fe ria ll Sar Sad Ra a To PATTON, CAMBRIA CO,, PA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23 i902. RESOLUTIONS oF neseect. ‘hose Adepied by the Toons Faniges of mid Men nnd Knigics of Pythias Ellen Carle tales pretense; Mary Per. | x i he Perkins, larceny; Andrew Kill Buck Tribe No. 369, L 0. R M., The Ustimely Demise of Perkins. of Patton, recently adopted the fotiow- ; Conrad Baker, ar. malicious avischief, ing resolutions in memory of a lave giro Ja Ly ; . . : Whalley, deceased: | i ish tha or © August Meyer, jr. member, Charles | With the size o on reoat i: Andy Warr in mischief. WHEREAS, the great spirit in his inf HLL BUT FIVE DAYS, u'll tak: reo ais of ar stock of Suits and Ove Se Charies K. Fraser. nite wisdom and mercy has deemed i! : : 1 we to come in, Mike McDonald, embezzlement: A Wise and for the best to cali to a higher Anbovh Pr actieally Aw Tova al) hiv Life We ha ve arranged our Suits and Coats on racks a 3 “| Seariatta life and toa purer and more exalted | wo Non paeaiinte Cxnse of Deaih Rhieomatinegg lang “Ss and wi did it 10 make more room firstly James Dixon, larceny; Byron Harel. paradise our beloved brother, Charles of the Soman. Romaine Taken to Fritipe 8 secondly to keep the garments free from wrinkle: Charles Williams, croeity; 8.N Long, Whaliey, therefore bo it Van br Intarumu:. | reases so you can look like a tailor-made man : _ Umphirey Burket, craeity F. MM. Resolved, That ‘while we bow with erinicn bay of | Prit gle. ! humble reverence and submission to Jacob Stiner Sandford, the eldest son you bn ¥ oF us, | Stephen Harner resisting; Ww. P, the all powerful will of him who dost Of Mr and Mes W. H. Sandford, died WN Our $7 50 and $8 30 Business Suits in colored < of Y | Jackson. : sll things well, yet our brother filiod at the family residence st the corns its are ALL WOOI.. They are really a $1000 s the Jetlowing 81 JD. Freeman, conceal weapons; | #0¢h 8 loving piace in the sanctuary of of Sixth and Palmer avenues Toesday Q bait our system of selling at One Price makes ¢ , | Charles Parrish ‘our hearts and there are so many dear morning at one o'clock, after an lines \rices. = James Launtz et «i, burglary; Johy and tender memories xiways cluster. of fmt five daya ‘Qa Our $10.00 black finished diagonal can't be duplicated in town Hoffman. 0 ing with fond affection ground his fa- The immediate cause of death was Ian $1250. It's a fact. Gio ses others then some and see os. James Launta, burglary: John Effiot, | miliar same and countenance that oor rhoataatist of the stomach, nithough 3 One $12.00 colored] and black Suite are hummers. eB Charles K, | COBSAUE prayers (arn ever lowands tho young man had been an invalid 8 V/o5el on ham 25, [0 MOL Whe else could even think of It. | Prager. Bg : © the fervent wish that Brother Whalley practically aii bis life. His last Hines QR Ready-to-wear or the Tenmon Samuel Savich, felonious assult and “might have been spared to his family dated from Wednesday of last week, : i | battery; John Popovich. : (and to us who neaded him yet 8 #W when he went to Ebensburg to attend A. A Steels, rape; Thomas T. Davis. : more great suns. one of the teachers’ institute entertain. 8 | THURSDAY, DECEMBER $1H. : Resolved, That by the going rom ments, and he was brought home lL rec ! fellc ows, age 3 to 10, at $1. 98. ' among us, pever 10 return, of 0Ur He geew rapidly worse and che final NW | Then the long ones for little Sollows, ages 4 to 12 years, start at $3.0 b 4 ¥ > pr ras Commonwealth WF Yale, brother a great and irreparable loss diese) mtion occurred an shove stated. | QQ TOP to $3.95, $4.18 and $8.74 1s ac; tor, 1 E Not: | 2 ; o Then the Boy's Crveroosts, ages 14 to 20 SHY, start at $6.00 and ig pretem prosecuto bas been sustained mol only 0 OMF gr. nae emiploved in the supervisor's QR ving op to $14.00. Plenty of styles and all prices most. : | tribe, but to the order at large. offies of the Pennsvivanis rail Thomas L. Gibson, libel; P. J. Little, Resolved, That we recognize in the vivania railroad : ; : an i = eompany ab this place at the time of his bd 1 Drs’ Kvatkoiony. miniog laws; | calling of one Brother to that heavenly | hn and hud pea on ecient amis 1 | Now We Are Up to Men’ S. oink vans : : ‘eouseil fire above, the hand of the tant to Su o = A pervisor Hippey for some Take our $10 Ovarcoat in dress black or Oxford grey, long or short, John O'Brien, robbery; Thotoas Ken. [great Father, who gave as the leseon oo A Co aT $12.00 'a Daanty. Deg y | hed. ‘ “lof mortality for our ipstracton. fo A od Another one, tw styles, §14.50, Yon with belted back or plain back. 1 Chardes Houghton, sodomy; L 1! Resived. Trak over praying 0 ihe! He was born in Oscecla aod WY Beet ones, $15.00, $16.50, $18.00, $18 250, | Harris, would have been twenty-two yaars of Rain Costa, long and waterproof, $3. 00, $7.00, $10.00. i | great spirit that be may Hake (UT uo bad he lived unt Janurary 1th of | oarge ©. Far, forgery: Stet (bearie_ brave, sue arms wrong avd she svming your. Heese toPuon BEST S STOCK IN THIS TOWN. Loar het firm, that we waiter not faite t L barglariv: J. 1 : with his parents in Oretober, 1898, and : io Sai i | Sali of She exh soit, we Si 1 4" {had been a resident of this place ever Agente in. Nove: Cambria for all of the following well-ino! : AVOr to profil by these divine Wath: | yn attending the public school here ands of wearable guaranteed stock: PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. ings, and so he ri when our sum- gy ‘the last term, Sweet, Orr & Co. and Monsreh? Shirts § Sis mons comes 10 join the great totetn 4 Gs i i V : ol a, : Pithy, votnted Penertings Petiaining fier | | gircie in that heavenly wigwam above, : Ja ene bs was familinsly caida 8 i Hag”! Prose i. Eon on ‘Arrow™ Collars. os People and Places. we may, wothed and sustained by an poptiar young mn n ‘John Rich & Bem, : Stetson Hate. “13. _B. P. McCormick, of this plaon, Nofsuitering trust, like our brother, jeneily ang bin wg Juaty, wil he Flannel Shirts Miller's Caps. ery; (And Bam Kelly, of Chest Springs, aie. “spproach our grave like one who a Ea He Ey ati Mode §8.50 Shoe, 1a Belle no Lilly Bracketts Shoes for Mea, opesing 6p 8 conl mine near Ashville Wraps the drapery of ti couch abit of the Methodist church and the | Bhoefor Women: | 0 £5.50 to 15.00 and expect to be able to ship the pri- his and lim down to p int dreams. funeral services, which wer: held at A Arthur Rosslofls Co, i a Sweet; Orr & Co’% duct in sshort time. A good vein of Resolved, That with deep sympathy the residence Wodnesday night at § : Fino Felt Flats Best Overalls and Jackets. the black diamonds bas been found | with the bereaved family We eXPress .ioiook were in char sot Ei Sgn ele ore ge of bis pastor, *nion Trit sd there and the test shows it 10 be of & our sorrow aad that we drape Vr pay BH Witman Besides his par. | Union Ri al u ron Lh | superior quality. . [charter and the brothers Wear MOUIT- ange bo is susvived by one brother, hide i Thanksgiving was very govieral y ing for & period of thirty sans. Dunean W., and two sisters, Rachael 4 When 3 you want reliable Olething, Shoes or Furnishings you will | : otuerved in Patton, Most of the busi- | Husolved, That a page of our records i yad Joos G., at home. pure to get them if you come bo the | ness places cloned at 10 o'clock a. mh Ibe dedicated to the memory of pur de | The yemains were taken to Phill = and the post office was open ‘only Ue ceased brother and a copy of these ress | bury Thursday morning ad a brit customary holiday hours. Notwith- olations be printed in the Patton COUR. oy Lo held at the residence . standing its high prive, turkey was the (ER and Willinnmwport Grit and abo a ‘of his uncle, C. T. Fryberger; at 2 piece de resistance at most of the festa] wipy fora srded to the family of the Sel wk p. m. conducted by Res. Wit : poacte’n own a | deceased, WD Miran) man assisted by Rev. O. D. Pene pocund fool ball team of Pat. te hl! packer, pastor of the Philipsburg M. ton went to 8 Benedictine Thanks Pil 1pninas, § Com, _E. church. The floral offerings were | H. B. Stain. | giving morning and defeated the on mary and beautiful and attested in a eleven of that place by a score of 34 lo by following rhaoiutions have been | striking degree the sateem in which ee? Cmte d MOVE MENT 0. pled by Moootain Lodge No. Bh yup conng man was held by his friends | om 8 : } wT M. Sheehan the Diels county KEK. of P.of Patton, on the death of Land acaoalntanoe The yo Bearers pi Cn Lr BA X fi ina watch Ia hore to be de- commissioner, has rented his farm in Choe Whalley, of Vintandale: werd Ross Clark. Richard Rowland! =. a Pow Samigs, | sired than 1 handsome ease, Clearfield township and will become a= WHEREAS, Rt has been the will of the g,,, Jpeon Hewlett, John Evans, Harry 7 IE aman inom, rE. but when both can be had for 8 resident of Patton in the near fatare. (divine ruler of the univers: to FeEIOYE pb joron and Cecil Mitchell, of this gies | HER! a moderate price, why, get i Jos. Taylor and E. 8. Hi have TOM our midst Brother Chas. Whal- 0 und all that was mortal of Jacob i vane dN | both ox. Taylor an ppey have deoartid rie 1 both. 1 ¥, who depa this life after a short Btiner Sandford was consigned to the rT Ge | Cr been feasting on venison this. week as lines, and wn 5 ag We ean sell you a Ww steht i in the resalt of thelr akill howe dow, from whence it came there to UR ee : ¥ resait © 2 naar He Wieneas W re Ta } and = , We bow in humble sub it the glorious resarrect YALE | — shtick weanty of exterior ; while hunting in Clesirfioid county. mission to the will of God, knowin | Awa. glorious rrection morn. A TL IABLE ; of we will L KnOWINE qo, remains were interred in the fam- | AT AND accuracy of movement are A clues of pinety-throe was 000 | that He doeth all things well, therefore Iy piot in the Philipsbarg comete : ad A mm bi 1b i f which | firmed at 8t. Marys B.C. chireh Sone py jg : Hip p o% in the Hhidpea sare ry. Lo 4 EC ON 1 INVIK combined, but the cost ol WiC, {day afternoon by Ri Bev. Eugene A. | Resolved. That we extend our heart- | ahum, A Men sy da is quite reasonable. : Garvey, bishop of this diocese. felt nympathy to the bereaved wife and rRansacTioNs IY REALTY. We have such a number aud variety of Timepreces thatit | ~The CaURIER ia a little iste this children, and = is impossible to describe them. Buy here and be on time, week dae to the festivities incidentto Resolved, That Mountain Lodge No. Froserties in This Kod of the County Tot Thanksgiving and a rush of belated ud. 34, K of P., drape lta charter for 3 Shanget Runds Revewly. Holiday Goods Coming Every Day. vertising matter. : days as a token of respect, 8 copy of J ¥. Airhart et ax to T. N. Nagle et! ~Mrs. 1. W. Nicholson and daugh. these resolations be apread on the min. al, Patton, $1. | 11k A PYRE LINE MTACLE 1 ter, Miss Alma,of Clearfield, are goes Lutes, a copy presented to the family Mary Ann Boggan et vir to Robert WE HAVE A FINE LINE oF SPRCTA . BS. at the residence of Dr. H, 3. Belts, ‘and x copy published In the Patlon Nene, Patton, $70. Eyes tested by the celebrated + *Rofinwscople Tost" and glumes correctly ct Come, Ep & Mooxe, K. R. 8. Joseph Carrette et ux to Helen A. fitted. Lenses changed, free of ob: . ub any time, in cacles. sold by me H. E Bagron, BP. C. : Kartheim, Patton, $575, : Report of Mellon actin No. 14, Car. 1.8 Bru, PrEL. Martin Elder to Lewis Hanson, Pat. | that cost $2.00 and over. roll township, for month ending Nov, ¥ bon, 8356, : 114: Whole pumber in attendance dar. To Chueekwhighmen wd Mine Comaditeos, iy 8 J. C > Popular Young Man. Henry Fox et ux fo Henry Jolly. i ling month, males 8, females 25, total To the Check weighmen and Mine Cem Carroll township, $43.4 © 188. Average attendance during ities of Sab-District 1, of District | month, males 7, females 20, total 27. 2 U.M. W. of A. Greeting: Carroll township, $35. | Por vent of attendance daring month, : Believing that there ls some dilator: Spangler Improvement company I rs I cope . ‘males 89, females 85, total average 84. cusness on the part of some who are Henry M. Anderson, Spangler, $82.50. a Coreser Attire Par Men, The following were perfect in attend. working in sod around the several | .ui Plonse et nx to Harry Green: | fm, : an ); ance: Florist Gober, Modestus Fara mines in our sub-district in not attend- | wood, Barnesboro, $350. Sed i a h od 108 othi | baugh, Bertha Farabaugh, Flora Rouvy, ing the meetings of their respective I William Haid to ‘bua. W. Moran. at Distinguish mg. Agnes Mertens, Clemence Falley und cals, you are hereby requested to notify jooheny township, $1,500. MKD Gertrude Ericson, The following | all miners and mine aborers that mat Hpangler fmprovement company to! | were absent one day or less: Mary Cal. ters of particular importance willbe pre op Wargo et ux, Spangler, $100. lon, Josephine Lannoy and Ross Fara- sented at the locals this winter and they | Mary Ann Farabaugh to J. W. Dua- | ob baugh. B.J OVERBERGEX, | are urged and requested 0 attend all igi et ai, Carroll township, 1. 4 Teacher the meetings possible. This applies’ vieey A. d'lnvilliars et vir to trustees | 3 #1 Of course you read the clothe” | Advertised Letters | With equal foros to the check weighten. | pit Presbyterian church, Barnesboro, | 5d : ing advertisements in the news. Toe following tiers remain 8 wnealled Wi. McPHERSON, President. | gyn5 papers, a nd you get in a quand- Issue Clerical Orders for 1990. | Jane Kane et al to the Logan Coal ary as to where you will buy Pursuant to its usual custom, the ©0WPpany, Carroll iowuship, $8,574.68. ih a 1, Nicholas Atkone, rn Pennsylvania Railroad Co. will issue ane Kane ot al to the Logan Coal the suit. We want an the » Hozik, Mike Munter. glerical orders for the year 1908 to or. SOWmpany, Carroll township, $4,500. patronage we can possibly get. OFrise. Alf Peterson, Ray J. dained clergymen baving regular Arthar Famett et ax to Jules Ravey, We would like it if we had a ch on all the thing sell- James Wilson. charge of churches located on or near Fhustings, $175. in in Patton. calling for the above letters | ita lines. Cle desi h or. Emanuvel Wentz et ux to Luig Fiasco, | 8 0 “adver. FEymen desiting such or | | We certainly sell more clothing than an other store in town, and the only lose say hat Wey ate “adver | | ders should make individual applica- Burr township, $100. reason we do oe sell it all is because all I the do not come lo see our ® Wi. GrerxE, Postmaster. tion for same on blanks furnished by Arnspicions Opening | goods and ascertain the real saving in prices. 1 ware not offeti $18 suite for :£ 5 : | the company through its agent. Ap ; ; | Hg nor 32 suits for $8, and we never advertise gi] : - For Sale. plieations should t the general. The Patton night school was aos This we do We sul Jou hatter er suit of Sn Er Sar 4 i houses office cloust ed Monday with a good YOU oan buy anywhere r price. parison will find 0 Tw dwelling of five rooms of the company by December 2 gE Fico Ope a | this to be trae. ‘The same ratio of saving applies to our Boye’ and and Childeen’s ol each located on Magee avenue, Patton |g that orders may be mailed Ducem- bE A mp Clothing. | If f you investigate we will add one more customer to our growing {borough, Terms conditions made ber 31 to all clergymen entitled to re- | Sve pupils eurolied. "The three B's’ | trade | it ; ceive them. are tanght in addition to spelling and | - Bead your own Govan. ors wivasend studi Wik be added, | IRK! N. & KUSNE R, Good. Bull Heary Pox et ax to 0 ola Durana, HOARSE oi ae ea x
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