The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 31, 1902, Image 6

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    ; ng cont . $10 and the making
$8 more. New York Pros.
TOI 4 4 Combined case of iBsuretes
and assurance. A woman lot a lighted
{ mateh drop into the closet where she
had collected about thirty conty’ worth |
of rage which the thrifty one had |
| stored there against the tithe when a |
perambulating junkman would relieve |
ber of their presence. Nothing but the °
rags were burned, but the insurance
company, on which she mands prompt
claim, awarded ber $15 It wae win
ter, and while on her way to the hank
to cash the company's check she bad
i orenasion to ait next the stove witch
heated the car. Her skirt wae budly
scorched. Khe continned on to the oar
company's stables, and the outcome of
ber visit was a check for $25. The
skirt was represented as being part of
A costume, the rest of which was like
{ unto that part of “Hiawatha” wherein
is quoted “oseless one without the
Later on the heroine of Loth
adventures went shopping with her
$40. and her first purchase wax a nest
: velvet fold which hid the scorched spot.
tatlor says there is to be
of silk strapping used on
: rere form are ott the sige of
t box in which the milliner
& hat home. The floor, id snd |
the four sides are fittid with a |
ible frame. to which the hat is}
ad by a hatpin in the syme man. |
when put on the head. These |
may be removed from the
and the empty tronk weed as an |
ry packing trunk for & visit for a
ey Tvory Comba,
Of the purest ivory are the newest
that confine the tremses of the
on A dainty design in|
oid lightly sprinkled with jewels rests |
) the band, broad or narrow, that
rs above the prongs of the combs,
oroaments the little slide or
destined to keep in place the
straying curls just above the]
the neck. A plain strip of gold
of the new comb ik very at.
: but for evestug wear the
te rhs robes and statuesque
ries enfold the woman of fashion,
83 8 matter of conte that
ge o service es over, |
mag's Lie use Bo pms ia her
an old superstition against
carries a demitrain. The
Bf white silk muslin, edged
, with a detachable collar, and
old rose ribbons are run through
Jace and kootted at the neck in
nt. The sleeves are
| draped in at the elbow and
ed with applications of white silk
and lace to which knots of ribbon |
ded. Although the design is sim-
ple is extremely effective, the long
lines of accordion pleating tuking the
of otherwise necessary trim
the skirt,
New Black Bralds;,
landsome uew braids have taken
themselves the elaboration that
is now a part of nearly every article
of our attire. There are rich medal
lion arrangements in lattice-work ef.
these are incorporated in
etnbroidered passementerie mostly in
conventionalized oral designs. and In.
€ 25. Nearly all of these exclusive
sings | may be Sipped apart so the
{in tulle.
ing Scarves, are ‘worn with many large
~New York Sun.
Why She fv © Mise.”
ime ammonia
A newspaper offered a prize recently
g | for the best answer to the question,
“What are the reasons tlist keep a
| Woman from marrying?’ A horrid
{ cynical male creature carried off one of |
i the prizes with a list of siztéen “rea
p sons."
Among them were:
Her inability to make up ber mind
The Borror of helng “given sway”
The unhappy results of most cor.
riages, :
The fascination of continuous Birts-
The nonvertain quality of & husband's
The glory of having never accepind a
The scarcity of desirable, or even
tolerable, men.
Her satisfaction insaying “No, "when
| she means “Yes”
The saving in human life through the
absence of bad cookery.
The objectionable lange in the oar
riage service relating to obedience.
ber own, and she remains single.
Queen Sophia of Sweden sa firm
friend of the Salvation Army, and has
Liven It much Snanecial aid
Mrs. Bara Greene Wright. the New
York sculptor. is said to be the only
woman who can model children from
Mrs. Clarence Mackay pies only
violet stationery. As red stamps do
not harmonize with if she navs threes
cent stamps instead
home in Knoxville, Tenn. the ¢ther
day. wae one of the three surviving
finish. The tint of
i massive,
gn emergency closet carefoily for.
supplies begin to lower,
be kept a leaning uid turpentine,
gaxoline or bwayzine javelly water, ox-
alle acid, prepared chalk, chloride of
cohol and the thousand and one
which, if pot assed daily, are indispea
sable when they are wanted,
A Decorator's Suggestion,
paint. becanse the skill of the individ-
ual pajuter must be relied upon for a
tone, and unless the painter happens
{ to be & genius, his attempts are ssually
fallares. If it is & cheap workman
who must be called in, more than ever
roughly divided inte two great por.
tions—the frontal and the occipltal—~
| what are separsted by the fesure of
Folando. This fssure extends across
is it wise to decide upon the white
makes or mars the scheme of the room,
and it takes an artist in mixing shades
to get the requisite ghade when creams
and olives and sages are to be ¢xperi-
: temples. ;
; All that part of the brain which les
| 43 front of fi<-that fa thes brain that is
mented with New York Post
Sofas ts Date.
A revival and a povelly are fost
now attracting sttention where furnk
ture is sold. One is a sofa bod
| bolstered in tapestry, an
table whether ocoupied 28 a soli or a
and very comfor.
It corresponds to the bed of the
“three-quarter width when the hick is
let down. Ar $50 a very handsome
| specimen may be had, the end peces,
of bandsome wood being solid even |
the foundation
there's room fur storing the bedding |
It may be bad as low as $36. It is an
improvement rather than an absolote
Hes natural unselfishness places the
' | happiness of the man she Joves before
Down in
with them Jet down. even the cham.
i plon tall man could stretch bis bones
with comfort. This splendid plece of
furniture cost $45 and wp,
most desirable library plece
a kX Hl
Cars of the Range.
There is a great difference hetween wn os
Lif a particnlar claxe of dizeanes,
the ranges of to-day and those which " particle class of is :
tervals to De Kept in order
i with polished tops need only tv be
Mrs Naney Jones, who died at her
widows of Revolutionary War pension.
enameling, seems to have Been invent
Miss Mary Barber, a stesographir, is
the first woman wotary in Virginie
qualifying under the pew Usngtitution, |
The servant girl problem can only be
solved, Mrs. Francis Darwin thinks by
Baving the girla sleep out of the house
possibly In boarding houses set apary
for that purpose,
Rose Coghlan, the actress. known in
| private life as Mrs. Joha T. Rullivan,
hag declared her intention in the Dis.
washed off with soap and water, Still
the majority in pracileal use are black
ened, or, what 18 much more objec
tisnable, enamwiedl The last device
tains. Good housekeepers have long
which permits a woman th act as Hor can be kept clean unless (¢ is washed
with soap and water and scraped be
apilled on the stove and ig robled of
quickly with a hard cotton elsth,
soon disappears,
LA few drops of kerosene Dut on the
trict Court of Lewis and Clark County, |
Mount, to become a citizen of the Ugis!
fed] States. She will take up a ranch
for cattle ralsing purposes.
Mrs. Adelaide Augusta Jones Dean,
of Boston, tow nearly eighty four years
old. is the only surviving member of |
a juvenile chorus that gave the first |
public rendition of 8. F. Smith's now |
famous “America,” at a patriotic cele. |
is burning brightly,
celoth will often remove an eoheinats
grease spat.
It In diffenlt to zor coal that disses not
clinker. These clinkers may be easily
poraecod by patting an oyster sheil
caccasionally In the stove when ihe fics
The !
from the aysier shell vlean of
bricks —New York Tribnoa
bration held in the Park Street Church { :
on the evening of the Fourth uf July, |
| brown sugur, four cups of flour,
Brown Sugar Cake-T'wo cups light
i half cup of butter, three eges, che tea
i spoonful of soda
| milk, two teaspoonfuls of cream tar |
sud one cup of |
Ince till hos Its own as 8
trimming for linen color gowns,
i stoned raisins, chopped very fine
Sash pins in beautiful designs cre |
{ shown by jewelers and novelty dealers, |
Pale rose color and maize sre among |
the prettiest and most popular shades |
for dress material.
Tucked belts are very pretty for sheer
slinple frocks
yet disks for popularity.
Pretty little collars of the turnover |
variety are made of whity taffeta silk | ST2BANT 10 two cupfuls of
: tifteen minutes.
| stewed cherries {oo Haguori: torn into 3)
| buttered shallow tin and cool; torn out
: ob & board; cut in squares or distponds; © **
dit the Indian; this”
sara blades
frribe understood at
dian was so greatly eulnan
beautifully embroidered in pink or blige,
If one wants a simple dress, mobalr
is the safest investment, as it wears
well and comes fo a wide variety of
The old fashioned bracelets, stiff,
straight band affairs. are being revived,
but it is doviaful if they will beso
{ gach of cornstareh and Sour:
Baifons vie with vole |
digsaived in 8 oup of
tar sifted io the four,
all BE Biot Pegs 4 wn dig
all ingredients weil together, ad bakes { erred var eer PRR
about three
in a rather slow oven
gqaarters of az betr Add aie Ten
sponnful of mixed spices if Jdeuized.
Cherry Fritters Miz ove fourth cup
a cup of sugar and a pach
i 82ir in one-fourth cup of mis sd add
| deep fat;
i the beaten yolks of two eggs: abd this
$iir until thickened and Liu
dd bal?! a
§ gt
dip in four, egy and crumbs;
drain; sprinkle with
| dered sugar.
me |
Talfteta # hes gcd rounded at the |
ends and psmmed with lace,
while |
those of molre, liberty satin and tot |
ising are (ringed.
Curtain screens shut off the rags of
the sun and yet jeave much of its bight
{ them st tand over night
; the be
those that sre painted grea are the |
most satisfaciory,
The finer the vell the better. Som
{yop of water,
| have spots. some ring dels and they |
fabould be fastened over the haty so
that they would seem to imprison them
Lace veils, with accompany:
Cacumber Plekles-Ga small
cumbers while dry and while fresh
crisp, pack in two quart glass
aver with a brine made of cue guar
of water and hal? a cup of sal
in mad pack the
BR Jussl Fhe in th i
a FY Ving propor
Fosely Make a
fal i £5
sticks of cinnamon, broken
and a dusen whale cloves tied
of muslin. Let
bail, then pour the cucumbers,
filling lavel full: ses] at ance
will Beep a very long time or ¢an be
mle bits,
ia piece
used in a few days.
absorbent paper, ale
| demonstrate new facts about the brain,
the wooilwork
andl Is 8
A great on
many of the cooking stoves of to-day
: shonid
i notable surgical operations
and i? tive lave fs
[Bot it IS pol pecesSary to wash Y afr
{ fal as neffer vas!
wo peantiful ae mein Malle!
ane. | Was sooch a goet cook!
Pasoch a goot tressmaker-0), dere vas |
. mo gerrel like mein Mollie!
add half’
af’ salt:
Cvkanged color and
Jars and
fied dest
Then pour of |
mibers as
the vimegar come Wo 8
Cwhitle the horses were
and they !
Eminent surgeons have jong en
deavored to Bud out preciesly what
! parts of the Train control the various
{ mioseles apd Hobs of the body, with
{ g view to ascertaining therefrom pew
[ways of treating discuss of the nervy.
Io every household there should be
Cphuicts, especidily
vished and promptly replenished when
in it should
pertain great apes
ous system. Enfferers from such come
#UOH ax SauNe (ner
pbtion of the wusetisr #eilnn, muy
hve reason Wess 1h memory of
aed unselfishly with withow
being copsultet by, some Britieh soi
eutists spd surgeons in a series of
privately conducted experiments 10
$ i &
Though the sclontifie partnership was
| fatal to the apes. they lived sdmired,
| and died universally respected,
A decorator advises that the white |
treatment of woodwork in a room is
to be recommended whenever pousible.
It is particularly safe fo use white
thelr photographs will be handed down
in medical history. Stndies of the
brains of the higher apes have sliown
that thelr composition was sufficiently |
like that of & man to justify the belief |
tiaat investigations made on these
brotes would fornish knowledge abont
the human brain. To unflerstand the
experiments thoroughly, it ix well to
remember that the brain may be
the top of the human head and down
on each side at about the region of the
ever the eves snd fills out the frontal
i region of the bead--is known as the
gp. froutal lobe This frontal Jobe,
Yaron nhveieal fonctions It Is the
gree cantrul telephone exchange or,
to use annther electric erm. the great
power house whore the subtle, intang-
{ble Auld of thought is convertwd into a
tangible working force and thence
transmitted at varying pressures slong
the feed wires of perves to the various |
engines of the Bearl arms, legs eyes,
| macuth, nose and other organs. Loo
More of a novelty is the handsomely ] don Leader,
apholstered leather sofa with drop ends |
~catied adjustable, Most persons could |
stretch out on it with the ends up. BUY pops nun Telegram.
Pabilelty sud the Doctor,
The statement in
that Dr
Edson, Health
Tepriise their busiteoss
i to which be ia clearly entitled and of
; which be is robbed by neglecting 10 ad. |
| vertiseit is a great convenience fo the
{| public to learn at first band where to
| tind a physician whe makes 3 specialty |
ire Seed # pineration age and which Kedson is confident that the ban on ad |
TL Lovertising will soon be removed
had to De “hlackieaded” at stated in nung on
New York © nen
white jinen and Hands of embroidery |
for trimsuing
Two deep pleats extend from shoulder
it hae
been found doses almost all the work
of ordering and controlling the motion
of the body, and the exercise of jin
made, zavs the
Cyras |
Officer of New York |
finds many reasons why repntable phy.
cficinos shonld ad
18 the dally newspapers Beghdes the
; { benefits to the dortor himself benefits
There seems to be an undeniable ten.
i dency toward the masxive in furniture,
: «Philadelphia Record,
to belt in V-shaped outline at the back.
and the walst is smoothing adjusted
ander the arms.
The pleats in front correspond with
those in the back, and are stitched
thelr sntive length. The waist closes
ia double-tirensted style. the right side
tautening 0 the left with args pea}
f senitre back ney Top
liked for thin styliéh shirt waht, wit
-acrons the shoulders and displays 1
manently attached to the right XN
that ave datly pressed and present 8
serfoctly plein appesranee.
The Bounce is shallow in front. bat
gradustes to a considerable depth o8
the hack and gives a stylish sweep
to the skirt at the floor. Lace is 8p
plied at the fop of the bem as fool
To make the waist in the medingg
ster will require two and onequartes
yards of forty fourdueh material, with
three-quarter yand of sil-over ince.
To make the skirt in the medivm
size will require five and one-half yards
of forty-four-inch material
Pome Yhinped Paras,
The latest imported —— oa
dome-shaped, and are of medium sige.
The sticks are of patural wood, With
crystal, porcelain or natural restle
handles. Soft moire is the materinl ©
aud white or green the color,
Pale Gray Ertsmine Costume.
The costume Hastratad
pale gray ciamine
shows through the
material and leads
the entire toilet,
The waist is made
fitted]. featherboned lining that
in the centre front. The & bark I»
fullness af the belt, arranged |
The vont af stew! embroidery
¥ F
1 8
snd closes lovisibly on the left
wide at the neck and tapess
polit at the belt, A broad miler collar
finikbes the neck and forms long revery
Re ¥
rr. Edson, whose rank is of the high |
andoubtediy voices the sentiment |
if the more enlightened and progress |
- wive members of his profession when |
| Ite insists that old fashioned predindice |
be done away with and the
medical faculty should no longer he |
ompelled to hide their light under a |
: Dasbel
«1 merely to conceal grease and other
A great many physicians get a goodly
| mmount of advertising through the pub. |
ago learned that no stove or gag ranges
He press, and free advertising at that
No physician #ver interposes obhieo-
the public press in connection with avy
many phygicians wl
ntvertising with scwething akin
vith soa | tions to having his name mentioned in |
i Tore 1t & polished. When grease iv
in faet,
deal upon paid
to |
ftoly horror ave delighted to ret a little :
| ndvertising gratia Fourth Estate,
Mined Metaphors,
© A Cerman lady in a town in Ventura |
Cieunty had a danghter who was her
bears |
mother's pride. The nmmmma
? | womewhat of a reputation as a Mrs
furges qarisin 2
i ain PYG,
On ste corasion the daugh-.
“0, mein Mollie! Bhe vas so peanti-
Und she
Und she
vas de best clerk var 1 offer haf in |
i imein shtare! Unt she vas a goot must |
| claner—0, mein Mollie vas de greatest |
She YRS yust a :
Angeies |
Jack of al rabbits?” Los
Red Cloud's Advice.
“Rilly” Gimer, who lived among
indians in Dakota so that
talked Chin
ia also A prosperous
assists her mother in the
i store, was, by dint of hard work among |
| relatives and friends, chosen as queen
| of a street carnival to be beld in the |
i town. Maternal pride ran riot in the |
| plder woman's breast. To a friend she |
| harst forth in this ecstatic strain:
Deere vas no gerrel
Und she vas |
buttons, two rows of which trim the
| fronts
A white
geek. The bisbep sleeves ar shaped
with insikle seams ouly. They
! pomfortable Mallness og the shoalders,
snd gre gath.
sige 45 HEATOW
These ary Guha with
thie collar
iw msde are doe
cheviot par
| fit the upper arin closely
the ower
i wristtaada
Aaring «uils 0 march
Souirt blouses nn
veloped fn plgue, ootien
; or Txlaiva,
| being preferable. as
remain st over he shotbders,
To make the hboure fur a mins four
teen years will Figure one atid three
i oemend at
x Ye sani dink
fale eR
; AUT Tey yards
it mini,
For Calling and Charen,
fi wear aoething
a Jurk
bath Some
#0 Arad SRNR
appro ERE haan
poaod whine dour? satin
feintencd Willa wihite Buch
tnwtrat net ig the iar
{ i ore
# warm personal friend of Chief Red |!
tow if.
of emphasis the chief piacked Ira
rroand a bande! of grass and, holdd
aloft so that all sucht sw
Th peinting © wr the simile root
a3 Tow
poiating to the thou
is the white man”
ance that
re besred tho
{further resistance would be fools
New York Press,
A Small Boy's Large Pocket.
be champion Sal story of the pres.
reanon is bel tad
Patyiek, the mary x licamse clerk
the offices of he
He saps that
wm sister,
5 40
A aE
in iy
war LE
Wraies thar
WLS Aves
few days
flown to
in whic
Ts 4
aan Der
&oopond to
TOUS engn
iix-potnd bass jumped cut of the wi ter
nd into the lacket pocket of one of |
the boys.—Kansas City Journal
He was at the great pow wow |
when Red Cloud advised his tribe |
Csarrender to the avery
ol; By way |
The |
thie Ine §
James |
hed the horses |
wo 3 REE,
i ally
Cpmrvaw front a
vor a glade
fea herbage
entre fran
5 din,
i +
dong £1
Fox i ¥ivsaee ig wa §
Efi bieesR 3 RB LaTen
Moe to am
Trapt piastren is
alized yoke
The Shak &
0 The Tight
BR Yhe The
invikibly ht
: front
at the loorer edge of
I also fastens under the left foot
Dangle bertha coflars Banish
af the tage Troan and extend aronod ©
back below 1 Yoke, Thre
rived With + Bands
3 in vest sillest
the mek
geal in four
mpd £3
an 3 ¥ _ 1%
orimwdd by the fullness 1 nla 3
it Ak Aha: &rru
if) & af
aye Goo grade
Thee skirt Is shaped with Sve gored.
Linen collar completes the
| seasus only. have slight fullness on the
babunis 3 sheer %%
CURT yards of furtyfour-inch material, with
a doves is 8-4 i———
wird nll :
eo pasate Nhe Trion
in front. It is edged with a frill of
gray ribbon.
The sleeves are Sted with inside
shoulders aud are sdinsted on deep
pleated cuffs, over which the sleeves
droop gracefuily at the back. The belt
is off green velvet ribbon fastened with
a silver buckle. In the skirt five well
praportioned gores are fitted smoothly
(around the walst and hips without
Pdartk. The fulluess in the centre back
fubries |
the pleats should |
i= nrrauged oan underiving pleat at
each side of the closing.
The gored portion i» cut off below
| the knees and lengthened with a ofr
A A NT 5 7
Heep |
fap heed
aman aed closes ;
iw arranged na deed box pleat |
the plasiron sad |
the sides |
he |
are |
ami similar
cular founce that flares stylishly at
the lower edge. To this i» added »
full gathered flounce that gives a wide
AWisep to the skirt at the floor.
Bands of embroidery are applied of
ihe tap af each Sounce
To make the wast in the modinm
HH require one and three-quarter
Vipakie the shirt ia the
oad sides and wile backs,
The closing is made [pvisibly at the
raidery. To
in size will
a yard of ail Over oy
rediiive four yards of