coe A RE SAAR at A AS LEA TS AA Gh over temperate a man may be in other things, when it comes to appeared for enrvilment soventy-one hg youog wen and boys who appeared eager to improve thelr evenings by | means of stady. - This was a very hopeful sign. Those y who Bave the project st heart will be | plese beyond measure if regular al. Stendance and enthusiastic ef rt be pmintained throughout the term. The | | oarhers will take great interest in abd ing these young people who thus de | { girs to develop their intellects and wiil not spare any pains or paiienss in giv. ng the best instruction st thelr oom. mand. The situation na few words Bb this: ] 1 these young people sho'w they are in * emrnest and desire to learn, the board {of directors snd the teachers in charge {will offer every inducement in their [power lo bring about the desired re- sits The bailding is being lighted, the {sapplies have been ordered, and ihe school will open Monday evening. _ | May all who are qualified to enter at- | itend from the beginning. Sessiotis will {open at seven o'clock and continme an. itil nine o'clock. The bell will ring at | 8:45, before which time papils will not | be admitted to the building. B. I Myers, Principal TRANSACTIONS IW REALTY aan C1 Properiies in This Fudd of the Connty That | ihangad Hands Rensnily. Bridget Mellon to Annie Mellon, I ven einen ot Charles Anist of ax to (Charles Col 0ALY | on. Elder township, $130. a the wages ofall} bis employes in every department. °° the mammoth esta) § 2 Washington county it was settied oat of v oe praise s strike breaker ap ®t ruold appear a martyr and an 1 futile efforts the man the Patton foot ball team ap all hope of securing a : Ebensburg this season on hams grounds, The county set’ wily afraid of the oars } on pomxed, begged or ballled | & another contest with the Patton Thay are evidently contented £ with the knowledge that they , ons yory close game with Patton 6 their (wn grounds and don’t care to tho risk of adefeat. If that ls not what is ? We panse for a U sick iss Hix haste that all men Har, and some one in this modern ; bas added that be might bave said e same thing after matare deiibern- Owever that may be it is a Bat we as & people are mach en to hyperbole, not to use 1 harsher pn. Not that we mean to be liars ‘would be very quick to resent an ion of that character, but there to be something in ihe rarified fends to exaggeration. How- speech there is a something thal urges the only ones who err in this re sot, either. In fact, after investi. | ¢ the matter thoronghly itis oor ere belief that the newspaper men E R Masser et ux to W. A. Smith, | Susquehanna township, $1. E. R. Musser of ux to Cymbria Coal | company, Susquehanna township, $700. C.T Roberts et ux to Walnat Ban | Coal company. Barr township $2,070 69. Executors of 1. F. Fick to Carroll. township, $100. Caroline B. Tucker et al 50 Thomas | Barnes, Harnesboro, #1. Fen Dunnigan ot vir to W. Hiward Boor, Reade ——m Fo. : “host township, 1. 50. domeph Hegver of ax Wo John King, immo township, £0 ; Thomas Barnes it ax fo Mik: Sen. ick & gx, Barteshar, .- Joseph A. Tirgy et nx of al to H. F. | Bigter, Susquehanna township, $4,085 Oras o ot al, Susquehanms township, no SHERIFF'S SALES, Properties in the North of fle Tommy to be IBupaned of. timed the following prc aries for sale wt the court Bgume in Ebensbarg, on Ist, f the tia of Sandie in Beade Jowsship. having therdon a frame The interest of Aaron n Yourghin in 39 acres and Afty perches of land in Reade township, having thereon p two jmioey plank hoose. The interest of Domer MceCartney in (A certasn vein or seam of coal lying in ‘or ander 30 acres of lard in Reade townsbip, also the samme vein or seam of soul in 8 acorn more or Jew in the | sate township. Tie Interes; of FF. A Shosmalier in # ooal in 80 acres of land more or lens in Bosqguebanna township: wise in [20 acres and $8 perches in the same ‘township, amo the surfer in #0 acres and 80 perches of land in Susquehanna township, Setvonid Bopart The following is the report of Buritt. matter Behool No. 3 for tasonth nding Nov. 14, 1902: Namber f pops en polled, females 12, males 14, tolal 24 Average attendance, females 11, males 10, total 21. Per cent of atiendance females 83, males 9, averinge 87. Those perfect in attendance: Hertha Disth- piel, Alma Domm, Anna Demm, Anna Grearheart, Bertha Gearbeart, Nettie Fox, Cecelia Trenkley Earl Damm, Marcheios Trenkley., Those pig ‘but one day, Kate Overbefipe Lirace Sheehan. Visitors, two M. i. Durwoy, Teacher. Coup and Convention Tieksta The thossand mite books sold by the i New York Central at all stations sr crate of $06 are the awost cunvibnient cand economical foros of transportation, They are good until osed and will be himon to fmmoderation. The disol- ples of Izaak Walton and Nimrod are accepted from the holder for amy sum. ‘ber of persons, not only on the New { York Central, is leased lives and branches, bat also on the Boston & AL ; bany RB Buffalo, Rochester & Pitre burg § . Philadelphia and Revdding, [Atlantic eo ity KR, Central RR of Sg acoder of ie night school was i Jamored when. at 4 recent osll there i Have a remarkable offering in new Dress Goods; just 50 pieces in the lot. Bought for 25 per cent less than the regular price apd offered to you at a like Saving. uf Seventeen pieces of Scotch Mixtures and Novelties, the very latest weaves, 52, 54 @. 56 inches wide, worth $LOO per yard, your choice at 75¢ yard. Thirty-three other pieces in the lot at 39, 25, 59¢, $1.25 @. $1.99. a saving of from 10¢ to 50c on the yard. Yard wide Black Taffeta «ilk, worth $1.25, at O8¢c yard. Silk Plush Capes, lined with mercerized lining. 30 inches long. $3.75. Crushed Plush Cupes, 30 inches long, good lining, $4.25. New Golf Gloves 45c¢ pair. Ladies’ Dress SKirts, trimmed with satin, $1 98. Ledies’ Fine Wool Cloth Shirts, immed. at $4.95. For Ladies and Children. Bought i in New York. Nothing newer. Men's Plush Caps 39c. Men's Silk Bow Ties Sc. “sch oie Men's Blue Flannel Shirts 49c. Men's Leather Working Gloves, mule skin, 19¢ pair. Men’ s 50e Suspenders 28c. Ten dozen Corsets at 29¢ pair. nam: EIA a Pa Sp 5 RRR Men's Heavy Fleece Lined Underwear. was 45¢c. n now i ae Ladies’ Pants, 2lc each. Heavy Fleece Lined Vests and Men's Sweaters, hoavs cotton, navy ond red. 39c¢c. Ladi jes’ Lace Collars. 49 ® 98. afants Black Corded Coats, silk trim- med, $5.95. Black Taffeta Ribbon, 3’; inches wide, worth 25¢. special at 15¢ yard, New Stock Men's Ties at ’ PATT ON ¥ PA. ¥ (iroceries, I DO YOUR EYES NEED HELP? BUFFINGTON, The Optician Four & rin $n A Ye, x Commercial Hotel, Patton. Pa. Thursday and Friday, Nov 27 and 28 ve Dwele i5 four, Fee and Provis- COS, First-Class Nwack { . : a RIS, Aye me DL B CFFIN NGTON, wo UGATNNG HOT Spor, eer =F 124. * The Hotlesd Thing | i Town ney & for rheumatian,. ne wd ewer fraable and Dentist! hotreelndd medion Pre gh M. iy P ¥ ? AR ed 8 i only ones who can be Sepended | Pensa. and Pittsburg, Johnstown, Bb. 0, J ishidrg X Huslers BR sobieot to the cul regulations uf those Lines Read vour own COURIRY. pelt, Ka Pa, Bai 0 ~ Parneli, Cowher & Co. Having moved tu our new iocation 1m the Fisher Block we are mow better prepared than ever to do gl] work this line will appreciate the ey We are sole agents excellent featdres of Prizer’s Air Tight DOUBLE HEATER that ave not faamd 3 in others. ¥peciagl { 1 attention haw been ; paid to cleaniinene, | durability, awd sonny, with a view of mevting the reg uirrments of thie honse- wife who in particsder about the tf pommfort sud econ o ou v of the home. £ Will make mare 1 heat with jews fuel, sand Tamed twice as long as any oiher Air-Tight Stove. The best vesnite guarantees, Brooks Oil Co.'s Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. r ail work in our line. Artornev-at-Law, Parrox, etre {Dffite in the £ Soot Bulding. Tit MINKE oYSPERTIGIOE in for Cambri 1a county for the cele Jstimates cheerfully made Pa. at oo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers