nt oe RR kN Laliaty, llabhy, © Faster and foster. The winds grow Tha sky is line the sky Is rows, Fainter snd fainter the redwood glows; Tre winds would be sill; The ring-dove a calling, The fond dusk falitvg Om the yéllow hii Is the ping-dove calling? ‘Tis the jove-durk On the purpis bill Tost ia the as Jost the ross, In the anhndow the rabbit knows; The winds sre still: The ring-dove is dreaming, The first star gleaming Creer the darkened hill «John Vance Cheney in thn Century. eloeks tha guall, the colors Tail; wii, falling er in : BY HOWARD DEVINE , ght. me = Dally Story Pub On) sharply. Miss Hayes fs walt: have her wedding dress fitted. | 't 1 tell yon to watch for her and nd to it. Are you asieep?” es, mam-—no, mam; 1 mean i ttend to it. 1-1 did not bear, , 11 beg pardon.” and the girl # to her feet, flushed and trem- ng. gathered info her arms the gown of the helross and through the door leading dressing rooms was a snicker from the other t know what's coming over | r "8he | the eaptime the ety bioo girl with the pink chtieeks that h the envy of all the great dress m and emerged into 8 dainty groom, where awaited a Eg damsel with fiashing orbs of & deepest brown aod the regal figure | a born queen. This was Florence aves. easily the belle of all the city : the greatest heiress aus well-a superh young woman, with ail*the hau seif-possession of the born of the born aristocrat added to res and form and carriage of a y of patore. Bhe bad reigasd | jong and with a high hand, but st ast had succumbed fo the ardent ef Howard Dugton end the wed ay had been sot and prepara nk were jn progress for the cere | w which was 1o be by far the . pretentious affair the town had | er seen. Dunton wss young, arden: and of acknowledged ability, already a power | at the bar and in politics: not of | own family vor fortune but dis one of the coming men of the ss model match, and society in it work of fitting the wedding was soon in fall operation. was all the pulling and hao} ng and pinning and smooth. _ tucking 80 necestary to a gown and finally all was and the two women her cold and classi | | with lines of pride ir, and the round faced little paker with her voluptuous fig and ber simple. trusting counte d each other, the task So hen » strange thing occurred. ne sign of a warning the Jor blazing In her ‘chook and both hands in the filmy laces | the front of the priceless gown tore out two great hands full. and I am his. All you cnn 40 is to i! ride In his carriages and live in his} houses and bear his name. Much joy to youn,” and the girl janghed and cried hysterically as she siamped her pretty feet on the carpet. The face of the other Woman was a drama during this tirade stoceat sho maintained her entire dignity and pelf-possession; but it was evident | from the first how sirongly she was moved and how deeply she was ghovked, When the dressmaker ward and apon Doliis’s shoulder, “Ig this tree? she demanded in a volte so Intenze 48 to awe the girl “1 must know the truth. Do pot trifle with me. If vou tall the truth 1 will be the best friend you ever had. If you are merely alter mondy You can “My God, Florence. what does this mean!” exclaimed the groom aghast. have all you want only if you tell me the truth. But do not attempt to trifie with me. 1 will not stand it and 1 warn you for your own good” She paused, and the other woman met her ayes without flinching “1 tell you the truth” she sald simply. “1 want no money. want ia him- fatien down the sayokentaek, 1 folz a A a Enh a nk : Fe : iy | Httle ¥ Lack as they carried athe Poole in the Boses Jral Elephant, France, gl Teath © i annals of the city. The church was | cus, D erowded with the fashion, beauty and | you the legal ght, but in the _ of God he belongs to me and ( Bim. Of course he cunnot marry am not of his world—all I can Yee, you can bear: na name, at in never have his and al- The fora] decorations wore somelh marvellous; the costunua the appointed hour the groom steppe from the room assigned t¢ him, ac an { companied by his best rman, and beyond : {even the female sociely reporter. Al | Fortunately twa moved toward the altar, just as the | bride, arrayed oply as wealth can ealy inereased the anipmal % £ array its favorites, moved up the aisle | precaded by a pretty flower gird and | followed br a splendid array of brides malds, all veiled. They met at tho | altar and the ceremony began The great audience craned its collective neck fo hear the responses. “Do you, Florence, take this man to be your wedded husband, to cleave unto him, forsaking all others, you do part? read the clergytian 3 | sclemaly | in bis most sonorous “Yoice, Hy A to loys anid windlasses were Brougll ag love, honor and obey him until deat’ § | body has been offered to the Tyurd i Museunw perhurmanoe : chivalry of the most exclusive circles, 5 4 hinge his Band 1 CREDE RX entangle his feet with ropes ; Cardin d he ptrapeiad viol Alter sueareiy bound. ware notified of the ooourrenoe, a picket of lofantry was sent te stop all trafo on the piace, “The aircus proprietors eventaally decided hag Fritz should be Killed. Cables, pul the huge brute was strangled. : aad chwhen the nn ey paddle hard te force the canee | Co i 3h S ; eal amd they won't v2 vou smoke and poral an the grass They treared nied an lsvalid and ouly gave m ou SFE. CL Wd T gu 8X5 1 Wy ze TRIN y Went aust of 4 ax t Jumped our of I: e] couhl Gnd and be oy pen Gui RASA 3 Mason 3 otweniy-Dange THaAre o HE TTR PA ad stands Bye food An Exciting Caoue Ean. : Before Be says a writer in res Muagagine, reiling of Cana Plan adventures, ryan a strange, will o : Fiver of sell i AR Waite fan 3 Wabing amwonp i © i] Breat gray caniwil, dark greeudal | 9 bowidery that | rocky banks Hark wl the way, hich, 44 Bwiftly we gists dow the boiling waters. Sharp rocks regr above the flving spray. while others | are barely eovered by the [fea ming | flood. It is dangerous work. We mish | ahead of the current. The steersmen | In bow and stern pry and beud thelr | grear seven-fout paddies. The bewman fi thie Hix HET § al Bris ie #2 BO Bap Lor $ : Temthey won't give you anything to, ; 3 3 vi taping close together i | squeezed fhe Siehty Yiver into a tu ib mult of fury the racing torvent and plunge through | Bo dosely watches and ory piove his doliparian maken, own wa go, riding upon the very hack of the river; for Bere the water forms 5 great ridge, rising four pr five feet alove the waterline on slither share, To swerve to site sills the brink ot A wiolent : A patent Thal eatin MEOATS Bore Sentral pene we reach ts fireelf, then lips her head ae the ebirn anhasves amd down air more redlie than hit in snr path thay anvey Ne pawsy tratammbitivn of dang With wonder strikes so The man ated satied & Hy A “ig become: Jed. Parlinmeninry. Kuoleker—""Whar became of your nes slution not to est Welsh rabhit? : . Botker-“It was laid on the table ~Xgw York Son strony ie waging bulls wilh a hoary Bowlder that Birgit the way. With 831 Ite might aod Tary (he frantle river Division of Labor, bless aud roars xod Jaxhes I Yet ft morescit galy frowas dusirue. ton pon 23 that dares apuioach 8 How the bowman In working! Hee his paddies bend! With Habining move. ments he jabs Kis great paddle Seep | into the water and clove under the Jeft side of the baw; {hen with a mighty | i heave he §ifte ber besd arcond. The great copie swings ae though tipon a pivot, for is pot (Be steersiniin doing | exactly the verry npbosite at ibis pre else moment? Wa sheer off. Fut the next instant the paddies are working on the opposite sides, for the bawman woes signa of a watercovomed rock pot three yards from the very bore. With | a wild lunge be strives to Lf the bow arcend, but the paddie snaps like 8 rotten twig. Iosiantly he grade for another, and a griting seand rons the length of the heaving betiom The pert puoanent be is working the pew Mn Fig Bear Chsend Fim. “Port” Pants, Jepuly sheriff 1% In Cslovads pear Crende, spending His vii cation with his brotherinlaw, E EB Putnam, In ordee to show his “tens | derfool” relative a good tima Mr. Put. | pam organized a Bzhing and bunting { party, and with a camping cunt all went up into the Rio Grande canon. ; : ‘It was while thers last week that Mr, Alter the first Instant | 1 was never frightened. 1 made one | grasp at & rope bot missed It 1 knew | Banta bad sn experience with nn benr that will farnish Died for many a nar. rative when the depity sherlll neturns home. The Creede Candie tella of Mr. f Banta’s experietes In this wnt Lo "Mr. Ranta wax fishing river, dein in thought of the last hear #torr toll at breakfast that mesning, and be lant a rifle hanging over hia | He comsidered himself a worthy hunter, and wore 8 Hodge fen | Sevad Bit tn considering of hie cour | r eonsiderad Bim. Juxt then le Ard & nodes a annie, then the Yinshos Houle Bovror a big Begy | paakine taviard % coped and in and slanted a te drsntant his gave oli, “Alone the river | he coal feel Ler Ber Brooth, and be avs and teeth ripping Bix very oh. hen suddenly Be came pron a email tee 18d with a hound he Ti ten feet from the ground into the | branches. At slicast tho sane hustant the hear plunged to the rank of the free with such farce ag to break it dawn Fanta gave a yell and restpned himself to death. The tree was over x : Banzing the river and ints the water Nothing burt me. | must have still had | Beng y my reagon, for I remember distinetly ‘what happened. thought come to mye, and | wondered be and the bear both ploagasd, On ris ing to the surface both swam for the shore, hit the bear stopping to shake gave Bania conslderabile start, and he | pet for camp lke a wild Indian. He avertook ao jack mabbit and giving it a kick, bollercd ‘Get nut of the way and let 8 fellow run that wants to ran’ On reaching camp he never thought of gt Rept tearing on down the sapon. and he Rept his lead, for the hear wag sompelied to stop repeatedly to paw the gvad oyt of her yes O0c0a. shred hy the Suet fram Banta's beels™ ~RKanexy City Star, TEE Sil Bor Hernie Bove Give Lives. William J Carrgdl, aged fourteen: Amdel Bddopewskl, aged twelve, and | An ankgewn boy, med about fourteen, ¥ ware drowned In the Allegheny River . eYPR as they were carrying me to the | Hy sinking info a bole efi by 8 sand dredge. The burs were strinped and winding along a gravel Bank left by the dredge, Abhoewt Ally hs AWRY Wem a putnher of loys owimuing 1a deep Water, Oe # #7 the lads wis seen straggling’ sod fag Bein Anether fusiead In i, hat Yhe drovening boy go aml boats wer awe off Dow Watt In alive his coun wl owas sueeessding in pets fo padi y when he was varvind off Boo Ee LAER REG Fie three went down 10 nbs iad eR Lang Drap of 8 Wamsan Wiver, Brouke, une of the few Grn. mine operators Ing Aled y district, iad a ag awful deanh ye sre) down the ely pheperty she TERR for Sipe reason TA Jet Su i iv 3 og iat] tors the engineer peinined ean Fs Ler, mt bath fartunately kept firm ofr the cable; aml while badly ghieped. were uninjured. The Jepth shaft fe LAL feet fe bnlder witty for the mwinaindsr of the distanee, Both oand out of the shafts Denver Re publi lean. Wig Froduet ot Orange Tree. An aramge tree fa fall Bearing has ¢ been known to praddade 15,000 oranges: a Jemeon free wy fruit, ioe ay ig ed ri A——— A little water Is coming In Jub she Is tuning roe, ; Wong he i to the conelusion | that bie us inar 38 brave ax the peo. | fd thy besr bmi thay Aoaw® and i lite was rlose upon him as : ; mhose 9p i, 2% | sent surgeon, “1 auly charge $1000 he conld feel the | {rs Brooke soponipinaied be ad wg oon the rim of the When the! was stops] Mes. Brooke took boys” The Twios—-“But we only wastes work half a week aplece.” New York . Anperican. Wy Not? | Magistrate—“Ten dollars and costs! e dumb. 3 » This is at least the tenth time Uve 4 bed to Bne you this year, sande? © Towhriste—"Well, say. jodge oughta's 1 git wholesale rates?” "Tex be said, “1 got most of my | education by traveling.” you ever been out of this coentry?™ ~Jhieago Record Herald. Crafty Tommy. “Mamma” said Tommy, “does sug ever cure anybody of aurthing? “Why do you ask, my boy? “I thoaght I'd lke to eateh I” said Tommy —Pesrson’'s Weekly, Not Frightened. swindon Sa AI A cS A A Ai AP riser, “that riches have wingn" “Well” asswered the more or lose Ceyiical person, “wings sever hurt any | bouly that I avy aware of” A Tose in Poin. »Tobhers was thrown from his wheel i this morning. but be pluckily arose aud remounted” “indesd: well, that 5 & case of man's met knowing when he's well off" C Rihoend Dispatch. IRE rl Not Sa Yery fligh. “I ave been fold” said the pew “paMent. “that you are the highest aw fthority on appendicitie.” ain 1 don't koow,” replivd the amb £ 1 « aperatien. Cathie Standard and mong a} was over Dur the chewing, | put eperation. "tame Sim HT hases, The Blood of the Soldier. *1 suppose, Colonel,” said the beaw tifnl grass widow, “that there often | ate moments when you wish you were stain on the battlefield, thrilled by the rode and fired by the excitement ot war.” “Yeu,” he answered. looking around etigerly for an avenue of escape and soning none, “even now the old feeling comes back to me ~Chivage Record: Herald The Farmer-"You may reaember that you frightened my team last week, and smashed me up, and se § thonght Pd rig a little surprise for yo." w Ld. . Yiver Walking. Head Foor Walker {severely)-"1 the ribbons at the third counter to the eft” New Floor Walker~"“That's wihere they are.” Head Floor Walker—"Yes: but you ! xhould have told ber to go to the right past the necktie bargain counter, turn to the left past the stocking bargain peanter, then three counters to ibe right past the sairt waist bargain “Remember.” said the patient ade heard you tell the lady she would find Did you? she answered. “Have - 3 There 1s a ‘demand for gutta percha ! counter, and so on. You'll never make 4 600 times greater than the supply, | & goer walker.” Judge. -