; the pasmenger department of the Peri. sorts of the Bust and Bouth, and giv. ie jog the rates und various routes and : & | combinations of routes of travel, sted an ordained this, the 13th a is 1902. te neil Vania Railroad ¢ Lond and clerical work. a tesimon whereof we hive heii ov whem cansed 1 he clay and year aforesaid. J.J. DosNigay, President of Connell, J. M. Grnuriece, Clerk of Council, Approved by the Burgess the 14th day of November A | Attest: # agent, Broad street station, ALEX MONTHITH, phia. Burgess of Patton Borough. His Ean to Tha Bont Mileage Book LA Village Biaekmnith Saved Kons Lite. ohanygeab! eth Mr. HH. Black, the well-kriown vil- #ngem can travel at lage Macksmith at Grahamsville, Sul wile on any portion of the N fivan Co, N. Y,, says: “Our little sol, Central, inclading les five years old, has always been subject lines, and seversd h of Patton dat aber, of the that he would die. : imany medicines, bot one or any number of persons, and! Chamberiaia's cough remedy i now good until used. Apply to ticket agents | mding | our sole reliance. It seems to dissolve for detailed information. ng the sare at e tough mocas and by giving fre. Five hundred mils books, good ouly Suiiding of nent doses when the croupy symijr “on New York Centeal leased ines and CAVEDUES dreaded croup is cured before it gels. (sold for $10.00, tle.’ There ix no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no oplumn ‘or other injurious drug and may be given as confidentiy toa babe an to an : f the suid adolf. For sale by CW. Hodgking, Se 15th any of Novem | Patton, Pa | as anyihing slea a hit with tasty people avery tine, {That is, with people who know a good job of printing whe they see it prices are onnsistent with good work. A Poliemen's Tostivoouy. manship and stock. J. N. Patterson, night policeman of | Nashna, Ta. writes, “Last winter I had a bad cold on my long at jsast half | dozen advertised cough medivines and bad trestment from two physicians . without getting any benefit. A friend commercial job printing. Prices aid | recommended Foley's honey and tar workmanship wre ah right, tou, and two-thirds of x bottle cured me, 1 the consider it the greatest cough and long | medicine in the workl™” All droggists President or Condit Arex MoxnrerH, goss of Patton, Foley's honey the cotigh and heals the lungs. ' a Gas. ‘gubatitates, Aj drugiists. Clerk of Council Foley's honoy and tar for conghs and | Looide: reliable, tried and tested, side | and sure. All drugyista, io have. need Chamberlain's colic, : cholera and diarrhoea remedy and find | Lit to be a great medicine.” save Mr. BE sonee or Anson Woakinnd, tate of Elder {S. Phipps. of Porteso, Ark. “It cured | towastip, Stand, have hesnszeanted oi J also further re- me of bloody flux, I cannot speak to { testi, 4} Jesu indutted ve ms. by she principal Highly of it. This remedy always wine = °° Reed a etiam tay i the good Sinton, if not praise, of these aatnte of aad doosdent will reales Knives the Quarter Sessio ns and who use it quick cares which sun to slong with a copy it effects even in the most savers cass make it a favorite everywhere. For of Quarter Sessions of ule by C. W. Hodgkine, Patton, Pa Exseaton’ Notice, Wiha, otters of Warren Weapon Anan WraKiaNn, Potion, Pa, Nov, BBR DEBE seeatim Hae Comdd Hardly Get Bp. P. HL. Duly, of Adbwite, i, YSTERS, Clams, Hard 2 and Soft Shell Crabs and! Aagh : we oceties of Brassee £idnus eure md yee e Poy it bas helped me more than any other all : the Delicacies “En Act 10 reg medicine. 1 tried many advertised season” orang 1 the remedies, but none of them gave me YO PFO any relief. My druggist recommended | ne | Foley's kidney care and Bt bas cored | me. Before communcing ita nse I win J indebtnioes af the in such shape that | conid hardly got d In the be up when once down.” All druggists, i To remove a troublesome corn or i bandon: First soak the corn or baaion n warm water to soften it, then pare t down as closely as possible without drawing blood and apply Chamber Clain’s palo balm twice daily; rubbing 3.7. | vigorously for five minutes al ach Ape The amodnt. of the last pro. plisation. A corn plaster shonld he lL valaation of the jax. worn for & few day, to protest it fr of the Borough was P THEE - the stow. As 8 general liniment for amount. of the debt to {pram bruises, lameness and rbesmi. Fomm. tis, pain balm is unequaled. For sale the obi by. Ww. Hodgkin Patton, Pa. Write: | of : of Fine Lunch Connter Meais at all Hours. and ers mm Jee Cream. CITY RESTAU RANT, Mitchell & MeCormick, Propg'es thereto within FirstNation’ [Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co. Pa. CAPITAL P. AID v P8100 000. 00, SURPLUS, $19 500.00. 5 Anxious Moments ACOs ; af Dorparativone Fiemme, fadivid ? : So hd won wd Hanky » 3 1 Apart Lhe ono 8 interest a the rate Some of the most anxions hoor of a - Ble horus ovusilinten wi wa nil eine ery cout per sanom, interest mothers’s life are those when the little Tuning B tisketa for sale hor all : ay Nore Each bond | ones of the hoasehold have the eroap. fw, ¥ : ~ November, 1902, There nn no Alter Medien $0 effective Wie | wd Sit ie el ne ¥ AY Srrep tide nos wil Hace sir prose pt nd prin stanton, Intermed paid on hme degeabiie, A. E Parron, Wa H Sanbronrti, President Cashier honey and tar. Fh is household favo. te for throat and lung troubles, and as it contains no opiate or other polsons it can be safely given. All druggista a - : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Offtes in Good Building. promptly attended well and rent. When you feel that life in hardly worth the candle take a dose of Cham of th and Hyer tablets of the pli jo al aid id | They will cleanse your stomneh, tone a8 is provided oy law. ‘up your liver and regulate your bow The above statement is 8 Sled; ie making you feel like a new man. | . Hodgkins, Patton, Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Slew in Aritmgton bloek, sext 10 Pia Pats Le Xi night calls Ped inrile Collections fe, Properties AY and made a part thereof, Physicisns Preverite i, Sy of Apel Bob, 1974 Act of Many broad minded physieiana pre. | [25 Dives 01h our, 7 5 Slax andar Montieth, Bur soribe Foley's honey and tar, an they 7 : En, . have never fonnd so safe and reliable a Tr : of Counc, Lo nck remedy for throat and lang tro rablem tis De, ¥ sworn, do each of us x 3; : 1 ; a Thy oul uw his great medicine. All drn 2 icista, R. F. B. EVANS, a oi statement ate’ Chamberlain's stomach and liver DEST Ye a Ry tabletscure bilivneness. constipatic : , Jasin, fa Jind aber} before palion ALE ers etm | day of Fried a and headache. They are easy to take At Commercial Hotel, Ban wz, J. P, and 4 pleasant in effect. For sale by C. esboro, every Thursday : ! Purpose of Sha with te “conditions of the WA, Herren of Finch, Ark, writes. ANT HONY ANNA, its se plagienia. there i “1 wish to report that Foley's kidney pon all the prop. Ure has cured a terrible case of bad real pomenn); in said Bor. | der trouble that two doctors hisd given to taxation or ap.’ All druggists. #0 aonoal tax o dred and thirty dollars, bk There {8 no cough medicine 80 popu ; per ocentum of th increas of Jett on Ser as Foley's hooey and tar. It con-. 8 : “eh y tains. no apittes or poisons and never. “Al druggists. TOSTICE OF THE PEACE Collections promptly attended to Dealer tn reid estate, ste Foley's Honey enc , Tar | Anis ngs a aud stops hi soagh. do better abt the While 4 nn purmance of ite annual atom, wylvania Railroad Co. has just issued | | an attractive snd somprehensive book | : {descriptive of the leading wint rre like all the publications of the Pennayi- o. this “Winter exenr. | (uton Book™ is a model of typographi- It is bound ina \ seit] | Dandsome and artistic cover in colors 2h of Patton to be affixed | and contains much valuable inforoia- | | tion for winter toarista and travelers in general. It can be bad free of charge | iat the principal ticket offfoes of the | Pennsylvania Railroad Co. or will be ‘sent postpaid opon application to Geo. | y of P; ation | | W. Boyd, assistant general passenger | Philadel. | With the New York Csntral inter. wisand mile ticket, ps two cents per! vow York . send and operated | onaeeting nes ge to croup, and so bad have the sitacks RTSRAting over 8,000 miles of track. AD. 1902, heen that wo have fuared many times These milonge books are on sale at all a We have had the stations at rate of $20.00, are good for tons appesr we have found that the branches in the state of New York, ¢ fre There is as much & tant i in job printing The CoURIBR makes and tar always steps | Redline, This offioe makes 4 specially of fine | tive, or spopl | disease. : vance the kidney poisoned blood will attack | the vital organs. or the kidneys themselves abministrathen be Shed the | Wholesale and retail deal | ermine bi 3. TL Salers Ralph Waldo Emerson, in an essay on eloquence, said, in speaking of a man whom he described as a Godsend to his town, “He is put together like | 2 Waltham Watch.” itis thistime P.M. in Paris. Wall bam Watehes are sold by TOZER, The Patton Jeweler. TH he Eminent Kidney The: § | The Discoverer ot Swany Ret at Work in Ris Ladaratory. There is a disease prevailing in this | coun ry most dangerous because 2 deoete Many sudden deaths a+ caused by | f~Bbeart disease. pneumonia, heart {allure are ofien the result of kidne { kidney troubls is allowed to break down and wasts away ceil by cell Ther the richness of the blood—the albumen —-joads out snd the sufferer hus Bright! Disnise, the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root Jovy Sim war apsoe Foch Bok ling she about Swamp Root and its wonderful Or. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Nd and mez ton this paper. Johnstown Aronia ¥ (Past : rung Eo Kapri. Huistingdon & Broad T In effect Bept. 1 | E ns a Saban 0 umm bar Iesthagshen at Be pom, and Bladder Specialist. t in All Trmine Hake coe fahnselions with Po ihe Hastings Pharmacy, the new dia | A Geo. Simmelsberger, ot OUTS they do. Lo Answer. tionary to akl yon. It won't an- J ever every question, but there are thousands to whic it will give you eve, clear and definite answers, not abot words ally, but about things, tha ET, mae hier, gen, § aces, stories and the ike. "Then, tao, tha el hifren cai find their fon answer Nome of our greaiest men 3 ascribed their puwer to study of the dictionary. Of conrse you want the best dic Lionary. the Now and Enlarged Ba of WEBSTER’S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY. IF gon have any questions adant 3 wetle us IG. & C. MERRIAM CO, Edition of ox : 4 ¥ : 7 Famous at home for [> hie pL a ®k Lrenterations past, Famons now all the World. mer Far ssl vy ED. A. MELLON Fame oomsnrs— Went wad weet dy... Aulty ti oo , Satly. a i Foabiris be a Aveo, week Saxe isi Cambria & Clearfield Divison, Lawve BatbaSnutheand Trewin i TH at T98 a, wm osrvtving of Croan & " Sim ren Noo T08 at G38 pom sreiving at © rem | wt Ep om i Fame Pastore. Nyiihward. ! ” Tenis Now 4a 107 a 16. ardviog sr Mae ; oat ea. pi and dl filan arn pbedl nd 3 Patton Weatsiowr Avendiy £% &% Mabutiey kK SECT ie ott dp son owe WT Be We 2 i Es ER Be Cd Pe aat REsR He ae Lr Gan a. in Frode vor SOR ut 840 nan EE A Op aM i pi Musson Rarire sad, Winbgrne : Ponte 1901, Siitnawn 4 mow Shy Bewicdy Tk Mi: Hat pe gy ty oo Faw avon TOME Dialing at Yumrigetate Way Tops HRY Huntingden ow Mt Padi 3 waos Bl Bniisiys 5 ATTEN at Mi xa Reading 7 . BR Fir 25 Ain : *Y vials ar 9 ® 3 pnp oe rm xm pe, ix Pm a Mi. Dallas Bar 8 Wp iepat Hunting | TY ork days vers M5. Daria ae | Pittsburg & Eastern Branch. old 1, i np iires 51 Huttinge | Trutis save Mabuites Hr Mod ivem, len ; an ? i Cae pit aid Hoaverhamt al Ta om IDe and Gp “ME dmb Hetgening, eave leo Campbell at $50 wm, Sy AEE RE be and Bb pots Anil HXIOPE Sashday’ HY re Pos etthin- Az Wit one wil Phillie ihe it Desking relieonds at Jetiey he thie Fail Heoak Hy ot Wis Hatt fontrl Hat Eaves hid Pow: gin HH, 53. pe § Spm Train Nox Sandage anniv loves BIE fl one ast wiiet ut uns £ HE rh MM exe E + aera Se Cr a itd i PlEge $x ; Malis : Prat of Viel » XK the hs re: wt Modi ey with vivanis and Northwestern tian, [dey H. Dnioie, Lg Northup, : Saal = Rak ig Now York, wi Ta he 8 Biodpett, vent Supe. Carefully Cop Le fit fe 3 And at tl : gH | Philadelphia & Reading Railway. { Engines Burn Hard Coal