The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1902, Image 2
No great invention has he made, Nor gior gained, sor fame 5 heroic; and he wears ie to his name. x enor that precious gift, Soret en best of health For a may dmappenr with years— . Eternals “his wealth, No chief can steal his vated prize, It lies within the man; A great discovery be bas made, The greatest movial can. He sees ton sides to everst But casts the dirk away, fer sign That y whites a% ear ax day. For ail through § if only we wl Ts not bis wealth who f The greatest that ian kb * —Edna vden, in the New York Run GENTLEMAN eaalled sap you this afternoon, Myr. Norton” eald my Bousekeeper ony arrival ¢ from the offices on evening, 1 gave Nim your city address, but he #aid he preferred to see you hore, and would call again at 8 o'clock this even. When : 18d him you never trans. from one of four persons, none of the four wonid have | given f# to him unless Bis business proved of the utmost fimportance, On the stroke of 8 Mrs Batre ane | nounced his arrival and a moment af. 5 is terward ushered Bim Into my preseloe, I looked st Bis surionsly. He was 8 Beenered elderly oan with gray haly and mustache, and a forehead deeply moored with lines of care. *1 amy Baron Kalote, the special rep have ~ resentative in England of the Hirema Government. From the papers you © wm have gathered thal there have been, and still are, in progress impor tant negotiations between your cong Try and mv own” “Yee I interteted, “It was not oor intention to pudbileh the terms of those pegotintions, but they had been betrayed. and no other | course reninined open to us” Be puused for 4 moment; thew, as 1 rr silent, continued: © “You boast of the freedom of your Press, Mr. Norton, amd rightly xo, Taken os a whole. your editors sre men of high prrpose and fry eal - men wha asptreclide the responsibility ‘of thelr porition and use thelr power for the good of the nation. Bat there : are exceptions. and the elltor of the Early Bagle is one of them In orde 10 Inemase the circulation of his paper would torn every public servam Judag, gud Bor pardon me. Norton, 1 44d not come hore (0 Tee. ture an the evils of a free press” spoke In a tone of great bitternera | 1d and his eves Bached ominously ‘oa will anderstand why 1 foe] sc deeply on the sabiect when I tell you that the items of information coneorn tog the negotiationz which Nave intely appeared in the Farly Bogle have hen secured by its editor from some trench. official Early Bugle was made the basil of a question in Parbament and in bia ra ply the Under Becretary stated that it was pure flietion. The members of the Legation smiled knowingie when they read his soswer. They thought thar | 9% in the interests of his country, be bad rifled with the truth, They were mistaken: be had spoken the roth. The reprossitative why ! 1 called at the Legation eapve, not from the Forelgn Office, bot from my oor | He was ene of my men, so cliverly made up that Hey were deosivid hy ir reminriable likeness to the person he represinted fe upon whony my _ fallen, thongh dot Hkoly eh beaiway ia tHe + diplomat gato was ii otis Ae be tion) engin th fame na ! Tortane fe of the spire 100s and spent iL of His spate fine in i owarking bn 3 fashion npon | the many incomplete investions with whieh it owas dt raring the inter views he had been in bis room. and iF Wy suspicions were well fonnded, 1 was there i nus t seek the answer © the question. There was a week of the reo, Vater cupliserd. «5 : my eroas bin PE I entered 2 self 3 : Thre na 8 erovies Yap : ded a view af the w ode at teti 5 3 oe tered the workshop, BEATE gh Ferg guid op Rl Tween | TaD TYR ees ‘3 was trying { IH gO Suddenly the Baron's voles broke in | pen the gllence. The sonnd was so | #5 distinet that | was almos: inde an exclamating af sur. a 88 15 the source of Bet Information. { Baron's room. Bat he could pot ae. sonnt | for the girange nheniimenon which caused jt-while burplog--te vention by accident, and, pede stress ‘of bis passion, had kept his dlitarvery Recrel and put it to hase nixes It van the old story of “the woman tempted me Now York News, THE COACHMAN'S PASSING. eR The Md Timers Disappenred Prom the Earth When Ratirosds Cnonis. Cente Often woniilors whi hesitne of ol conchman when railways drove fhe just of the maids off the rond and those Who Bad Known few plessores that wore not associuted with : : movement A of ively tearns asd The statement which apireared In the a of rolily eels or genial inten v osiiid oF Joy thse 18 huge Bo pars Tiere must be Asp 1 piathow 10 the gnwriiten romanee of that paris]. With few ux. segtiong, the drivers of stage oconches as a0 aptitede or inclination for other bough they were masters of thelr own. Many a thpe in bivheod 5 have heard smateur whips pay ail ring trihute to the prafecalotials of can older seneration who for all thelr Gisenlute anit and nest hnesy were sarkimen ty 4 core with halides as gentle 88 a women's Bab Painter 3 Bale Dow to Banethe an awh ard yg Fa ee whAR one of the hard body FR hinh Revi your hast Wers paving the spare homes be ret Bnrried qm ght even sow lihout ever Wor thelr terg. Hd Road Coach,” by arse, in On 2 Earth's IHmsrbanoes. wher earth bas evidentiv started is year fo hivak 2h recoris das storhs thes of gleuiie Jentrae # & atid I WR Foy the fire hair af the Year we A : phasid restless tins with £5 00s iron tH rh 1 Tex YOR. PERE Troan drowned 110 | 3 wis Nava dat raved 0 wae mast add DG lives | GERIruidive flives of FVRIADCHER and Row aildes, nd we kW Eve a tefal of DEOTR: an astounding MGrINity from theses feres SRoticleg of desirgetion in ote Baly of & Year, Ren Voragon. * RdvARtages of life at sea are the Then he explained that part of the! mystery which still pareied me The} lamp in the workshop was connected | : with a wire with » microphone in thei speak. He bad stomiled upon the ed of Boers who bave England with the incinde many who hawe had exciting experiences during the war talking to them | you realine that it bas Deen gnite as A WONanS WHY Be oa men's onc Perhaps, Indeed, wt perma rent feet that will sur} ive n history will be 'the part § that bas Pash peli rand hy 1 hn Wa ORY cass at Mrs. Ire Tan Ry wa kindly 1 2 gin need ially who hes ved oulet ail al arose is war hh eral De Jann and wr Royed Go Br Hy Fol ard b MH Phe $5 Se Pyaie wh 2 Whe were YOATLY Ey faord grader rad i ¥ Brisa vinldas $k 3 ‘hymn books and Bibles from the pews 1 and ruthlessly tearing them to ose as ‘wadding for thelr guns, it was Gunite | who boldly spoke np snd ssked: “Is! that the way you're gelng to give us Watis ad the Bibje? Th Apht which followasd was stiff Fram The power of the young br neriean cannon, placed nearly onde Fite the olrurel was taxed to He gfe? Tedd iny any one paskins the gat ean gear IRIS canven preserved ar oo Mel where , then stood, looking fhe very | ; P Bete that on the oold side generally, fiw it is In the few of modern war The enemy proved overstrong, ffat winning men rang cat and of the eb fareew then vine sbegt Yaton work fed oy 02 PHI ASI Dh e han that of Gunile asd bar wpones, Chap of this stalwart womans wieone pointe was for exeeliont honsekepping, | Near her great i Wh oven stopd al | wavy a bose pot of indir resdy to dye tg pe weed fra wi the ivr 71 sheen, } wineath bry neler ioe ad sec ding water fy fhe Blom h Ste sy 1 Fe Se Yk % # PEAS eoaner TAN oe Her stvam invarial Lor tar A5urdle somid smpoth ; # 1 aks ae ET HR ew Hee penn ia he or Tom ¥ ppw oe i : > : iii abit BR IEPL OF | slants are Kept In a warm si mosphiere, fel donnie hor twiliuhed doors sah tepmafie fr ea tarat ord that thady mantles fo thie avirint ren bony Ir wan aril owe team, past fhe 3 Ful * + Rie te ren bétwesn the rows the fret cen Years. An exeelisat plan WR te ; y : Blow two canes fo grow the Gret year, dfs thet that x 5 i. em nal senting bark each year fo three bods i ewnin sllswing two cane th grow. $ a od oli 4 “Taare you ¥$ dow w oid : and thos a ool soa har of | THE irr wens onrried off an pris. % lay thee As tens hoes Laban the town aa be eee! fran man lo Ian aml arbhish Gea come ty one . Logs $3ewy any ge ds Bo Bieta SEs RIN fhe re oie} 3 Flaps ify £ Hoel Tel iva Sate, yng KE eR 21) 3h re teres oa ; nthe ewilary where Botme | made wine war fn easke, until shie dad | gan, sar apart each way and about go RSE AYE % nt - A T., n a» Lh tem nodes deep, ciitting them hack 8 arrange Hlolt oF glee and ar or thres bods above sronml A Evergreens For » Wisd-Kreak. When wind breaks In the form of hedges or straight rows of trees aM por desirable a gromp of evergreens will’ turn the currents snd bresk the force of the Blast. It fo well also to of oourse, the north and weet, in the Plame to set the very hardiest trees Anny thers birch, poplar and willow 4 | Tank fret The birch is the bhavdiest of #11 our frees and may be planted Yery close 3s a wind bresic Don’t Mave he Farth Toa Riek. Do not make the varth in the boxes and fotwer pots too rich. | All plants } putrid daring t Sint iy setting nn 4 st tend Hg warn eon, such shontd pot male haavy grees <n pam he Kent in good condfion wii for slipping. as the spring 3950 some met 18 the proper east for havieg them to perfection. The mealy bug g Be guarded agsine: wien the AA Pisuting Srapes Vines, Crape vines should be planted shen alr of polatves of sirdwhertios ma y gre five or glx years i Ave cates may be Boon the oid wood hack Sta oa vont a fool of the ground if stocky C vimee gre required. It 5 the young Covent that bears Troi A prem Protesting Plants Por the Winter, This amateur gandeser oon fonds Ufienlt fo declde 35 ta the tine when Ly winter protection should be given his 3 Sia Dante Rometimes we have Bleasapt her Dushand gave ) WO Sma 4 1 weather until late ia fail and we pot off this work from day to day, Thiaking wy would be infured ly covering thems while warm weather continued All at onve coll weathwr catoes and funds our plants wholly unprepared dor t. We at ones set about doing the ] work that ought to have been done bee fore, bat whatever ix done under ane 1 pleasant conditions {= Hkely to be poor. Pix dope and fhe tess ot af our neglect is quite apparent whe spring comes We are entirely » safe in counting on Deold weather by the fivst of November at the North, and 1 would advise pete tiny plants ready or winter at hat : Iz 1s =o bite in the season that ner army will be dona by it if the waaliher eqantinnes 1313} hooks 8 pleasant day for (his work, if possilde, snd do it Jelsurely, that it sioy be wall done. 18 doesn’t pay to hurry i for burrs means half<doaing what you ane i dertake Eben E sexfordg a in iippine. sott’s Magazine, The Yerba Manve, Ax af with many healing qualities, i 38 prin Yerba Mansa of the Spans omg those pea '® have tried in valn to discover | Far a moment I was poazaled ss ts : : Bluse clon acai eds 5 e traitor. Bo. acting upon the advice | where ft came from. Then 1 Jocatesd if 0 27 Aline ® ie Waly that | hea they bad left. Mos. Dy a RE tha ns any Hares Sat naw hs he el of 8 friend. I determined to take You ; The latap wae tal Liat «onion the patients, Thave ix | was wandering ia +) : 3 PE ena sali hail ad an hishly ds they prize it that they in my confidence and ask Fou to un On the rronndg fon : : = , ; : the Inquiry,” | Baron wan I Apsured ‘Bim that 1 shen] be with the sou 4 to do sn, nnd he went on: Were have Boor lanka Bites fn savers in departments telly, and Four 8 Bhar ties think the feaitor is on their ol gi Lt positive that he x not” 2 ws Audie 1% 4 it We bs a “Why? : SHE At fhe ntersiew : *Recanse the Informsiion tw not 1 hogy the edmtareats #3 v n ou - ¥ ¢ ¥ & . iu ae § CRUE tke Sel ER Tas RIES TAS rest and the Abinlute poswssity Boe to that se Teme lately | : Ha $2 a iba Tein rid 3 Powpoa.t Vike tera £0 re, de EEE HE po. # ¥ bh particles way | Inte the gle to Fetter with Hie adie, §VO0T UY irae 3 phe wits amie 17 they hoe nat He EE i : arian shite rey Ahie orsestion, and BE Gentine he hued frome Mors | : i” : ! ; raled i ogee de Sapiens Riduney Cawan, a young man from 7 receiving Hast inteyd Hd § dwt i Very ar eta vay Form t+ Pulse 54 toy fi CEREAL Their #01 SALE Ae SE taken froon offiein 1d FEO ed ESE TE Towed ones wereed won tot vraes #3 And the feakage BOVEr aorvire bow ; ¥ a% It deal i Gea should gow be reserved ol fur ! RIL Ia the hanging The vounte : EN ¥ walors taking isan SRR 1 eaniny What a piety it eat thin Tide i RP Wak rolEcioUs: BInl 3 Sh DMI pee The aramatic root, which has : history, The sas ign Office representative | The boaquet rover reached its dost. : posing than the home chapal, Poo rb vg tnd seoilnd toy na Bimbo hy at fopserry And deseomiod tn tle bedon By gf ginning to be used for disorders of the {fovea Mp relin thi girl ciothing i ‘ i 4 / 3] of Mer country far reve | found ciprehing the gies clothing in) ygq0 trom its medicinal virtues the ent at the interview, and yet the sum. | tacke made a clean breast of every. | (FepMation 1 Howe days a Fame. | meadows, still vividly green after the : Ei day fast asieen, nil Ye possible. I was puzzled. } ‘nd even trolley ears. Her husband | "| browns, suddenly burst forth into mys For wonths past be had openly sent Ht 6 Ta 1559 Italy had but thirty coal clever summary of conversations be. tive Baron and six reprenesiativel then tween myself and your ¥ ali : fen 1 Save oh Red Your Fes ir ; Re. i xs ri Co os rn stent Iy bos 8 wn sailing Yoyage FT Howe Office. but invariably follows the visit | ih . ; Sie i iia Hoon as thet part of ir ended he hes Selpiia Hesord : hen toy arrange nin SUB INALY For oo 3 a 3 Tia fa hoy I Ran & Fico 8 suit * 4 RK 2h $i . ee “ rns Np ae a” wa * >. 7 ¥ thay sae mind by consenting to wndertake the | tim sntisfied him, Solved you are the man ta do in” = Mountain Cliwibey's Bravery. ‘ment. Then we discussed the tha : 1 should go and stay at the Lega- {| place and strolied Toon. He was busy arranging & boy. | of thirty four stars, America person | Oe diMenlty with be her te = his honored guest. | was | cloty lady of his acanaintanen h ot Ja pari Gn a mounts 'p. siepped] wandered aho Fasoned the American apigs | *°° sirongest anout the honue Watiolested, with a swnitle, one, § Watehed him, The messtee was st, |e sushended but never did 1 Ome Ubon a eine oi el gu 1, oil Was eax ¢ reaiiabl i pur 3 Waal A week passed ey Nothing su uspicious had His irrangement of the Ao%ers was Rev, Brown, a man of less than mee | old anid that we onnnat BEL. of! When made dao 3 tes er divm stature, possessed a Sigh, sjueaky | Tory #8 a pendant dv In less than an hour a Summary of | instructed one of the servants where | Not long aga he was invited wiini—— gamer >n HE TRANRAL BAG Oekt BET ARR aie taken as 8 blood purifier; and the #7 haw net been Farenhd have nt ' Baron Kaluto hag not left the Tega. im to escape suspicion, i he vas oo peench was mae Tou | would have meant : en wilted leaves are sald to reduce swells BTS DONN Bry FAST OX MeRene te oan energetic, brave woman, who inl nnth IVE x , 2 . ¢ ; ; TEP HEME nmeenwr pire SH nalh ows Fig had not spoken to any one on his way | Early Bugle that evening. Coufronted | the pulpit and watehed what he con. Rav A a tn « Part of the British ar: Sy GIWITLDR | ge hand and a clnmp of bushes m the | plant snd its blossoms have a pecullar ary was so concise and accurate that | thing As the last notes of the organ velnn i f Laon, Bome one who had listened to the con. | of a smart society lady, and in order | up from behind the desk, and withom capital of the ata. One nds 0 to. | The Frenel Gav rent has decided ferti Slow 3 Ue i has Mgt Ye { 1 $I} 4 SEO See DAR genie i 5 ih ie {521 | turn the green of the hillsides to soft ; ATH, tor | #0 py wo rendu by whisk BY : The following afternoon a represen. bouguet of Sowers had been the 1eans | be " was Knows of ras the man witd Ep me . 1953 A rd : Hada of Ee Stary Nhuh Shel tative of the Foreign Ofifce called at| of communication. Something to Cry fiver. STRVRPDe hu his FEhUmS | iver suf of srdina WE | roluty for the eye — Philadeloh 3 ‘Baron Kalute. An hotir Inter the name | her a dally sift of Bowers, = that the | elise fey WY ITTY ahaa, EY CAL qn down Eh $n Fagen ¥o 3 TEE Fyipue Fé $5 3h, Thess Waren, : Geared. he communicated With the editor were { nolther surprise nor suspicion. Upon | Were fo do that minute she Wouldn't She now has forty-five, giving Wns a year. Teese nia. | there 55 gy biy 3 light, : eft ai St OORATR wit SNE thal $i alier firede niin i» vayages for therspentic pup | of your ae conversation £0 long sw ir ; > Fepressnta Ye 3 ’ EE 4 ¢ 64 4 Jog Wii Ea 3 Suede Ure eRe It Mie ER YL iar P tive 10 our Lega | with the matters under «oucern. As! dipsomaniacs and errant sosig..] yonnz oere wore Aik A SL. mova : “Yon have taken a great load off my : : SA Ett pobted the hassling WR Inquiry, for. tro oh Lame Bie wrote and re-wfo's. Then be | The Medal nf Honor, approve of. But Gener Pw La Rey L reinicars and 5" i fn = rar . : : rom what I know of you, § read alond what he hal written. It! © The much coveted mods) of honor! 8m! Bis wife tock a larger view | i 0 BE ii i be " ry Am certain if the mystery is to be Ltestowed on offers 30d snliated mon | “WHSL can we do with Bim." they | OIriGe ina niany CIE Jonsiial, A mom out after reward he awhioh af th waren # ar, vig off 2 AREsL If we Keen lbw t If he eves IS pn : : chad oft | of the army for exceplional sots of ¢ WM * pi 2 Him be goes 1 bowed my acknowledgment of the | the light and Jeft the room. personal herolam, {8 a five poiated star | With va he will pe rababiy die on one of ; AS 8000 88 the 0 yaad of big footsteps | of brovze, 1 with frog each i PUT treks, and then hin Blood will i” in all ft 1 & : » Lippe do Trad EL ! : A hearings, and arranged | died away I crawled ont of my hid ig | point containing a crown of Laurel amd | POE fo our Sage. Bete er Be RENeTauR | gd Into the chop sak, In the esutre, Ekin i ard honed him haek ™ Phe Quntiven be aE mr inquiry WG Ie the attaches | oak entre, within a eirele | ; r : a tM iis Toeker. a prominesy day following I entered the Le- | quet of choice Mooms for a amart so | fod as Minerva, stands with Jere | persuaded them And ao General and} % ya : ET - hi ng resting on the faseos, while wight M7 De La Rey perforaim #001 on expellent terme with everybody "The ladies ms great demands ¥ Ber right fn whieh she Bolds a sijoral BUD penesusity, abibyg AE Sn sir try Nar | eonectad with the exiablisl Hen, ii LOGE our time snd ar Bending Ties said br li Ym ro 3 i pee ot Ha et Infteanie 1 ; hon ; Inaba SET Hr VERRY Rup Day Gerd ry hay <3 SRT iad poked into odd corners, talked with the Without apeaking I stood and thn Hn : servants. and, in faer, with every : whicty: as I had suspected, concealed among crosted ecatnons, ball 2 Sy Eid + wi BAERS) 7 LE i; SE FELS ILIA 3 promised to lead to the solution of the the Sowers: it was woven te the boy. | surmounted hy the Ame : myatery. i waved, or send, long distances the : and I was po nearer | nieans of the Morse win a bi : solution than on the first day of | the place of dot and dnen No Canse For Alarm, anne! he ful EA = ARS = 3 BIrONT PRPpRrY taste, js very astrine my entrance. : Laos } bust hs RTE 3 ‘happened, and yet an important con- | SIriRIngly beautiful, and av he attaebh ) p ta the wanderings of | HOWL Boe NoNOE Baa Tb C0 powder it f3 applied, with escellent versati at thel ad i , - = i 5 ig 2 9 Sg 5 #45 a “ : on had been betrayed. Lis card to the completed bouquet ang | YOR fre Wer Landes Iraily News, inl : ER saat ae CUT Desens, to eutw and sores. The tea is $id ; orling three fps Feusrny thar ely . the conversation appeared in a special { to take it, I di not wonder that the | Change palpiis with a 3 *Gurdisa' Got (he Gane i ST ED Threw T : met oven ire Cplant in the form of a wash or poultice edition of the Early Bugle. simplicity of his method had enabled | DeI8hboring city. The church ig whic “ertie™ ki i to Palvle | of a Stk-foat drop. Ta have URE OVET | gy used for rhenmatism,® while the ; z a dre Id loair wih B i Bo tion. The Fore dom Bewrd nowadays, Bur ir belonged | : “UU inge, In the medical world it is bes had heen shadowed to his office. He | mation, and po message appeared [n the | ATTIVING early he peered from behing h lutlonary times had the appiause. | lneons merhbrane, there. No third person had been pres. | With the evidence of his guilt the at. | *idered an immense congregation wirh > Cipth AM iw “11 Rar was nRean i "urdie” 1 N ther Miss 1 ticker was nsenstble. | haem, especially when the lowland it must have beep communicated by; He had fallen a victim to the charms | [AY died away his Uitle head popped | those plave } : versation. No other explanation was | to prove his love for ber had consented | 0 Word of warning ha piped out, “it is install in the Panthean, Pacis to supply her with information, and a I. be Bot afraid" Lippincot, nsiall = the Pasithoen, Paris : Stovepipe Bat 4 peack af avis stocrany ov RMA 1 reon setting become grateful rest) 3 the Le i i | ha Log § Wi i fa OWOInan ean't Brylane Nimes ) . ii bps fp Cth garth. ng ; gat on and was closet ed Ww ith : Pye 3 2 10 A ERAN ennt INL G5 = of the traitor and the method 1 by which | continuanes of the habit ocecanioped 30d Baye a good ery because it she DRA WORN to known {0 me. Bn! how he gained his | receipt of the flowers site telephoned | have any suitable clothes (0 be buried : the Ovid enme up fhe Batis Oppesr to be Jeaious of Deg—Naw Xurg knowledge [ could net tell. the coded message to the editor of the | B.—New York Press. PWR as “ihe BIT ar Ud \ i : og)