EGR A 00 PER VEAL R Will be Opened Here in| the Near Future. | BOARD AUTHORIZES IT. | ——, Exeerste From the Low Belsiiog Theveide. rhe Bovis wis HE vo amd thie Oudy Excite Hemme Pertaining to : thw Emmeditnte ¥Vidine as AH Requirements Huve deen Fab 2 ted | pent Waa (he Efovi of fawn Dnmpbodl fa CE WE Bod Meetings Bn tos A 3% : nd Those Intiresicd are Reghosisd to ; Peowent w hot asi Kiawit Five Han. : Bie Tadigeagl OMe fur Patton. Double Beat the Priucipat, ] Froid Spertatisrs | Weddrig Paceduy Ain Ae hry : : ought - sly Gestion Ire BA Seta ibe wellknown des : Dinan, i to the merits of the Westover thsi of this pisce,and Miss dns J. Nich Master ’. w Fo mn of) olation loon tht en cough Hien Campbell base ball nines for all. olson, of Clearfield, were united in lay On a tou school board to nstitate a night school Hime was the game plaved at Athletic {thw boly bonds of matrimony at the oi for the benefit of the young men who Park in Fatton Satarday afternoon. igiter place Wednesday morning at | iwork in the mines at this place. Their | The clubs were sapposed to be evenly 7 o'clock. k Ce authority for the request is found In patched each having wou a game, but. The ceremony took place in the asob Article 8, of the school lnws of Penni | the contest Saturday demonstrated be | Catholic church and was performed by od at eyivania, excepts from which follow: yond peradventare the superiority ot Rev. Father Cavanaugh The attend. 8 Beerion 1. That it shall be the daty | {the Westover elub, Not only this bul ante were Howard OC. Dinsniore.of Pate of the board of school directors or | |1t also proved soncinsively thet het ton, and Mise Alma Nicholson, of dof this Ceponw ath apon. the op | play good ball from start to finish. Too were no invitations and the ‘wedding plication of the parents of fwinty of soore 12 to 0 tells the whole stor) | wis a quiet affair, attended only by the | more pupils above the age of six years, | Land the COURIER is constrained to omit high contractiog parties and their at residents of said school district, to the harrowing details tendants, the parents of the bride and g, best trin med, best wears: 8 a fia free evening school for their There was a good crowd of specta. RTwm and Mis Mary Meagher, of ihe jms 4 in ort phy, reading. Tit | om er ne i hundred pes, Gallitein, and Miss Pour! Hurley, of 15 whole section. F ACT. {ing aris hmetie,and such other branches | | ple passing the turastile, and the gas | Connellaville, school friends of held We also show the new styles in Men's | keep open sad school for a term not Both clubs ate composed of gontiomanty Aer the ceremony a samptoous ; + less than four months in yor each, pavers and there was Httle wrangiin ng break was served at the AR a niE ry \ lof the ssid months to consist of twenty | rier Dade, of this place rng, residence of the bride's parents and at We offer a Specias value at K10. 00 in Mea days, and each of said days, i6d AD und he was eminently satisfactory. But 11908. m. the happy couple took the coats. Our prices range from 86.350 to $18 in Suits evening session of atleast two hours: | few of his decisions were questioned by | 1740 for Pittsburg and otber points Jrercoats, and we cannot be beat. Match us if you & Provided, however, That when the either side and be was ae fair and in for a short wedding trip. They + : a : » partisi ae pomsitibe. {ear to F son vert Weak, and go to : 18 nals Him 5 The feature of the game was the work exp . st stock of Monarch and (Cluaet ‘hit Pe Hains. um md hee mie, Su a r option, close said aveving who is credited with but one hit. Fle Hiaty hoes aewly lursished though gs . . TV s remainder of sail term. | wan ably supported by Jou Cole. W. d Caps. All Union Made. We show the label. © eation | Daisly was on the rubber for Gm ™ : | Campbell, but bis delivery was pot. bard to soive and be was replaced by | ™ t Cavanough afler the fourth innings ® i The latier is only eighteen years did | and gives promise of becoming quit a | well pitcher in time, bat the heavy butturs of from Westover had their range Sodom | ™¢ with them Saturday and be was bit at will tL Norriathe second baseman for Went © | over, has the honor of making the first A home run on the new grounds and that Fielder Bios, of Westover made a he | | pomenal one handed running catch in| the first innings that would have deme | 3 ered 03 X4tiatal Lasrus player. | 1 ¥orkers of After the flrwt innings the 030- 4id Wm. McPherson ier : test settled down to an attempt to Sut | yb dimteict No. 1, "the geen Toes | the Glen Campbell team oot and thelr | dy These gentiemen are makings » | Opponents ware successful is a Soper. | tor of this sub-district and held meet- | {lative degree. While too one-sided! 10. inp, at Hastings Monday night, Spang: anne Ci ze be very interesting it wis a game re 1, Tuesday, Carrolitown Wednesday for your own needs or one ~All the requirements of law pertain- plete with good plays oo both sides und | 4g Bakerton Thursday. They will be to present to a friend. ing thereto having been fully complied enjoyed by all who attended. Come | 4 Su Benedictine to-night. On Monday | would respectfully pai | with, the school board of Patton bor. Min next Juar, gentlemen. (of next week they will visit Expedit, 41.0 oon look over our assort- ough will maintain A Hight school to be Nant-y Gio Toeslay, Patton Thareday ¥ | FRATERRAL wer | ant Arcadia Friday. ‘ment of time pieces. We have ~ In order that the school may be prop- Fos of A. Camipm Have s Plows micial| The Western Unio Telegraph Co. used the utmost care, aided by 4 erly graded and that an estimation of Session ul tis Pla, Fis again ssid to be contemplating open. judgment gained through ; ithe supplies needed may be made, it | A pleasant fraternal visit was paid 0g an office in Patton. The only tele years of experience in the | is desired that ail prospective stadents the local camp of the Patriotic Order Raph company pow duing business Jewelry business in selecting 1, | whose names oorgrrid on the petition | Sons of America Monday evening by | bwire is the Postal and the service is uo- ‘every . watch or Article of {and all other qualified persons who members of Washington Camp No, 55, sbisfactory in the extreme, owing to tev - blish desire to take advantage of thiz schol, of Blandburg, and Washington Cump te fact that railroad business takes J ewe ry in our establishnient. ’ iy the priscipal of the public nchiools | No. 343, of (ilascow. Thers were fifteen | Precedent Stes i vakies anal that some | Call in and see the Largest and most complete line of hi | in the school building on Monday even. present from Blandburg and twenty times it is boars before a wire can cat < laide , ing, Oct. 27, betw a rem Giagaw. ® ¥ Cured for any othe: Dafoe watches, rings, laides’ and gents’ ¢hains and brooches ever = o'clock. | & number of specches were madiiby| | Coroner Miller. of Johnstown, wi ‘shown in the town. | 36 lier, of Johnstown, was | ay ania | BY ORDER oF THE SCHOOL BOARD. | the visiting brethren and also an ibe in town Friday afferncon investigat- WE HAVE A PINE LINE OF SPECTACLES Taasacrions mw meaty a Toh of Houstuiniule ibg the death of Jan Maines who WaS| jiyes tested by tu celebrated Retinoncupic Tost” and glasses comectly NEN : 0 dim st Thomas MUL / ™ i by : Properties tn This Eid of the County Prat 45a, of Brisbin. Members of the Patton viewing several people who diy cot | CBitenl. Lense changed, {ewe of Eharge, ab any time, in speciacies sod by me Fn ere sind WE ONLY HAVE ONE PRICE. SELL FOR CASH. A RRS NT fa Ss Sa CC Uhanged Hands RBeeenmily. Ww. J. Donnelly ot al to Clotaire Le- I | comte, Patton, §32.54. BE. C Brownet ux to Thomas W, ; i Mo ore. Pal i n, $21. E Wentz et ux to Louls Mathaldi, | Bare township, $75. Joseph Lebmire ot ux to Ubaries and | Margret Krotendorfer, C ‘arrolitown, | 803.33. Chest Creek Land and Improvement C.: CoM to Lizia Wiltasing, Patton. $60 John E. Shields et ux to the Bev! ! Ferdinand Kittel], Loretto, $2355. Bev. Ferdinand Kittell to ie Rov. Eugene A. Garvey, Loretto, Jax { Harrbet B. Musser to Joho Tomonbik | Saaque! anna, $130. Mary Grambling et al Antonio the on Pelegrino, Barnesboro, $300, Mary M Gerrard to Max Friedman, riesbiirs, $00, John Tumasick et ux to Jolin Labrite, nsguehanna township, $250, Adwirtised Latborx The following letters remain uncalled or in the Patton post office for the two weeks ending Saturday, Oct. 18, 1802: {. Fitagerald, L OC {or T. McNeal, enery Lance, W. L. Stewart, Foreign - ~ Fleechia Usrley Tomass Parsons calling for the above Yeitters Hil Jesse say that they are “Adver: : Be Wi Gren Postmaster. ‘ camp rendered some excellent music, including a vocal quartette by Wns J. Bennett, Roy Wilkins, Alf Dodson and . Richard Rowland. 8. B. Hewlett jyave 18 gc tation and addresses rere (a0 St Marys parsonage Tuesday mors. tig by Rev. Father Pierron. The high | | msde by loti! members. Refreshments were served at elven o'clock and the pleasant gathering ad- journed ufler the singing of “Ameri” by all assembled, 108. WHALEN DEAD ries | Weli-Knawn Citinen of Spaigier a Voctinm of Typhmbit Fowuy, Joseph Whalen, 2a well known resi. | dent of Spangler, died Friday at the Bpangler loneanducied by his broth Patrick, Friday of typhoid fever (3X years LC Hews born in Englasd and had been in this county nineteen years, ten of which be had lived at North Spang. ler moving fo that place from Brisbin, | His wife died last Jone He fs survived by a little daungbler, Margaret, two years old, aod the following brolbers and sisters: William, of Darlivgton, England; Patrick, of Spangler; Jobn, | pow visiting, at Darliogton, Esgland, | ‘Thomas of Ebhpenfeld, Matthew, of Barnesbore, and Mea Dens Smith, of - Danilo. The funeral was held in the Cathalio 'churole at Spangler Sanday afteriioon ‘at 2 o'clock, with interment in the 1 Catholiv cemetery. viorsant with the facts in the case, he ‘dicided that ap inquest was unneces- | RY. A double wedding was sclemninid | aantracting parties were Jobn Nagle and Miss Addie Zollper. both of Patton, | wad Chas. Nagle, of Hastings, and Mins Josephine Gutwald, of this Sh «x Repuldioan us meting will be Bedd in Patan 33 5 BY Si Chobe, 8 Marphy and yrey Jd et and other able anton] will address Lie gathering. last wes Police ai posstabie for the fest wand af Patton is plave of hrs Beeger, Cush has moved from tows, Mes Logie MptUoonell, of this $12 per month with back pay amount. ing to 2507. 80. She is the widow of the Late Ar hig 3 Me Le 2 § Marvtage Licenses Carroll township. William BE. Lasgill apd Florence A. dander, af Mountaindale, Emery A. Woods, of Blandbarg, and {live M. Fry, of Westover, Stephen Pantanskas and sage : Marmus, of f Hastings. eon place, bas beet granted a pension of Mike Masses and Elen Mor, of that cost $200 and over. Jeweler and Optician, Patten, Pa. LET 0S WHISPER A HINT IN - YOUR EAR. SSA clothing and hats and cool oiled possibly se, you've a : : ot seizing the ops Grand Finale of Our Summer Sale. If yon haven't vou haven't. And our hint to vou is that if we were yon we would get here as S000. as possible the creams of the sales offerings may bes skimmed if vou was We'll appreciate a visit trom yon whether vou buy or not. ~ MIRKIN & KUSNER, Good Building.