OFFICIAL RE oe i eg Cone. Assegabdy, Treas, Conan’ Auditors, EERE i £ 3 iq SA Ba 8 = 3 SE : i awl of Ys ERR A 4 5 TH at 13 SEER | Te . DISTRICTS. EY EEE ARON | Ee b: gaa ne : ¥ RR SEAR or 4p 4 EE Arsrrmatie ag VUEENARE Hol 2 7 PRIZER'S \~ < d The difference between good (AIR TIGHT | C4 Job Printing and bad, but “there ad oa ) § doar! HM are others.” The “others” are ries ts Cold Fioars. the ones we do the most work so so Yeh ky SH Wt hh ha NO DIRT. | 4 : i 2 | : (12 Diag Fue por | for. We number among our § SOME IN AND EXAMINE : §(T BEFORE YOU Buy, ) La : Lena a1: somienents § 24 patrons some of the most dis- . ad. R. Cordell &(o., |, = | tl Patton, Pa. Fi a wih BA RED ier 3 i ¥ HERE Nm Bit Tutor wi, of lr LR criminating business men in this ad ad d section—men who know a good RAS ARB erate i i: SHIA job when they see it and won't take any other That is the kind of people we like to do Ralph Waldo Emerson, | business with, as we know we in an essay on eloquence, : : said, in speaking of a man can give satisfaction every. time. whom he described as a | np Godsend to his town, | Years of experience, competent’ : «He is put together like = co Waltham Watch.” and up-to-now ‘workmen ane & RG tis thistime P° M. ___ | best paper stock the market af 15% P 3133, ¥ fords enables us to keep i in the front seat of the band wagon, | ; both as to quality of work simed : : Waltham Watches are said by os SE TOZER. The Paton Jeweler. out and apr : “i Over-Work Weakens | . Let gre : i A Yitlngs Bisekanith Saved His Little i ga Cakead BAe oe iH Cnhealth Kidne Make ure Bl 2 ; : i ! Lg 4 : Cand darrhosn remedy and find | Lin SFT RB EEE ! Mr i = | printing fine that we can't do as 8 grat medicine.” says Mr. E | My. H. 11. Black, the wellimown vii. 8 gad I BBR Bt j i hi Sr hips, of Porteau, Ark. “It cured lage blacksmith at Grahamssille, Sof ERERE BE N° 3 in SS ae] ‘ oy i 1 ly flux, Leannot spesk 100 ivan Co., N.Y, sayw: “Our little son, E ; i RE 2 pr ega TAR wi . i srifins hy fi | good as anybody in the busi- iy of it. This remedy always wins five years old, has always been subject 3 . yr CEL LR ter : x | es opinion, it not praise, of those | to croup, and so bad have the attacks use it. The quick cures which yen that we bave feared many times 2 WE RRBGPRA ER ¢ mal & DWC ERlr~ PY Pa uh sick lid NESS. I hat 1s Our Long Suit’ 1s even in the Most severe Cises thal be would die. We have had the 8 2 y ; RE : o od | : a : it a favorite everywhere. For doctor and used many medicines, but H {= adh, Cyl” : | yyw : Ci Sh yO Ww, Hodgkins, Patton, Pa. Chamberlain's cough remedy js now ef Joc hd He ma a sen ¢ hiss ; ex ! and WC back it up cvery time. He alk Hardly Get op. our sole reliance, It seems to dissolve i# to certify that 1 have taken ‘quent doses when the oroupy symp , hotties f Foiey’s kidney care and | tons appear we have found that the ‘more than any other | dreaded croup is cured before (UL gets — sae . 4 sping thick. idnaye | 0. oie ro many nes | ttle, ” There is no danger in giving | "8 ¥ pos or sisoned blood through ; E nv elopes, Statements, Ticekts, ox. bab bore of them gaye me : this remedy for it contains vo opiom | Ca ra 5 iF Lea 1 = ered { relief. M druggist recommended Lor other injurious drug and may be BE at sie ce 1 oar iy 3 ; y s cured E1500 as confidently to a babe as to an Famous at home for boa dt poi t Cire ls I osters Ny Bill Heads, Paper. adult. For sale by C. W. Hodgkins, nig t ¥ Tron | : . the tough mocus and by giving fre FB 3 kk oe trols or j He 11. T ise. seta). ru Dafly, of Ashville, 111, writes: | a In EY EE | sie asses qui | Note Heads, Letter Heads { yOner kl HAIN ii ARF A allover fiw y firs dor . Si eo ve mid | Books , C ards, Fancy and Com- 1 hysictans en It. GOOD ) DRUGS, A ihe : B Swamp-Root, «the gr Siahaat tar i 3 ad minded physiciacs pre- . ‘ Fue Sale by det ol cures of the mest & ring ea 1 merc 1al Job I rinting of All ih Fole: 's honey and tar, $ aret full I . and ix sold on is merits 1 F's lishey 2nd tar, da they | : ) G ED. A ME LLON by all drugg in ify oS 2 Er 3 ; 3 Res Gh Gl Si { ¥ ia RELAY BET x Cad ¢ 2 > wy EN XP ENTE} p % 4 Hg F555 i ¥ or throat and lung troubles as compounded |. | ”; ig I re ot an d Kinds executed at the lowest this grea medicine. All droggists. Li ; Renal : sample Bottie by mall Hime of Senos Boor. | | ~ ins stomach and ver And at the right i , , ; Qe pd wd ghiet telly Te or ren bond yossibl rice and | ¢ h rt biliousniess, constipation | i pri 5) $ : 1 i ; 3 oi P : ut a0 this pager when writing Lr. Bile OSS 2 Co price anc On S ¥ Q 5 : + ' 3 gua mes & Co. Binghamton, NY, : : dache. They are easy to take | That's what we are head. ===. e + Fr un . S x “4 i pein, © ation, id sale by C. ‘buarters for. ‘are the fata | notice. A trial order will con- 2 hil i Favey Stationary and Novel. A Herren of Finch, Ark., writes | : ties a specialty. wish to report that Foley's Kidoe re oy Hastings Pharmacy, | 2 1 © Guaranteed Remedy ‘trouble that two doctors had given > M. Schaelfer, Prop n a ol Tee oy | Very ASSErtion we make Ma- All druggists. : orn des i Be Nn tt Be CVEry assd A © HNC, A¥id- > \YAHNER & FRY, (OF Honey TEuIKy ns INE «Are Therein much tasts in job Driuciog RH oi BY os ot rk nything else. The COURIER makes Bt ha MATING, Ia, : ih tay people every time. | lL Full line of Fresh and Saaked Meats con Kindy tinovusty. on haml, Posey aid glee th | is, with people who know a good | Ty PRICE Sc. and $1.00. : ; . to ung telien tiey see 1. ork” A portion o1 sour patronage sortlatly so | | lo. almost every night, except Sun- i i odie : : FNOW - ein am monk With: good: work. Geo Soar Makes. New Ne erves, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, o N : > Folay'a hurley and tar always stops. ANTHONY ANNA. 5 New Life. day, in the Job Department of the cough and heals the lungs. Refuse | FD : mE mg and Hauling done on Tones Up the Whole System ang subsifiates. All druggists. : JUSTICE OF THREINATY “short AIR A eR cohrh vince anyone that we back up chinery running every day and notice. thas, Clear SEARS | on . ak . iaiby of B Collections prom ¥ attended to. | : CURES CONSTIPATION. : ¢ es on specialty of fine | ; ; : : commercial job. printing. Prices and | Deter in real estate, ete. TR. F. B. EVANS, aistiarsgrma unt outers = oc sons br 0 kmanshi are all r ht, too. ‘ DENTIST, : nse 4 oe = p sgn Parnell, Cowher & Co. : HASTINGS, #A [LANGHAM MED. CO., Le Roy, N. v. & honey red 00 tnd, a ~Agenwfee + At Commercial Hotel, Barn- | | re 804 tested, safe FIRE, LIFE AND [MBI 1H IPL es boro, every Thursday for and advertise In this, A |i IR SALV Foley’ S Kidney Cure! Ramily Yoral Educator.” Good Bufiding, Patton, Pu. Tone Yo. 5. | the most healin sive Inthe world. | wed Bladder right. - W. Hodgking' Patton Pharmacy,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers