The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 14, 1902, Image 1

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    r em- |
: was | closed a very successful tive and a half night and reported to the coart Wed. |
Thasacrions w weary,
: Ture Now Pistrints po th w Provides "or Froperies in Thin Fod af (he Conwy That
i i at Ones, I Charged Pads Boom iy,
this place, was one Conrad Yeager et ux to Beech Cree ek ;
canta for mine Coal and Coke company, Elder town
the ssamination ship, $1,000
this week. Gov. ;
fo allow additional —— Susquehanna township, $600.
Was A Annie FE. Powell ef vir to Sarah
in charge of Chief Tn Jewets, Carroll township, $130.
for Minen Jan. E Roderick. Uriah’ G. B Marsh of ax to
In explaining the examisation of the Mitchell, Barr township, $1,532.71,
Roderick stated be recom. “mers, Reade township, $1.
mended to Gow Btome hort. Henry Beope ot ux fo Misael
Fie age that three additional inne. Wente, Carroll wmwnship, §60a
{ors be appointed and the state be re- F Wants of nx to
; districted Tustead of baving 12 dis Carroll township, $00.
HE ! ught that thers shoald be Joseph A. Gray et ux to Rembrandt
. 15. His resson for this was that the 12 Peale, Carroll township, $6,585.40
rs | inspectors now working were positively John Hebburd by treasurer to M.
of anable to carry out the provisions of Rhody, Ashville, $5.37,
| the law governing mines. Under
ifaw every mine operating must be Manor Real Estate and Trust conipany,
| thoroughly inwpected by the distrittin. Reade township, §1. |
if spector once every %0 days. In pddi-. William P. Dunean ot al i
{thon to this in-pection, the inepictor Mitchell, Hastings, $5750
bas to investigate all mide accitlents. F.C Kiela et ax to Anton Kinin,
and report on them in detail Tie foe | Eider township, $1,490.
| eresse in the number of mines and the Leonard Radge to Julios Bager, Car
pansion of the business has made rofitowsn, $800.
(this work too much. By bioressiog Mary CG Werte et vir to Charles Wil.
ot | the districts by three it wan hoped that son, Carroll towaship, $700
: the Jaw could be complied with, at. RF. Montieth of ax to Allen Beck-|
| Jone the present. ‘with, FPation, $540,
The examination’ was aspucial ene Conrad Yeager to Albert Yeager,
[85 the causes were argent. It Ws oex- | Eider towmship, $0.
cted that the three pow appottitess Coursd Beager to Jacob Yeager, Ei
with be ready 10 assame thal positions | der township, $30
: , Exvoutors of Aaah Zorn to John Do
tion: ata relats to sechoical Eon ¢ of Alice J. Pawier wd A.
mining. and he men mast be practioal | Boyd, Reade township, $60.
fy i David Atherton ot ux to Andrew
fia r with gaseous mines and Magonike, Barnestorn, $50.
of dealing with thi ele Andrew Magonike ot ux to Mike
t and » wht L slcty lampn ste. Out Bingley, Barnesboro, $50.
. Thomas Bortes ot a to Henry Mare |
5, Barnesboro, £175
potting of Tera Popaint’ Yous emrsobe | vom, $x
me Marys 4 Chard. 1 Henry Ww. Fox et ax to Leonard Le
: : nebary, a oi oomte, Carroll township, $50
Min Con he Me ilo x. of this place Casper Lieb to Mary Welland, Nick.
in the hol bonds af matrino 7 town, $50.
united ¥ : uy Ri Bev. Bagene A. Garvey Ww Web
ster Conl snd Coke company, Carroll
| township, BLS
Julian Rager ef vir to Webstir Coal
" Pierron 8 pa
mans 325 wo telock Tamda) Pier
w attends is were Huey Binks,
Jarrod] township, $50.
Joseph A Gray ot ax to A. BR Gray, |
) Spangler. $15 000
o Bastern cition and will make Tee Oe wt vi 'o Lather FP.
Tommie at the count heat on their » Susquehanna township, $900.
; : 3 0 et MG Bbody et wir to Dr. GW.
e Krumbine, Ashville, $135.
BEWLY married
morning rain an the
groom ES a BOX of x3 Sheri
HE rom, Ean.
J His bride iis the
ma danghiter of Me aid Mre. Jan by mma Transeied - Cvars gt Ebon
Melon, of this place, and is & hand. Bury This Week
| some young indy who numbers ber A special term of court convensd
friends by the score, The COURIER ex Monday at Fbensbure, with Judge
i bends hearty congratulations and best O'Connor and Kooser presiding oy a
wishes eg two branches.
| The first case on tris} before Judges
Donner was that of Mary Man.
Putin Defeated the Mi. Bewdietin Fool wil vs A. B Delogier and Joseph
) Bap Team Saturday. | Myers, an appeal in treapas, The
About as fiercely contested x foot plaintiff lives in Ashville and recites
n. ball game as has heen played oft the Hat oo the evening of November 3
home grounds this season was the oe | 1901, the defendanta came to ber Bowe, |
Saturday afterscon betwnen the Pat threw all the sapper things off thie tat
ton eleven and the St Benedictine 30 proceeded
team. Tae score was close, § to {i and away. The defense was that the action
every inch of the grousd was fought complained of by the plaintiff had been
ifor. ‘taken ander a landlord's warrant for
The visitors were clearly cutclismed, (6bt. The jury brought in a verdict
bot. the Patton boys pat up by far the SWarding the plaintiff $25.
best game they have this season. Their Exowptions flied 1a report of viewers
1 line bucking was particaiarly effective. Appointed to view and lay out a road
Two fifteen minute halves were played [18 Bare township.
and io the first the locals were Within The opse of Max Klein, the whole
one yard of making a touchdown when sale liquor dealer of Federal strset, Al
time was called.
" xcTne conTEsT
tac acarad
eipelled to punt. Through a fumble figuors. The defense was that Klein
| Gibson secured the ball and wade a charged for the containing cauks and |
AE magnificent run throngh the team, scor- also sent liquors and other goods which |
Inga touchdown. He asa kicked goal. were not ordered. When Mellon went
: : to the railroad station and saw the
goods, be refused either to take them
Goncert C0 or pay for them. The Jury was out all
Mrs. Water Won rine,
The Com-Cel-8ar
2 weeks’ engugnanent st Firemen's Hall nesday morning that it was miable to |
‘Tuesday night. The 37.piece met of agree. Tt was discharged and be case
3 1 silver given as a prize to the most pop- wi il come ap for re-trial at som Suture |
ular lady was awarded to Mrs. Chas yim
E, Walter, who received 7,249 votes. | siood & to 8 all night.
{Miss Anna Stacia Biller was a close
yoy | 80cond with 7,181 votes. The company township, J. L. Elder, George F. Mil.
{began a ten days’ engagement 8! jer and John F. Meyers were appointed
| Barneshoro Wednesday night. Sat viowers to view and liy oat a road in
urday will be Patton night and every (hat township.
body from this place Is invited to at- © Mary H. Myers granted her dis
tend. i charge as administestrix of D. G
Sut be tor and ave in the Myers, late of Ashville, deceased.
i —Is this your paper?
GW. Lioyd et ux 6D E sosmks
for positions as mine inspec: CE Troxell et ux to Witham Sim. | :
Rembrandt ents,
this Pennsyivania Raiirosd company |
on Miler ot ux 0 Heary Mare |
doo T. Bradley to Joba Jisvo, Pat- |
a of and Coke company, Elder tow nahip,
Fred Arhie of axto Alexander Day,
to parry the table, py P
iu the second, with isgheay, vs Ed A. Mellon of thin place, |
but two minaies to play, the visitors was tried before a jury Tuesday. Klein |
held for third down and were com: claimed Mellon owed him $1172 for
It is understood that the jary
On the petition of citisens of Reade |
About Sixty Boys Left
Mines on n Tuesday.
j Ave Meow’ (dting Noighty Five Coste & uy
: swt Demand an Even Dollar Mase Moet:
img Hold iw Gebtaein's Hal
| Afternoon :
Patton was in the thross of a might
conflict between capital and labor fora
How days this week.
On Tuesday the door boys, or trap
pers, In the several mines of the Beech
{reek Oral & Coke Co strack for an
| pdvapoe in wages The boys to the
namber of aboot sixty simply walked
tnt of the mines and announcnd that
[they wonkd not retars until they wore
camsured of an incresse in wages of 150
Ar the present time
cents per day.
they are getting 8 cents aod demand
a dodiar
The rate paid trapper bays in thin
csection has vaed at diferent Limes
| When the town first started the trap
pers received 30 cents s day. Soon
afer they strack for an advance to 88
tents and wanted the company to far
(pdsh ofl and wicks. This trouble was
tom pronvised Las The bensin that the ho
{aroish their own supplies acd be
granted the advance.
ween made from that time 50 thie with.
tnt serions tronble antl the present
rate of BS orate wus granted.
This the company contends is wages
| enough for boys whose ages rangs from
Hen to fifteen years The boys say,
However, that the work is hard asd
{he pay not large enough wien come
pmred with that recsived by the miners,
ine laborers, machine mien, drivers,
(tbo. They aver that the thwes are
poewied, the company making money and
they want x berger share of the pen
oral prosperity.
Bat few of the trappers remained at
work and some of the drivers refused
(to work without a door boy, causing
| ronsiderable inconvesiancs. President
Wm MePherson, of this subdistrict of
he United Mine Workers, was sotified
fof the soptirrence and came To to
Wedneaduy slternoon and attended a
| imess meeting of he trappers heid fn
Cinldatein’ 5 Hall a
olock, Joba
Lainey was chairman of the reestiog
| HAY.
President MePheran counseled the
: bors to return to work and leave the
Dmatter with the mine committee for
djostasent. A motion to that effect
was made seconded and carried. How.
Liver, after the mesting the Boys got to
gether again asi decided to dispense
with the mine committer in the ad
Lmstment of their difference and look
Catnsther vole, with the Feanlt that st
this writing they are still out.
| President MoPhemmon win
apaln to-day hed another mass
ing will be held to-night.
CHndews Levture Wadd Lb De the Field es
is impossible to describe them.
| Holiday Goods Coming Every Day.
the Present Congres.
Toe veers of clean, moral sod atel.
otal sntertaanment in Patton bave
been: very fortunate in eslablisbing a
woture course and seouring some of
the very best entertainers on the plat
: frm.
_ The; promoters of tw enterprise Rave
wen rewarded by hirge and apprecis. |
five andianoes, who speak in the high.
est term of the entertainments, and
the future of the conrs is now well
Probably the most sotertaining and
hussrous of the lecturers in the pres.
Cent dourse is De. Halley, who will de
‘liver his most popular
‘Sketches in Charcoal” on Tuesday |
evening, Mov. Mb
Too mach cannot be said in favac of
Dr Halley, Some coe has said “to see
and bear De. Holley ones bs to remem.
ber him always He takes the place of
Bob Burdette Big Nye snd Mark’
Twain, and thet he looks and acts Hike
Bam Jones, only that be is handsomer |
‘and funnier."
Asivrintised Leotlers
The following letters remain ancalied
for in the Palton post office for the two |
| weeks ending Saturday, Nov. § 1902
| George Blair Adee Lynoeh FB. Miller,
| John Owens, Johan Swanstrom, Mrs. |
Mary Haves, Joban Martinik, Mrs |
| Katherine Mains, Chas Olsen, Mrs,
Rose Thompson, Joseph Wirtner.
Foreign: -Usizgsmar Janos.
Fursons calling for the above letters
Bi ! plese say that they are “Adver
KE Wie GREENE, Postmaster.
Fine job printing —the Conan
Adrvaness have :
nd Sandy Nelson officiated as secre. | :
tetairw, |
She mid t well at the
start. If they do you will
| not be troubled with those tired
aching feet you complain of
so much. Lac S try a pair
of our justly famous “La
Modes ” it $3.30 or eur “la
§ Be at § Ail lasts,
i widths 7
We have just received
cases of the celebrated
im Colt, Box Calf and Wax
Cand Ei Call, B to E. all tes
| and sizes, 3 to 10. Prices are
£31.50 and £4. 00.
Try a pair
and you will
0 other
Gorme Hore or Sys
Directly Opposite
the Bank.
Is more to be de-
i handsome case,
eth ean be had for
moderate price, why, get
can sell vou a Wateh in
beauty of exterior and
acy of movement are
comabined but the cost of which
18 quite easstaie.
and variety of Timepieces that it
Buy here and be on time,
Ww e
AN he
We have such a number
Th Yaa 2
Eves tested by the celebrated © Retinoscopic Test” and glasses correctly
feted. Lenses changed, free of charge, af any time, in spesticicn wif by me
that cout $2.00 and over. 4
Jeweler and Optician, Patton, Pa. |
ES OL HS Sb a 00
If you have a
a 3 wy CX in
shirts and half hose
good excuse for not
| portunities of th Bi
‘Grand Finale of Our Summer
It you haven't vou haven't.
il the clothing and hats and cool
hat you could pessibly use, you've a
being interested —for not seizing the op
And our hint to you is that if we were you we
would get here as soon as possible—the cream of the sales
‘offerings may be skimmed if you wait too long,
We'll appreciate a visit from you whether you buy or not.