The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1902, Image 4
tant 11 Yas ty & srmed, tried Aver s Hair Spot and £'s what 1 you nced ; some- thing to cure your bilious- ness. You need Ayers Pills, Want your OuSach: or heard a beautiful brown or rich black? Use etngta 'sDye| drapes PF He LCs Hashia NH A MuLTIM LLL SNAIER. Shepherd Mad Six Millon Dollars in Mexican Mices. 1 ia consevatively ostir Bo A. FE. Bhepher?, oeenrred at hfs hors ia ap of Batapiihs, Child sahus, Mexico, fortine of about © L500 600. Most this {5.10 the ghape oF diy ooks aad 1 wileh he owned io dividually. He ail his fortune in the 19 years that Be had resided In Moxico, | Bato ins, where be made ka home, in ait- Bn the heart of the Bierra Mad. bt than 200 miles from raliway eommunication. Itisa long and dim. {trip over a winding burro tral! be ween Chihoaton and Batopilae It is iver this narrow trail that millions of ollars of bulllon have been brought the mines and a vast tonnage of mining machinery taken into the oamp. all on the Jacks of burros, few years gzo “Hoss” shepherd had the mining | piano hrought fon New York, and shipped on the barks of burros ia 3 t5 Batonilas, whore the Instr ment was put together and played in Bis home. He had many exciting ex- Pperiences during Lia jong resdence in gp wilds of Moxien tite ago his life was stiempied by a Maxi an, who shot nt hm at ciose esa M. Prost, Drugvist, Sheihyriils, Ind. all's Catarrh (ure gives tha bent of ST. surss every cue who takes $1. Drug. it 50. 1 avers Ley was I : ITH parmanss tly cared No tao BOCYONS~ tine Brat da Aay's use of Dr. Kilne's Crest irl battle and treatisel roe H Keim, 144 Ita. 23] Arsh, ) Phila., Pa, EN JI KJ rR HORI were frst worn in Italy about ioe meer cs De InIo% 2 3cothing Syrap for ahiidren alten the gums, reduses Inflameas- Con wind colle, 359, abottis of pl 60 not Detleva Piso’s Cure for Consamp- Basan equal for eoughs and enlds—Jows ity] Speiags. Ind. Ind. Feb. 15 15, Yum, AM E Fanerass Dyes color § | Cotton At one boiling. i, Feruaps be d wit np toe winter throng P players can take part fwhe first falls fo satel the (io the foul of the | stand ai vidend-pay- | miding prope | in 3 Only a short Can got toenty of testimonials, £3 in 1000. in the United aA HOO OOO DOLTOND LH AHO HUH HOO AU HMM HUM i filled with water; MHA OOO OOO NNN! A Dandelion Story. Ont in the meadow, brown and lure, Lioed a dandelion, ‘with snow ®hite hair. All hi neighlxrs had 8 to bad, But be wasn't sleepy, fe praudiy maid, Ta play with the ‘wind and the raindrops, tau Poor tittle foolish Dandy’ A frolicsome breere eame hurrying by And eried, as the flower he chanced to opr, “Why, my dear, it as late for you! Then ope long fold breath he blew, And over the meadows brown ard bare Floated a cloud of snow white hay, Voor little fo a Foaetras € A New Gixme of Honsenall, The only thing pecessary to pl pew and fascinating game 8 bounding rubber bail and a wall an Merced by windows, Any nuinte As each « “misses” the next player takes his or her place and zo on, or earch player | may be provided with a i slartitie gt the same tune ball. ii Fens Wie | af: iit The ores is wh &' Pik an a i ; i af 37 LIE # toy wea DO Fan fhe Bead gains a 11 hands. 1 aed Gr up an bef rete shionides Third-Do hewi | hand. mated that! whose death | Foarth~Hopeat with both gether. Filth--Bring {ront on 8 love) tox gather in i a i both BTL wih tb slap the hands smartly together fing the arms hack ing thew forward again catching the ball Bixth--Throw wide 1 Dring fgain Hi the tall up. Putting | i powder Longing ! nadine 0 16 try ging 4 inrpediaely, | bis the hand forms 8 gert of walter light covering As the poerider is lavisilde at some distanoe, the perforiner can show his hand with. wat fear of detection; the hand holding the oliizt taken from the waler will He alsmaintely drs. The trick, if dote with some clever ness, will not fall © be successlnl pnd entertaining ~~ New York Tribune, A Tusk In Lifting. Bhow five pieces of slraw or five thin sticks of wot 2d B olin, and ask the sd Jif thes together ba way het the performer hidids $Y in anh A Gipntle Bebinks, C8 penile ofl Oost grand ferent ¥ Ms olittke Wit Ww y she Hie a ion 1 Wands have so Wilh seventeen Fp Pu ata ST by 3 XL rilater & aedid 1 © her Of pa 71 EE 3 3E wiv 8 go tive ermory faring woon this ian Sane fact to poh] 1 oan remem ip only i gail, prowdiy. irs Fi, 5 He HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT “PLE PICTURE. This is. the misn al i fatten and tors That Kissed the maiden all foriarn Fiod nck sod hls dee entire weight on the left foot, paint the right with toes turned dowpward | in froot of the body-—from the front! to the side, then baek to position suid eteh the ball Heventh-1o the same thing with i left foot. Eighth--Lift both arms on a level with the shoulders, turn palms down, bring arms to th side and then catch the ball . Ninth-—-Stand with the arms at the! sides. Before the ball descends place! the hands on the hips with the thumbs | back, then quickly bring them forward and catch the ball ; Tenth—As the ball comes toward | you, bat it back with the patley of the |” hand and catch ft on the rebound, | You will find if you stand a Jittle | heavier on your left foot than on your: right, the right slightly in advance of | the left, your shoulders wide apart and | {chin and eyes slightly raised, that this will give your body an easy poise and | you will have more control over the various motions and be more easily | able to finish the movements in time! to catch the ball before it descends. a Dry Water, ] A ring or coin is thrown isto a basin the performer an nounces that he will take the article out of the water without wetting his hand. Solution: Get a few cents’ worth of | Iycopodiut. powder and strew it aver | the surface of the water. The hand’ fehilg” palms turned up; % But TH tears it to-night thine own mouth: Fof dian fridge, a I prising. it hie We t Settiement, i bay, Sn everywhere, 1 remember dates and names and places where people live, smd signs and placards, and all doris of things. And in Supday-school | ab Warr Know the wholes oxson be heart” “That's an excellent thing dear said the grandmother placidly, “Id thee ever happen to learn the gevatid verse of the (weniy-sevienth chapter of Proverbs? UNo, grandma,” sald the little boy. “1 haven't learned any proverbs yet, It won't he anything todo, teecanse I rememinr so easily” But that night his ehievks wore rolder than usual ax be read over amd over; ‘Let another man praise thee and not A sirauger, aod vot thine own lips" Thought Weel Usiae From Weil Ive enggerie of the tenement house child Is populated mostly with mythi- end animals, Cate, dogs snd ineramt fonts are the only auibeatic speviinens four footed knows, Therefore, he imagine. to suppy ihe delints of Knowh Bad the result in sometimes sur- An example of this vecnroed time ago in & kindergarten ag t Side Branch of the University the rage he saisions his sie Little Fabio a little Italian io the elassioony oy. @ sx bright came rushing 1s fairly beaming with J “I got wool gloves,” be announced proudly producing from a ragged pock. Cet a diminotive pair of red mittens, i which he exhibited to. his admiring friends, | first burst of envy “Fable,” sald the teacher, after the had subsided, “1 | wonder If you can tell where that soft I wool comes from? ay Fabio paused a moment and wrinkled | his brow in deep thought, (wave of inspiration | countena wolf, of course. 1 when being (mmerged wili have to go | { through the layer of powder. The, Fre “1 know!” he excloimed suddenly, a passing over his “Waal comes fram the ~New York Tribune. fice No fewer than S87 ; spoken in Eurcpe Jscots are FL #nd vie have r trust Bittions of the Creatures Have Taken : New Orieans. Br 1 x sort of eminent doinain of em $ivo ag ake any Eppre. Ths new talked Yi pital {ots dnity ot tha ’ : Chey have 100d that daring sxparitonts raven ie A LRAE Shoes that remained gro n fy £4 att Sguressive 3% usual byt intend are Aegeneraling into weak, lean. puny creatures that ars not a! all Sothers some, Atte her unosaal thise whick ihe papers dizoussed at prest length TRE the gimaat toil xbaemies of the gemtiferons fly. saying that Tew of the 4 mar of ihe al Hd inipecte were 10 be geen ahant the pukifs nrarket thiz year. plague of ante know whenee, in great arm Then came the Brick-enidred by thelr presspce Che honsewife and ronk were pestered hy $Me ¥ ITS we 2am & than axenllon and ever.ind ger any he has Beyer catnd of belug the msars of spreads aEnlagion that Drees MUST CEASE To BE comic Royalty In Butgaria and Servia Re | | fuses to Be Laughed at The King of Servis asd Prince F dinand of to fr 3 % Foor vant HL E g SEER A iroToy Ta Ley free r le wite. 1 Ba 48 bios capped into all at the in Bint Ait at ts < gotd Ny and Re ant ries Rie time agresing 10 prose & 5% ier Hght of othe r re RB: thao 8 any Enrapean rovaltion. Heat and Sunstrokes The Siscovery of A Slrins teenn heatéiroke and clatined hy Dre Moweninr a Preach BATA) sirgeon, who believes thr a og bee siterabis saving of life should follow | ronnie fromm Fleatstrokes, he affirms projongsd expostire of the wholes body I maGiat or dry beat evoendding 184 doe it, its {3 efTeuts are doe to the ar tion of the superheated frees Fahresh and i 4 Spud 1 vy Nig or hy chetaical rays iro ling on the eranium. Gnly In the troplon s5d ¢ al bineks ie igh lained 3 by he HN EH iad Tars SR SE ER BARS ew lay 1a Hi entra, Of Nid Few Eek EE $n £5 tent Prey A prodentl “tor the pout eigimed, ef PE-RU-NA IS A HOUS EHOLD ; 4 No Family Should Be Without " e| 4 Pe he nee of For Atiants tie, y Towa, wr ta : Fs wi 2una sud pow she is well ; : bot 1 recommend your re They tame no ome (9 5. The pavements and sidewaiza wers made - wd ® 2 ther Ruwe meen with | Peruana hae end for we. Many followed 28 ae : I deamaing Fou HE ErRVEn- | Be | Bi roSrwn whi Anron reRRe sanstroke fa] A Letter From Congresvman White, of North Carolina. SEE ; EE - SAFEGUAR D. Asa peat family medline Ben pram # a. well as he thea Hisense wii i» we 1m Her Ssmilles: Loum J. Schercinaby, 103 Locust 1 Sroet. tell yon Briefly » what Peruna has me i : gare me a hard cong. SSOP pedi tines failed to ewre it Th oor tne bottle of Peraza s0d was well my tes chivdren bad bad conglm accompanied ng. My wife had stoma toni ar Piers. Noe look Pe CRAnGt express my Thanls in wurde medy al avery prortunity, for 1 can conmcientiouely ay that there is no medicine Like Perwna. Nearly every oe mn this town knew a beaut ihe sekooms of miwlf god Timily, and Rstanisliment what ar exampe, and hegrt WEE, reRGl Wak 8 benith, 1 em” fed Cal, w eaters a iat Mo 1 Re of the great ontarry cure, ; TT AL TNE ox. Ti Ed oe gover Hse yo al tw, calarrh * Ea fannie; : aa szbinet 3 3 Zz HON. GEORGE H warts RR AWN NAW Congroness man George H v White, of Tarbors 5% . £, writes tive los ter Ly Hirtman in regard | to the mer Parana: tatives, ean Feb 4, Gentlemen fam more Than sation Red with Peruna, and find (11650 on excellent remedy for the grip end catarrk. I have used (1 in my jomily and they all foin me in recom mond {img (t ms an excellent remedy." Fery respectifuily, George H. White LH is ol pms a, 0: scientific, in & Rea sires Sie cat rely derives grumpy and satis ii fromy the see of Povana wr ika ae ta Dr. Hartoen Fring a whatement of your tase, s be yaenead ove you Bas vaisadle sdene caturss of prec calarrh of the wu be tanen of <. Tow or TON a | ASK Yam ow ALER ® Fer wil me Fg Address Dr. Hartmoas, Pree } Hartman Sanita rium. Cobia se pled greatly with indigestion after mois. Often upod retiring at sight 1 would be seized with dizsivess, which often kept me awake for ours. I was recommended to take Ripans Tabules by ome of my 1] friends who had himself found use | for them. I immediately found re { Hef In thelr use, and have since had Bo preturs of my complaints oa Pines SOR i Acts Gently; Acts Pleasantly, Acts Beneficially; | @cts trulyas-a Laxative. Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the well-informe and tothe healthy, because its come ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be- Cause it acts without disturbing t ticns, as tis wholly free from every quality or substance. he natural funce r abjectionable In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as the \ are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal virtues of Syrup of Fips are obtained from an excellent cembination of plants known to be medic wally laxative and to act most benefic nally. To get its beneti ial effects—Duy the Loviaville. San Francisco, Cal. For sale by sil druggists, New Yerk MY. Price fifty cents per bottle.