} {geting along till sh that opened the way into a warm {rome But thers they wanted no one, and she turned sboyt to face the storm ge of luck they mark, | 88ain. House after house she visited, ayer, or grin or smile, {and in &ll of them met the same an a little w he, swer—surly. some of them were, and ina the dark. sent ber back into the streer wonder se all, dead broke and blank: | Ing where she could go next. e, some plunge to make or] Next? That was a problemi. It Id on every stake seemed she hod been everywhere and ¥ $x Break the bank. | still she was cold and hungry: her ene ad Qilveting lin head ached and she was badraggled | brows and quis FTIng Ups, [by the Snow. At that juncture [Helen : . eke slowly grow or abriak, came to a {rack of four that led soross ey played for money, not for chips. SE : the docks of a steamship company. In front stood a dray laden with bar reis of the sinff, fresh fro the mills, 85d Inside the big shed the driver was wrangling with the foreman, In a _ {twinkling Helen grabled a paper from | the back of the wagon and swept the path of flour from the walk with her bare hand, one track after the other, until she had them bath in her paper y and straightened from her toll Into the eyes of Frederick Hudson “You here! he exclaimed. at her full beight. She was Helen their modes of life changed | Gray again, even in the storm of BOOW, them. Helen Gray belonged to thie | “1 am here” she repeated, class. It happened before the| “Ang...” | “A widow and starving? Tears trickled down ber cheeks as she sald this: ; “A widow and starving?’ Frodeviek echoed, “1 have been your friend in ii the past and will be now, You shall : not wanh” 0 front of a Southern home| Arm fn arm they walked away, and st its shadow across the Brond | she told him all; how ber husband bad a and Corinthias pillars. Afallen; how thelr ail had Dewin saerd- years went by and Helen's skirts | ficed, and bow at last they had come to and her hair, which In! Chicago: baw be had met his death, summers bad been loft to curl | and why she was In the streets, When was notted on her head. and she put] they were seated at a table In a res | tauranut Frederick told her bow he had : come to Chicago and bow be Lad pros be house. Then she had callers. | pered as a lawyer. 3 Ald, gentlomen friends of WT] That very week the remains of Har . youth, and gradually they fell lolg Stetson wore shipped to bin former ‘to two, who became gnitors and | ome In the Booth and wers Secon tivale. One was long of face and bait | panied by the widow. At the funeral ~whith was steaight—and talked of | was Frederick Hudson. A year later anthors and flowers. The other was |there was a quiet wedding in that tall, had wmmiles for everrthing, his |town in which Helen Stetson was bride ri ir dancing over a shining face. | and Frederick Hudson the groom. Gray liked this dandy of the! Now this man and wife live on the | outh. Helen was more favorably im- | South Side of this city, and the man is ressed with the former. Their names [a lawyer of prominence —Harry A. ‘rederick Hudson and Harold | Armstrong, fn the Chicago Record. Frederick was a young at: | Herald, ne: the town, and Harold-well, i had nothing tn do, and 41d nothing, Bell Finds Life Worth Livieg. father was rich. Two years 8go a wealthy New gown touched the floor and | Yorker was injured while swimming Ar out nx she came down tol 8nd it was thought that he would pover jor one Bunday afternoon, the day | 8¢t over the effects of the accident. was to tell Harold hls pleadings | But by a modern miracle of surgery een heard and his prayers grant | Be recovered after Iving for months It had been a Jong struggle, nnd | Petween life and death, ae Fe SAA II. d lasted more than a year. Freder-| He Is still confined to bls tied and | and in Helen's face and voles the | WHI Dever again be able to stand on | Ning that kept Wim so long. That his tect. The greatest luxury that be ®avr came from the heart and has enloyed since hin aeehdent caps | the other day when be was diowed ta smoke a cigar. a hells rang ant for Christ. When it beeatns certain that ho fH len and Harold walked slowly would live the question of the Mace of | « aisle of the church whily the or residence war the most Jmportint As ied out itn wedding march. Lis wealth made it BANSCrREATY (0 coh. s the lights and rich the sider any question Lut the suitability Hen! were the flowers snd | of a place for a person compelled 10 stay in the bouss always, it sess not £0 difficsit to find a home for Mim as it might bave been. The choles finally back of the church sat n youn Jol 15% 90 spartment house ou Brook: swhat by himself. and | 130. Heights. somewhat by himself, an The windows of this house commund two one for all time. After | Fost River. Night and day there is on had passed ont of the | M1WaYSE a moving panorama of beauty nd went away It] Pefore the eyes of the injursd man ederick Hudson, lawser. but who lies on Lis couch by the window. ee khew Kim no tore, for that And he jg philosophical enough to ad he went away into the North] BI that life even under such condi night In the early spring follow. edding Harold was drought ‘his companions. He was bg hard, and when Helen ver him the men langhed and led liquor on her husband. then on he drank hard and sat fore the green cloth. After a Mr. Stetson died and Harold the mills and the estate ut be ran through it that got in hix cotton ing. Nelther did Helen thing to add, for she had given e Bad and all her mother had even to the house with the elm the girl had spent her baby. Sun, a A PT AOI A Monster Topas, An imteresting story of a valuaole topaz now in the possession of Signor Nicola Carelli comes from Naples, gays the Rome correspondent of the London Leader. The topaz which Signor Car elll brought back from Bazil Bote Fears ago is so large that it $a sald to weigh over two pounds. A Neapolitan artist, seeing the stone, begged to be al. lowed to engrave the figure of Christ on it fo eameo, The work is now fic. ished and Signor Carell! has been look. ing for a purchaser The value of the Jewel Is, however, so great that aren the Pope bimself, to whom it was of. fernd, could not afford io buy it. Pin- ally, says the Italie, a committes has been formed in Naples with the pure pose of buying the Jewel from its Jires. enl owner by public subscription and affering it to Leo XIII as a Jubilee : iy j present. TT is to be baped, therefore, hat Which caused them to sell! nat this wonderful treasure will be the household furniture and the de. | suey ny visitors to the Vatican Mn- zet away from all who knew | coum. Signor Carelli declares that that drove them to Chicago. | (here 1s no other such stone in the where for a time they struggled | world. pi galnst fate, and where Harold fell hose who were like the asso Ax for working, Harold knew little } eared less The yonne man thought ‘could get away from his asso. eonld get to work and even ® that of a day laborer it be the “onterine wedge” It Sr ———————— He Knew the Secret. _clates he had left. He got to drinking | The secret of growing younger as the gambling and one stormy day the | Years advance Is not the sole Poses. ] gion of womankind. There are cir cumstances ander which man may learn the art and ply the trade with a the potter's field. success that may put woman to shame. ; : After he ‘uneral—simple in the ex- | A bachelor who five Years ago unblush sat down in her single | Iogly acknowledged his fifty years as sked herself what she | his companions drank his health - Bnows neat upon the win- | around the festive board has recently 4 the fire burned low in the | taken to himself a bride why boasts }; nothing was in the larder. | of eighteen summers When the news: fore had the woman been hun- | Papers announced the engageuient last le was starving, Yet she | spring the prospective bridegroom was with the intention to again [referred to as a man of forty Ove "Work 1h the wholesale | Just now there are invitations out for See a banquet to celebrate his thirty-eizhth breakfast | Helen slipped | birthday. Some of his friends are won ' Biairs and looked on| dering If the next year's celebration ‘orld. Snows were | Will be In honor of his attaining his e wind was eom-|majority.--New York Sun. the sidewalk and into the open door of “1 am.” replied the woman, standing | i iO stop? a wonderful view of the harbor and tha | tions 1s well worth living —~New York Wha hath But that & iit 1s what we by it iw & lover's GH Comnimater, Bummer Boarder-“Is this what you call Bye minvies from the station?” Farmer {isehiw “Yeg wir” Sumter Boarder "How many miles an hour is that 7 Pack, A Definition, Latte Clarence Pa, what Is expers ence?” Mr. Callipers—~"Experivnoe, my son, i8 the bhesdaches you acquire from butting against the workl” Pack. Their Polite Bestraing. Gussie {plsofullyi- Bah Javed © AR the girlz around hve siniie 51 a™ Tom Wall, that shows they hare BCAGY THALTIETE CO ALF Wie fire (wy =A Mara go News, | Vehieh broke in her hand, WED strength 1h fnew somes th the 8 ring, | "i phe pall nerow frofn the wonng | Find the tein fell aozowm It. Thos sie Pras fonnd Thoe dt tier : i thal wine Soros the i : wand mgr ayer the ne would bagh outright Bignt fo Their Line, “How 44 your baseband opt? caps Tribune, The Impariant Dedsis Denler- "Xow, ir von wil of automobile always fend distanee Wililam Wise gay, how will I dad ae pie SATA x The Proper Answer. Mrs, Newlywed Whee ference between / dollar bill pet™ Mr Newlyywal-ojt Mrs Newlywed! “TL dear—l need 8 oo A Verguin, Hotel Proprietor 1f the whole can pany puts no Bere TH Boosh off twen. ty-five per cent” Press Agent—"Make it fitry and PH catch a twenty two pound trout and! soo the soa serpent Now York 2a Postie Justics, YAre you a believer in poetic hus tive? aaked the “1 am.” answered the foreizn author: | "at least to the extent of hoping that the laws will see 16 it the we gw the money coming to ne for royaitien’’ | A Cosning Terror, what's gotie wrong? Why are you going dows bere? Santos 1003--“Che a puncture, sir! One o' them ‘ere wireless telegrams, 1 expect, gate slap through my halloon” —New York Commercial Advertise: The Plaginrist. "Oh, Mr. Writernuch, is everything you write original with you? asked the giddy young thing of the literary lion, “I'm afraid not” replied the 1. 1; “every word 1 use may be found in the dletionary."~ Cincinnati Comer. etal Tribune. A ANA po A Grave Hesponsibility, Do you think the kitg will recov er? “Yes” answered one of the royal physicians, “we fool na farther anpre hepsions converning lids majesty. What we desire ta do now ix to Keep sone of the people who expected to ba #0: ¢islly proaninent at the coronation fans dying of disappointment” One Definition of It. “What do you venslder domesticity in man?’ “It Is the trait of wanting to stay home when his wife wanis him te go out with her” “And what is domesticity In wom. an™ “That is the trait of beng willing to stay home when her husband wants to. go out without her” —Chicage Pos*, A Reaponstble Position, “So you bave dismissed your stents. rapher?’ “Yes,” answered Sevatoer Sorghum, “Wasn't he goournte®” “Yes: that was the troabls 1 haven't had ao good stenographer lo years. What 1 want is somebody wha can throw in a few biz words en ls own account for the sake of siyie with. oul changing the weaning. Washing. ton Star, | How Indisa M 1 1 on Eastern Shove, Lind ene by otis the iE Ihen anl eR ofl Thier friiee 3a wr Tie art legend and avd dean Bend A recent wale of land in “Indian. town serose the Paromoks River ww FRB sehr to Beta YRBY Ing saperstition in of the dwell WV Bers ba road Tend i Rn Nye HE to Ral Fy be fodned by another | which leads nt } Wools, gan feptin of 3 plow Mild seein to a ARUN] observer only an ordingry toush amd twigs, however is a small mound ard benenth the mound le the wie. ened bones of the Indian maiden. Wa. bem, who died bre othe hand of her borer, Waspassan, soni of Waspasson, | the wrest hunter of the tribe of which Westomotonies was quéen-the Waa. lnonier, Who owned vast fracte af } land from the Inding River southward { and from the Pacomoke westward : The spitors for the hand of Wabena, it is sald were many, and Waspasean the son of Waspaseon, the friend of | Weatematonles was the abe to Whom rhe heart of Wahermia hal gone forth: fmt sr his heen the way of maidens hath before and since the day of Wa wu in publie her face was averted, beers, wed In oRBger she named Bis name” "8% rhe wbeesd In the twilight ww from an unseen bow plercsd Falling, sho prneved a towiir, AX Wis i hire RII Were te wrtilere and + Rept by them and R4 A to thie day, and i treretiy “Indian Heap” has been per. Epstuated. That it je not Vkely 1 gh i down is attested by the fact ihat in tae record of Worcester County it Wa named ax ote of the boundaries of a Stet of Tad in fodiantown Tha Sea PX Aen, En The Artful Dandelion, On protective devices whether of 2 the anbinal, andl are tO be slserced i the simplest of planta. Lond Ave bary, in his exceedingly suggestive and caarming address ot the annnal fmees i Lg of the Belborne Boclety, drew atten i tion to seine of them, sud perhaps pone | “& by Blin Was sede Tig comity wel out th ino bend the 5 9s y Roi sn ag ATHE Lew Gh The granand a danded Dower is really a § hasch of flowers, some Bandred Borers 4 Tle: outer rows) Fal Borate open Sst, then the inner sad FIENOr TOWER, efsling With the cent Wms. This lass some days and every | evening about snnest the Bower head | closes 4p 50 as to protect the deiionte | tharels from night dews asd probably frone pight insects When sll the Sarets | Bite wiped the yellow corollas shizivel | Cu the sielk lsxye itself dowh on the gaund so as to be cut of danger and the seeds gradeally matters. When | they are ripe the Sower stalk by sone mysterious fgstinet beonwes aware of Pihe fact and raises Besdl so a8 to stand | Gi boldly in the wind, which seires Lthe seeds by thelr beautiful parast chrries them off to fread Selds amd pistes new, aml thus enables the & dant fo sow Heel! in aby rece sroed Up growsd or jo any other s He locality. ~landon News ¥ t ¥ ® & i % & The Lister Family, The number of those bearing nnme of Lister who have been eminent inommedioal scienes In remarkable, BEd ward Lieter educated at Eton snd Cambridge, was a physician fo Eliza ith and James I. and his yousger hrnther, Sir Matthew, filed the sume! wtfiee to Apne of Dentuark. James L and Charles | Martin Lister, son of Nir Martin sud 3 nephew of Rie Mat them, was a (amos zoologist and sed oid physician to Queen Ane. Lord Lister is now seventy-five. His wite was a dagghier of the late Professor Rume, of Badinbaregh, a surgeon of the Gray eminence. She did 8 Tew yenr aie But for Lord Ldsters great dis covery ln INIT, Kmownoas the antiven thr tregtment, the opvratias on Kisg Edward could not posalldy have been attempted, Lond Lister las the dis tinction «of belog the first medical ~Mexivan Herald, Spite Suite. One of the most gonpeatitable and fp the end most ansatisfaciory, procesd wags in which a person can engage is} to rommency a nwsult meray because he is bofllog Internally and can think of no other safety valve. It is very mach cheaper to bay a punching bag There may be a certain preliminary satisfaction io reading notices the plaintiff himself has cngsed to be In sorted in the newspaper sthat he his xed his enemy for a round number of thousand doilars. After a time. how ever. the tigation If # has pot sab stintial merits, becomes irksome In it 000 and expensive asl the humiliation af a spiteosuit that ends In uo judeent for the defendant, with a bill of costs, packs fwens the acute forms of bu man misery —~New York Law Journal Benled down {row d the pile of branches | fed her where abe |] { 3re plenty of men WBO can get the matey to fli Job that In exey fo do ix pos very well ng, Now, fet earls tan heve look Sack ia bis life WET Is thal he be pioud of dn Hoowhat prio ithe ly an £8 a neinory to bis sons and durch Ie it Xo, Bot & bit It is the memory of his FUCOORR he winmobk and the wuccoss sould only come through gagh effort Is pot that trae? Let each one think for Himself, Jook back in vour eee reeves and If you have not gor § in Fira to feel most proud of ths time when you worked I think dmb 100s of Fou. [Laughter and applaves] W La sre the heroes of this nation’ Whe are the EW men that you think of ar once? Washington aod Lines. fApplavies] Each ope of them all Bix days worked for biosael? and worked for others: one fered death on a Beare of stricken Belde, and one met ft at the hands of an assassin Tor the conntri's sake. They are the ten ¥haorn Amerieuns delizht to botor-they and these Hike them. There has fever yer een 8 Wan In our bistory who led a fife of “nee whise name is worth remern ering Xow onderstand me, Make bolidays. 1 believe in holidare. 1 believe ty play and in playing bard whlls Fou piary, hut don’t make a hosipess of it {langhter and applanse.] Do Four work dad do i wp fo the Raudie, aad tuen piag when you have got time fo Ee How Much Debt fe GueRion fa gabedy vp much ough for a farm ADA dome # men wlio hare 3 fancy BLIATR Write fo ihe sdltor wis advice on the subject ning HiF answer such a question, any the lnaguirer Bow n dinner he To eat or how many hours he saould seep Byery 5 ¥ 5 A 23 ad ke ©. i, J Wisk HES 6 hoon A Fey Yuan ons Nd LAN be cong nile i hy & A inte Gout far tas oF es OL a» Sle tn wramis £3 git gi ply « aan - Rois Lo WOT oul al right, while spother wound surely ¥ hE Lane masedied { Urs 1 3 total Talinre were be to onderiaks such a thing ig. ay down say Bard aed Caras Hues for mien to 26 Br In HEN a man hag satas Eonowiedge of JB priactioal soonomy be sever shoukd think of going info dab for a (sros sf sil 1% i paEy to near Jbl. There ; B ka Had poste oxy iF a farm. The vext thing in man love the fart; thal his Vife Goes slo: that be bas good benlil; that be ia need to practicing LooBnamYy iy his expenditures, and thet Se has a stekdo-itdvensss which will laugh st the thousand and one drawbacks he will be sure to mest If he can mest these requirnnents and Bas bad some knowledge of what farming means be ¥ to Wark oul ibe problem. Ir Wimp pany with some deprne of eAfety go in delr for parr payment of a farm. Criberwise, be might hetler stay wiiers is Is 2 2 2 Prosperity and Hap By N. E. Badgley. $ (2 HILE Mr. Jay Cooke oo about all ond. shanld expect from a capitalisrle point Of retsonings ; very far from being eguitabie to all paras (opoerned. He states that “Rockefsller's money is all here” and that “Morgen won't eat his millions” From Whence came thes auadredia of millions wiled are so BO. justly claimed by a few meen as thelr own? Does nat labor produce all wealth and capital? Is the fodivitual eaph Pov erty and Sorrow Vs. eslor, form or aitliade, many chapters, | oan og - of cotree, might be written, They ave | BE comtnat in the vegetables worl ne i tilization of 8 ball Lillies so exssntisl to the eorisonn goad oh a gua ; : SEE whe Jaber ta prodiive It I be boot on starvaiisy wares from sons we Hower is ready fo open the sali | Ay £4 an La Wines i # +3 oe ; FY Anika wy LH generation? The mandlin talk and brazen ofrostery of hose whe latimate aes dled perpendicularly. What we | hat a common brotherbood eonld be established on such a t Fraonical basis ak this only show thelr extreme cupidity and lack of intellizence COBOPIL- hig the laws of equity and the comunon needs of pamanity hn a civilised jepuniry. Mr Cooke unwittingly stites that these many midlane of wealth wil eventually return to the people! To this I Bly DOT] QO, BRYEr, sO WEE a8 our present politicoecopomic wethads are enforced. The demise of these rich men will simply allow {heir Gnwiense fortuses ta pass into the possession of a few holes, who will continge fo rob the vast majority of na sid add to thelr wealth, millions wen millions, to pratly their unworthy golfishness. Their sympathy for common humanity 8 about as deen as that of the slave Bolder, who sees Lis fortone aniy is the men that tall There 8 however, 3 very reasonable asd an equitadle way of changing al} fol this tarmell, poverty and sorrow nto cme of cheerful industry, gpeuners) prosperity, chnteninet And Bappiness. Any obe with averass iy telligence pend a ditties refdection should Know that a civilization producinse pe Letter results for mankind than this we now have la far fiom being what it ought tz Le and far from what it would be if we smply erreel our four greatest evily, These are ignorance, intemperance, concentrated wealth and ahury. These opposites are iptellignnes, temperance distributive weal'h asd Wow anterest, the Social Arbiter? By J. Saxe Dua Bue. tiIE question whether man shall resign to woman the infils- tive in making propomix of marriage i just now agitatiog the mind feminine and finding expression in the solumbe of the dally press. The turden of their oplsions is that women shall propose. Bur it so happens that they are not the arbt ters of such matters, amd hat consequently the world wilt Crontinge to wag along in the same old way and mas coutiope ta propowe While womin disposes still There {8 5 feature of this discussion that Ix worth a passing potion, even {2 the discussion teed! is trivial and We. It is this: While women may discuss such questions pro and con. man is tie social arbiter, and pon kar alome will depend the solution of this and similar problems, Writing from the standpoint of a man, I hardly beliece that man's mind Is about th undergo such a revolution as to permit him to allow woman to usurp this time-honored and reasonable prerogative. Difenlt an it may be for some men to sorew thes couraze up to the proposing pitch, once they conclode that the enly oliss for them is the cop. fugal bliss, they feel that it Is a game worth .usny times the candle. and they will continge to bold it a4 ote of thelr rights: and the woman who preaches that woman should propose will find probably to her WITOW, that she will pot make a brilliant success if she endeavors to practios what she preaches, apd that on the other hand the preaching of such nonsense puts ber farther from being proposed to by the sort of man a woman might desire to win than she ever was before. What is so attractive in woman as a sweet, retiring disposition; ons that waits to be courted, oue that keeps her lily sweetness to herself until she is won by the attentions of some worthy man? Do not men intinitely prefer 8 woman with sueb a disposition to ene why spots some man out for her prey and then sets out to catch him? Do we want a race io the future where the man looks after the babies and the household affairs while the wife goes to the club and foafs about the hotel and such? Ilo we want a raew that fs the Incarnation of the funny man's idea of the new woman and her twentieth century “hubby? Then, give us women who propose and it will come to that On the other band if we want wives wy can love, admire and respect; wires who can rule ax the presiding genius of the sacred precincts of the home; wives who we can feel are to be protected from the cruelties of life: wives who command ull the gallantry and knightly devotion that are in us, let us still choose the dear mortal ‘whe dispesss rather than aer sister whe insists ou proposing.