FA NA INIA ho 0-5 a Frenchman : proposes ‘ the gir be thinks he might : i= “understood that swing wild oats never makes part of the category, in the case of a possible dis ce at the church door. "0 furnish one's certificate of birth a most innocent requirement of sch marriages: yet young men on e of wedding have shot them sel in dread of a discovery its scru- nied lead to, TACK Wlediged gis yore ano dare sot. Te In the pes and 25 and that at 2 in a tripot {purely sam tabi. on must Eoow that the French er's inquisitiveness grows out of a | to his daughter absointely un. | f to the fathers—and the daueh- -0f America. In France the aver: marriageable girl says to ber “1 have always bees obedient: 1 Rave effaced mysef: I am entitled to | husband. Find ene for me?’ straordinary details of French law ought = be known to 0 scens of many a “decisive meet. ing” | The mother has her daughter sit. ting by her in the box which she has taken. Between the first and sdoond | acts the young man is brought to: them by the common friend, osten-| sibly to pay an offhand visit and in| quire about their health. They slay five minutes, speaking of the play, the weather, and the Pariilan season, j and then retire When they have gone the mother ought to make some tentative remark to the girl on the young man's looks, | ® | position, fortune, manners and 80 on, endeavoring to fathom the impression | A Li has made It is admitted that mothers onght not to instruct thelr danchiers pra viously for this encounter, For if The Young Folks Are at Last Con. fronted with Eas: (nher. the girl has been catochised before hand she will be so filled with appre | bension as to risk losing grace and naturalness. So she may not have sufficient self possession {o observe if the young man be pleasing to her or the contrary. She ought pot ta know the object of his coming to the box, because if | she fails to please, it Is distressing to be told so. She woul! be humili ated and jose confidence the next time, The common friends meet again, in their frock costs, to let each other kpow what the effects have bean. If - 38 happens very rarely, the girl has failed 10 please on close Inspection, | nothing will be said. The two friends { simply talk about the weather. But If it ve the youth who hax been found Iacking, the truth is declared, and bis | friend breaks it to him later. Some times. and there are those who de y | clare It should be always practiced, » girl favorably enough impressed de mands nevertheless to see more of the youth before she gives her word "| Then it will be arrangnd that she n rho subtle law. Three times, at shall meet him often, hut not Inti mately. ; On his side, good taste demands * 1 that he should not show himsel! con | scious of the fact that he is being | studied. He goes through his paces - { social, Intellectual and physical, as { if he did not dream of her inspection The pext step is the proposal The father of the aspirant. kis brother or his uncle does it for him. His Father Takes & Bath, then Goes to Bee a Friend of the Girl's Family. The girl's father or ber other legal guardian should give him an imme diate response, At this interview questions of fortune and the like are discussed in more detall: and notes of them are made to form the basis of the marriage contract. Immediately be has been accepted, the young Frenchman must get into bis dress suit and call cn his future both. of them ; wearing. thetr : os warmly, but without exaggeration moterinlaw. He ought to thank her Then he may ask to see the girl, Art Relics to Order. In Rome and Naples there are fac tories in which “ancient” art relics are made to order. Siatuettes of Aphrodite in bronze are manufac tured there by the gross, and re cently several worthless ohjects were palmed off on unsuspecting tourists as being priceless relics which were unearthed in Macedonian. One fac { tory even succeeded in selling ar unusually curious relic to the ma seum at Athens Unfortunately for the unscrupulous manufactarers, when the experts examined it they i at once discovered that it was bogus ; | ana notified the lallan authorities SR mse Method of Inducing Sleep. Dr. Stelper observed in Java » method employed to induce sleap. It consists in compressing the carotid arteries. The operator sits on the ground behind the patient, whose | neck he seizes with both hands. The | index and middle fingers are then push the earotids, which are tompressed toward the The method {3 absolutely ss, _ anaesthesia in rapidly ob- ¥ i For Clam Soup. Chop fine a sopful of clams and add | to them their pwn bBguor, strained. Put in one fupfinl of water, one slice of onion, a Blade of mace and sinurer for thirty minutes Thicken two copfuls of milk with {wo tablespoonfiols of flour and two tablespoonruld of but ter. Sreaiu the lgoor from the clams and mir it slowly with nfl. Season with sai and a dash of paprika Just Before the soup Hu sent to the table and 8x it is removed from the fire, stir ip the well beaten yolks of two eggs The Mending of China, Time and patience are both quite pecessary factors In the sucessful mending of broken chipa, crockery or i ginss. Any such article that hus sus tained 8 sort of fompound fracture must be mendad one piece at 3 the For ibis reason those who make such repairing a matter of business require 8 long time In the work, lettitizg one piece harden in place before another in 1dded. For mending broken crockery { there Is nothing better than white lead It {5 one of the few coments That re sist both water and hear Soredr it thiniy on the pdgen of the article, press Hem together and set it aside to dry. A waterproof gine for repalvige mars bis or poresiain may be made by mix- dg plain white give snd milk lowe i bwo quarts of skimmed milk put half & pound of the best white gliws Pud the basin containing this into fipoiher Basin of hot water. Cook until the milk hax evaporated to such an extent that the mixture is ke ordinary glue or even thicker. When dry, this tement i& one of the hardest with the clear aesn of fvory.— Boston Post. BEE a ote To Bewmove Stains From Ol Tare. The ndications are that the winter I will see garments immed with pret iy appligues, insertions and raofles of face in greater numbers than hereto | fore, Sometimes a plece of old lace carefully treasured lo disfigured with | yellow stalos and mildew, If care fully treated these may be made fo dis | appear without baviog recourse to the cleaner. The way to rumove yellow stains {row lace 18 fo place the stain on a bot from covered with linen, and moisten It with diluted oxalic scid The lace must then be put in lukewarm water, and when any gory sulstance Is thus removed fine white soup must | be used. No hot water must be em. ployed, and it mest be rinsed very carefully afterward in tepid water You must never wring lace, but press out the maolstore with the hand through & clean towel. You must straighten it out well when it Is damp tie Dest way {Is to pin it out on a cosbion—and any ironing most be done from the back Mildew may be removed by molten ing a pleee of Blotting paper with rar fied spirits of wine and placing the stain between three folds of paper. So treated, fis pratty sure to disappear, Renovate orasy chandeliers which have become dirty and discolored by washing them with water in which anions bave been boiled. If 3 chimney catches fire fhirow a | Bandful of sulphur into the grate. As the sulphorous fomes ascend the tre in the chimoey will die out. To set the color of print dresses soak them in very hot brine, let them remain antil the water is cold and then wring out and wash in the gsual manner, Before attempting to turn out a jelly place the mold for a few seconds in Rot water. You will then he able to turn out the jelly without the fexr of breaking it. When cleaning wall paper use a dough made of flour mixed with water containing a little washing soda. The soda will not injure the paper and the work will be done more quickly. White spots on furniture aay be readily removed by rubbing quickly and evenly with a rag dipped in spirits of vampber. Afterward rub over the spat thoroughly with farniture wil, Rusty fire irons should be rubbed well with sweet oil, left wet for two or | three days, and then rubbed with nn slaked Hime. This will remove the rust and then the irons may be polished as usual, Towels should be dried thoreughly before being put away. If econpsizped to the linen closet after being ironed before they are thoroughly nired a monld called oldivm forms on them, giving rise to a parasite wlich is Hable to produce skin diseases, Art ticking In pink finished with a narrow border of white denim decor: ated with floral pattern in delicate rose coloring makes a lovely enshion cover and possesses the advantage of being able to stand laundering. Light blue ticking ean be efectively utilized in the | same way. The under dog doesn't siwars de pathy. | [e043 & amok clouds, Ctrastare that it canner boar the slight- Last physical burt sometimes BpPpPeNrs | for receive a contradiction in the ax. perience of people who have met with pal injury. It has bean shown that | Bave beer known lo esrry the most wrance of the {ving vowan braln The remained in fx Uving hiding place without apparently daterlerine wiih | ‘whieh has found {ve Billet 0 x human Brain has prow myer pall a century bas carried in his pital only & year or 30 ARO. ly conveved in a cab to the hospital But he was so little affected xt the i sath and ap the steps of the hu ompdtal, and was then xble 10 give an intel Gay's hospital a few months later the fered smoking Bis pipe 3s if nothing the ballet had penetrated the skull WARY to the hoanital and there undress himsell without assistance previous to { Parisian craze, writes a correspondent the day's sport are duly recorded, and Soiier N THE Presence There Not A Always Attended Be Fatal Eeonlita The idea that the homan brain is an Organ Bo extremely delicale in peculiar Injuries 1s the head The Rintory of brain surgery Nrosents some remarkable faore in regard fo {08 ex: Sent to wich the thinking organ will pomotimee resist the afecte of exter ot some cases ooantitior of Uz sab ances may be removed without ap preeishly Aimintabing thn normal ine teliigenes of the patient. while some extraordinary foreign substances hm. fediiod in thelr shnile for years Findy of the most singular kind Bava heen nade in the interior suds sratgest things have been known io find entry thera through accident or i elovation keown as “the B11” mt Union dessin in one same it wan tha biade of 8&8 penknife that was carried about Ing the brain Tor hall a Hivaime without the uatient boing in the least gware of ft: in another it was a peuhiolder that bad somehow found i183 way thers and tha 9 aking power of the organ while only a weak or oi agH a peeve i of slate poncil was recovernd fron a boy's brain alter ft had been hidden there for several yours It i# therefore perhaps none the more surprising that many a hulle nn more than a tem porary ing # : A French wilior wlio recsived & for 37 vents and was said to have felt no Hhefoety 187] 1857 when HE ofl | gay marked fu way owned jxtey the mauilh ard so ord bi of a presence. Ta the ond of & Derman soldier Ww Sin was shot in the head dusing the Son derhund war be Lved to carry the Juaden souvenir fn his brain for 43 years, snd (t was pot exiracted till: after Ble death These two remarkable caves how. | aver seam fo he hegten By another } that has quite mcently been brought Prey Heht the sae being that of an old poldier still Heing at “who for head the ballet recsived during tas Austrian rebellion in 1848 Wonid be suicides have oocasionally put bhulilets into their brain to no par some: and perhaps one of the most as tounding eases of racent years was that dealt with at the Richmond hos The patient had in vain tried to take his life hy abooting himsell In the head snd after thus placing wo ballets in his brain he was immedinte | time by the presence of the ullets in his head that he actually alighted from the vebicle walled along the garden gent scoount of what hal taken piace. In a similar case of sellinflicied In jury that came before the doctors at wonid he suicide after fring a revol ver bullet Into bis head was discov very serious had happensa snd though to the depth of three and a half inch. ex he was able to walk part of the pnderpaing examination The effects of removing bullets from | i the brain are sometimes ax remarks able as any of the foregoing. and per | haps in this connection mention may he made of a case of a military cadet aperated sn by a doctor of Vienna just! recently On removing the bullat x small gong. | tity of hrain had also to he taken | AWAY the peculiar result baling that, | though analtered in any other reapect, | the patient irretrievably lost all kis | good manners for which he was noted | The eminent surgeon therefore sug | Rests that the portion of the brain removed with the holler corresponds | Ltn what he degcrihes as the “Hamp | of good manners ”-—London TitBits The Entities 1 Rav. Pir, The old English mfnit is the atest of the London Sketch It i not hide den away in the cellar uf a disreputas bie mastroguet, bal flourishes in all its pride at the Chalst du Cyele, one of the most fashionable rendegvous in the Boils de Boulogne The results of there {8 heavy betting at the present mament gver twa dogs who kitled 55 in identical time and who ara to be matched early in August. For years there has heen a cochifighting ciab near the Odeon asd the membership | 18 a8 aristocratic as that of the Jockay or the Hserime Speaking of rats sithongh t may be argued thar it Is not the livelimar subhfect to harp pana barbarous custom ally at the Halles. At the ig oof the wine shop the patron tars and brings up the trap with iis otis In t. Fallowing the trad — rite, he opens 1b oul and sors Sos Bo ths i fire to them, It is 8 ghastly sight but I am sorry to say that 1 have seen | men and women in evening dress who | have supped late at Barmaits looking | on Spplauding. ] Many Smoke Clouds, For every time he fills a pipe of medium size a smoker blows 00 | smoke clouds. If he smokes four | “Gundle” has not been quite fairly | ways 8 huge pot of indigo resdy » Beslt with by history. The same ix so} | dre the wool from the shors sheep. : dony beard powndass, but {3 belonged Clean, smooth and in order. the looms + to an enerwetic. brave woman wha in| revodutioneEry times, had the appinuse of her country for cleverly outwitting a part of the British army. “urdie lived st Union N. J. In those days a plach aspiring to be the | capital of the state One fonds it to day fast asleep zway from rulirosds, and even trolley cars. Her husband Was kKoown either as the man with | the stovepipe hat a mark of sristoo | racy then out of the ordinary. or as the man with the stumbling {ongue. Hix most salient characteristic was his admirating for Gardie. When the British came up the little | and enters] the procinets of the ss vrad First Presbyterian church, taking the hymn books and Bikles from the pews and rothiessly tearing then to} Hee a8 wadding for thelr gunu it was | Gurdie who boldly spoke up and asked | “Is that the way you're going to give { us Watts and the ible? The fight which followed was stiff and jong, the power of the young 3 American cannon, placed pearly oppo- | warfare The enemy proved overstrong: but | winning wen must eat. and of the rich : : : Iarme then ving abo Trion, pon | bullet in Lie head during Che Frage} Ying about Union, none ; , ware mora likely to re near ki i German war of 18370 zirrisl {It there more likely to repay rasscking than itEat of Gardie and ber spouse fag. Near her great brick oven stood al site the church, was taxed ty ite ut | most. Today any one passing the spot | CoB See this CRnDON preserved aE al redte where it then stood, looking the | { very baby it is in the face of modern | also awalted bor pleasure at Her water from “the north side of he > wall” was cooler than could be hal elscahere: her cream invariably : turned to butter: Gurdie could smooth out most folky’ wrinkles When the muddy, swaggering feed of the British desponlled her polished floors she made it understood thal they should rast in the collar, where TE botmemade wine was in casks, nati] she had prepared thelr meal 3 fendicg to this place was & Darrow flight of steps and an oldfaskivoed trapdoor. It was howewer, light and spacious, and the men cracked many 8 joke over thelr enteriaipment At last Gurdie called to them het their supper was ready. “Lesve your guns stacked in the celine.” she said; “there's Bo room for them shove™ This they did and came tumbling up the stairs (urdie then closed the trap door with a spring. which only she knew. {The men, suspecting sothing, fell eagerly to eating. To her stuttering husband, outside the window, he quickly passed the word. and thus 8 shirt while later a goodly pumber of i unarmed men were carried off - pracpers by the American boye The signal which her husband sve about the town as he passed from man fo man and which has come dover to us through history, was sims ply the record of his clever wiles dem: "GGoarGurfurdle’s peat theah-the gu-ggunse” One of this stalwart woman's strong | : points wax her excellent housekeep | aan 1 sometimes costs A man Mn | months of rhevmatism to catch one little six-fwch Ash. wits as Fuel They Are Likely to Prove of Great Valve in Naval Warfare of the Future. | Copra consists of dried cocomnuts. | aller every drop of ofl has bees Cin view of the snorgsious tracts of land throughout the tuple zope that have litaly hean planted with cocoanuts, if tained {te price, From both coasts of Africa and from |) the West Indies the export has been steadily increasing. asd vet, though the world seems 20 be easily sated with every other kind of tropical prod. get of copra it never seems lo Save ancugh. ; Handicapped by a sea carriage of 12.000 miles. the Bouth Sea island co pra han always commanded & Jocal | sgusered out of It. in pressed into off i cle for fattening cattie. The oll Is , than resolved into glycerin and steams is remarkable that copra has main price of from $40 fo $556 a ton. and now that & soap and candies factory han been establishiond In Australis, it in more Hkely to rive than fall Ten years ago most of the coprs went direct to Burspe on German sail ing ships. which came cut to Austra lis with a general cargo, sad lomded copra in the kianda in the long home ward voyage of from four to six months the rate and the little bronze | copra Deetles tupnel through the can go. destroying arge quantities On hrrival ar the oll mils Rt Is erushed by rollers, and the refuse, foe, At first sight it would seem more ue economical to press the oil on the spo¥ and so save the freight upon he waste ii muterial, but the explanation oil must he shipped in casks. Ships fited with have to make the outward empty. apd casks, “whooks,” require expert conpers, wien soaked in oil become a rey | borers, It is possible that a new he found for copra as fuel | flerce ships. It burns with a is very sasily stored and Nandied: wns i it lx only onethird more bulky 1 I eoal its disadvantage in this bhaing more than compensated by " superior heating qualities and its fron ; dom from ssh. it is expensive, but in aaval warfare where quick steam is everything, the -demrest fusl may often be the cheap est. —Savage lsland WW om Thee Soonghotd. Several mining men who bad shanesd to meet ia a hotel lobby in | , tanse cats had affiliated and had taken up their abode.in the tunnel sad had this city were discussing the various | i mines in a certain district, when one | of them spoke of a “wildcat” mine logger who was sitting near | pricked up his ears at this and chip ped into the conversation. He said that there was the most productive | wildcat mine he aver heard of pear the logging camp where he had been working on the lower Columbian. One #sked what this wildcat mine pro duced, “Why, wildeats, of course.” replied | the logger. He then proceeds to ex plain thal Many years ago semeane had ron a funnel into the side of a iil in search of coal and had run a psambir of short branches aad had gophersd about penerally in the bow pis of fhe hill, but fading no coal had finally abandoned the wivrkings Thers were wildeats in that seo at their cabin The wildeats and the a Pa Pony noo ru! Not Easily Produced. John H. Converse, president of the of talking of abstract matters. Along tnterviewsr inquired: entrance to the tunnel, and, thinking that perhaps some wild animals might ba occupying the piace. sent his dogs in to investivata. In a few minutes | tha dogs came rushing out, literally f covered with wiidcats and howling ike lost spirits. While the fight was of the mining men remarked that his | dh idea of a wildcat mine was one that yielded neathing but asseusments and food and next day the fuse was light ed. As it bummed some cata came out and were shot down. The of the dead cats terrified those in the rear and they held back till the tum nel was fairly choked with a gurgling squalling, spitting army of cats, and then the glam powder saxploded snd several tons of cats were abot out of { the hole~Portland Oregonian. tion and the parties who had been | prospecting for coal ieft several cats | I, The coal miner kicks because he is | kept down in the world, ot ot ii {of mealies have heen sent since . Oetober last 1o the military authord great Baldwin fawomoilee works, not long ago submitted himself to some prosy interviewiex by one of those would-be philosophers who are fond | ties in Pretoria and Johannesburg The Impossible. “This young man” sald the city . aditor, “wan't do, I'm afraid.” tn the course of the conversation, the “Now Mr. Converse, tell me—what fa it you find most diffienlt to get wr gut of your men? | promptly replied Mr. Converse. Fertile Fields of Africa. Proof of the great grain-producing : for 20 years, bi 20, capabilities of the Zoutpansberg is pipes 3 day years, he hows jsstorded by the fact that 0,900 bags | A JENGR nd WED 3 ash SOR "Why not?’ asked the desk man. “He brought a good report of that copvention in to-day.” “Yes, but in one piace [ see ho : writes, ‘Silence reigned for ten mine “A day's work!” grimly and’ § x ¥ $ + $ 3 : utes.” "Well. what's wrong?” “Great Scott. man! It was a woe i | man's convention.” No, Maud, dear, you can't 811 & 5 Spe ae
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers