ps e lining of 8 wooden tray Or sheet Fables, but such tis Er ocat is the the inside of a wooden _asphaltum to make it water. | : order to make this effec. several thin coats most be given, E ough drying between, and it en be found that he asphaltom not resist the prolonged action phic chemicals. The pro hich we found to be most effec: | is to paint thas tray with a coat give to has been added § or to sualight for two or . th costing becomes &b- r ae ‘coats of glue, with thor : ning after each, and find that ng tray leaves little to be r ightaess and gerabitiey. hioned inns pple Tos iden it 13 customar Be y on the theary that they do not | ges. At sotoe hotels in Sweden | a A wile are Sharged as S ons : erence Story o ving wat | g out-talked. its existence without labor would be both impossible and useless, 1 to our present commercial development have projected Into the have been fruitless, ever men worked niirscles. they have worked them Mere | If ever something was created Thirty five years the Western valleys. rom nothing, these men have done it 20 the Ralt River Valley, into which we had driven, was all a parched desert uninhabited save by a few lean In- dians and two or threes hardy traders, whom the sand and | be cactus crowded down close to the water of the river | It was a thousand miles from the nearest railroad-an un- known, desolate, forbidding land, a part of the Great | American Desert, which travelers snil would never support haman life To-day the Balt River Valley coninins a population of over 25,000. It bas three cities, ane. Phoenix, the capital of Arizona, having electric lights, an | electric car line, good hotels, churches, and other buildings rexidences sur | rounded by trees, lawns, and a wilderness of flowers. More than 125.000 1 meres of Iand round about are kid out in farms, highly cultivated, with orchards of oranges, almonds, olives, and figs and grain and hay fields. Thousands of cattle feed In the rich meadows, and there are bees, chickens, ducks and ostriches unnumbered, Richer soll than this once desert valiey does not exist anywhere in the world except in other once desert valleys. Here one may behold the startling spectacle of orange groves in beariog worth $1000 an acre on one side of 4 fence, and bare cactus desert on the other, both having the same soil, the same opportunities, but only one hav ing water. Here, when a man duilds his fence of cottonwood posts, such Is the soil and such the water tht the posts take root and grow into trees, . that the wire of many old fences i# seen running through the centre of | Inrge trees. Here a farmer rarely needs to vse fertilizer, for the river comes In bearing rich silt and spreads it over his fields: and he may some. times cut two or three or more crops a year from his alfalfa fleldz. and then pasture them doring the winter--winter which Is fu" reality a contiounal spring. The Century, Governor Odett, of New York. ROBLEMS of the most Important character sre ever before ge, which demand integrity of purpose and wisdom of action | fn their solution, The successes of arms have given way to the demands of our commerce: the uphuilding of our B —— | of greed. The capital of the individual Is inadequate to cope with these great probleme, and a community of interests | has been evolved before which sll abetacles sre removed, and thers seems to be po limitation to our power of to the Infuence We may esert upon the destinies of the world. Wealth and ls accumulation might prove dan gerons to the simplicity of our Government were it Dot that over snd above all there Ix a religion that teaches tle brotherhood of man. For, after all, the greatest product of pur country Is man--man self-reliant, coufageons and determined, whose faith is in himself and in his God. The foundation of wealth I» labor, no matter what form It may take All prop erty, therefore, being labor, it should be conceded equal righis with, bot never in excess of that which Is given to it creator, These are some of the problems thar the changed conditions Incident affairs of Biate. Respect for law cannot all be on one shile shonld have other aime than thix we would bave fought in vain for repulse lican principles of We mnst depend upon a broad statesmanship npon the part of our lawmakers and upon the patriotism of a free poopie for the soln tion of the problems that confront us, the world, I slept with my windows wide apn, you regard ax essential in the it all you can. ron, 0 be healthy * the ratural state, and disease in in nine cases _otit of ten, our punishment for some indiscretion or excess. Every time we are ill it Is part of our remaining youth Every recovery, whether from bead whieh we squander. }] ache or pneumonia, 1a accomplished by a strenuous effort of | Hl vitaliry, and is therefore a waste of our capital of life. : Theretore do not let yourself be fil The best plan to aveld fligess is to live regularly, simply, with frugality that stupid persons alone will deem painful} Sleep eight hours In every twenty-four. Ventllate the rooms you work apd sleep In. Very few people. even among | hose who think they are well up 6 modern Wlvas have any what ventilation means. Even when uy voice was oaly th gummer and the ing winter. and Dever caught cold In that way. Examine seriously into your lst of social obligations EeTise 10 recoguize that there fx neither pleasure nar profit lite, and simolify your in most of what social Lfe-alwmplify Complicated living breeds worry, snd worry is the nada spemy of Neal and happicess—the one fiendish microbe that does mote to destroy tealth and happiness of mankind thin any other Make your bome a pleasant place, cheerful, Dirink nothing but water or milk-—especiaily pover can drink too much of 1 On the other hand, remenber Samage within you: that wine, beer, bor well w drink — he water tha $558 t alsobol 8 poison whish coffee and tea are polsots, Luo. doneg them as yor would diluted vitriol yy | Nation exacts tribute from our citizenship. The date of fhe | Rate cally for the encouragement of Inbor and the restraint) WRteR ID gency by the Division of H Clamps, ax ff measured 17, T00 the six merly seed to evercome the a - hinatisa of terinl analyses Greed should never pre. vail or be permitted to conquer the honest intentions of our emploves | Powers that are prejudicial to the bealth the morals or the wellbeing of any of our citizens are sure to lower the standard of our citizenship of tie I Rfty of the tunnel, fand shapes are placed in this wind ours | drifs, | Ad ta Jes than ane | mp here In used | ail noinis | Ir is bored (hat | cansentian af) I had in i fine | Bauge that oan he read t ; ton satifianth al | to doterma Have the good; Accirding to a note a the Review, a Fas tof alyasime, produces thee | Electrical wine, wr bh pao h Meht in IBoasdesoent in sihent eleven thes a% iach Fie gs wonld prodoce. HH jas pila al The wiry made in Brooklva wis trae] out by i rope company of that a iE jarpert call TOMY BY AY PUY Pete nile, o¥X Aver hhiras miles, withont ak. weighed 2 TLS sO Pi itis a Binniminous oo] mine was made of tary: fn gira of eropihle cast stow] # hes for isas ay took #ixteen dave to manafaciute and La, Dr. Gran, of London has boen ning the fuid lens with much spccess for taking photographs at aight withomt any light except the ordinary Hlumina. tion used in buildings. For example, be mide excellent suapshot plétores of stage scenes in theatres with go oxtra Heht, and even cinvmatograph views in way, The Suid lenz was for: was valued ar Tine chroniarie aberration before fhe com Aint and crown glass war invented bas Iw Gran tr for its raphility of action. He thinks that it will geeatly widen the field of pho tography. Tre ran need po Government incestications of stream poli fon std of the qualities of natural eal Kave been nstiontod viragraphy of the United Mtates Gealogiond Buarvey, tion of streams, furiidity and measurements, and chemical and hao The ou-apetation of workers in xan gr lons fields In dosiead, particularly in the physical and anaiyt- tral sections To secuve sniformily results the department has jswned two balleiing seliting Tor ods of making and réporting nuxiyees and describing handy apparaios hn ie Many peravos Bave a polless that the i pilosa npls grows on a trees 11 does Bet, The plant reaches a wight of only | four feet to ithe ty 1¢ we | four fee = Ceataen out of the ground ax a atk, hat Edivides at ance Into sword like beives, Goverument and the sacrifices of dur forefathers would | CLF dee St once inte Sim Blreen In number, 5 of hia eaves 12 from the cantes of which projects a sti, apr ight slot, and at the opr of this ; frais The He. rowan of the frat, wi i¥ a ‘uot or mors | leaves. Each plant produces 8 single “apple.” bur when this is suckir appears B® anid fail 4 grow , gi ox ot shart. 8: FA 0 wf Fire He 1 az i wd a ; a5 the Se andl within ihe asnle, a Year pr dace another for years. BL The Oathalie © Gives rity of America has just equip ped an elaborate departs | thnreggh experimental | ment Yor the study of the problem of 66 wis fight. Pa: with & rons soc. in wh feet in lengih, tian of six snare feel, by pweans of 3 su fan at hie XK te of varloys KX tify $32 Ty rent and ther aurfiay » feictian, rRRLETRLYY, ete are noted Hes AE 3% Ee DreRRGY bre ¢ at in the gives of BX je worlhy riigeniy pay data for £ rival RE eT erin furnish pp Oo a EE gd x JUraBARe Oa ] tian FOUr toeans | You, Donan ber of the suffey ¥ untold) Buu {twa cents | Keep Paehile fdan es to | the patient fs can fie af fo hed, th en By Margarct Stowe. oh wo children were discussing the strong and weak points of | heir respective schools. One sald that against the rules to do thus and so. The other ok tliat at the achool she attended thers were BS were put on thelr honor fi So few parents sud teachers realize the an example to children by trusting thew - I have pever known a school where ritles regulated the priviliges strictions where those same rules were not coastantly belng broke other hand, it is the exception to find a school in which the children on their honor where confidence and harmony do not reign Tt Ia so throughout our lives, A wan whe has apy sell-respeer resents Instinctively we desire tw Iw trusted to do what Is right one iz quite himself, guite trae to bis best impulses, when under suspicion, There is a lorge amount of disivost in circulation among the majority men and women. There are so many who are constantly suspecting motives of others, with apparently po reason whatsoever, It is far more disgraceful to Jdistrost your friends than to hen. Our mistrust ouly justifies the mistrust of others, We cannot be too careful In regard ta our thoughts of others. Our attitude and bearing toward those ground us Is soon observed by the ounger minds, whose training iles in our hapds, and Is cepled 1s examples to them for good or evil ‘We should strive to show children by our example that lle is more bean and me tn the © are i Of he devel iveal ir Heul and more worth living when we aet honestly, justly, mercifully apd’ Jor ould teach them that Hight feeling ¢ Bevelops right (hiking: and no We stand the right | might be transiated as fo ki at her school it wag! kd replied | no Tales, the scholars! necessity of sell ing 0 Hyd to A Plagne of Tarantinin Spiders, Tiere Is a per ot fry § hy we wat ls a ITY, aves 8 [andes BE XBEa fect plage als Rp ide SUR Reville, sass the all 1b Tool ENT ooguitar players of the bass. 2 BE hlabed & tar Denn lh ita Hs a hy the mianke ene pe has np the anivla the an bitten by the spider Ci Ss + guar im A pe it. ip serious tar Plager who sit any enclantmey it Ti fies the Feangl singing rantaia” “Come oud, fodne oat, this instant, Came ont, thea venom bite, And may the cruel bitep Forever take to fight" One Amerien Lord Kitehosner's statement that the | is a amd full of | desoription of potential wealth” i who declare | But | » Say HES 3 the 2.3 EPS HF new YeViry whould that gold is what did Lord Bifchenes menn statement that wa have of no thing loan the the snutisrn territory ive pase to those 1a sales resourses, ther makings Bnew he a9 the civilized ean pur op with and there whet we find t) SUE 100 many, dun Raturday Beview. Yypaane i $ ¥ x Nt sk ~T0 Neittsphore’ Ate. i® as macs EA Granite the Lawak Hoek, Granite ix the lowest rook In earth's crast-ip a the bod rock of the world, and shoes us evideteor of anh mal or vegetable le it Js the paren rock from which all the reeks have i i beet either directly oy indirectiy des | rived. A Fool's Saylugs. The sayings of a fool with a bank ae. count are brighter than the most seins | tillapt wit of a poor genius. —New Yor Yiewlty of | The | work will enchirace the sanitary inspop. | Solar | nt th standard meth | for the ealor and tariadity determinations. ! WR the fhe | % 2 4 Lite ; Among the leaves, apd this Lecorses the head of the plant This may go on | sipment iv a wooden tinsel | oh a wind i af any desired spend can be generated | f ote end | Kinda | SHEE 5. RE. | HEE | near | The | vps te so great That i i ¢ hay La Lhe rate ol ah RT | haps | mw when y tris | ratutiy, e yh iw) ne which ' | mm $ Amerie in bl worried i § Bre Linies 2 Loti | | Miss Kate Bro Miss Kate Brown, Recirding Secre tary of the LL. © B Adsoeialion, of Kansas in 8 Jotter fram Gi5 XX, Seventh St. Kansas Clty, Ran, siya “Five never years I have not known what £ was to spend a well daw I eaiglit a severe cold which | neg jected. Tf wens at the time of menses: ation, aml inflammation ser In and prostrated me. Catarrd of the kKidoeys Cand bladder followad. my digestive or. FADS gave Way. fn fact, the cold dinar Fanged my whode sy slem, HF sprnt hundreds of daoliars with doctors and medicine, bul devived | . Dut (ttle Donets until I began treat- ment with Peruna. § kept taking it for | pletely cored, but 1 kept growing bet. | ter gradually so that I felt encouraged | to continues taking Perong until oy Beall was restorsd. | w wl my thuuks | The Lost city. ™ pe afte of the lost Indian city, Mamcoutens, which was reported : heen determined by the Thompas Ciithero, of © Prrtage, pow extended over many years wis the largest city In ull ire. so far 4s IMited Miates teviitory 8 oancerned, and the descriptions of the Jesuits in the course of the deven teenth cenbiry, closing with Marquette and Jolie: fn 1073 are said to Bave i heey yer fled. Bibors it in A RS ER How to Keep. Young. EoOnte of the secrets of Seep i vigarou # and supple ainted. . th cH finns to practice the activities of youth ard to refase to allow the ming Clo stiffen the muscles hy ta sugges tion of sae PibBtarionn © If wen like i Petar Oanpes and William BE. Glad | stone ha kept up the vitalizing ex erviies Nr robaat manhood ang, pearly nine months before 1 was eat. | Indian his fi . a Cah RR soil gf Hundreds of Dollars Spent in Vain---Pe- A neglected cold is frequently the ise of death it is more often, however, Sf some chronie disease, There Is not an organ in the body but what is Hable to become seriously deranged by a peglected cold Dis i pases of the khineys, Bladder snd diges- thee orgdie are all frequently the resi the cause fof a neglected cold. Hundosds of doliara are spent on dovtors and medicines trying to cure these dineases, But antl] the true cause of them ix discovered there will be no wee in using medicine Dyspepsia miedivise, diarrhoss medi cline and constipation medicine is of Bo good wihintever whet eatarrh is the Lense. The estarch wust be treated. The vanes being removed, the derange mints Will disappear. Pervna oures catarrh of the digestive organs, the urinary organs or auy of the Internal organs, IT you de nor derive prompt and sate factory results from the use of Pe rang. write a1 ones ta Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, {and he will be pleased to give you his valonble advice gratia Address Dir. Hartman, President of The Haviman Saniariom. Columbus O, Lami blessings to you for Perunn Miss Kate Brown, as having J0.000 {ahabitants in 16875 has af Wis, when far | oto the esighties, had succambed at i 40 ba the 1} haug iit of apliroac hing age, how much of thelr valuable would have a anda ne? ER ilk SOLANA RONGAL Rheumatism Backache Headache Feetache All Bodily Aches AND GOO SOO0OLOLONSN00000L0R0C ONG 0000LC000R0DOT ‘ourisis. sportsmeu. hunters and fliberoen nd Ripans Tabules an aiways Bandy article 'n Lotel, sleep. ing ear, field and camp. They are the best nud only meditine needed for an outing, as they keep head, stomach, iver In the right condition, and thus prevent any other fram bowels and troulile Ukely to rise exposlire or sdting at late cam piires, Ar druggsia The FiveCent packet in enongh for . cirshinary occasion. The fans iy hott fi cents, conbainn a sipply fora year, £30 names of three Ameria cities, Atigwers, the mooey will We divided squalls. tifewmork fore =m, 91,108.89 ; Best hesnrrpd and dwerican ethers, Parent Calf Powel, Box Of, Cuil, Fil tid, Corors Lat, Na Kangurce. Fast Color E vaeebs Caution! The svnuine have W. ! Shor by att, a cadre. Hiux i : be DOLULAS. BROCKTON, MASS. mail, withor son, in alpirtent thine NE tas pang feast thin ude Fr fatant previa meters x» Ea my Pablic Accu Antant, om Ash Nb Ola tio i Aaron etbupn of i Spud int of at vont § pom of inanias peaple WB BESIA iN ors Bread ir ion We ce the above ward to any person whe wil} correetly arrange the shove tres ta wpell Uae onch letter hat once. pmey away: snd you may le the furtanate person. Bhoudd thers be mors than one set af ¢ For fnstance, shoudl five persons send in corn stwwern, sso will receive $90; should ten pervons send in correct anwwers, sach will receive y persona. Bench. We do this to introduce vir frm and goods we handle a8 . Send 46 money with yonr answer. This iss free contest. A post oaedt will da Tryit. We will positively Five the quickly so pos who have nok SAseived 4a Fh rout aries oem agin ry ‘hiaone.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers