Boch was x smazing declaration of | pauper attendant in un sat end Lon ven ap ali hopes of don workhouse on being told by an from the agent that he was entitled to some | that I could money. And the man-the son of 8 et aaties | that he said. Not an iwech od be = of Chamberlain's colic, budge, por world he sign any paper : and and It wax only by aking a totais . sioner down to him that the fund | ; conld be recoverad F : : “Whether evause 1 was only & eom- the result that Tjam anx- | paratively small sum or whether be 38 renal of all who suf cause he was 8 worker, the guardians Vt Por sale by CW. made no claim on it Acrordingly. st | his request, it was split. and two ac eounts were opened on his behalf in | the Postetiice ¢ Syvinss bank. But, for {maples horns. workhouse: fapetion i» never sick. Eo-| Meanwhile he was very anions that | purifies and sweetens the bis wife should not know be was alive : ol and | ~in fact, be denied that he wan mar cures onitivel ¥ per. ried. His life partner, however, called | ; ; | at the agent's office to inquire about won- the smse, though she begged that her | husband might sot be wid of her whireabouts. She was in a fairly | good position, earning as she did a liv - ing by keeping a Indie’ sihool and once or twice her reprobate hosband .. had torned up 2 an Wntoxicated condi | © tion and raised i commotion that had | ¥ seandalived her pup The i sorted © i pair were, therefore. not brooghs inte | communication. Never would the paaper Jogtatoe temve | the workhous He remained there till | his death whereupon, haviag Jt Do will, the money be bad scorned to use passed to his wile. ~Cassell'y Eaturdaz ; | Journal. Se } ¢ that | had many hem | The Average Lawsuit. SA eof Wood, ; There is nothing more ridicslous than | ; the average lawsnit. Two men dispute | Lover a few dollars and go to law. Both | ! gre sure to lose. Thelr pelghbors are | : drageed in as withesses, and the costs are now a ound asa amount to 10 or 20 times the amount in | recommend it in advanced te. Frequently these lawsufts i % 3 of tung froabios’” 4 Al drog- | rain families and start quarrels that ee last for years. Some men clin it in | “principle” that actontes them in these | } | wsuits. It is bulibeadedness, pure han advanced ‘more aod simple. It Is oearly always easy | | it to “split the difference.” Another had feature about these aw. | | sults is that the county Is pnt fo con ! | siderable expense, and men willing to | . work sre compelled to sit on the Jury. Bettle your disputes without going to WE SUM law. If the wap with whom you are skin dis | gieputing is not willing to i difference.” be will probably accept a proposition to les ve it to tiree neigh | £ any work before breakfast Some day | science will recognize the great truth | that working Qetween meals is what {fs killing off the t| Thnes. : A Dock published in Tegan 1.008 Ago Botes that at that time good | | tmees of that cosotry. i Lingering Sarumer Codie, ° Don't let na coid run at this season. | Bummer colds are the hardest kind to cure and if neglected may linger along | for months. A long siege Hire this wil] 1 One Minute cough cure “wii break ap. | the attack at once. Sate, sore, atest. once. Cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, | all shroat and Jong troubles. The - Patton Pharmacy : Redueed Rates 5 to € Sewainndt. ; Omi acosunt of the Genernl Mission- ary Convention of the Methodiat Epis | copal Charel at Cleveland, Obi, Ost. : ‘21 to 24, the Pennsylvania Railroad i Company will sell exenrsion tickets to 1 Cleveland, October 2¢ and 11, good to | retarn, leaving Cleveland until Octo. | i ber 27, inclusive, from all stations on | ta Tine, at reduced rates. ber Have you a sense of fullness in the | + | region of the stomach after eating ? If 80 you will be benefited by using Chamberlain's stomach and liver tab | tlete. They also cure belching and sour stomach. They regulate the bowels ¥ itoo. pris 2 canta. Sold by €. WW. ~ Foley's Kidney’ ‘a cure makes the dis- | ! pase kidneys sound sa they will vind. | nate the poisons from the blood, All druggists. ; trouble 20 bad,” says Valley View, Ky, ‘that I my feet were swollen - 1 was confined to Velvet Bouse slipper rm for ladies : is were anable to gentlemen at thirty-five and forty . My doctor finally cents respectively : ; ; 5 kidney care which Wore & Tirosison, £ a we man of me’ AN drag. 5 iy by 5 «You can do better at the White Sho ws Sieve Frans fo or 80 sny Or. V. A. Murray, re. Raymond Conner, x a . Saved phe disc ety owt Hysic a * SERIZEOY. I triad Foley's kid: | pa : the ery Het dose gave and 1 am now card. I ean- Foley's Kidney ri H. A. SE 112, ‘hen you want a Pleasant physic the new remedy, Cha mberiain’e and liver tablets. They are Ba nti st! to take and pleasant in effect. Office Spstairs in Good Building. Of 25 cents. Samples free at C. W. fice Hours. Sam Ww I2 mm andl p : Patton, moto ap mn 1 for Paenmonts. : O of gues, Mien, Patton Gouri ar, Soh Promoter of Publieity. *| Advertising Rates made known on ¥ Application. ; i Years of experience, to “split the | : aig { A Physician says one should pever do the race Minneapolis F day, 1 in the Jol The difference between good Job Printing and bad, but “there are others.” The “others” are the ones we do the most work for. We number among our patrons some of the most dis- criminating business men in this section—men who know a good job when they see it and won't That 1s the take any other. kind of people we like to do business with, as we know we can give satisfaction every time. competent and up-to-now workmen and the best paper stock the market af- fords enables us to keep in the front seat of : the band wagon, both as to quality of work turned out and price. There 1s nothing in the printing line that we can’t do as good as anybody in the busi ness. Thats © Our Long Suit” and we back it up every time. Note Heads, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, Tickets, Circus Posters, Bill Heads, Paper Books, Cards, Fancy and Com- mercial Job Kinds Printing of All executed at the lowes possible price and on short notice. A trial order will con. vince anvone that we back up every assertion we make. Ma- chinery running every day and almost every might, except Sun- » Department of THE COURIER, Patton, Pa. Carefully omy comput u ht And at the right price. § That's what we are head. Ex Duarters for Faucy Sustiousry and Novel Ee speviaity. Hastings Pharmacy, MM. Schaeffer, Prop. ; 8 EAE HS pr Aon Geo. Simmelsberger, IIVERY AND PEED STARLE SR da ¥ - HLMELYREL VA Draying and Hauling dove on sh Bart notice. EHELSLBENESE MEERTUNANUEE IE ANTHONY ANNA, FORTHE OF THE PEACH. Colisetions promptiy attended ta, Dealer in real estate, elo. enn 2 wEEBWELED NOY Bo oin Bywdlgunny LEP br F. B. EVANS, ACTING PAL At Commercial Hotel, Barn. ra Branch, 4 _eshara, every Tlinrsday Tentua beve YRHNER & FRY, PUTURERS HaAawTiNGs iy IF Woialy and Smoked lean cel | ans man. There sad gases in ; % A pesriinn Wr yelir puleGiamen satiny | Pry ne &y Jilted Lh Danie ana EH | Peary vane and 8 Coon, no Sauide, Women as Well ; as Men Kidoey trouble creer soe the mind, dite © | Sourages and Jeswens sentation beauty, vigor | eg ard cheerfuless soon | disaprenr whem the kid | DrYs are out of order | Par or divepiad. . Kidney troubln han | “ol 0Q 30 prevalent | ia | that it im notamcosnmon | For PF oJ fr 2 child 10 be borg | DEGOYE BEE atfiicted with weak kid || ; REE meen ihe child urine | ~ To Ales we often, if the urine scaids the flesh or if. when the child reaches an age when it should be sible to | JME cumirol the passage. itis yet afflicted with | my itm bedwetting. deterd unen it the cause of an he diffious ia ludney trouble, and the first AT | ae i! > he a : i rp x srgans. 5 5 EE - trouble is do 0 a diseased condition of the (FM kidneys snd bladder and not to 8 habit ag | 3 Fost people suppose, jo Women as well &s men ars made mis. | 1 Sabi wet kidney 4nd bladder trouble, | an nead the same great remedy, | | Tan mild snd the Smmediate effort of | * Co. ured NY. | mention thin paper. am Lowy Phitipsbumg i a F. - mw 2 Prati petwirg : st NDAY THAINN Tio Paiinpesang, Bn i | Phithban Ns aster Huntingdon & Broad Ton Mr. Railroad. fn effect Nov. 24, 1901. pil eEGe Ems rei E : TR Content Pow Table in affeg Jute & 1. hid Rpg Faion ttn) i io wens sek warned Fave, wi a es 0 stad hs s Wat tins, ee ar on attr Amd Pubiaa Caran tiie, 31 Pasxsatawasy, idgeay, AR el Af Riowks SOWTNE, Brudtond, RSE WY Lake jh aw WOR Hoots 1 ey hi Wa PF NH oun lescing #3 rR ¥urtal tain SEB 3 KE Sapeniy suvndont. Pennsvivania Railroad, Ta affect Nov 55, 1801 Main Lioe. : i Ses Hire Bx) week dagw... FHS i oid Ah . sk ‘a ARE q a 3 3 KP, RRS The prestest Rid ig JC fhe HON, NEBR RETR dutiy on 13 tury Extrem. Foley's § Kidney Cure! males kidneys and bladder sight. A Nw Jursey Editors Boabinssaiei. ; : ; hel | aE KE pm MT Lynch editor of the Philips. | Dass Oe rem Flat ad, ee onli WE A Ew i inheia & Clearfield Bioitioa ” i : fom ve Piton Sousiwaed. Truss NG TE at TON a arriving ab Ones io No TE poo aERiVing wf Orban - fasve Patina Northsant. REUTIEE Wyck 2 BBgiis MELLEL SEResnu EREEES arr. No FL Daily Post, writes: have This No. al WO aw. artieing ak Mae Shi sis i Bans, 2 . { tts ie om ami At Hien Cntuphutl al used many kinds of medias for! Bive ue Lopaghs and colds In my Camaily buf | Trkin Nor EFRALAW ne never anything so good as Foley's. pw. oi honey and tar. 1 ssanet May bio mach Nu in praise off IY Al druggists, :