than an n illegal combination of the an- thracite coul carrving raihroads and oo poe BVETY well informed persin in the Bown apos hp country knows it. Here are af least Secon tin weal antl all armen two plain violations of the law that : . "| everyume is cognizant of In his hypocritical ples to the presi. | dent for troops Baer lays great stress = upon the alleged lawleonnos of the | the beam in looking for the moat, | Of the real lawlessness in the anthra. | cite region since the strike began who has been to blame and who were the 3 tion to bis own Hiegal acts, He forgets Mcaiansarn Etool Walter, Duis Mo gan, Bari Mitel William Maouel, John Green. Ma Short, Pram shnniwiler, Alice Blair, Dora CUrooks, Joseph Fedor, Aapie ‘ Notnagle, Mary Person, John Powell, John Bomics, Andrew Sheka, Grace | Williams, Lilian Ww iam Lorrie MoCLoskey, Teacher, POURTH INTEENEDIATE Number etirolied, 4; average attend. ance, #:; per cent of attendance, 91. Those present every day: Katy An. stead, Grace Anstead, Agues Johnson, : Rowland, Margaret. Thomas, Gertrude i Thomas, Margaret Whiteford, George | ! | Astbury, Frank Boyer, Joseph Gagli. | ardi, George Jones, Willie Powel, John Sheppard. NiNa MoCroskry, Teacher. principals 7 Without exception the al- leged nnlawful acts were committed by | ignorant foreigners purposely incited Y [to desperate deeds by Philadelphia ASSEMBLY BROOM ® thugs who had been sworn in as coal BI Myers teacher of Latin, physion, | ‘and iron police. And Baer and his American literature, civios, U.S. his n Partoers brought them bore to cut ry. Wm. M. Bowerman, teacher of ji Gown the wages of the intelligent En. UST8D, mathematios, geography. ‘Rath G. Reeder, teacher of English, | glish speaking miner. “As ye sow, so i | general history, physiology. (shall yo reap.” Mr. Baer must take poo. Namber enrolled, 5: ive. his just shave of the blame. _ age attendance, 36; per cent of attind. Neither the president or the Ameri- snos 92. Those present every tay: 'Giadys Morey, Anos James, Olean 1 the operators first ob the laws them | Yingling, Hope Irwin, Romaine Smale, | ; selves and then they can oonsistently | | Panny Wilkine, Elizabeth Monteith, | jenn : Effie Trueman, Annie Sheka, Frances Children’ Ss Volver Coats, ‘triza- i | arge that others do the same. A good Campbel, Neilie Asbury, Ray Shonk- ‘med with silk insertion and braid, | example is the best guaranty of con- j sistency. If the miners are tbe pun- | wiler, Elizabeth Nelson, Lillie Rosnd. | 'sley, Willie Meehan, John Sheetisn, | © to a sled for anlawfal cote, why not have Albert Jenkins, William Crossman. . the i ious | A—Grade. Number enrolled, 15; av. | sting gute are given in the same law for sanetimon erage attendance, 16; per cent of at = reports ought tobe ing railroad? i bp Mellon, Venstta Crowell, Miri of to the | arents and pupils Here is the meat in the cocoanut and | Dietrick, Jeanette Broneso, Mildred . tht the bow sm are ob | the great Amerioan puopis | siderstand | STYLES 0 A A Sha) o) Children's Coats, made - a of wool cloth, trimmed with braid for children 1 2 3 4 years old, $1.95. A aa Ahi Rar oR RL a a a Ee een labe ios i 3 He - ‘Children’s s Navy Blue Coats, for children 4 to 10 Years old, $1.59. Children 's Coats oF Tan Hersey. $1.98; Other colors at $1. 98,2.49, 2 98 up to 38. oo. . Men's Heavy Underwear, fl lined, well made and fin = worth 49¢, now 3c. Children’s Extra Heavy Fleece Lined Hose 15c pair. | Infants Bootees 10, 15 and 25c. ar en's Sweaters. navy and red, Infants’ Caps 25¢ to $3.98. | 7% Have the best 50c , Corset in town. AN ries Cl B. R. o. G., Hen derson and Ferris Waists 31.00 pair. Ladies All Wand Serge See Skirts, rimmed wi satin straps, $3.98. : Men's Fleece Lined Jersey Shi irs 45c each, trannegan, Janes Rueshan, Thurman Men's Black Sateen Shirts. were 49c, now B3Oc. HUMMARY Whine namber oy > I myorigy attendance M6, per at se ste ndanoe, $i Present every day, 24 B i. Myuns, Principal. Men's 25¢c Suspenders, now 19¢ pair. Ladies’ Pocket Books. wers 25 Fine |B 49, , now 19¢. | Lihgoring wrameary Coble Don’t jet a cold run at this season. Bummer colds mre the hardest kind to cure and if neglected may lager along for months A long sidge like thin will pull down the strongest constitotion. ; : One Minute cough cure will break up Full line of Mitts and Gloves, the attack at onos. Safe, sure, dels Ab 0 oe ee Tu Al anor, Cures otha, poids, bronehitie, ‘ali throat and long troables The children like I. Patton Pharmacy and John A. Guan Men's Dress Shirts. were 49 and 758¢c, now 39¢ each. Lewis, Thomisine Holter 1da Forsberg, Charlie Abbott, Bans: criminal wh : committed a trast. Er : nda and moh of the o by te Namber enrolied, 4; average attend. H Us ble h d I teachers is obviated unless AgNAte 88 by an iguorsn ‘ance, 37; per cent of attendance, #7 €avy Unbieache Mus in. ward brought bere by the self sume coal Thoms present every day: wide. 4sic ¥ard, evans “baron, : Freshman class Zella Woomer, : g out of the entire. Na Baers egotistical oltimatoms to the Anna Bauman, Bertha Mellon, Mary | £ the state wan done in’ president was a deliberate insult to PYODS Myrtle Waters, Angels Burkey, | ith and hevanse the governor over 70,000,000 people; not only an in. } Rabel § aes, Starenes Bislr, Harold t the nese of the situation sali to their ohiaf axesutive, bot an in Ready, Thins 3 1 well and good, but if mit to the intelligence of his constito- Jackson. TH WETS brought out to in cents. Unies the Untuine mistakes the | Sopbomors class Thomas Harper, Sate nnion miners snd for the pur. tesnper of both, the egotist liy posite Hubert Ross, Rhoda Rhusdy. ; ’ or shea Bail Law vi of inducing SScabs™ to do the will be compelled to alight from his e ae FL dl ry win, Mary Wi : : was weatlastingly, stersaiy | high horse ere Jong and begin to talk Merida ohakse Eleanor Witman, Arisa | ecnmon Bie Mellon, Rachel Bandford, Agnes Dose ssonsed oan The people of this country lave not nelly, ihe ovember lection by cali TY! rescbhed the stage where there . { ten wh will swear that he OPP standard of mo for the pinto. real tof the district for. on hi dR sabed 3 Pee, a an we anarchists are not all men hafuiled 10 pay a with grimy bands. What is sance for uBty tax, smessod within the goose ls. or ought 16 be, sance for A mediately preceding the the gander. Baer is treading on dan. re is no power on earth gerous groad when be talks of an. sure him a vote. The pay. srehy. % lo saable a man to vote PATTON FUBLIC SCHOOLS a8 bens made before Comthnsd fan Page 1 Fine Rilted Walling Shirts 84.95. Light and dark gray. Ronit Und: rsltirts 25c. nit Circ ulag Shawls 98c. Sn - ; POLRYH PRIMARY BOgE bits the mail squarely Number enrolled, 73; averagh attend. aa follows: The advertis- ance, 63; per cent of attembinios, 45. t the one who does the Thise present every day: Win. Elms, _: Michsel Flinn, Geo. Hany, Joh Corley, _ John Liteinger, Lewis Christof, Ralph nih Miles, Harry MeNamaras, (rawford than ever before in the : Nelson, David Nelson, Wm. Ross, Geo, the world. The newspaper Mitchell, Melcher Pe rom, Walweod ness under ihe eye of Winslow, Jobin White, Bart Williams, : HH soos sehat he Wantsud Thomas Powell, Joseph Sinenes, Geo ; ; Bheka, Orvis Shunkwiler, Mary Calla igre to Sad i, looks ap the : = ¥ Men's Fine Sweaters, silK mixed, $2.75. A New Detwey Baise s Tostinmisiie, M.T. Lyueh, wditor of the Philips ‘barg, N. J, Daily Post, writes: “1 have ‘osed many kinds of oaalid songhe and ookds in meyer anything so Bones aod tar. 1 cannot Ay Gas male dr oof 2.7 AH dn e BonTon Store, Patton, Pa. (han, Mary Orossman, Allee Danlel, HER Bophie DeFormt, Neilie Flick, Annie Fling, Mary Keunick, May Lilly, Mary : MoM fidren, Rose Losige. Mary Wikon, Janre Wison, Janet Masud, Alice wn recently posted the fo Bigler, Elirsbeth Banfield, Amelia oli fu atin tiie mest (Poldetein, Katie Flic oper 8 inningand Have you a sense of Rien Say Fy og Price a CHTibR, Hodgkin, Patton. i Timeher, INTERMEDIATE Eo Mumber er £ : 4 » pen minutes liter i a Sumber enrolied, 86; averagn wttand Poboi®s honey anol, oh; per cent of attendimos, 95. ad artedt * Theme present every day: Jace Ast et oil Se “me Bory, John Bell. Francis Brave, Pats boss : Jig GE METRL el RENT bl pls % Uallaghar, JX wmenh Delosier, Cyril B Ba gid li fie snsbetinatiy Whey re Fishe r. Thomas Gresham, Martin ri Bl Ft Ev. ved not fis Gaels, Jumeph Hubbard, Andres Ha vB bE Fi TY Hay Sohn LrInE dames E> ne Fond is : iy a FEET fab hi 8 dome hh ¥ n choir Lodge, Janus tamer. Praovis MoCor. the nit &, James Morgans, Mion Shank: Cwihier, Jams White, Robert Willis, James Whiteford, Joseph Yingling, 3 Gay Hack, Viste i Opens, Asuw mnarchist, anyway? The Danielson, Mary Holter, Agnes Harper, gui hone tines ; io and ove nsualiy io : Fiori , James, Mand Laas, Biauche rev. Ave = bile, is that bis oe her te annell 5 so 2 : Lorerro BE Prion 5. Toacher, ? disregard for exist.’ a a : BECGRD INTERMEDIATE SL gE Number enrolled, 57; average attend. rastee of Providence! Baer taiks ance, 47; per cent of attendiuce, $2 biy of anarchists and dows not hesi. Those present every day: John Boyer, 6 to put the members of the United Earnest Cremer, Edwin Grimniger, ry orkers i in that oatagor yr bat ke Ww Hiarn Lire ii, s Jeane Lioyd, Juba Not- : nagel, George Hadeliffe, Jacob Stres. hi: lk are greater read #niarchisis a rear . : ¥ : # spd Si : ned re 3 i ; . fosred 5 i ser, Duncan Wilkie, Lily Anstesd, i es in TON, Pa. more te be than all of Go- pe, Beil, Alice Boyle, Clare Camp- RE uanea wounter and 1s ery eRe stone throwers combined. bell, Margaret Commons, Ruth Galer, “Mer ais at ail Hoe Patton Courier, : itntion of Pennsylvania de. Esther Johnson, Iva Taansslrry, Alice £) ap ha : SETS : CREE oh © Incorporated eompany Noonan, Anasle Thomas, Charlotte Wii- W holesals ela ged | CPriatioter of ; ne Parnell, , Cowher & Co. 3 ET ANE lis, Mary Willian, tues Wilson, Mur- in lee Cream. gents foe jt Revel CITY RESTAURANT, ori Resa B. Lewis, Teacher, THIRD INTERMROIATE | Mitohall & Moturmick, | Namber enrolled, 55; average attend. : PHONE, CRS, T 4 283 Seppe se Lier, or rather our at ip the human machi stomach i hablo a d we can wie such a a wh hen n, ir by replaced, aod we ean: Jot ing repairs. But when th food $0 keep Chie body Kawing Dresperain Po eat ol 1 the, i Borin, — Can 2% it can’t help 1 Penpared he BO Deli 00. © egitimate o Join but d lo you wo. The B Bottle xttning 4 tines the toe. son phic 5 A Brooks Qil Co.'s dieses, tise DeWITTs Witch Hozel { SALVE. Gutta Percha Roofing Paint. 5 ig Tae Sincstdur b “taning Foley's kik Fey CET { All ido j gE aN A Re “ oh GEO, BOONE, OF THE JL! BT = ty. PEACE. Wore & Tao - =r CEN me E 5 yet (0 TERS, Cla: 4 Hard dC C H 3 rhap Cn 4d Soft Sheil Crabs and | x J; Dr. V. A, Murray, . Ge | Reue! Somerville, all the Delicacies of the PHYSIFIAN & SUR RGEC Donn wh i AMIE? #; A i Ss % Se an 1% SAE PROX, Un llecthons Properties to rp Fae STANLY i A UTI Es +h ag ¥ P TAA ICKY 53 ein w CAdlveriiing Fnown apg mane on x - ; : : | i : sire in { Conn IST. RE Progies, : ciwe Hours Rg iE om, andy Po TT Pers t age in es or manufac : articles for _Emspor ation over SROs neers dey BEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers