A sire AG Hp KAT Rp lan wan with oe tte ‘monche rs 1h wise woman makes to mettle Buia =e 4 They add iy ov nse the fresh froit tn ad the preserved berries, in Sugar was used, when the esr product of the chemists er Market Diagram. & thought that the fonny Ads about Ms Younghius. g were ail Bonsenss, ” : inarried woman recently, | fed it for myself. I don't corre, whether New York is ularly bard piace for the | epee or not. bet my own expe noe woiikd seem fo teach me that it is “Now, (or instance, I thonght | Knew | 8 good desl about meat, and 0 I've ME IY awa marketing for some time. i you'll belleve me. we've had the worst meat | ever ate in my life BY. Mae maid the other night if we Bad sack chaps for dinner again 2 he Wotid est down town at the mn that settied Bn I swallowed 8 Brel wrote home 16 mother. | What do you think the dear thing AIG? Ehe sent me a litle diagram of a cow With fhe paris that were good for 638 aud all the other things nicely : ed, #6 1a the mtchers can't de. eIve tie BY mare. ow when I go marketing 1 ke | ttn Sizgram eng and order from | : fore 2 ut idom t usd wha the world 1 should do without it." Tattle Hialr Noveltise, ais is what The French say =} : As 0 Mer curl. : he | leh round pomnadonr, Corkscrew curls upon the temples. Tory Jaw knot in the back of or a ors: high colffure threatening forward into the pompadour. 5 6F aR ings, from dia- i i] rol in Hite £pTOYs. iso say that the feathery >i be seen 254 the GFRAment % fowels and flaff (non : poi creations that top the F OF the women who attend court The three feather eoiffare i soe that | orn only for a special occasion, as wi» distinetively a court beaddress be wo Seneraly. 8 eh There Are Rumer. Alners, tal when it comes to differer designs as there are | ‘#ui, For the head. 8 only one rule. : selected be ad- te headdress be | thal" ii would not do at zed Vietorian hang 24 halr of the Pris cord with the Janice | He must be consistent “the headdress will not from the historical point EARS Dowager of Chins, d shaking of the Empress pirfuuctory function, for she i# hand of each person and seenly into her eyes, and dis separated ber from her kind # that rare possession of 80 much | a in woman, a soft, caressing e spplemented by an engaging Ale, an eager, observing alertness of pression and a Boticeably gentle This formatlty over, she left the and all its. formal greatness, came dows the eo : arly attentive to children. first duty was to see that we ed tea in a little drawing ading off from the throne room. s atte ARAN HO street there. io the 8 3 vw however, may prefer to regard it! 4 de a8 & precedent, ol | the national costume, conaieting of a Jong. loose, sack-like garment reaching | from the neck to within abou three inches of the floor, over which is worn a short sleeveless fscket They were i made of blue satin exquisitely embrod. Cored 2ll over in fzures of batterties bats, characters in gold denoting long life, and flowers, all un Barsvaizing polors. Her hair was dressed In the Manchurian extension adorned with dozens of ponrls of viry fog sizes, from & penny down to 8 pin fashion, and bead. Her feet were previily drosesd fo the embrotdered Manetniring shies perchiad on bracken that she veoned taller than she really was for she can not be quite Bes feat tall diex wore dillerently edlornd gowns of { the ssoie sivie ad the Emprese’s, with y | large ciisters of brightly colored Bow. ors in their halr, and. with cnly a few excaptions (nn the rage of widaws thelr faces were most artistically painted, a study in pink and white, with a single red spot on the ower ip. The effect of this RKaleidoscop®t eoloaring dan bebter be Imegioed then deseribed, Belle Vimnedge Drake. in the Centiory ad Gt pe Queen Alexanders in an expert dress. maker, Asa rir] she was oliliged to do much of her awn beni Women's clubs from Ssitillo, Mexivg, j and Shanghal, Chinn, have applied tor | © membership in the General Federation | of Women's Clubs, Sarah Berpbardt is fifty-eight vers oid and does not sidesten when asked ber age. Her chief hope 5 to live to bie & great-grandmother. Dr. Rina Mastic has been elected pro | fessor of anatomy at the University of | Milian, the first Itallan school to ip Point a woman to a professorship, Bight young Chinese Wome of the | highest circles fn Kiangso have been gent to Japan for a three yedrs' oduen tion. It Is the first known cuse of the kind. Mrs. Mary L. Morrow, who recenily in Mor Friston, xX i al the age of = ¢ Spang ¥ was 3 £ By 3 Sawer ginls ristown, in Mr. Stanley Hpeacer, of England. is | the Srl woman to navigate an sivaliip sessed] the fear Mre. Iborg. an energetic St louis Woman, headed a band of ladies re cently In the task of sweeping a eran ! This they $id me a Jenson | Breet Commissioners The lit. Ornate sleeves wil be the rule 22 SYops Skirts are to cling to the knees All conts and blouses boast base JTIe Fichu effects continue good for a low ! neck fi Aaish. There seems to be 5d end to the Brapping deslzna, ) Wide sleeves are on everyth tag from | cloaks to negliges. Turban sbapes in many variations | figure in the new hats As usual, fancy colors distinguish the fall and winter corsets. Emerald green nnd golf green are ; very fashionntils shades Most skirts are finished with from one to three Hared Sonnies Black roses play an important ie 7 i the early auiomn milliner When showy effects are desire! or | | broddery Is brought inte play. Bo far the new oorpets the hips, to give a slender offivt Elack liberty silk roses veiled with | tulle make a lovely facing for a hat brim, Flat hip trimmings are continued down to the knees. These ssually <ip at the front. Series of folds, either double. like tuck, or witha stitched lower ede. or much liked. Many of the prettwst hats are rade of alternating folds of silk and net of silk and chiffon, The vogue of things that crawl in shown by such names as serpent green and the snake curl. Close-fitting one-piece skirts may serve well when the part below the knees is added in a fare. ; ‘Most sleeves show some Sat trim ming at the top and the baggy part usually ends above a cuff White china silk makes a lovely tea gown, In a quality that will wash well ft gives splendid service White Irish crochet lace with black yelvet baby ribbon and embroider : | adie is noted on a new dress None of the | Indies had small feet. The younger In 1 trvivar of The; is who souk part in the reception to General Lafaperte at Mon | ‘ Ble sailed one successfully around a ‘London polo ground the other day and | Was warmly congratulated Ly Conan i : Doyle and other famous men who wit. | are lone en) Home Made Shoe Poilsher, If you Bave any Nita of velveteen. make uh into begs ahoagl four inebes wide and spven or Sight inches long. Stal with rags or wadding, and the il boots or shoes ele, Flow to Keep fos, ar jug, cover Ho owith & plate and ple thd vessel on oa pillaw winffed with pillow, } external alr, bad conductors of Beat, and in conse quence the love [3 prefered fran nel eight days. within the résch of every ho To Bemore Stuins From liven. Tar ma ¥ Be removed rubbing the stalin with butler washing 4 out with wars: turpentine. Palin HUL a8Y stain tae ter figad ih in 65h { AR Keon osx wash ot the sign feald water it Systers In Honsrwark, iii &, Ba i Slowing Gay lad day In each week, wher of things to do w & TOEBiar routing, sie TUS pian so toa aie mr oall orewiling upon ber ar slither being they ATE RO BABY oF (ake in hand and desire for seotomy mori ; £& RK Waimea to a op petilitare of energy, wid very bad kind of extras F¥anees, FRAG OR, Bie RAN deen parti busy all day snd 8 feeling tired noentoes a neighbor who nelle Lie great fannbl sale. in a she thinks of little Popey’s Paunes child really pois have new jones xu off ale rushes to seen Pa evial and returns dellelited w 1 at & few petinies under usmal price. As 8 matier of face, anne! was a dear purchase. It Be the proverbial straw whisk fave the camel's hack for the MX fay Prenate- tie Ta % iy wR UE Be 3 SUT They WIE fw A cotton company of Fifisselphls haw acquired 8 tract of {and in the Transvasl Ig is said thRt ey shies nis have shown hat oar mach cheater in South Aldea 1 han | in thie oonntry, A trade corre Rb nd oor Eb wile hats are madd ix chiefly of the hair of rat Forts, mixed with wo stances dre thoroughly mix aril are then pressed ans they adbere and for To keep ive, put it in a deep dish | feathers aod sover the ton with soother | by this means excjuding the Feathers ars wll bnown ; " i ble, maverinl bags make a splendid polisher for glace | exit] The trade between RKorak has great pom her of tonrisis have organise Het mntarh : the waters of the Baye ned WRLUT aurne of runner” ng. Ive niny be so preserved for ox or The plan Is simple and | An Sperm pe Emaneny hvwar HIT 8 new | Fl orida, The w araand the pulf af Laeuis epithe ra wititer Dligmards o Autry An pEpensiy Pfeddd for thic indus Nish price of the dranghy Cwitede herds peeished lauls thers wall Cong onnditions ahie share of Uf Talis to 8 spe reglecied wg af the onel of health YY Ties $ Will 4 % Cof which ihe schon A sehooner Las i Francisco afer a wis fo the const of fr pews of wine that will rival fie fas will mine of A % Pole nn 8 oy the CORK not fell its they have shim fo work 8 ton In speelinens is oe fair grade, feta notiges th re lye neatly 5 3 4 vine and it is eabl that there fe an mene | quantity of it in mo enslly reiiched fromm ie cous that it wi ha | ¢ siaply & preposition of quarrying it ous — The appearsdes of 3 sew star In the eatirtelintion Per ak BRE ints 8 neh Xing on far some revived among aster: iA go fel i explosion, Blidkerton, of « Zogiand, show - abimid graze obs o CpaTEs coralitione, ocontinoe © iE relntive EY ® #0 high a LE PTR TL at ones Besrame Noda § petinla so forme wan i «She x pund and ik Glasipated in os. Tv a resent Be : panding pebula haw ven growise ati the extraordinary rate of weverst then | | housewife is either moping about feel. | ; Ing Incapable of work, or she ia pros. rated with a severs headache, Plan ping would suve this kind af thing and prevent the crowding into one & ihe work of twa In planning and estur Sr% some allowance shoul | be made for interruptions and i work taking longer than was i paisd. With too many “irons : Tsueh bindranoss 8s a viabtor ving tn consde 8 orein Httle trouble mak {ia Reon that calm swe ry the wonu serely the mainspring of fhe shack ty of the housebald, but iw grt an who dwell there Washington St HOA MS A ge 5 & Rice With esptul of rice wu > vitomy of a butte puddng disk with the evoked 4 akle dots of butter over: sprtanic: with gente id a dash or two of cavense erGate thpse avers uaUl the d and aboul shegqudrter of cheese; PORE aver ope aed # as "sey § Aas AR, j Sprinkle ote of Daiternate leavers ught; lo the morning drain and in a preserving Reddo; wd one 4 spoon of cloves, she ounce of alls berries, half gn ounew of pers Wer cie-bxil cup of rewn mastard sesd oie pound of brown sugar, four gn PepTers Boely chopped: i ov etiongh to cover, bring bedlineg point abd boll gil jars Beef Roll—To two pounds of chopped beef from the top or under mound add ole teaspoon of salt, a little pepper, one tablespoon of lenson jubce. a lictle won rind, ene tatdespoon of chopped parsiey; beat two egos a Hidde: add them to the meat, shape In a roll ten Uiches jong: lay the meat on a buttered paper: put this (1 a pap and bake % fxg minutes in a moderate oven several times with a tittle panied ht ter and dripping wixed: savers and onion fake may be nwed on | change instead of lemon juice sod rad Cosand mbes a seentid 3ad i% in many | wiyR one of the greatest cdlestial!l far points for stone | for it. The suders of the time, i The only place in the world whera | thie form of carbon known as the blak dismond, or bert, is fonsd ind marketable quantities 14 in Balla, in Rath Ameriea, The gud a powdered and fig emendy and aiher Thers Dlaek dlawond with the : : Sahin flelds. and "dollars a earat { amnual output je deers { . Levy found L Brl who nmkes It howe Indeed te fan : walphet S150: banight from the milter fiw was allerwards purchasad for ant was sent to Paris broken up amd Avarage size Wa % the dee mand grows larger and rll price in mounting. It (3 probably only a ques. [ tion of time when a black diamond wese~Sterm of boil ote | th ie Hilder: Gover the j wail cups of milk and sprvgd over 1he | ro Biltered bread eromabs; put in oa Glues oven apd bake unt crpmbs are sim ply fe atirae cotgbination will he Torn hed to Wark the small ares with mad mine tinery, The present methods are re pric tive io a The Abbey's Funeral Toll. Dita nes fs mm a : x} Rng % A. rsa RRS ME A 7 CSSA TAS New York R Cite. - Monte £5; petrtly comfortable ax well 49 simart ha ‘ This excellunt model is adapted ——y pions MONTE CARLO CURT. atamine 3 the son son's PORTS of ®ve in the height of style and ave emi. The most fashionable hatters sg shaming the Jatest shapes of felt hate : ad frimhed with rich ary Roman A VEE pehiuiar Fi BFA ARN SAR wears 5, wide: sod in Persian tints hipaa stripes io Dany tis = These sre wound arounsd the crown aud cael? nto a large. artiste rote ¥ the Trae & ile to oN the oihwr theouazh which 8 su ovaasmental quill, Thess tx are in white and all He wode and are sxirersely smart Piiable Corests Wiha materiale asad 10 cores mal i of BOT eRE eR those bard, highly dressed mg things of the {nr past fancy ia a pin line colors] strive oh a white ground eo * oon 8 white ground Is sccounted Sumter Clathes in Winter, of wearing thin smmey hove In midwinter thal foyesy will still obisin 9 that many elaborately Beautiful new Cpprarslins sed DHT Are DOW ing Thule fe Tak {NIN ito fb : 5 thers afford for satunn dias Brmn on Wales, are secon On many walsty are entirely tucked, the oullay and cuffs HAR Xi, un p' sie nf them OA EA Vail of IMatinetion. In these davn of fancy hordersd vefle dre note that Lave quite the Co ent thig eo Gn atd three-auater vad of Guiles Ilex aariar yards iw yvo and 1h HET EH ry-fonr mohes wile a por @nd Hye eighth yamds fifiy inches ie Ww vx Lie rRBrel, mio mm point: Womans Loanging Babe, and artraetive Desire in svery walngn's wari ary woanomical as well ax Same notable names have been added | | Ww the roll call of the Aldw van Bradley, 3 bla hon Preach. Wintniiant Te anyon BI He Are Among ban addeq to tha barre x ee esn En AB twill sur Aor Biirdpd { g to Krow rhe bey iris} TW ENIY véurs, these Ware ey and Mra ER TAT TE bishop, a schentis. aml a statedinan, the grant de ad who under | Pmrwin, Arehio PEER Wattpang- % ” swe ¥ IAS TIE gravefnily gaigered I ogrroawew Invisgl Lethiow gleeviy are ve been buried fn Wextminsrer Abbey jh yom fe Brad. | ley became Dean —8t James” Gazette Somes Goed Advice. The country editor should not fail: to realize the influence cise: in the shaping of public affairs, says the Spirit Lake (lowar Beacon. || He should come wisely, read cares) fully, think deliberately higiself in and express baked opinions sod slashes around tengiiosn iw gooaunds no haphazard fashion. The adie of a country paper who delivers able for a serious wasle of uppor Sun ity. HAY Ear twontyeseven ches wide, he in: SCXD. | i # ¢ emg of © iw saman” W Hox Plosted Shire, (3 to gain in favew be weak amd are seen in the aml Best desigue. This stylish sags them to advantage suid is <0 taal waking materials, cotton, HR awl owael, Bag as Hlustrated wlitle bButeher's linen and is worn aad bell of bhiack Liberty re orbyined 8 snlined. but the tating 3 an mpreveiment to WHR m0 aie fining ix smoothly fAtted by whe darts shoulder under SiG ow hark seams, and ex tons 1 the waist line only. The waist saper consists of Irons and back and : sans of shoulder snd une The hack is plain and down in gathers at the waist the Tromts sre ald in box 3 tre Sy ed Hat to yoke ai hie pg reread af the waist a bee astlusted to the rind The xleeves aw te with straight saquare Gok iv oa steel collar, prenas of hat. woarked in the EE ax arkadtesion sad regaired for taree and (hee. uatier yards twenty-one inches wide, with gradimted 3 frie, hat the sivoves are in webop style th siraizght narrow ifs. To cat this robe ia the meliom sige ten and a half wardw of material en wrieds thirty-two inches wide or five aod a hal? vards forty-Lous wohes wide will | fe ppapuiredd with fan gad a Coembraddery asd ane and a of ipwertion ts of narraw ed fnstrated! or ball ard of eking two | art a hall va ey vip hooidery goad three and a quarter yards of Inserion when large high neck apd long sleeves {are demired, aA RR RE AA be Walsr. i » : ERE NNR vrei. Thi 5 aris thar re ; FQ yale Gripe ur Wobes wine
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers