ee > od eR re | back to thelr former positions Iti “estimated that thers are five hundred | hard cond miners in this jrmmpdiate vi Leinity, ; frost is on the pup these ¥ s Monday night. a is woprachng. | eitihes Bead weitera of Fattiednaly rah Inst | . Snyder was visiting friends in : we week ”, tes wat the heed of deer aver Sanda ¥. this So A Low There are now over 400 deer the olub geounds. There are Also three young elke in the herd. Lg Haven Express. Ros Taary is in no longer employed | emplayment, APS HOw arranging to go Geo. 8B, flood, whe visited fhe Ob | : lols game privverve at the figs been noranssd largely | spe are about 200 fawae. in usual are now ane are prepared to sup- ply all demands. SC CASC Mi, WwW. oy AS ~The mining town of Ehrenfeld His | M BO Brows isin Philadelphia Been stricken with a scourge of smal eiving me deal treatment, ‘pox. There are now thirty five well owt Broer, the pholograp rH developed cases of the dread 4 ane <3 Medion had politieat business being done to prevent it “from on ing. The physicians are working bard hg at his! ‘with this end in view, but are bandi- | ; | capped by the absence of nurses. Bis. | Mn. Wm. Romenacher, wn, were in town Banday. LC. arper Ja ou 4 visit with | : Braddock. (Cresson, are now in the town, having polunteered to nurse the stricken poe | ple. ~ Mahaffey was visited by on fire Tuesday afternoon that wiped out a & ball Satarday by & scone of 5100. bioek of five buildings along the river Sheriff Davis was in town Wednes side. The flames canght in a building ng the slastion proclamation. “owned by Mrs. Fllen Pringle. and’ owing to lnok of firefighting facilities ‘all the adjoining structures were de- stroyed. The losers were as follows, : | none of whom had any insurance: Mre Green, of Windber, wax A Blien Pringle, business lock, $2.200; St the residence of J J. Sperry Robert Mahaffey estate, three buildings, ; Monday night Lack of one anoccnpied, others used as black. ih goods are ‘advertised smith shop and wagonvaaking shop, of Gunn's Pharmacy in SL.808; Gay E. Conreth, barber shop, | . Wentz, of Yows, was the mn INTERERTING IR PENTATIONS. of her nelen Mim Busie Wents, | A \ Fiection next or Bours devotion was oom. The westher st St Mary's Ro Cc dhurch Sun- pleasant. Have Buyder's Thanksgiving proclamations most de, still cordinaes to be your watch repaired at 43 oy want 0 nt pon share of 8 Huy trade advertise Sour goods pre 4 ar is eonrt axle of valuable vou ean 5s Ww in Patton w adivertised in shot store, die better : : Fiatl tne of strest and outing hats st mpbell is now engaged in By jon SsarEnR. ator in thes Hotel Da “Prpbsins boop ix wal” ¥o A Muon, agie, Dr. y A Marry and. The fellow who doesn’ triost Jiimsell attend 4 the racee a ean'baxpect other people Lo trast him, | to wear from 3 So © Tiare tebe remy Wallace " home gh an, 3 cents to ten doliar, Evie Surrves, For mile chenp- House and lot on | Mages avenue, Patton, Inquire of : Lt Boosie 1 “Dugoesne’’ stands for all that is _ good, pure and wholesome in beer. Er A. Muon, : 8 peciat lipe of fine trinimed hates and | every thing you want in fine millinery Evans Riwrens, Swell dressers wear our derhy hate Wour a THOMPSON, When a woman comus home from Ba a tonir with some money still oven | bis family left inn her pare it's a sign she ban , where be will forgotten something. ters Bertha Ursuia and Catherine, of | ‘and furniture | The following will be sold below cost: | Hite The Largest Line in This Section of the Country. Everything the best for the least money. As every body knows Kirk’ sis the place to go. \, when a man gets married, as, they can furnish everything from cellar to garret. The well known Red Cross ‘and Summit Ranges take the lead. respect. Guaranteed in every, i Carpenters’ Tools, Cutlery, Guns and | “a full fine of +. Cloths and Linoleum « Palots and Giles. Sash and doors will be sold at a bargain 0 days to har for RA, (Teed make room for hea 12 wut 14 ineh Lawn Mowers at $1.93; fee Orpen Frowaers ad $1.5; Sereen Doors ar low an The. five ue a call at the old stand below the Commerciat Hotel, J. E KIRK'S HDW. & FURT STORE. Magee Ave, PATTON, PA. A New Line of the Celebrated Stet- son $5 and $6 Shoes for Men. Careful rq ng stoves Dressers will appreciate this foot wear. | of Stov ¢s an d Ranges 1s | and more complete than ever. | We can please the most fmstidions. Few as good and none a or than the lines we handle Furnish y any kind of a Gun, made, and the ammunition to shoot it with A speaa kinds of Bugges. Big 60-day now on. ALSO “Everything in Hardware.” J. B. CORDELL & CO. I ifth Av €., PATTON. PA, fashionable weaves just rec erved. oring creasing trade YEW SHOES! of in fuller C NEW SHOES! Our new Shoes are now here for your inspection. the largest and most uptodate line of Patton. NEW SHOES One Shoes ever shown Ask to see the Treadeasy Shoe for Women. Get a pair of Treadeasy Shoes and walk on velvet You will then know how come pletely style, comfort and hygiene in footwear have been conibined. You walk-—at least you think you do—on a cushion of down with an elas- tic instep. No jarring, no irri- tation to disturb your nerves. Ask your doctor about them. He oil arene ed ies in modern Wel malng are embpaeds ol | = Sil Wik) ] xe (GF AVE fos ret A Hy i 9 a He will tell you that your general health will be much better if you avoid debvlitating colds by wearing Shoes fitted with cork : cushion insoles, ou with shapes and leathers, are snappy up-to-date Shoes in every They are made in all the very newest respect and are sold at a uniform price of $3.50 the pair. They are not only the best shoes made at this price, they also! y are the best made at any price. Buy your Shoes here and you can depend on getting the ltv of all. very best Shoes, at all times, at ‘the very lowest price. an wl cee them that we Do not forget that we have sale Shoes for Mea, Women, Boys, Ot ‘them all We have leathers, and the Baby, in all kinds of sizes and widths. Come 5 $ (0d 3 ris HA can your Shoe Patton Supply The M oney Saving Store.) all the new and (Good tail- and our constantly in- proves conclusively that the Ac Line of “Omj lete 1s our hobby people appreciate 1t. tre, that of a car- . If yon want fine lunndry work, RUBBER GOODS. Llenve your laundry with The Keystone Clothing ¢ Xx, Magee avenoe, tw age ny P for the Empire Steam Laundry. . We sell the famous Widow Jones ‘suits for boys. A target and pistol porchaed given with each suit aime? ave 2 Word & Tionrsoxs, Purity and excellence, coupled with er : ab, ; the railroad you deink Duquesne yoo are gssurod at this plack, will move ,¢ yp trio, Fr A. Meron Velvet house slippers for ladle igehtlenen at thirty-five “Lo enits respectively. Worr & TROMPRON, and | and ors ¥ Our Regent patent eoit skin shoes : ar e Shi best in the | market and af prices | WoLr & THosMpsaN, Lost -A red, dehormed cow, with : Teliey on Palmer belt on. Gone since Oc 9, 1901 Any | information relating 0 the sume will Patton focal | be thankfally received by Steve Kenic, night. | | Poverty Flat, Patton, Pa and Sub. Por Sale -All kinds of new and ate McPherson will be ond haod scales from $1 ap. Several - : high arm compating platform and tectiare. Monday | butcher soles; mood as new; Sap. Why drink a green” not-gaion made ' bewr, when you can git union goods thorooghly aged and net made by a jpeust, Moral: Drink Diguesne wer : ; En, A, Merion I you miss seeing oar ne : utensils, “before you buy, yon will bea old furniture, forgiving yourself. We will hare . ryou but from $88 to 815 for uw osait thai church, Rev. | will be sure to please your wife, : Worry & THoxrsoN A mo Evening service . : i Pound. A silver siteh aud chain : ‘Sabject, “The Dream Er ‘and seme pra er beads, Foand Wife, or Woman's Place DER : Ain ing ona tree in the woods and Re E 2 a a) Wer i eligion i All are in- ran have same hy salling pn We Oni los, Lang avenue, Patton, Pa, or gr £4 LAIR bended the fu Jing property and paring fist Ls os Susie Weuts at thin town Wednesday orning. The was a victim of typhoid fever You | 8A ived by his Jusents 8 wife Bhoe Stare. ; Tn. A } : Subworite for and sdveriise in Patton COURIER. fan do better ab the Wh fhe Price, 2.50 to Bg RT what makes x ood beer, When Magee Ave, feanigr LHe Boots, Oneen Wane We sell and 4 Shows for stood the test! rubbers ¢ Quality hav them. You ean do be tter at LEIDEN’S.: The White Shoe Store. Patton, Pa. felts. | ‘in ‘enough ble snded all ‘a benefit to health. We make a specialty of OLD LIQUORS. No matter tay be, {0 use antl 1 Se certain age. There's no ney our stock: ta he how pure ¢ a it's scarcely fit reach ed a4 Wo rawW Liquor it's thor roughly Sh pure that it 1s ‘want a good } in the house, age and wottle of hath as a bever: for medicinal | poses. IF YOU Ave, Fourth PATTON, FPA, Dealer in r, Feed haven't tried our goods vou don't really know what I We have sev. new brands, all picke ked with a due regard for fas. tidious people. Heer, Ale =. Cordials Mail tended to. ED. A. MELLON, Whaodesalje I, HEROPS, rem Ww) ¥ Crai ott FMILLOT 15. * Wi orders promptly Magee Ave, Patton, Pa. TEHONE ail aged : pur- | Trousers don't fail to see our new 1s larger If you want a Nobby NEW SUIT of Clothes Pair of line. It 'T } 0: fe ie, We or and better than eve aim to please, both mn qua 1k ty an wl price. Dinsmore Bros, PATTON, PA. Hot Water Bottles. is comin 1g on and you whiskey Our Hot Water leather and yon Bottles are tougher than needn't be afraid to hed with one of them. Our line of Bulb Syringes, Water Bags, Ice Bags, Whitall Special Svringes unsure Zo to Fountain and Feeding Cups, and Tatum Co. % $$ g¥ passed, wily are in quality and price and all 1 guaranteed. WE SEFYIIVT AN OUR SPECIAL Drugs Caretu . Tohaovo., TY :— Pure, 1 y Lom pun ded, Huy! anu I= Td yi 1 Fresh x yi a thi Cigars, er's Canc : 14% 1 Teh 3 gy LF 1% AAT RIA RS ' 3 irug PEERY EVEL ex A PHARMACY, Patton, Pa. GUNN’S