The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 10, 1902, Image 2

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    RATS AT he
As ‘Governor I awed into Hilence
oh those who were onto my bluff, and
~ | those who believed in me were equally
{awed by my assumed greatness. This
| pleased and flattered me. There were,
{| however, nights of hard aber, when
the ofl burned uvotll daylight in my
apartment. No one knew what «forts
were required to keep pace with my
advancement. Was any ote ever so
- fmain fects and in a clever manner
| wove them Into any conversation hat
was needed. As I was considered an
astute politician few i to
differ with me,
The strange fact is that through all
this life of pretence and bumbog bo
true realization of my own depravity
ge | dawned upon me until late in life, and
| then it came with such suddeness and
joverwlielinlng puwer, almost 100 wach
{ for a kuman mind.
As all my ambitions of a selfith na
ture hid been eatiefied by gentle fate,
1 had grown to feel that there was Jit.
| tie danger for the rest of my days
She had lifted me from many foolich
pitfalls, and it Seemed to me that |
{ should slip out of life with my secre,
§ which 1 had come to dread,
But this same gentle tate materisl
L, izéd In the shape of an accomplished
victim to the shafts of that youthful
| one with the toy wings.
~ Here again 1 used my monstrous
7° | bluft and we were married. The honey.
| moon was a happy one. I had liuffed
‘the publi¢, pulled wool over the eyes of
hundreds of my fellow politicians, had
But woman WAS a quantity 1 had
| ~ reckoned with, As our married
* {ite lengthened out 1 was daily con
{ scious that there was a coldness row.
lat that time, My experience In life |
had taught me something. I realized |
that here I had found my master. Her
ny answers that pleased
to hyla and wag the
1 he entirely un-
Erion with
—_ Broneut me Wm con-
some higher than myself, so |
38 At times put to gore stilts,
this time I was an expert on bluff,
; steadily in my pasition,
1 ed it pow on bluff, “pure
ig he period of my employment,
e I had become one of the firm,
a Interesting things occurrid, I
had many narrow escapes.
8% frequently said of me, “He
Jot." This fattered me great
actdally came to believe It
There was a remarkable lack
miliating circumstances in my
ite. 1 succeeded in bluffing
T¢ ugh most trying conditions, It wis
game and 1 learned to play 1t
my early Soainess eareer, when:
er my blu was found out, I simply |
: place and generally
‘won on blult, pretending to know
x 1 knew nothing. I would
bit come simple chap to tell me as
lie could about the work, and
I would add my buff. so litle
ie. by sticking to the samp bisis
it ‘big concern.
t wonld seem that here, at least. one
ould satiefied. 1 was still unmar-
ll-to-do and respected in my
1 entered politics on nn dead
terms in the Assembly and
polities) Jositions found my
Never 8 word of reproach, never a
1 eomplaint— just a calm, stately dignity;
a living in her own pure, honest los
No eriminal condemned to dle In the
chalr could Bave zuffered more sn-
guish nnd torture of wind than 1 did
i radiant, honest soul shone only for her
| children. As for me 1 paid the bills,
» | Was kind and even gentle in my family
life, but all to no purpose; blu® would
not work with her. Yet as 1 kpow it
the tide. It came one day sooner than
even 1 had suspected.
learn something about a maiter of
which he was sure 1 bad some knowl:
edge. I knew nothing whatsoever of
the matter, and on ordinary occasions
would have bluffed it out,
My wife was sitting in the room,
calm, dignified, silent as the wphiox.
A chill ran through me followed by a
flush lke & fever, 1 grew cokl then
pale, then red. It seemed as though
human beings sitting before me, one
a buffer, thie other an honest woman.
They were waiting for a reply, It
seemed as though I lived a whale [fe
time in those few seconds. Finally I
blurted ont:
“1 do not know anything about this
matter—wor any other”
This was the turning point. My
friend looked at we in disgust, seized
hls hat and left the room.
I was stunned; my life secret was
out: I was a rained man: my vanliy
had desiroved me: 1 was along.
Suddenly I felt two soft arms about
my neck, I saw two lovely deon eves
looking into mine. 1 felt the world and
its foolish, childlike folly melt away.
1 was in the confidence of my wife!
I have never biufled since ~New
York News,
A Lesson From the Bees,
“Don’t stir up a beebive unless you
know it is a rich one” sald an apiar-
ist to a visitor at his bee farm,
“1 think that I would leave then
alone altogether,” was the reply,
“They have foo angry a buzz about
them to win my confidence.”
all.” said the beoman, “For example,
these hives are fall of hooey, dnd 1
pull a jitle smoke into the doors so as
to sort of suffocate the seniries, 1 can
topple a hive over, handle the bees
like so many beans clean the haney
combs and carry them off. The lwes
wan't harm me And, to prove his
words, the speaker performed bis ex:
periment, and canse back to his friend
with a smile and several heavy conibs
of honey.
“if those hives had been nearly
spt,” sald the aplarist, “I wonid
have heen Jucky to have escaped with
my life. The tenants of a poor hive
sting to KHL”
“That's strange,” sald the visitor, *1
should thiok that they would defend
thelr hoards with especial jealousy,
and tb» more they have the hotter
they would fight.”
The reason 8 sak] fhe Beeman,
“that when alatmed the been fiv to
their storehouse amd gorge theinselves
When full of honey a bee can't bend
its bhddy and sting 3
“Which should be n lesson to us”
- — the other. “Don't get too full”
- =New York Tribune,
fortunate as 1? [ only skimmed over |
the surface, acquired a few of the
«| Woman of social position. She came |
} into my life so suddenly that 1 fell a
played the charity and pallantizople
es. | IDF between ux This worried me.
{ Could it be possible that she bad seen
44 | through my shallow nature? Day by
gs. | day I grew more wretched, more suse
5 | picioun of the real truth; day by day
{we drifted apart, until Ler coldness
froze my very soul
now, she patiently waited the turn of
.{ An acquaintance of mine, during my
| stay at the Btate House, called to
| my head would burst with the intense
{ Internal raging. There were those two
“You are pot used fo them. that's
} fast breath, ainost,
mother an sistere™ The ils fellow | .
ther and sisters™ Th he GOW London, that he once walked arm in
arm, so to speck, wih a teress. He
He waz a qulet boy, of ehintons hah! :
Be. He liked to go to seliost, and Bel
wanted 10 oo 10 college bol he had bel
Towed by a Shark.
Among the "(ueer Steeds” of which
C. F. Holler tells in 8t. Nicholas per:
haps the queerest ia a “nurse” shark,
_eaptured at ses and impounded In 8
tidewater aquarium in Florida.
With no fle OiMeulty, says Mr
Holder, we caught the nurse, towed in
to the squarium, which was an In
closed mont half a wile long, fty feet
wide and from six to eight fest deep
It required a dozen or mors men to
haul the sh which was eleven foet In
Tength, over the little tide gate Just
before it was released a rope bridle
wis passed over ita loop that Sted
over the head and was tightened jus
behind the fins so that it remained in
piace, a perfect snildle girth, To this a
rope ghayt ten fect long was atinched,
aid in turn minds faut to oa feat AL
this was prepared In advance and
i did not require mach tire to attach i,
though the pluogen of the shark
knocked sevoral men from their foef,
Finally #11 was ready, and the shark
war rollad over into the wont wher
# went dastilng away, the telltale float
following at the surface.
For sotae time we had been hullding |
‘a boat which was to Je the carvinge of
‘this steed. The masons had given
us the frame of 8 great hiriek arch upon
gpon which they were working. This!
resembled 8 scow with square ends.
It was a perfect skiff, except that the
planks were an inch apart, bot wi
filled these crevices and caiked it with
pakum. The day before the shark
| was caught the boat was laanched ami
tested, and It was found that it would |
hold threw boys two on a lower seat
and otie on the box seat of the coach. |
The “shark ride” was looked forwan)
to with the greatest int
Finally the day arrived, and very |
early, while the great tropiesl sun was
creeping up through the vermilion
clouds, we BP our way sround the
wall apd to our marine carriage.
Being the originator of the schema, the
privilege of the box seat was swardal
to me. Literally, this seat was a box--
A discarded cracker bor. My two cow
panions sat upon 8 board in the stern
to balance the skiff. We were soon In
{| piace, and, witiing on the box, 1 ear
fully paddied the little craft out from
the thle gate and began the search
for our stovd. 1 paddled down one aide
of the great wall, keeping perfectly
quiet as every quick mo cioent thevals
ened us with a eaprize
Presently we saw the float lying me
tlonless on the wales near the wall |
The shark was undoobisdly ssiee
little wospecting the rode awakening
that was in store for him. 1 now
handed the paddies to one of the loys
behind me and took in hand our pein
er, the rope fastened to the boat, and
ft was pow my business to secure this |
to the float and to arouse the shark
Oue of my compeniots paddled gern
tly anil the flat-boliamed boat slowly
drifted on. Leanfog forward | picked
up the foat and quickly ran the painter |
through a hole that had been loft in
the float for the purpose, and fastensd
it with a bowline knot. When this was
dope | hauled in the slack snd gently
pulled the rein, while one of the bays
“clucked” at the shark, snd the otlwr
sald “"Gedap®™ No response. Then 1
gave another York at the line, and the
shark woke gp
I bBave often read of boys who Awake
at sunrise and bound out of bed with a
single leap, and have slways thougln 1 knew they were hiding somewlers
that such sudden awakening sould te
true only in books, But that wax of
actly how this shark woke. It falrly
leaped out of a sound slewp and jerked
the skiff ahead so violently that the
box meat upset and I fell backward
upLn wy companivnt This gpsel waa
eriainly not fenifed oginting and gi
certainly not a dignified Leginuleg. and | ran of a font, or & crack as If some
I heard a roar of laughter from some |
fun-loving lookerson,
The shark, now feeling the rope. |
dashed along at a rapid pace, making
me. Carefully mmbing me they rightest
the box. 1 secursd the painter soa
was a signs] success. We had hae
pessed the shark, and were mia ving iit lo
a rate that was wildly exciting. Tie #1 -
speed wax so great that the boat wis |
pulled almost bow under, and a wave |
of foam preceded ue The boys bel
on tightly,
hand avd cheered when a bead ap gyi,
poared gt a porthole of he fore,
: A Bey Hers.
At Bellwood, near Portland,
there was recently
ment to Arthar Veoville
Hes i oan unkpown go
Ippine Islands
England, but was
country at the age of
When he was GRY seven rears gil his i
father died, charging the obi with hy
Ei jane CREP Of 14a
take a place in a shop fo help surpass
the family, In 1X07 his health fe
gan to fail ad be enlisted as an ap.
prentice in the navy, still giving Lis
people wages. The athe Friows |
called him a “ghd sailor be told bis
mother when he came bone on a fae
loagh a year Inter.
Venville was on the gunboat YorX- qeafele walked a few agonizing paces
Bae went to the Philip
pines, and in April was sent to Raler!
Bay to rescue some Spanish prisoners,
(of biz arm at the shoulder proved
mand of Lientenant Gillmore was sent
town in 189,
Thg young apprentice was ane of the
party of seventeen which under com-
ashore to recennoitve,
As the crowded launch approached
the silent shore. there suddenly burst
at ocrasionsily raised ow ;
or before been ander fire.
volver, useless at the range.” wrote
the officer, “I reached for the rifle
he continued working at the rifie,
“A second shot plowed through the
pit. :
“Tr hit again, Mr. Gillmere”®
“He was still trying to pull ent the
Jamned cllp when a ball cut a furrow
irs thus left wlide of Bis head
“afr. Gillioore, they ve hit me again”
HHe wiped the Klood from hls hvown
turned to his task as culmiy sx if It
wer only a mosquito that bad stung
him. It war not three minotes untll
a Yall crashed Into hix ankle, inflicting
gs palnfnl hurt. There was Just a slight
quiver in the ad's voice na be looked
up to me and sald:
“Mr. Gillmore, I'm hit once more,
burt 1've fixed the gon, air"
Omw wishes this trae tale might hate
ended, as stories do, with the hero's
rerovery and return, but when the
other survivors of Lieutenant Gill
mure's party were taken into the inter.
rior. Venville. being noable to travel,
was left behind, and some time later
he was killed by the order of an Insur-
few though they were, had been spent
to some purpose The manument
boy's life.
The One Thame Te Poll Four.
been frightened on many occasions, 1
wike in the war with the fellows in the
wan hefore that experience. At the time
of my first and Jast experience of fear
we Were shoat fifteen miles from Ma.
rough tilt with the natives. The men
were worn o9t. They had been beat
ing dowp bashes, wading through
menihes, cutting and shooting and
slashing from sonrise to sated, and
these experionces Wt the men 1a 8 bad.
fy worn condition Thelr minds were
feverieh, I know that my mid wis
feverish, and ander more happy er
cunmitances I would have felt some uo.
eaxiz ena If fell ny lot to wtand guard
as an outpost and I was fifty or a hone
dred yards froon any other seddler, up
io my nek In the bushes engulfed in
the top of Phlliopine marslies on ote
of the bisckest nights | ever saw. It
had been raining and the jenves and
nearly 8 direct line with me were a
nnmber of comrades on ontpost duty,
bat ther could not be reached by my
voir. Behind me wera the sq unds,
platoons sd then the companies of the
repitient, spaced according to the reg
uistions, and In front of me driven
Back into the thivk undergrowth ints
plamim of concealment, were the fol
lows we bad fought all during the day,
They knew the country. 1 Gd pot
They knew exactly where to find me.
near mr pol. 1 never bad such a nis
[erable feeling tn all my life. It wan
c dark, thickly, heavily dark 1 eounbl
sie fiothing 1 eonld only 121 the
earths was benenth me by fesling with
wy feet, and somethnes when [ would
bear a popoing sound as i made by the
britile piece of undergrowth bad
| snap pod ander the Hemp's tread, or
bah swish of a hash 2 bhrnaehed aside
It extremely difficult f | by sinme fellow who was slipping upon
£ 3 tH) § 2
SOT Bite > o cuit for us to TY Bm when | heard these things 1 would
JAR ¥ CHE dat i :
it my compations a Shed | almint fall to the ground in a fit of |
widd delivtuny. 1 could not shel, for if
= 5 iF dnt Sexy men woahl be Dmthediarel ¥
held the single rein In triumph. lt) Tle & to mv rescue. Ha there 1 stood,
x. dre oe
in the Borge of the oy
1 os fearing until the very 2 in
tr drieries seemed to stop. And t tk
a segs’ The bonping, the ling
2 the swishing the he "aking of hirit-
wigae andl the swash ax & Filipinos
# sunk in the soggy leaves? Lhiewe
ph teary drove me mad, 1 Bnew
I never beand all these
aly benin, partly the work of fear
CL Whit sennd 1 heard were caused by |
water falling from thw leaves of trees,
andl Uy basis
Walked With a Tizress.
It I= related of Sir BEdwand Bradford,
Cabs Ulklef of Palle Coapsioner of
was onl shooting, aml always a fear
wh sporieinan, had eve fo closes guar
with his ouarry. He fired. and
dr they ball Tatled to take wifect oz
Chet ellgbtly wounded the anbyal Khe
| sprader at bm and seized his ft arm
above the elbow, The palin noust have |
heat terrible, but Str Edwand kept eocl
Cats] realizing that it would be death to
Citra his mangled arm away and allow
bar ro apring afresh at him, he deli
uitil his comrade was alle to take aim
Chis life, though the amputation
i Filey per cent. of the felt boots man
- keted in the United States aud Canadas
are wade in Grand Rapids, Mich
“Having no other weapon that & re |
dropped by one of the dead. Tt bad
been Kit in the Jock and the clip was
famed In. Venville, one of the ap- |
prettice hays, attempted to fix it. A}
bullet went through the flesh of his
“ "yr. Gilmore, I'm bit.’ he said. But |
boy's breast and came out in his aro- |
eyes with his coat slenve and then re |
gent general. Yet Mis eighteen years, |
stants a fair 4nd stately symbol of the |
“Fear is an awful thing” raid 8
young man who fAgnured In several of |
the Philippine raids, “and while I have |
really never had a genuine feeling of
fear hut once. and that was while 1
Phillippines. 1 never knew what fear
nla. During the day we had a rather |
undergrowth were watersoaked On |
s swinging Baek to their |
Co marnaal places when relieved of the
Cheavy water covering ~ New Orleans
Tinea Dretnooral,
and kdl the brute. Thus his courage
Mrs Honor Well Anyhow, you
are a
Humpeck--“You bet he isn’t. He's #
bachelor.” - Detroit Free Press.
Well Guardrd.
“Thats a handsome office clock of
yours. Aren't you afraid it'll be sto
“Never, Why, every cick in my
employ bax one eye on HW all day 7
New York World
"Ho ‘tin with nen’ 1 ore Dari
my dusband Was ready to die for me
1 and pow be diem not even want fo ol
what I cook!" Fllegende Blsetter,
wait Argued.
“What's the nme of hitting Rims,
Johnnte? Yonll only have to go te
him afterward and say you re sorry”
“Well, I'd rather be tarry for hitting
Bim than for not hitting Kine Hel
what's the difference? New Yok!
Twa Fatute of Yiew,
It was in the work! of businesa
“Who fs INO What has be done?
| Then again it was In the world of
"Who's Ris father ™ they asides |
Chicago Post
The Proposal.
Dorothy ee Connie 80, Ta Bail
sal fo you”
Isabel "Doruthy. I dare pot. it x #0
thrillingly interesting that you could
Bot resist telling it to somebody else
-~Brookiyn Life.
Cttwely Menvilown.
"So you pever talk shout people De
bind their backs”
“No” answers the woman with »
seeing ber embarrassment for any
hing." Washingion San
peda sh rt
n Oeibbler,
“1 can trothfally say,” remarked the
politician, “that I never went back on
a friend
“Yet some people claim that you did
fot keep sony promises”
“Yea,” was the bland reply, “but 1
people to whats I made those proig-
ses are pot my friends. They are tiy
enemies” Washington Bar.
The Astonished Professors,
3 oe 3
Yo Attendant Uf you wizh my gt |
the correct weight you mus? tobe Your §
prercoat off”
It was partly the work of a |
2. Professor--"You ate rig
but really, I see ne ditferenie |
peut Dep Dorfhariilon
Sherlock Holmes in New York City.
“Will you marry wie? he sald, spd
dently looking up from the paper
which he bad bein studying.
“Who-why,” she replied, “how you
startled we. What has caused yon
to ask we such an important gueitisn
$0 suddenly
“I've beer looking over the tax lise™
“1 can't see what the tax st bus to
do with our love”
“Your father’s name isn't on it. We
must be very rich.’ ‘—iihicage Redoid-
| in beds three feet In wiih, which are
covered veith lattice work to Live shnde, ia
They intend shipping | their product. w
$ ine,
brether Tom Isn't as big a fool as you Ch
soribes a pew explosive patented in
Germany. It consists of 2 mixtore of
§ raletum (arbide snd a barinm saperays
ie. The cartridges are divided inte
two compartments by & thin Lin parle
{ tion, on one mide of which are the
mixed silts and on the other a dilate
acid. As soon os the acid sate throtgh
the fin and 2aine access to (he mixtare
a violent explosion ix sad 10 beault.
The wonderful now sligrach erstom
mvented by the =a Fenn sariane, Am
ton Pollak snd Foes ir. will be
Lf put a operation thie fall {by tae Inipes
4 rial German Postal Ada inlatration. on
the Tine between Berlin and Cologne.
England and the United Sistes will he
Likely to adont It vert ss it hos boen
successfolly tested hy exoeTia in both
simnirien. The system sends and rornives
plesnages in ordinary handwriting and
at the rate of IAL wards an how.
1t in safer, chenpar and Deiter in every
way, It is claimed. than any other sys.
{ to In the world. |
The replanting of grass oh van
| od cattle ranges in Nebraska, Wyome
{ ing. Colorado, Utah Montana, ldabe
and the Dakotas iv to be attempted by
| the ralhways penetrating those Hiates.
The first problem to be solved is the
finding of a grass suitable for stoel
porposes. Nearly 4000 acres will be
fenced snd divided into thirty plots for
experiments In planting. These Wests
orn cattle ranges have Leen ruined by i
too mach crowding and by sleep. It ie
expected that once the feasibility of res
planting ix proven the Fateral and
State governments will lend heir ad
ty the movement.
' Petrolentn drioking as 5 Babit is
ypreading so rapidly in Prince that the
Medien] Roclety of Paris advises im
Iediate steps to heck it The opinion
formerly expressed by many persons
tliat the habit was due to the Govern.
gents inereased tas-on sicobol hae
i been found to be an ervey. An invest)
gation of the vice sbows (hat I was
prevaiens Jong before the alcohol tax
was iposed. got has i hax Leen
growing all the time. Physieians deo
tet agree as to all oe. effects produced
the method of Mr Tillngton's piope |
Ly Jt, bed they do agree as th ie gone
eral naimfaloess. The victor of the
bakit dees not become bruja) as 5 80
aiften the ease with alcohel drinkers.
bat despondent and moro,
For many years the supply of gutta
pereha, used chiefly for electrical ings
Intion, partienlarly of submarine os.
Biles, for which purpose it is indispen-
: as Bele, wi ntitully
grim expression. “if [ know snyieing | 4 bie, laa been growing bes
which woold ano a friend I alwaie
tell it in Ber presence. [ wouldn't ules
less. Upth very recently no new feild
of exploitation had been discovered Jt
appears, Bowever. according to recent
reports. that Para and the Amazon
River, the home of lndix rubber, are
central to large forests of the balats
{ tree, from which gutta percha is de
rived AX report minde hy an expert
whe recently visited thin district as
merts that the gutta percha industry
can be made to rival that of the rubs
ber trade. Vast areas of virgin fovests
are to le found growing on the Purue
cand Acre rivers and other tributaries
of the Upper Amazon. The method of
! bleeding the balata tree is entirely di0
| fermi from that awed {nu extracting the
milk of the rubber tree, hut the supply
i# greater per tree I mikes an expert
. to properly bleed the balata so that
will yield the desired gum, but a com
seream aml cried: “oh.
i pelaut nan ean prepare fram fucty to
: Ary pounds per day.
‘The Lismed in Literature.
in Na great narrative poem. “Eooeh
Arden.” Tepmyson desveibes the ships
wreokal mariner so kis lonely ale sits
fing so stil in his long wall for ou sail
{rsa “the golden Haned on hioy paswed”
CF Dave often wondered bow Teaavien
[gut that les and whether Re was juste
Head imo iL i TEards ever Tug dp onto
ditipsap beings and walt there for thelp
2 pres? oe wily Brogt represents
Pre sinister bers of “Wnthering
Bieighea” as standing still so nag in
| Hix agnty, and eoimieg to eek so ane
Hike a human being that a Duildiog
| thrasl, if I remember rightly, is seen
Phy perch tpeg Bio Bul a lzard sestns
even lose Ukely in this contection than
Pa rd Liswever as we sal lunching
Pom a spusy bank tie ether day my
cosipanion smbiealy gave a ile
what caricus
fling eon your arm 1 lsoked down;
Cand there was a viper Hiard, with
Sw hed obilly twisted oa one side
i The Hg retnpnt disturbed iy Hitle vise
tar, whieh darted over my shonlder
and in ap mstast or two bad disap.
peared io the tangle of the whites
throat] haunted hedgerow, but not
wefore I had seen and admired its
height ye anid its greeny coat—Lone
dou Bxpress,
Warkily Wisdom.
Proagtoess is offen a mistake It
you do not believe it. revall the fate
of the early worm. Many men Save
suceeded because they hesitated at
the right time New York Nows,
Wenlih's Only Sulvation.
In these days of social enlightenment
wealth's only salvation is sserifice:
it wealth tries to save too much & will
lose all~New York News
The Londen Colliery Canrdian: an :