The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 24, 1902, Image 7

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    a OT
A Hewinder of the Station,
© The bobbing brims of childrens hats | oy,
weighted down with a bunch of
fowers fn front reminds sn elderly
woman of the davs of the Bis, when
to the front of similar wide brimmed
hats was aitsched a “puller” or nar
row ribbon, which was used to pull
dow the brim to secure the effect now
Obtained by the weight ot flowers.
The Wedding dows fox.
The wedding gown box 1a one of the
tent fads to be adopted by the bride
“be. ‘That every bride possessed of
BY entiment wishes to keep her wed.
ding gown in a state of preservation
13 a foregone conclusion, and this re
: le is admirably suited for the
pose for which it was designed. It
made of light wood, enamsled white,
id has the bride's initials ip silver
on the top. It is Hped with
‘ted white satin, and the Jock Is of
hoe For Fan Trimming.
- The new cabochous are of very targe
They are fatter than they have
and are often In urabwiquoed
open work sef with cut jet or steel
or In chaste oxidized siiver or dell
gilt. Some of the gilt cabochons are
#0ld In pair, the two joined by a dou
ble festoon of gilt beads. These are
io trirs the under side of hats
a feather is placed on or under
the edge of the brim, it will often be
& large cabochon, says the
Trade Review. A new oruna-
men 1s provided to serve this purpose,
It is a chaste metal snap that clasps
the afige of the brim, securing
eather to it. Whoais of osprey or
ete are somethmes fastened in this
way by their middle, to the edge of a
Pasens Milliners sre also using smail
steel buttons to fasten down if :
; of ribbon.
3 Ostrich Plames and Feathers.
By what bas gone before, the Im-
pumas piace which ostrich feathers
at the present wuiting will
a is prepared to satisty a very
farge demand for amazous and also for
feathers of medium length and tips.
class wilners will do a great
shaded and varlegited Teath-
ore. The arrangement referred in
, hamely the twisting sround of
: tip of the Teather into a pou!, gives
massive and rich effect tb an ama-
gon, but only the very largest can be
reatesl, Plhnes of cook's feathers
1 eniors, as well ns dyad in
different bright tints, ave likely to be!
very much favored, poseinly, however,
hore than any, Buys ths Min
ery Trade Review. Wings tontinie in! bss
pari ularly args = mg
shaped fogs and quite smal ones, |
p of blackbirds and para
‘ snd there Is a renewid Gemand
© contesux, which are mostly ssked
pairs. They are not very long,
it wide and often dyed in variegated
ts, ioclading checks and plaids.
“Some colored to imitate leaves and
broad grasses. In fashionable shops
[ ent mention Bas been made of
These will divide favor with
= fowers for the autumn
they already having been
ribbon. ‘wired in the I adel
Dlece of the quilied nbbon :
) pred an " a very Taree
bow resting on the hack of the
which shelves down in the peck.
“under sides of some hats are
med with narrow Powpadour rib
laid ou fiat in the forin of ois
bows. Bows rade of No, 12
elvet are often placed under He
loops and ends hanging down
bebing the ear. Pan shaped bows
great many loops, for the hacks
0 , are sometimes made of this
ribbon, sometimes of piece velvpt,
ge bows of four or more large
fastened in the centre by a
are lald flat on plitean hats,
Millinery Trade Ruview. An. hoy
BF arrangement consists of 4 wile :
@Ce of accordion pleated satin, form-
Ing a bi flat rosette, the pleats being
ont on either side. Ball ro i 4
yout the size of a Lig orvapze
fashionable. Thewe may (0!
¢ of loops of rather wide ribbon
if a fold of material closely gath-
Wide Pompadour srl plaid rb
may be used for the purpose.
at rosettes or covkades mre
avored, partienlarly made in
shades of bright green or golden
et, or of chine flowered ritibon! ) go
| Bwekiesd this season, the tucks being of
sion while vatiety
with black satin.
The Women's ‘Hote is.
ng data are collected in
the movement in cities |
and feeding women work-
i oh is “girls, gasls, Bisle”
esi, be Joy a ==» right
wi grace to the Arlvanta ges
caith Velie!” in
the world.
i tion pos¥iblie at Roebester, N.Y.
I Worlds Fair of 19090,
{anythiong, in fact
Care made with Gilson waists stitehed
n- | JOWAs and separate Waist
ar in History the smal share of
the commanwenlith alowed the work
women of the country at this
T he wares of our woking
are a Hida below
fhe cot of sabeistonce x meh bigher
I Taking data from ane of our nidve
recently exiabi
aod homes, the hoard
ing boxe nde Unitarian Auupices
Plarmeeriy on Berke great we loars
that in fis first seven yenrs in a hired
bailing, with sbout forty boarders
and fow frapsienta, the average cost
por capita for board, laundry and other
incidentals, was E130 per woek
Prive of board and lodging $1) The
cost of raw material of food averaged
$218 per week. There vias a surplus
of $60 or $700 per snnuin fo go foward
the salary of supe
patendent and rent,
fn Chicago, x woman's club, grown to
Hr self managed, for some years cov
red all costs of thelr home at $3 per
Foal per member.
"Phere are thousands of working girls
and women in Boston who cannot pay
even the west rate charged hy the
present homes In Boston. iscluding
intest, the Franklin Bquars Hotse,
RL per week, ald net still dive In
partes, or worn-out leddging houses
plain eight. One Im
portant {ach not strictly apropos to
increase of wages, Is from the Maria
Louisa Home for temporary guests,
New York City. In 1896 H61000 pleres
were laundered at a cost of seven
sighthe of one cont per plece. This
iter, if nope other, decides for such a
home against the average private
house, with {ta pleavope methods,
where the dificulty of washing a hand
kerchief makes the thought of clean
liness a perpeitinl alghtuiare--HBostop
Evening Transcript
: through. Then sqoss
! time and again, usil they are clean |
(#8 possible. Then geese out the |
; witieér and put them or )
water, amd go through
Lang curtains must, of covrse, be |
Mre, John W. Mackay was declared
in London to be the richest widow in
A bronze medallion of Susan BP. Ap.
thony will be presented to Rochester
Universily this fall If was Miss An
thany's efforts which made co-educs: |
An international exhiblilon of won |
eN'8 ATS and crafis will open in Paris
soon in the great Klass, pailiine on the
anke of
he Seine, in which were Bel
the hartiouitural shows during the
This wornen who lites io the spbirks
might pot a lot of ferns from the
woods, and whet they are thriving io
the fail aod orders {or them, Being so
Pop Siar 1d otzhi sure iy io be in de :
not. hive would be uo
ehigiive Large HL Pall whe
Httoduced and _Sanmplonot Thur bil
which recently
git | Logisiat pink 6g pI
equal guardian. of ehiidren with fath
ers, states that two thirds of the credit
for iis passage is due fo Mrs Pall. He
is a lawyer, and after ber marriage
Mrs, Fali studied law alvo.
Mrs. Clara L. Kellogg has raised
modern embroidery to an art. Rbe fur |
fishes entire homes In embroidered
i textiles, producing harmonious effects
throughout. Bhe travels abroad every :
year, studying embroidery and design. | |
All ber designs are original and are’
founded upon suggestions received
from old paintings, mosaics furniture.
Chantilly is a revived classic
Persian effects are still favored.
Embroidered linen discs are supart
Jeweled velvet bands dre very good.
Crystal and fet figure with spangles. |
Posgee blossoms In applique are
Home passementeries boast five ma- |
lace appliques adorn many parascls |
Posies of taffeta often adorn Chane |
tilly appliaue
Linen applique is used spon dresses
of bopsgok
{an vaubra idery i# the rage on
+ aE well as Basn y
dle in a rolor touches polat de!
Vienise mnost attractively.
in delleate shades
Weal oo slik sauze.
Striped veiling makes very pretty:
gow os and requires but tds rimming,
aded Homan sivipes are ap
some of the wiler white |
Many pew designs are leing pro-
dueed In fobs which have becoms a
got feminine Tad.
SHE mall waists are
Cr SO es
very much
Polzee suits in the natural color are
trimpind with bateis of Black taffeta,
sis ched with white
Linen gowns In the prety new
shades of green blue, pink and gray
with while
A yellow pongee gown with vellow
apd white embroidery, and a tucked
white silk vest and front of skirt, is]
artistic in the extreine.
Silks in black and white and blue
‘anid white checked effects are expected
te be very fashionable in the fall for |
hy the Belds.
lo ls i
Nettiver a Complicated Nor a Pifficals
Froveas, :
Cleaning ruriaing e pot go Inrmide
able a task, and it is sonel
worn 10 be enirus
veloped nmudseles of the pro
Take Madran curinins,
sin fi they are brittle. OM course,
vers freatment; yer hy care itis quite
possible to have them clean without
raining them. The same rales will |
be ford to hold good for mont other |
» | newed.
cally, on tie other hand, lust well nigh
ound wash st ail.
curtains tant ote
First of all as much of th
possible must be removed. A good |
shaking ia the fies) move in thin dired
tion, If ihis does pa remove ail he
dust the reset wast be rotiled by means
of a whisk broom, or a Hoe, soft
hrash, according to {he texture and
remaining strength of the onrtain
To prepare the washing water, boil |
four ounces of wap in oa quart of |
water anti} it becomes 8 18liv. Have i
ready two tabs full of bot water, and | :
, hag ever since remained as brilliant
to these wld the bolded sont. A hand
ful of bran ln each tah wil prevent the |
colors from running,
Do not rad the curl
in far from Improving | tet Appear
ance. Bash curtains dpathered cares
folly in the hand, a Arst one end and i
- then the other! ing
down, allowing he =
doubled, and, perhaps doublml agsin,
| erage Arm.
must be enough walesrs lo remove
there's Jeds of the saueaxing a0 Save
of the carrying up and doa As for
Those ‘Big snes buths of xed and
yellow and Dine water. wik are
atte Show batties, Are “grado
ant They Woe Ad nedganary th every :
Lalrag store Be a rod and white pole ie
{to a harber gban, bit they have not, os
Lthe pole has a wall-defined history,
tines neces |
Enry when the curtains ite Ton much
gtol to the overdes %
H it M th : wy HL i Ary FIER Pv Gay 5 i
Cihgoids that the setain are made white polka dot dimity is osed for this
comloriable hictiee HOGS with ocr)
t i oi ag] ik o ahem v
Thus, a solution of copper und am. | 1800 for irimming. It is shaped 10 the
: ER A i i Tiles
thes'll not be equal ty any very se | maid MSkex hue; bichrol
say, (hid have
‘ bao al gi
been wet by the rain and baked by the | water.
AH th dArooeisie Enaw of them is
that they have been glwavs sod a
window ernnments The bLrdilant
eneaply and plats iv of ¢hemieals and
Dash makes orange: aniline dyes have of
Inte bean used In the chemieoals’ place,
but the fhpaids fade in 8 strong sans
Hab, and have {reguently to he re.
The guilds colored chemi
yi det ae
In the drug stars at the sonthwest
corner of Broad and Sprace streets
{there ix a show hoftle of a very clear
and dajleats shade of green. Thin is a
graen po Ane that many drogeists have
asked for the recipe that makes If
This, unfortunately, is nnknown,
A clerk in the shop twenty-five voars
azo colored the water and Blind the
bottle, and a tiie later left for un.
known paris Preserved only hy a
cork of cotton from the alr, the Hgull
as it was [n INTT
There are, ludeed many show bottles |
delesn they Cin this elty whese contents gre from
A ay Ava Fa te tana Atl Phila |
Are new and very Gv ah avian then ft: Dwenty Ave to Gfty years old Phils |
delphia Record,
carrivd up snd "
© UP SEU | says sn exchange, find that there are
fh the city 700 Adame anid not 8 single |
foo gun freely |
: {Eve But of Cains there ava 05 and
un tab of |
Fh oe a - 3 . g
Tae RARW PO. one thera gre 110
Darlings and bot two wen whose pame |
| is Kill and there ix a total of 90 Loves, |
: #libough there Is one
{ Mormon. The most abbreviated name |
iin Re.
= ¥ iy ne ae a we oa a a i
The ringing is lmoortast, and there are Paps, Morningstar and Paradise
: | but not & Lover,
in order fo be manageable fo the Ave
: is the samme az In the wasidag, only
| torpeys.
No Eves in Uhisago.
A student of the Chicago Directory,
Abels R The elty lb well oupplied
with patrisrehe di Abrahams, 19
Isanes and $0 Jarabe And of Solos
Rome of the other add names
=. The only man in Clhivago. who, accord. |
every bit of soapy water. The handing | tng to thie directory. is a Fake. is Fred
Yoo onp of the Assistant State's At
It seems that after ait the
There are 15
: men ia Chicagn are divided In abant }
patting. hWlusing In last rinsing |
water, that ix
of those In ered, eord and he Warmer
tints, :
Ouite as in
tail fx the drei
mine the best
of Bin ont on the floor a
worker may put them on
| stretehed clothes Bae Care
' taken to pull them gonfiy
{ sgquAreness as they Legin fo dry.
Br A,
Handy Fleur Can,
bold pee iv 8 Sour can which has last
made lis appearance. It Ix large
enough to hold a bag of four and is!
equipped with a sifting device sporsted |
by a crank, so that the contests come
ont sifted, ready for use, and pay he
taken hy the cupful if so desired. The
riceptacie resembles An [averted milk
“an, but is labeled “Flour” so that
there need be Dy mistake about iis
a Nl
a ———————— Si a
Marmalade Ice—Orange marmalade
way be used for an ce. Mix four cu
- fuls of the marmalade With a quart
cof boiled custard, a tabdespoonful of
currant jelly, the juice of a lesion apd
Burr Por Balad At a farmbonse
tabie revently a delicious salad of
| stiredded eabliage was sprinkled with
inh grows wild |
the cumnton sorrel, vd
The 4a} Hi Ate rin
{the sorrel gove a de
tapaality to the salad
ful each of cloves and cipnamen, two
¢ teaspoonfuls baking
aml coe-hail caps ot sont ote vail
raisins dake an hour io mederats
Puddings—-A chen and dellcipus rive
: pudding fa made by balling thre
| fourths of a up of tee in a quart
ther ur using
3 Cakh Gop oh ; 4 2% Sow >
a pada sa oasis GF 2ORURY Wale,
Ball two hours Hemove fron ve,
A’ guesiion 8 & Women |
are addicted to Binelpy The wit |
Blue? It mar be sl rh
white curtains, ! beauty |
the salve proportion as the men af the |
world, according to New Textament |
inferences. Theres are 25 Hopes 7.
among the nantes. There ra §
and only one Wail
3 a "
| haw Jong Been an earnest advocate of |
the wiflimniion of the water of the!
— 2 AS A i a NE
Powar From & Rewer.
| Falths and one poor. lonely Charity |
Clty Flestriclan Filleatt. of Chileans, |
| Chivagy dralbags sanal for the purpose
Pal generating power for sity nae, ie ;
has figured that the olty could sav
i A jarge sum of money Toarly by Savi]
Ing Sts streets from current thus ob.
tained, but he has heen unsuccessful |
{in having his plas adopted hecinse of
Soy {ihe great original cast af sich 8 ol ;
An Ingenious convenience far hHonse | zr ginal cast of such a plant,
which I» estimated at two and a half
million dollars. However, the scheme
in about to be carciod ont by a group |
of capitalists of that city, hesded hy
Robert Gaylord,
company has secured options an lands
both sides of the Desplaines River,
for three-quarters of a mile south of
Jollet, II. A dam will be areoted at
thin point and 20.000 horsepower de.
veloped. The scheme is meeting with
Bottle opposition on the part of the
Sanitary District Board of Trustees,
Prize For a Gold Process.
It is sald that the
New York City. — Dark Hue and
figure with underarm gores ud fitted
backs, a smooth adigetment beltig
maintatnsd nuder the arms and over
the hips. The neck ia cut slightly low
| and square, fsished with band of lace
{ The full fronts are gathered af the up-
L per edge and arrauged on the lace. fall
ing in Jong. loose folds aver the bust
In some sacques ribbon is run through
A casing or bealiog at the peck amd
To make the waist in the medina
alte will revaire one snd 8 half |
of forty-four-ineh material with
yard of all-over lace
To make the skirt in the medinm
will require five and one-half yards of
forly- four-inch material
The Rembrolderw's Ave. :
Although plain materiale are to be 8
mode for automn, it is Bot for an 18
stent ty be supposed that it mes
plain costumes. The embroiderer’s
will transform roany of the Pp
fabrics to dreams of
fancy effects will be produced on th
soft stuffs by lave or chiffox or by the
deft treatment of artistic Rm.
applique, ate,
| The Yagoe of Molre.
The vogue of molre, revived
spring. will continue throughout
autumn aod winter. Moire Vel
will also come in for a share of |
1 popaarity.
Hopssek Weaves.
PBopsark weaves in solid colors
to be much worn by ultra-styliel
Women for knockabout street gowns
When Long Coats Ave Tos Warm.
At this season of the year, when long
enaty are too warm for general
short reefers are considerad quite
fortable garments for little folk
tied in & bow, the falness bebag adjust.
ed in this manner.
The liwer edge of the mogue is
turned up in a deep hem. The sleeves
| are shaped with side sean only, and
The Government of New Zealand |
| ders. They are gathered a short dis
has offered a reward of $10.000 to any
person who, before the first of Janu. |
sands in New Zealand.
ary, 1904, shall invent apniinpees to
Csuccasafolly save gold fram bine!
Ths fnvention
shall, In ts main features, differ fram :
all machinery and appliances at pres. | {
ant in use for the saving of gold,
whether coarse or Rue
have comfortable Otloess on the shonl
ance from the lower edge aod drawn
elope to the arm with a band of luce,
The sleeve below this forms a ruffle
that fares prettily over the arm
Macques in this style may be made of
hin wash fabrics, jawn, swiss or mer
Peerigsed cotton, with lace sid ribbon
It shall bed
readily transportable from place tr
place, and shail be capable of willis
oval water for all {ts Eire an
treating not Jess thaw tuirty eubie
| wash sik.
for teimming It is alse appropriate
for aibatroes French Banpel ¢ballle or
Ta make the saogue for 8
Cmias af Tonrteen years will regunire twa
The lovention most be capable or aud a hall yards of twenty sevendieh |
fa ieria.,
| yards an bour of black sand or ane
{uoarser material. It mast Ba oeanable |
of treating such material
wher hore ba rp " seg Faron ©
Coffee Cake--One cup sugar, ote egg, | ovre tere is not more than a valoe |
Chall cup of utter. Beat well. Ac
one-fourth of a mulmeg, one aspouns |
fin gol] of six cents per euble yard
¢ CLE af stiang coffee OU CUR chp :
gold contdined in the material to be
Corevovitrdd by Ihe minehine
newder in wg £17. bine,
wits 3 Yo
Cured by X-Rays.
Avearding to the Lamdon Chrasibe!
a rexuariable Case of cure of Jun
| means of the application of X
ane of the tonics of Interest
vio PRS acl an i Li 38 i
stir i yolks of two egos, three fable
spoonfale of sug 2 pinned of sult, one «
tenspoan? Wi of
of the eggs very SEIT,
sponnfals of |
of lemon pxirges
dine fn a padeio ag dis
ven, Nerve jee enld.
Add two fahie
a. Brown in fhe
. Beant the whitey |
sand aver Lhe pads
Eggs iu Green Peppor—Blaneh six)
green poppers (having removed the
stems and seeds: by dipping in boiling |
water for three minutes, 2nd then in
foe water until crisp. Half fill each
with a rich cream sauce, cover the
sates with a tablespoon of mitered |
eromia sed place In a auick oven
for twenty minutes, bastiaz often wit
butter and water, then drop an egg
into each phe aud return to the oven |
until the eggs are “set” Dust each
egg with a quarter saltspocoful ef
salt and dash of pepper,
miedieal ely
woman whe had suffered from
disease for over thirty years was on.
Poeratmd upon at the bosptiad
o For pe
by 200 consecutive dave sie was
Feeted to pxporates of Jeon minntes
laratian, and after iInfonswa
the Lissiges had set in a complete civ
i Bot loka than eighty per cont. of the |
amd many levely
2 54 sad
See tues
ensued. The woman's face ig leo
practivaily free of sears, asd for 1%
Hest time fur ihirty years she
given up wearing a veil. During las
year alone tweoiy lupos cases worn |
treated ang Hite of them resutiod | 2
in suce asaryt CATES,
Sh a BA AE Sg
An E Sh hegged Horse,
In a consignment of Weston rane | {
horses from Colovads reenived nf the
stockyards, Sleux City, lows, thers
gelding wi
{owned by John Hoey and John Wonza |
and they ht!
| hm. The animal is six years old and
prelghs 900 pounds.
wis a curiosity in the shape of a sorrel |
iy &i trist Too.
3 ant
The Bore 8
ef White Plone Cal,
; pressed add i
raised him. Ther refused $1000 for
A Spi 0
A Srylish Toller,
White yvadie a ised far the stylish tal
et shows jn the lange diswing, with |
the mornings and evenings are cool
etnugh to require soe slight protees
No lining 13 required, the senmS
being prettily bound with narrow rib
bans in selfoolors,
This reefer is simply adjnsted with
shoulder and underarm scams, Gtted
sticothly on the shoulders and Ssring
io box effect at the lower edge.
It closes in front with large pearl
buttons and bhuttonboles worked
through the scallops on the edges A
broad cape collar extends over the
shoulders In a becoming manner and
thas turnover collar is sealioped: - cor
The lower sdge of the jacket in aeah
oped, also the faring <nffs that coe
i plete the sleeves. These are shaped
L with upper and under portions sod
i pave siight fulness on the shoulders,
| Fancy feather stitehing in a sontrast-
fn fee end Black velvsr filbon ford
White othe velop par ox
wilenes for dress o re tHiR Season,
od wont falates
ure devebased this onal airy culer
The Wilst Ge fomde emer og oaleve
feed fentivrhoned Boing Que
the opie Drag The Lack i plain
ities iN i
th Heerriders ay CFPSIWIT lose
Hol wihnee ihe
. » Lx 7)
118 (hea
RY Aries
CEiaht shonbler and Neer, eas fasten
¥ a ¥ 2% Fas ¥ 5 1% ie
MIR IDV LGIHY an fhe told, The tall trans
Tt re Proms plasisan de fgehuling in the
rosin the vole fo belt and
Sn. tn dlakpniay fOBARIEa to thye
ihe By PR Re pa AY ;
EIR arrey FEVER al Igoe?
ger Dart of the fall Dreans,
ransparent ee collar rddnoletes |
ihr week Tle sleeve notnwked feo
abronidéy we pIhow aud frit a putt he.
ow the itoks that are
range a vl a Ses pointed ee cud
rr 3
gat hiersal and |
i8 Shagted with fixe well}
sree Hite smoothly |
waist without davis The
tg the centre back is arranged!
in two ipderiying ments that are!
Pbly mandar these pleats,
Une or two foghees may be used as |
preferyidd, The dustration shows tivo |
eireniay ounces thay ave trittmel with
narrow velvet ribbon and fare widely
around the bottom. A baud of lsece
fulshes the upper edge of the gounce,
Lie skirt closes huvise:
ing: color provides au attractive Suish
| toe the edges.
To nutke the reefer for a child two
{years ald will requive one and a half
| yards of twenty seven-inch material