® ich Would account he the it odd cut of his clothes and 11 look of a certain absence bt Kir Geoffrey will be in bo remarked. passing the “You find the hotise In a confusion to-day. There's to | a dance to-morrow, in honor *1 re going to marry t Bir Geol v's ; danghiters he slowly. | CATE Auy more? The other man smiled oddly. “1 be {iiove you, Captain Charteria™ he sald, 8} owly. hat If you won't deem it an impertinence 1 should like to ask you oe question.” "By all moane” “Does she-~Constance, Miss Merton I mean, of course, | slic has forgotten the other man?” Dick smiled happily, “Quite, 1 am sire,” he sald fraokiv, “1 faiter my. sdf that 1 occupy Lis place In ber thoughts now, jucky chap that 1 am” § Then, to redeem the last words from any swplcion of egotism, he added: : i Was sO young, you Know; only § seventeen when she was first engaged to Forsyth, and he was old enough to be her father” * | thing betweed a sigh and a groan cama from bis lips avd stavtled Dick, “No~ihanks.” the ether recovered himself with an effort. “But I don't | teoftrey. 1-1 will write” with an obvious effort, “and it Js une Hikely we shall ever mest again. Will you shake bands? and Dek, obeying sine sirange impulse. grasped Lis band and shook It warmly, He accompanied his strange vheitor to the hall door and opened it. The snow was falling very fast now. For | one moment the man stood barehended on the steps. “Good-bye, good-bye” he murmured, but be did not ook at Dick. He seemed rather to be talkiog Hs some one unseen, At the foot of the steps he paused, a solitary Back figure In a white world. “John Forsyth is dead, dead” The wards came to Charteris with an fo- tengity that was very solemn. Fesling an odd sensation of uneasl. ness, Dok went back to the warm and the logs in the grate and glanced halt. expectantly round the room. Some. thing white loy nnder the chalr where yelope, addressed to “John FPoreeth, Esq” He rang the bell violently, “The gentleman would not walt 4 gee Sir Gealrey, after all” be sald care lesnly to the servant. “Did did he rave his pame with you, Hilton? aNo, sir" AB the door closed an the man Dick Charteris knelt down and thrust the envelope into the heart of the blazing fire.—Madame, Appointments Are Debits. Appointments, once made, become debts, If you have made an appoint. ment with any one you owe him pune. tuality. You have no right to throw New York News, A 820,000 Pair of Opera Glasves, Queen Alexandra owns a pair eof opera glasses. made Mi Vienna, valued at $20,000, They ave of platinup, set WHE diamonds, sapphires and rubies, A ton of soot results from the burn ing of 100 tons of coal. i There was a pause. Dick begun to] wish his fatherinlaw elect vould § “When 18 Your wedding to be?! was | | The stranger spoke as ove who has | guy a right to ash. and Dick found bimself | 4 The question was one, apparently, of | ®1 hope you don't think I'm not act || ing on the square by this chap For Jertb” he raid warmly, “But it does seem to te that poor Jittle Con has { wasted two years over a goodfor- i | noting chap. And I meso to raake in uf 10 ber now” io init fe " The other wan made no answer. He | looked the young man up and down, | his eyes resting curiously on Dick [a Charteris's falr, boyish face Bumes “Is anything the matier? he asked, | | i quickly. iB | thilnk, after sll I can wait to see Sir i “1 am Jeaving England,” he sald i § cheerful smoking room. Ho piled up | Ch haracter the Noblest Gift ‘hig late visHor had been sitting. Ie ie haracter the : 0 eS } {picked 1 up. Ouly a halftone en away his time, if you do your own.— | Soittity of of AC 2 EY ALE O15 By Bird S, Coler. WE problems of the futere ave to he sotved by the young men of b today, and those gquestiony are of ®ich great and vital Hnportane xD successfully cope with them. The youtig man may buave to fight for position, and perbaps for existence, hut in the sud he Is bound fo win if he Iz persistent and never lots go. 1 never won anything in my life that 1 did not fight for, ‘The day of the passive man has gooe by. That of the active, energetic man has tote 16 stay, ; Be slow to decide, but when you have onde pointed your course to that which you bellevr to be right lot nothing turn you aside, When sou say “yous” to that which your Judgment tells you to be best, do not be content merely with {he expréxston of approval, but strive to make your opinion prevail. When You gay “nd” to that wikdch your consclence and mind teach you to be weong, tever rest until sou dre successful, or yor st resource $2 exhsusted in defeating i, You cannot always be plight, hol you can atwuye try 8n he Never be deterred fron doing the Plght thing from the fenr of making enemies A man’s repute tion & pends Just as much upon the basenesi of bis enemies aa the god gualition of Lis Tr nds Never promize apyibing you cannot falfl asd in ipenkin Poet wr that Tow words coming from a sincere Beart, are of more | Ww world thin a saphistical oration ay [Ls mudora ediforis), no at or able one may be. Mean wind 1 —— in other words, lave the stamp of a min made in eve rything with whivh gy Bay ve to da = By William Mathews. Tw gratilying to know that some of the world's prvatest men have twon the sworn fons of waste, and have lo nis after their evn expenditgres Dande places the sponish {4 tha sane cirels of Bad as the miser, Ja20 Bacon bell that when it 1a peoessiry to | esse vostianniee, if be Tetler do Josk aller y savings then fo desde at fo peity ootlinge Washi feton seratinieed the smaliosl gutpnings of his Hones ! Lol, determined to avold every bit of ne odlea wast privie, whose sarily Wirgerles with "Ouse twin gaclers off the hung soul Tow Birth and an i fortune” early fonght bing the vay of soontany. wax a Geisrmited saver. Kong Hu fonts exemplifying this trait a fodend of hia relates that, one Bary, ax i} sat Seotohman spranached a sires! on 2. be soddenly stopped, and, stony ing down, poked something out of the md, 8 the risk of I aver by one of the raany earviages in the street. Brashiny of the mod w ih tis liars. Be placed the sabsiance on a clin spot on the surbaiom om il said ler, dna tone whieh his friend save was ae wwii and in wana an tilnl an Lo aver head that ie the samne to the body that the wind Is too fhe sand. | oan sure that the little sparrows, or a hutigry dog. wil derive pourishment Gow that bit of Mread Rocoors, Orison Sweet : arden. Fa vigorous young bosiness man, anions to push his hasiness and make money, Were offered KI 000.0031 to aborten his Ife fen | Fears, would he secent the no oF aly sueh terms? For What stocks and bonds would Le exile ne the geaoe and tragguiliny of bis mind for the rest of his | ie? W rat price world tempt a opaan too trade Bis siosdy peries for shaky enews sonrecly on | abiling hive to sign ble name, of sim date, for avant sniriia and 8 vivacious manner, Jaded enanl pad dab apetly? What would he ask for*his bight, you hinl countenance, if It had | {pn be immadiately replaced by no owrinkied, cate worn visage, stargped with 1 sure, his quick, elastic! anxiety? How moeh woukl be take for hie ud step, $f offered in exchange a boot form aad x sbutling galt? How mach real | gstate would be consider a fale compensation for thi eompatausbip of his. wife the ny and comfort of Bis Boome, and the saedd Wve of litle ehikhvnt : pase that 8 bright, bopelal college graduiite erp failed fo sell, offhand the pesuil af Big fonr yeare work, to Rive | Gp bears af human nature gpd vor ali tha aooTs af ne llectunl say j Hs stwiliay Bate neat pei Ane prof it mn tee years "Ak sore respected eitizen, Influential for pood in hie conipamite, Whose fdviee Is sail who is held ct op H% HH STAMP to growing Youth, to sell kis from] nae, Bis alae haat smn would Be name? ~e ROCCE, z = : < : thern Farmers Prosperous By E. P. Powell. : BYU DY of the const a will make very clear iat the Hantherg Mates sre doy tloping rapidly in teaiingal nes, From 1806 to STWR CT enue rT PTE tn j.00, The ated, The farms off 2, fo the shine fine, 4 frap BOO to T1500 Bae of Ber farm property NE ny Troon S10 DIR ERG Tg TM) Rn BIIOREEON fn 1806 and SION E00 In 1 Sourh Carading Cplves us Bina of farm Dioporty dn TREY and S150 cess : 1M The mumaber of farms jew ties as gros slimiie frou TRG fare lo 1500 to $2000 (n T9E snd S50000 in Hn Every SERED. Year, eden He ons Tolluwing the Oxy wi WE, 1 ont granih In Agriculiome. With 8H the ress in the way ef Intensive farmiog. nd a var } dstonislting flrogress in the way of sagriiulturs bas Deen ade by OR 1% Many of the | counties show on three Dold increase ovr the {rss values of ten years age There ls a great decrense in tensat farming io pouvpsriion ta freeholbding, OF the total pumter of formes five per cont, are operated by colored farmers. OF the white farmers BOVRUIY igh per out oWH al oF a parr of ihe land that thes i’ operate; sud about the zane peroeuisge holds goad for the colored farmers The average gross noone per acre fur f Tor those of three to nine scros, SIN T8: fo fo mincteen ores $310.15; for farms of twenty to Gwev pine ners 85.47 fos farins of fifty 100 geres, 84.00; for fans of 106 to 175 ores - Here i a lesson for vos Mmall farming ways enormously over large faindine and this afer allows for the fact that small farms are gepserall : sh fact holds send ino ; Baskets Fhe same hi Bates # 2 & 2 By PMargare Stowe. Lp £1 wilh : faving liked and respected” A man may bave eomg thewky Hide culhwe, eed wmineh aliiiy amd Hite wWealtlt, yer be bis characte: bar hee fd wR an Matteo ee fosteohg character ereates conlidogue In men In bish sravion as well as Eutible ifs Bealamia Prank aru bated Blx suey #44 WERT H= says: “Hepes Jt wos that 1 hed so mmd weight wi {4d gents, Iowan a bad speaker, never ooonerT suber to muel Besittle pEmee of word a Y Ooty BL oiangnaze, iignd ¥ed i estat Aman fans FRR, : Ry t Rod hake § FEN E Pay Fong a Re LN a wea Sa : 4 Frothinis WREST Dad eos Pir Get essentaly of manly obae NEI pve ant who Pussies Those anaiiiiee, roaether with strength of EYE et IR, that only men imbued with the idea of a Jost and Almighty God : and Tay what soy 1, “is only a crost of bread, Yet 1 was fang by iF Wwolher Bever | in wastegnd, above all else, bread, wore privions than god, the sultans | THEE wis over vel ax ta Is and thirty five per cen greater than (in 188 Texas] Seley three acres ig SIRONY Hees With haa a power that (5 reside Winrerine Fiantte Panty wintered in the sellar shonld be Kept quite dre-not dist ars. hovers ever, bot a very fle molotare. A dark cellar ix better than a got one. and a ecol ont more favorable than one that Is warm. Of course the temperatyre , must never touch the freazing poinl, Etrawherry Ranners, The piatilinte varieiion of strawhers rics produce more ranneors and a great. or amonnt of fruit than the varieilon with perfect flowers This fact should . be Kept in view in selecting the kinds that ars to be med. Bane varieties prodnce: Jaige berries. aml hat few of them fail fo fll out the rows from scarcity of rantiers, Wn 08 i An Orchard a Necewsity, An orchard fx a necessity on the ; It ia well known that a fary roptaling an erehard will sell at a fair &, whieh fares with no erchards are sactifiesd, The buyer always jooky | f far ther gre atest number of advanisges, Ha aw. praches, Deir plums 5 1 fruits can be found, ste . of pes an apnis orchard, valine ¢f the farm will be fnevenssad | much pnore than the original cosy of Cthe orchard. If the farm is net for gale the erclinrd willbe a pource of Lprofis to the farmer The Tenth Moree, The peach barer must be dug ont of C the tree with og kalle Tis presence may i abways be kKpown by the chins whieh it ¢ eaves while baring into the treee. The trea will not be inlsrad If the enfling is { dane lengthwize that is, np and down ‘the bark-but do not ent across the Clark undoes if cannot De avoided. If thie knife blade will pot reach the borer fie a plece of wire The majority of | frees dre destroyed by bearers and those who have had no experiences with the pests or piven attention to the Cwnrk oft desireving them, atisibute the fons of ties trees to the “pellows” or goin alher discine, - Ce A Good Orchard Crops tine of the best cropa to grow In & young orchard {8 the bush bean. It takes fo nitrogen from the sail, but rather adds to if, and a good crop of brane will pay for manuring and the enitivalion of the orchard The bean vines make a good male for the frees, nd they are a crop that an be grown many years aun the same soil. The in gocts and fangons diseases of the betting and thi erehasd differ go munch that (wa do mot bnow of any one that will affect the thier. Of sourse as the (roee hogin ts cover and shade the ground the space deveated to the beans must | be narrowed up until they are discards | oil entitely, OR A Wilding of Vivid Has. Tao low, moist meadows in Pennayle vanin, or the pilose swamps Ia New Jeg. Poesy we mvaat 1 the sutures search for | that richest of nature's wildings, the! Cardinal Flower, whose tall Fecamies afl | mtenne vermiliion hlosseins, as if suf. fase with the blood af seme wild wood creature, peed out Rivly from be nenth averarching boughs of alder and blackberry bushes. The depth and | i! briilisney of the hue of this Sowsr hae snzgested its name, from the color of the famous hat wom by seventy conte wlastieal princes of the Raman Chureh, | Beene of thin vivid hue few whe pee it in irs haunts can withstand the temiration to pluek every buh whi in sight: seit fa bewetuing rarer ev Fear in corbin focalibies, The Cardinal Flower is 8 Loliviia, and, lke ail ts family. bis an reese lor, mapepetalons covells, split down upon the upper side. The pistil pro: truden throoeh this split and 1s robbed aginst by the polloneladen insect coun ig from another ower, Near by, to sandy soil, perhaps, fa its cousin, the blue cardinal or great bhie Lobelia, two or three feet high. Tt ian sturdier, coarser pliant, not so Dently and compactly hull. bat is very showy, with coraila one neh long Bath these pints bear seads in great sbhandanes, which ripen before frost, gad which, wien gotherad and sowed ta the garden, will give very satisfac. niniais and Bowers In the followin: = sear, as the pardinalz. idprove nade wuitivation.~ Philadelphia Record. | of antiques.” ~ | The Fair Sex. We toing them Sonbons every night, And when we win thelr hearts to Poot, Tos darling girls turn round and sav, “To make him love you, fred the aie ~The Nmart Set, se en Bis Phvreician's Estimate, Cholly—~“Dioctor, 1 want something Se for any head.” is Dr. Grufty—"Myz dear follow. 2 Bir wouldn't take it for a gift." Judge, MWe Served, Lady-"You say you served theongh the Bpanish war, Was i in Cuba? Trisop--“ Ne, mom, In Jollst Prison. Me sentences happened tn he gulag on at dst tine. "Chicago News The Real Bay, HS “What does Freddy Like to play™ gsked the onlley, “Freddy,” replied papa. “likes ta play whatever guinea his motlwe and | des “Hl are toy rough for him "—Deirait Pree Press, Ws an i pe No Better OF, *Poce Robinson! He sulin’ mike 9 & living, aid married a womans with money.” oat jen't he all right now “Hardly. She iu so ¢lowe with it that he has to work harder than ever = Life, The Pave That Pareles, Mrs. Newrloh “Mercy! Samoel ia it necessary that we go thirty ciiles an hone Mr, Newrlch-"Bat, Henvldia, 7 wa go slower people will say enr saute moldle dost only a thousand of $07 Puck. Glonwmy Forebodings, First Hovse-"And you really think | Ware guine to begome extinet® Second Horse—"1 think so. I'm afraid the day will coms when the schiontboy’s first composition will set begin. ‘The horse is a very useful animal’ "Puck. A FPractioal Toot. “Do you mean fo say you would not trust anybody who is pot polite™ Yes,” answered Miss Cayenne: “a persch to De trusted is one who does not jose his head in an emiorgoncy, And politeness i merely presence of mind.” - Washington Stay, Be Park Orntor<""Avipg 20d 21 1 am guiny to say on thi point, I will return to what I was just coming to when 1 was laterrupfed, and repeat what § was prevented from sayios "Panel. Foolish Man. Postal Clirk—"You'll have to pul ane other stamp on that Jetter™ Mig Pest "Why Postal Clerk -~ “Beciiuse Us over wicight” Miss Pext-"Baf, gracious! Ansiher tam would make it st heavier Pailadeliphin Press, rs An Trsisustion. Dorls—~Yes, she was furfous abent the way In whlch that pape r reported’ ber martiage.”’ Helen~"Did it allude to her age? Diggin =» windiveetty. It stated that Mien Ode nud Mr Yale wes pureed, the latter being a well-known collector ‘hlvsge News, way ; Brrangs, If Trae, Jones-"This {4 a remarkable sort of burglary.” Smith What Is 4 ® Joes" N thie! ragscels a burean drawer and steals a porse with twa doliars In fami Baile te overlonk a ral) enptiining two huedrsd dollave That was Iyiug right on the dresser ~ favk. : His Many Thoushis, “Pent yon somelimvs have fhanghes™ pelied the Noulinl Young Tig, “that are asscintely unuiies plies? “1 de, ming” answered the old poet Ct osetiines, wien I oam digiing hayes that wan't eon, I have ix that are abseiniely onprint Seek Raman Trilinae, Thy Way af & Warnan, to lis conte Foes I wort contradict rou wravisil Lh Yu $53 don't love me” sls asserisd CT re mshi, “You are a hateful thing” she eried, 2% ann” hus replied. “EF oobellove you're tying to tense gyre” she sahil “1 am.” he conceded. ‘And that yeu do love me. *1 do.” Yor a mement alie was silent "Well" she said, at last, “1 do Gnte aman wha is weak enough to be ed by a womar, He sught to have 1 mind uf his awn--and strength’ He sighed What else could le do Chilengo Post, evs vy Masquitoes in India, when they can aad gor blood, enjoy the pollen er he sap of plans and preserved fruits sad other sweets about the houses
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers