The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1902, Image 6
NEW. | of the line by June, 190. Thomas Griffith Digest Sout ¥ of Berwind- White shaft at Dunle, Alex respect. i hott i Yiu Seal employes seen Hetty and Crissie Mahaffey, Tree, were guests of their John Mabaffey, the first of the a) of mighty irrods from are honting deer and other near Monument Ran, Clin-| oa of a mai Spe i day | nig agaisbed Clothing for Men told about in Mirkin & new sdverusement in oan § annual corn baking w wis held the Weakland farm in Eider own. ) Monday ‘night. The usual good | | Snyder's nl of the Bon Ton store in this $8 of epusial intrest to Louse Penns: ivanis raiirond has re- receive any more cabbage and pe shipment, owing to the large | heavier and more import- | : and Iast lactare on the scourge will be Friday night, 9th, when Dr. 8 D. Pens -“lAncot, the ; good, pure god wholesome in beer. This fas not oy to ; | Monteith, of Patton, and Thomas Jones, of Vintondale. i 108 RARER A om there were nothing to kick *hoat : follow the west bank of the Sue Everything the best for the ns river and will connect wit ‘least mumey. Pennsylvania railroad at this point. | tract calls for the completion There are four Cambria ownty ‘they can n taking the examination for mine from cellar to garret. or at Pitisbury this weel. They The well known Red Cross ‘and Summit Ranges take the 1m every Guaranteed Carpenters’ Tools, Ontiery, Gans and Mr. and Mrs. Jobn M. Schwab, of Loretto, parents of Chas M. Schwab, | the great steel magnate, loft New York Tuesday on the Kron Prinz Wilmbelm | at in sompany with Charles M. Schwab's make te om § Los mother-indaw. The three will join aE iis Chas M. Schwab and wife at Genoa A0G furniture Cand spend the winter in Eorope, being The following will be sold below cost: most of the time in Torkey. 12 and dtiuch Laws Mowers at $1.93; kote hes in Charcoal, Vas delivered Jew Cron Feovzars at $1.35; by re. Lincoln 8. Hailey, if Boaknel] Poors as low a he niversity, at tha MF chard Toe five oxo fd] at the nid atand below bt in an entertaining, amisr ag the { i Hotel Land istrative lecture. His delinea- tion of Negro character win expatialiy J E Ki RK'S H DW. & FURT STORE. Pleasing, while the pooital of scipe of Magee Ave, Faal Lawrenos Dusbir's poems was PATTON , PA. . ~ Paints and Craps wiil be sold 30 days eating y stoves 16 AP RSET LE much spprecisted. Halley bas pile 5 stady of the charscteristion of the Am. erlean Negro and bas the bappy fac. adty of imparting bis keowledge in al | Plensing manner, : ~The thirty-sixth annual tenciers | £ Mine Irene Polisg { son Prof ¥. B. Ott. Ont of $5 and 56 Hi SHioes for Men. Careful Pay day Saturday, Nexis Thoruday will be Thaoksgiv- R UBBER GOODS. Boats, watch repaired at (yneen Quality Shoes a ws women have stood the os can do better at ihe fhe LW ; © sell the 31%. Sire. The weather the past week han been hard of the coal trust. ; Indian stimmer wan s Hitle (ate, hot it got here just the sane. The man with a milion dollars ear afford to seors anon Sere Have your do better at LEIDEN’S. The White Shoe Store. Magee Ave, You can It's ne easy matter bo apologine to, you Kno WwW ARLE Whip Os, Life would be very Ra MOOOLONOGER if ‘imgaesne bower fa pond’ Eon A. Mygaax, HDuguesne’ stands for ail that old En A MeEaan Swell dressers wear our derby hate. | | | Fall styles now ready. hooks rooms at Har eto take effect at the South Pork mot in| ne of football (are the best in the market and at prices that are sire to please. Wary & THoNpsax, We sell the famous Widow Jones * suits for boys. A target and pistol jEiven with each soit. Price, $25) to Worry & THoursux. : At all times and at all SCASONS. »a drink Dugoesne you are Amired of this trio, Ep A. MErLiox Velvet house slippers for ladies and gentler at thirty-five and forty cents respectively. WOLF & THOMPSON. Our Regent patent colt skin shoes We carry the hnest line of wool- ens in this section. When in need of any- thing in our Crs linc, don't for- get that we can pl Di iDSmore Bros. Wary & THoMpsax, Why drink a''green’” non-union or, whet you can gel Gidon made # LI SE gh £3 zs ad MERLLH 2 Vpn wake § & $ &e Lary Pos ¥ 2 5 thst Ww LE & Ta HOMPSON. As everybody | knows, Kirk's is the place to go | ‘when a man gets married, as furnish everything a fall line of Ol Cloths and Linoleum Seren | | “Everything : Dressers will INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. appreciate this foot wear. rubbers and felts. | for test. Patton. Pa. are now in season, and usual w. are prepared to sup-. ply all demands. a5 Our. Stock of Stoves Ranges and more complete than ever. ‘We can please the | most fastidious. dil 1S Few as good and }§ none better than the lines we handle & 3 Furnish you with any kind of a Gun made, and also. the ammunition to shoot it with. kinds of Buggies. Big 60-day sale Now on. in Hardware.” J. B. CORDELL & CO. Fifth Ave, PATTON, PA. | Flats in all colors, Is a courteous invitation andl one that is apprect ated when you have the article to back it up with Our Lf LARGE” ; * x * Whiskey £ ther fis miglic nal 41 We teeta it. fills the nll, y social gi RES 3 AA Or it rigrher than ve rage, but—vou ty want to treat your friends to something that isn't the very best. We ave goed whiskey, not FOO ol, bat good average pur- s at all prices. $s. Over > diferent | hrands to fromm. Or the par - excellence in brewing. It is the gentlemen’ 's beverage and unexceiled as a tonite for sik people. Porter, | hampai gn of Meseri » ¥¥ $ Jot 5 Hh iy wines and © ry price tion. an a ED. A. MELLON, Ww holesiale Lala Raceimy fuller’ \/ He wi | you avoid debilitating colds by wearing Shoes fitted with cork cushion (Girl is and the Baby, them in all Ga 46 {3% ‘hats, children’ | hats. : styles wings, those that are kept on handle the latter class and DUQUESNE BEER Of al | ( cond Clagee Ave., NEW SHOES! Our new Shoes are now het re for ‘of the largest and most up-to-date ispection, One A Shoes ever shown ‘in Patton. Ask to see the ‘Treadeasy Sho for Women. e mor aman ed | dea in modern Sheed aépg are onlsserih DA 3 § Get a pair of Treadeasy i Shoes and walk on velvet You will then know how com- 7] pete style, comfort and hygiene in footwear have been combined. You walk—at least you think you do—on a cushion of down with an elas- { tic instep. No jarring, no irr tation to disturb your nerves. Ask your doctor about them. tell you that your general health will be much better if irsoles. They are made in all the very newest shapes and leathers, are snappy up-to-date hoes in every respect and are sold at a ry price of $3730 the pair. They are not only the best shoes made at this price, they are the best made at any price. Buy your Shoes here and § you can depend on getting the A specialty of all the very lowest price. very best Shoes. at all times. at Do pot forget that we have Shoes for Men, Women, Boys, 1% We have © 7 leathers, Yet enod EInas of ana Come Sax 140 BN ed Ail SUES 1. 5 WR h DE convIneea Vid THOoRey ia nad that i we Can save %% 0 Ty Snr Shoe ates. The Money Saving Store.’ fine 1's school hats, Rolled Rims and Full line of ladies’ trimmed Misses street and dress ladies’ outing hats, latest of birds and long plumes and New line of (;ood assortment »> large vanety of feathers. All the newest shades of nbbon, Fancy on Pons and Buckles. EVANS SISTERS, Fifth Ave. Patton, Pa. IS A And a wide one between pure, fresh w holesome drugs and shelf for We do not that is why we are filling so many onr goods and fnew and clean, whichis a eseTiptions are compounded the years. All favor an presen ption 8, d our pr poinil in ear i * big * x he Yin i col a » - on ra bv a casein! and thouroughly competent pharmacist, which 1s anothe r point. Druggists’ Sundries Kind, Huyler’s Ce Tobacco and Cigars of FL thi ing s PHARMACY, Patton, Pa. lebrated Candies, and a full and Line in the busi GUNNS