Aaslui FB RA i NINA a oid wharves, so milent nox, htier i your grim decay Than in days when many 8 prow Sought you from the Jower bay, Symbols of desd dreams are ve, Symbols of the emply jiers Where our minds so buovantly Anchored in the childish years. Yet the barren tides that rreen Up the harbor night and mors, Plates and fissh and Jaugh and esp Round your bases, old and worn, Nothing of real sndtiess biear, For our ships have found sino then Wider wharves, in harbors where They may come and corse againg Til Time's petty trafio post, AD the baw! and brawl and strife, + We are satisfied st lant With the wealth of endless life. ~ Youth's Companion. ‘8 vers dusty. disreputable nose that pushed open the ck gate of No. 11 Templeton fists, and it was followed by 8 ganine body that had once been e, but wns at present a dingy the result of infrequent bathing. apparition dodged, evidently ex- : & brick or billet of wood for a e, instead of which a soft jo voice sald encouragingly: fn. old fellow; don't be afraid, anybody here but me” fellow” wiggled along, gladness and gratitude In motion, and made bis way to & sented on 8 box In one corner yard, engaged in fixing some mechanical toy. The dog his abbreviated tail in an at be fond, and at the same | ited a row of dazzling white i an jaw, and be very tough, bat Hittle Mark ¥ pot the Jeast Lit afraid. d the stray doz's head, called fellow.” and then bethought 1t wauld only be kind to give IB but Mark's adh t her fat waist aud She . Maybe If you wash k will Jet me Keep him. oe talks os of Be was * Cindy cried she besan a rom. pest? .- 1 ar Cs were io ited that were an easy vie Mark's mother bated dogs en said so. and believed it her Mr. Roberts was totally unac- ted with the canine type, was al spotlensly dressed. and while disliking the animals, them to keep a respectful dis- had fears, too, of Hydre- ether the animal bad ‘these objections what eonld 3? What he did was 10 keep secreted on the premises until een groomed into the sem: a fine kennel-bred sport with ‘cont and a sleek head. | off pink serrated ears, and tssion of eountepance so en ercelons that milkmen and delivered their goods to at the gate. And just at this vised Mark to let his N ark's ecount of the day's | had been vague and un. lately at this post-pran- | Ir, . sometimes unduly excited, unnaturally quiet. Cindy a blue ribbon—it had ished and ironed—and leading OR by this tether he parior, and nelther he animal until it stood Tm regarding them with can ty. Mrs. Roberts climbed screamed. Mr. Roberts “Take that brute awar,” ark made his plea. : ovely. papa; plays with fhe time and doesn’t never get cross. indy ean tell Jou-Cindy, 1 hes Af ar he Jest £ fit ter yay wit reckon feels at home. an’ dat chile jes too Lappy for ennyting wallzin® roun’ wif him foh company sli day.” Mark had bis sro oground the brutes neck and was rubbing bis own susosth cheek against the blunt head the dog scoepting his caresses with such evi dent appreciation that Mr. Roberts, | sfter watching them a moment, saki: 1 haven't any use for a dog, bint i the boy wants this one fo play wit 1 have no objertion But Keep him away from me.” “He's to s18y In the yard, remember that, Cindy.” sald Mrs. Roberts, sharp iy. “I suppose Mark could be fur nis) «d with a better companion. bot he'll get tired of him, or the dog will ran away. I wish his owner would find bin.” If they had read the lowt and found | potices in the papers they would have | seen a startling advertisement snent this same dog with a reward of three figures offered for his safe return. But | they Aid not, and Mark snd O¥ eutid not read, and they might have kept it to themselves lu any event, | as they did tne doz. Time passed and the father and ; : i) { her mother would deliver up 31 hes peoney And valuables ; A moments hesitation would have b precipitated the trazedy: bat the mother saved the situation 4nd ber mother did not get over thelr oblsction to Mark's playmate, which Indeed they goldum saw, being much out in so! ciety, at which time the child wan! supposed to be sleeping In Bis Hidde bed, Ho in trulh be was, and oftén 1} “old fellow.” the only nate be bad. was curled up on the four of the bed after a romp through every room up alra with Clady in sttendanee. And he was there one night when the | family came home late {rom the the 1 atre, byt with a cunning diseimniation be bad jnmped down and hidden, and they did not see Bim when they locked i ou the sleeping boy. In the early morning hours Mr. and Mrs. Roberts were awakened from a sound slumber by a fearful crash, and simultaneously with the sound the white bulldog buried {self freugh the transom of their door, carrying the frame with it se if landed in the twiddle of the room. Ther had only time for one horrible thought, that the animal had gone mad--when they saw flame and smoke rushing In amd knew wes on fire-ifiere was time for the lost. And it was found later from Hight seratelion oti Mark's fore that the | doz had tried to awaken hissy, but Tailed. and then performed a feat that was abmost superhuman and denoted an intelligence of the keenest fibre. When they were setilnd In ik new hotie “old fellow” was the hers of the | tf hour, A sliver colisr graced his atl Ietic neck and his story was told in print. Mrs. Roberts guve him the privilege of the drawingroom buat Mark and Clody were refereed for his | seemed a little tired of them. He | § drooped and they sent for a veterinary | surgeon, whe conld fad hothing def inhaled smoke the night of his life. saving feat. But the burt was deeper than that. as they soon learned. They were walking in the park and Thien oes apd almost bore him to the ground by the violence of bis caresses found his own. “Why! b's the hoss trickster of the | Allon Club's kennels.” said the man “HL Oldfellow, jump for the gentle man And obedient to orders the dog per forged the trick which liad made Bim | a lifesaver and proved the man's ewgnerilip. And now he had less use for the Roberts famidy than they had for him. He warped all on the whole hanch and went off with his trainer with acute satisfaction, leaving Mark i SC i much mur, gating after him wistfully ing: “And just to thin ik I called him ‘ald follow,” amd ft was bis very own mane. —Chicags Record-Herald, er da atu say. Only Indian Newspuirar Susrendod The Cherokee Advocate, the only paper ever pwinted in an Indian tongue, { is about to suspend publication. owing 10 chauges hn the government of the five triles. The Cherckee f8 the ouly. {tribe having a written language. It wing invented by Sequoyah, a Cherv- | | kee, in 1826. SHA The Royal Colonies were: Ne - experiences that of one night w FAYS is as fresh in bis mind as 17 ‘lent the guards = | they were saved from denth. The fiat | He had Land the deli V4 © © Mdverture. Some Narrow Excapes, HERE are few wellknown people in the world whose Piven have pot eontained at 0 best one incident toad they will remember to the last day of their I Bren The eyperionce may bave lasted a dsr. an our or But a pyanent, ver i impressed Teel! indelibly upon thelr mide, Rider Haggard, save the Pliiadel | wling #8 pescefal Phia Press is no ard soromantic no life as the wildest minded mag could wish to. Yet he cn ell ten stories of thrilling sdventures that are ss cording sx some of the The wpe which be pape from desl hap pired in Bonih Bir Afries, over a quarter sf a “éontary ago Hazeard was gister of the Trane rT, ANG in this cnpaciy BRIER, Tors he started an WAS titers way of : Cn the oiler was iving WT AW torture amd Ki his The suspense of thar when #1 any turning be migit mee ; PRT WRK Sloerent. dexth face to face, ong scareely Iw piv tare, bgt Mr: Ha der, m——— Mary Anderson, now Mme Navarra can yerall a terrible eptsade of her $ FoR) # Po cenew nf mind to early childhood fs Kentucky, which by slmost a miracle & tragedy. One night. doriag ber father's ah © sence from howe two bargimrs whe T° ad already committed seversl mar ders, broke lito (he house and, seizing the child threatened to ki bey val ehild by proveptly handing erdrything { of vaige over to the burglars cnrresnondent whose work for Englis papers during the Civil War pve hit & great repulsion. nombery anny been but yexterday He wan taken a prisoner by the Fed. eral troops asd lay ander senilenes of Aeath In the prison at Fort Delaware He resolved an escape. After cousidericg many plans be re . Bolved on the most desperale Underneath the floor of bls teil was wy 8 sewer which ren directiy lute the : Delaware For days be worked on thls plan halting half the time in deadly fear Bond bes hips Bot ar length the floor wan reads : : (for ralsing and the Right of the al family to te saved, all the rest was tempt was at hand When darkoess had fallen be rived the floor, dropped beneath it inte the sewer and was Parried, more dead than alive Into the river He swam for hours in the end and F @xrkness of nizh: and fnally landed | safely near Rslem, N. J, Miss Helen Terry bad an equally px eiting but more painful expeidene when, 84 & hid of seven she was playing the part closing too soon, imprisoned one of Ber feet, 8he filled the bonuses with her shrieks sat down to rest. Mark and “eld fel. and It wis some time before Der ip. |! jlow” making a striking pletare und ate | tracting attention as usyal eurred A tableau more striking. The dog saw a nian at a Nttle distanee. ran | toward him, leaped on bis whoulders Fwd Jured foot was released, Curicnsly snongh bad a very similar experience. “In my very first engagement,” she | reintes. “when : wis only sevin years: j of age. an ‘orrible aveldent’ happened 10 me "1 was plaring the part of coe of he ring in “Mlsddin wail box atid had te Ciba the sudden attack was foun Besta disappear through 8 trapdoor wg Hi ar ¥ qe $e ; cad ” § 1 RferIuatals the doar did pet 254 Ward Prag Ein a deep tI mast te killed iy Berrithal mother, who wilye the aocident, may Imagined when the stare she i ery. is 8 risa ma I's Bot CR A Hers af the Lo Pierre Disaster. E Ww i TERED ahichored alent thee ship's Jeugths fram shore af theo TE time when X00 Therese was anaiaiated i and ql the other vessels {i the Barbas pair a wera. destin Haddany was saved not by ace Went, bet hy the enolness and merve of her commander who once before saved his vessel un der cirevmsianees wien eleven other slemmnships foundered, At the time when the fatal blast from Mout Pelee swept over St. Pierny and the bay, Captain Freetnan wa standing on the deck of his You. Ae. | astern, and so on, close to burning {along the shore, until the gear was Chall thin was scomupiikhed. and the | Hesldam geard recalls every moment of HB with a reminiscent shod L from his feel fost escaped being ; fps i out hi x futentions ander these irviog Cised. The phyw : | jose the hand. nut ir will be useless for | Fegnett Burleigh, an intrepid war (o... sine ! AH enEagh of Puck in “A M4 : i Satpmer Night's Dream” at Manohes speci] friends, and ssetimes he ter ’ t Manche At the conclosion of the play she was raised through the trapdoor seated onl a WmuARToOm ft 34 3 nite the mater, hut concluded he had : o meke ie y Milne Nellis Parren | Anal 1 was previpitatead | Ceatll proter: themselves from injuries from thelr sbarp re-lile wings a8 they few about in all directions. We | fu ; re aloeps below ¢ I abe : Clgd oearyied far our to sea amd doving the time 2 was beating about ogre The Rodda, in charge of Captain 40 sheet of fimise scovmparying the ot blast Isaried massive $lons mildings to the | rronnd. was $6 greasy, however, thst De helleves it wax the cause of the steam. | shin Grappler taming turtle HEN Oa pe Hr. The difenity In breathing was doe to the guantity of fine ash with which the atmosnbere was charged ‘ and the fotid sniphurotis pases The Rodda was pot saved bir being ited on a wave neither was she aaved w¥ Euncking out shackle pins and slip vg the eabies, What the captain 44d way to free his windlass and then roo full sped astern until the cable parted. Bat pow, fo add to the horror of the | witnstion % There fo this predicament thers was nothing to do but to steam abend and them fire, #nd hearing the series of thom an heard and those rusaing frantioally Teared. At the end of an bonr and a steamed oul toventyasiy to sea, with ying men on her decks, resting certain that many pf the people of Bi Prre did pot die iE but with terrible and pro suffering Twenty six of his dil. mont of hem Kowiy | x blast and fo absense of | found the steering gear go | clogged wiih ashes 2s to be neslens, [ uo k = d | be voicuno, thers was only one great! 1? Ane © |} ‘roption, and this came from the side uc : an i © © Hf the mountain. There were bo de | tebstions er loud reports, and be saw] The force of this which | sine Biers gfter The eruption om stenmeed nie fhe narbor | ein with 120 tons of ST and Wer decks Altheuzh the ash | i contained a vongide nie Per magnetite, no disturbance SRE WR : Basel Pefors the af po disturbances of the barom- witils on a burning ship, where un half suffocated with Lhe bots were burned JE face Seared and his Gd waited that he vs. had the pres. Bar be hd and the physical and vwouial power 1 ATTY Bands wo sodal worked with his Moan Snwiaton of ori and | w& #ueh ag is rarely chronicled. Herter Ny » Wildest, That Capiain Free James avn at sel MeCGuigan, of Med. | Bad an smconnter | of Albany. and | They killed | uni) Mr. Cavan ad Hy bitten and | CaTapauch Was oblied to relarn | Fa anys Re On Xie Hight Xr day tn sheurs the anmal They were edd wih on sh fo Alter beating ahaonse in fhe wossds foe sare tiie they Leard a streech, which they traced to A large frve, sue thers diseaverad the | apimal. Mr Cavanaug apprapched ¥ gins and fred 211 to the round. Kok 33 cag spasmedically for an instant, and | then jay wil Cavanaugh a few minutes and then approached | the animal To atl sppesranoes IT Wax dead. snd Coavanstzi grabbed §t By the bind legs preparmiory fo earmrying it away Bat tha? eat bad more thin ve lie, for 88 sodn 3d Usvanaogh & reached aut i envied op and hegan fo fehr fr oper Cavansnchs fogers In its teeth and heb! them there. MeGul | Zan came to his relafive’s sseiztance afd maa maRe The Ruinal re Bar Jr did so snly to 5 ; ua shoulder and hite cheek TD Caransuch shor ® st iE fell nrer dead, The wildear was fakes to Catskill he WAS Gear | and his pephbew waited he wonnd canter | will not | : Cavanzogh beard the | | gopeech of 8 wildest 1a the woods. He | told hin nephe ww of what Be had beard, ne and they a the woods the next 2 Po Your Rest. No matter what the work before youl, Do your beat: On forta's pays Soucy Se mire $4 sein you, your No matter how the work detains you, No matter baw its dullness chains you, No matter what the sum it gaine you, No your best. ~Cleveland Plain- Dealer. A Minintere Ok Trea. If an acorn be suspended bry & plece of thread within balf an inch of the L surface of sotse water contained in a hyacinth giass and so permitted to remain without being disturbed, it will, In a few monthe burst and throw a root down into the water. and shoot gpwards its straight snd tapering stem, with bewntifal little green legves A young oak tree growing In thin WAY i 3 very interesting object. A chestnut may be treated in the same Banner. The water must dw changed sufficiently often to afford these irees! the mecessary quantity of sourishmont [from the matter contained fo it-- | Washington Riar. The Eiect rie IFamewre, With the help of electricity fn Ite slrmplest form a great many ricks and | j entertaining feats can be performed sach sx the following: Get a plain sheet of glass aboot twelve inches long Shy eight Inches wide, and insert it between two volumes as shown in fastration. The distance of the ginss from the tabde stionid be about three inches, With the help of scissors cot | , | top. the tensior of the cord Having ool siderable to do with the spend of reves | lation. Now 3 Western inventor comes 2 number of small figures such as men, Women. clowns, animale ate. pot higher than one snd onelialfl inches, aut of different colored paper. Lay the | | Bitle figures fat on 8 line on the table anderpesth the glass. Make a sort of ball of wonlen or better yet ilk cloth, warm it a Lite and rab the sar Balt way down. so that it ems ® be floating in the sir, until he gin nto continge its J There are different i i trick. but they all depend upon the same principle. A curved packing needle is used In } conducting the cord through the appl. making & curved channel By holding the cord loosely the apple can sli down In consequence of its weight, dat ‘#8 woon av the cord is stretched (his being hardly perceptibie) the apple brought to a standstill When the cond is minxed fhe apple will continue WH siding motion. Wore! Top-Spinning Pevies, To spin a (op well as every boy knows, care must be used in winding WINDING TF THE CORD IS UNNEONSSARE the string. as well as io throwing the forward with a top which, while makes use of he siving. does not have it wound on the top as is necessary with the old kind. The iUustration gives an idea of the device, which Is TRS ELECTR IC DJ : face of the glass witd it You will motice immediately bhew the electrics «x there. It in the i RY obtained by this process enlivens 5 years, being three 39 and jump to the glass ceiling of a naugh's fugess their Ite ballioom, te be mepu ized | hast Been Bimes throuogh to fhe bene | tad fall back, enly to repew their closing © | Kpeect. and on vhs orcasion the dour | New York 8 In sx Pog of Bats, Eave experienced many kinds of sex {ife” sald Captain af the iritiah teary Har. wf (fremaingd Tor me feel of 3 rain of bats ¢n the Ii doen he onsat from New York to Baltimore “ras Tuesday plight, when aboxt on niles off the Delaware we were mad. deniy being struck in the face and on ser heads, and sometimes on our hewlles, by myriads of birds as we sap pass. We were pot nz foding out af Bare if T way apply that term. 12 was with Jitiealty that these on deck: van ont of the Sook ducing the nigh. ht peXt morning we gantared a nem Deira deel where they had fallen ex : £ ap se which Bad un. oan infant bat whizh 8 The rizaing anata amd Bead bs 1 at al erry i tn rye the | yhody who san | gatare and bas pots of them. 1 stall look up madural Mistery and seel seae plan to preserve their lives, and gee what will be she ressdt” The battle with the bats Caplan Harland says, was renewed to a less j extent during Wednesday night to the idea of ‘making { Chesapeake Bay. He cannot recollect | seen Data atte Deiore—Bul Sun. face. If vou stop rubbing, the funny sotions of the Qgures ave sentinued for x while; when the danse is ended the New York Tribuue Magis Apple fi : awed in connection with the cond shows the manser of applying the Pg EE of tha Satskill {the Witla paper Ft g eR, haw taey wand 2 give the top its retary motion, and alse string snd spisning wire, The Inter ix Torpied with a jeap at one sad In whieh ote fuger of the loft hand is Ine serted, while the opposite end of the wire has a curved book which sue remads the spindle on the top. At the Lpeint of the long lecp is a guide touch of the bund on the glass is sul. folent to enliven the figures agaim-—. {hrough which the miring foods to the top. To pgt the top in motion the word is gives a single tora around the spindle, the free. Jong end is Inserted Cin the guide, and the hook of the spin. wing wire is placed over the spindle nn derpeath the cord. It ix shvious that a sudden and strong pull en the cond anid an egnal resistance with the other ! band will bold the top stationary in a { vortival plane, while the rapidly mow A HA Ar A FE SAID BE e859 FAA a yA ARE i ply by breathing properly. ing cord will give weotion to the spindle to rotate the top 2s the cord is drawn through the guide When the string iis passed through the guide there ‘s no further resistance and the top divspe of its own accord to the floor, maintaining its motion for a grea length of tine Philadelphia Record Learn How to Breathe. It is possible to exercise one's whole body, to keep it strong and well, sim Chililren should be taught to breathe and to get into the habit of filin~ the whole lung space at each inhalation and of sapty- ing it completely ar each exhalation. C There i8 no better way of getting sleep soon after going to bed than by breathing properly. Push away the pil lor and Le far upon the hack with the witsctes relaxed. Riowly draw in the deepest breath possible, bold it for four seconds, then slowly expel It until the cleat and abdomen have collupsed. Re peat this until you are tired or fall asleep. There are scores of ways of varying this exercise. But this is the ‘essential. Of course it is assumed that snesiass ith hin hed seam windewy Be ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers