TO ARR Siar “The work of oxtesting connections Bo i They took first prize in thelr hn said that John Mitchell, the | Rational president of the United Mine Workers of America, will visit Cam. olaas at the recent Indiana COUBLY, 2 exchange here for some time, | and address a number of meting. jast ted & nu ¢ pew He will be secorded a hearty welcome and this vlace is now connected by the miners of this section. mew company with Hastings,! _ wa. Benpett was unfortunate , Ebenaburg. enough Monday to break his left arm. : 5 Somerset aod Indiana while engaged at his work at the rail-| Teh Altoona, road station. He wid , Beipiug unioad "They ao conpent with eit of his arm. e important points between | pe. foot ball game scheduled for wd Philadelphia, incloding Satorday between Patton and Ebens- | and Lancaster, and as far burg was declared off oa account of rain. The county seat boys were here, but the grovods were in no csndition ‘ for playing. : ~Patton Lodge, No. 108, 1 0, (0 Fi has just installed about $800 worth of Joints is progr Sug rapidly and | | potent judges > the foes? posses ‘by any Soniye in this section. ~Rev. T. W, Evans, the pastor hi the Begptint church, is an expert fool : {ball player and is givigg the teembers . of the Patton Ee rs vainabile y Foasiing «Rey. Father Marcelios, a former | pastor of St. Marys R. (church at this | place, now locsited in the West, wis re | mewing equaintances here this week. bria county within the next fei weeks new regalia, elg that is said by com: a Jew Iry i in our i establish nent. : (Call in and see the lirgest and most cor | watches, rings, laides” and gents’ chains and y iy ction Domo | shown in the town. WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES. | | Hyon testa by the celebrated * ‘ Rotinoscoplc Teat™ and lame vorrectly Foung Man Cromuted 6 5 Firs tu » Seale fitted. Lonses changed, free of cliaage, ab any time, in spectacles sold hd me House af Sonik Fork. | hat oust 42:00 an over: ; John Kline, a South Fork young | man, was cremated in 3 fire that de- stroyed the scale house of the Argyle Coal Co. pear South Fork Tuesday night. The fire was discoversd by several men working on the tipple, 100 fut from the seale house, who hurried to the place aod attempted to foree their way into the building, but they | were driven back by the flames. : ei A Beavy rain falling al the time pre-| YO 1 Vented the tire. from communicating 4 to wins heap of ruins before i was learu. | If you have all the clothing and has and cool ed that Kline was missing, sod © was 00 and half hose that you cotild possibly use, you’ ve a then that the men remembered that f ox he tod-—h t se he Kline said he wis going. to the seale| §00d excuse for not being mterested-—for not seizing the ops Bouse to rest & while before going to portunities of this his home. Later his charred remaing were tonnd In the building. it is generally supposed that he wis avercowe by the smoke while asleep and thar bis death was a panies one, Ss Do signa ai a struggle soil bee seedy yw If you haven't you haven't. A Seurhern Frig 1 1 7 . : h a ¥ ¥ 3 i 5 wy & ¢ ¥ . j PE oy 8G; EEE SRT vd xg < i. Allport, of Hastings, Conrad And our ant to yu 18 that 1 we were you we Wenderoth, of Cresson, sud a couple of would get here as soon as Px ahle-——the cream of the sale Ss Philadelphia gentlemen started Sane ‘offering IH man be skimmed if Sot walt too long. day for the Sterra Madre mountains in i : : Mexico, where they will hunt large We'll appreciate a Vis] it from yout whether vou buy or not. game, They will bo absent five weeks, jus ees ot which time will be spent; | MIRE IN & KU Si
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers