The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 10, 1902, Image 1

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    a“ state of Peoneylvania ard for the
SC hh ete Sd
the Next Conre Caused by Ardeii's Resigustion.
r. Donnelly will serve antil the regu.
Douglass, carpenter, Chest will be elected.
; eo Craver, rsd a { police committed, on motion of Prindi.
LG. F. Gill, farmer, Chest ble seconded by Gould,
D. A. Lather, 8r., farmer, Carroll | the delegation was instructed to incor. |
the December term are: it would be acted upon.
I. Dillon, farmer, Elder dinasce drawn and submitted to the
I Giles, farmer, Barr eounell for action,
| The traverse and petit jurors for the
f: second week of the Decsmber term are: | the vacancy was read. W, J. Donnelly
Chas. Anna, farmer, Elder was also nominated for the position.
TW. WwW. Brows, miner, Reade | A ballot wis taken with the result that
, farmer Carrolitown dered drawn for the following bilby:
| aati 2.00; Patton Clay Mfg. Co. $457,
Be Pant
y | Girmeting=—Giov. W. A Stone, of the EF Short 80, Wm. Pyles 40, W.T.
= commanweith of Pennsylvania, has g obinssn $2 25 Sampaon Hewlett $8.07,
| troops of Penneylvania. T he | Laver $55.13, Frank Bruneau $5.02, A.
purpose of oA the laws of the 7 Cornelins, 240,
f ose Of proving the truth | TRANSICTIONS 1% REALTY.
the falsity of the words addressed ;
denice” 0 our Nation's po resident, Chwaged Haods Roocuily,
dore Roosevelf, at the meeting WW. L Dowler et ux to Walter J.
held at Washington on Friday of Weakiand, Patton, $525.
Jost week, that if he, the president
of the United States of America, would | Troxell, Reade township, $500.
furnish the protection he should, they, Executors of A. W. Patehin to Ray
the anthracite conl operators, would | mond C. Patehin, Barr township, #9,
guarantee hat the Anthrasite mines | 500.
forthcoming fanediately. : "| Patontn, Barr sewnship, 9,300
{the bituminous cos! fields of Pennayl. Steve Plotko, Spangler, $40.
vania, we orge that you respect and! Matilda Morphy et vir to E. P. Reed, |
{uphold all the laws of the common. | Carroll township, $720.
Jaws of our organisation, by refratuing | Peale, Basguehanoa township, $1 050.
Tic will be in position to condemn any | hanna borough, §1.
[justice from those whose desire is to RD Evans et ux to A, W, Mis wel,
| keep the laboring man in abject slay. | Barr township, $2,500.
a Lin this fight, bot: morally and finan. % Divers, Carroll township, $600.
ae nil elabrow abiall sms star
oigdly, until victory shall crown your % Corn ahadatile: Ack.
efforts and your emancipation ss wage
The Good Men and Trae Who WE Serve 8 | W. J. Donnelly Chosen to Fill the Yainuey
| Springs | Those present were President Don-| From Susqucnannn w Township.
Johty Sutton, farmer, Clerfield twp | nelly, Secretary. Gilliece and Cexinoil. An
Wan Miller, blacksmith, Reade _ idible. A large delegation of citisens © Geo. HL Langbein, the pro the hy
It | Jus. Monteith, miner, Piatto | were present. from “The Flat,” relative maker of this place, was held at Bb- Wy $10.00, $12.00, $14.00, $16.00.
9 Robt. M. Emigh, carpenter, Patton to a street light at the corner of Fourth enshurg last week. Attorney Horsoe RA » 4.00,
Moun Pearce, farmer, Reade and Beech avenue, and contended that Rose, of Johnstown, sat us referee The range suits any y pocketbook.
| The grand Jurors for the Decersber the high sidewalk at that point ren. bankrupey, John F. McRendrick ap-
| dered affirmative action imperative, | POSTING as attorney for Mr. Langbel
The mutter was referred to the fire and 400 Peter J. Little representing |
: Anderson, miner, Hastings The old question of & sewer on lang
id avenue was brought up and the siere.
. M. Binder, merchant, Rarnesboro tary was instracted to notify the prop |
hin Bitters, wamster, Spanier Lerty owners interested to have an or |
, | Martin Hallern, laborer, Ashville . The resignation of John E Ardell wis oy (0 pig
BF Hobart, farmer, Clearfield read and seoepted. A petition sijmmed | :
Henry Strassler, farmer, Sosqoehanna by s number of citizens asking that
D. H.C. Warren be appointed to fill Ryan for relenne ax securities on the
Donnelly rivoived three votes and |
The adtion of the extension of
| Seventh avenue was referred tc the
street committees. Alleged poor ser.
“vice on the part of the Patton Water
ter Matthews ; Co. came up for discosson, but no P of : w .
| John Mot ro weigh boss, Spangler action was taken, Orders were or etition of the officers of West Car
fr Vite sia ire. 17.45, Geo. 8. Good Rent Accomnt. $35,
Jaa M. Gilliece $5. Ei rel
any o sets by which the CP Kimeto T. BE Kime, Sisque- (the adjndieation, The attorpeys for
ery. We promise to assist you farther | Daniel H. Hsatings et us to Closige John Reilly, the plaintiff, claims title
r Following isa list of the traveme, W. J. Donvelly was elected a miem- Litigation of Interest to the
oo Jurors from this section drawn for the ber of the borough council from: the North of the Connty.
{special term second ward to fill the yacancy cansed | —— a
| sooind week of November: ; by the removal from town of John B ~oEnDITODS TO FIGHT
Ano nist 0 ) Ardell at the regular meeting of that RED TORS TO F il
j Soncrabie body held monday night.
Re wa eu F
ateick, Tarmer, Hider twp bt spring election, when his sucodmsor | * PRUkTORt Considerable Bastares Dis a
: posed of at Argument Coart—Land Case : :
If you do, come here. We have some
Intermediate prices are $5 00, $7 00,"
lemditors. Mr. Langbein hus filed
| statement showing liabilities of $1,522.
N. F. Lambourn, merchant, Barr | A protest against the oll house in the 01 and no ameta beyond $300 worth .
John Lioyd, mine foreman, Clearfield same vicinity was also entered, but pateonal property which he claims to
{he axempt.. The creditars contest this $1.00 suit brings honest, warm, well
The petit Jurors for the fiest week of porate it in the form of petition and cluim and the matter will be foogh ecced or ribbed cotton. $2.00 buys all wool; $3.
oul in the United States district court & buys fine wool here. We speak of the suit, not each,
Lak Pittsburg. :
LA short session of argument court Nitty and Hate
bits and Hats,
acting for Judge O'Connor, who is at |
‘wis held at Ebensburg Tuesday by
Judge F. J.Koower of Somerset county,
the bedside of & sick brother at Harte Shirts and Gloves now at your service. Pric
following petitions yrrect,
wire disposed of:
Petitinpn of Jacob Thomas and a. J
» »
od of WP Jacko, contale of (8 oo J ox ARCH SHIRT STi en aes 3
the second ward of Patton borough. ; greatest wearer ¢ gm ue Ww
- Ritle to show cause granted. Price only $1.00.
Petition of the election officers of
Bost Carroll election district for the
mrige of the polling place from the :
wusbip building to the new balding 8 Union goods, even to trunks.
on the Ebenwburg road, near Carroll
‘town. Granted.
roll slection district for the change of
J. R Cordell & Co. $2.38, John H.Ar- She Polling place * ; fom Thenas' very bh, Come here to get the best or t
} Te #t Bakerton. Granted. est a fair ori
hs President McPherson Promise the Hart H. A. Witherow $3, Roy E Decker potition of the election officers test at <t fair price.
Coed Sirikers Ald. $9.50, J D. Blair 8, Ww. as: Gilt a: | Sunes Reade election distr ct for the nd
township. Citation awarded, am ;
: | Alex MoConsell,§8.30,T. F. Mellon 42.35, ‘slide next term.
. Report of T. H. Hamon, auditor to
distribute funds in the hands of M. BD. |
| Ed Thomas $4.50, Ed Sperry 80, Victor Kittell, Esq, executor of Ella M ;
O' Priel, late of Loretta, deceased; con.
firmed nisi. 3]
Report of same, aaditor to distribute. ~~ 7
Plane in the hands of Lewis J. l3earer, for your own needs or one
the “Trustee of Divine Prov Phapertin wie Tivke End of the County That wiminidtrator of Jonas Baum, Inte of to present to a friend, we
Susquehanna township, deceased; con-
firmed nist, ‘would respectfully suggest
’ that you look over our assort-
t ’ ,
William C. Troxell et ux to Calvin Li Ab the term of the Atate supreme ment of time pieces. We have
jonas § whieh begins ia Pistaburg next used the utmost care, aided by
onday 1 ard 4 case from the | i
Lr IT somite pio of Co judgment gained through
| wamy. ‘years of experience in the
It In that of John Reilly, of Philadel. | Jewelry business in selecting
aia, appellant, ve the Mountain Coal every watch or Article of
| Now, fellow-miners and mine labor. Thomas B. MoClain to Gardner Co, appelice, and concerns title to 307 Jewelry in our establishment.
lems of the anthracite districts, on behalf hingle company, Barr township,
| of sub-district No. 1, of distriet No. 2, $188.68.
United Mine Workers of America, of Spangler Improvement company to.
tautres of valuable coal land in Sasque-
hanna township, said to be rent, at | Call 1 in ind see the largest and most complete line of
least $100 an were. The case was tried watches, rings, laides’ and gents' chains and brooches ever
bifore Judge Barker in the Jone term shown in the town
laf 10 and was decided against the
| pinipuify, who then arsisged fi have | WE HA VE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES,
i wealth of Pennsylvania, as wel) me the Sarah A Raker et vir to Rembrandt the matter at once vertified to thes. pug, tasted by the celebratinl ** Retinuscopic Test” and glasses correctly
poms court 0 as to prevent ielay ind fitted. lLevmes changed, free of charge, at any time, in Spectilen soid by me
the plaintiff are W. Hornce Rows, of that cost $2. 00 and over.
ar Jobustown, and Geo. A. Jenks, of o™ oy vo
; J 3 1 io x tiers et 5 4 : EI AS i
TY | of your actions as laboring wes. Re Samille’ ii tov bers etx to George Brookville, while Evans, Lesch & Evans, | - J. CC. "wom N D -— R,
8 | member that you are ooly fighting for Pevt et arneshoro, §73, Yt "
Rittell & Little and Reade & Reade!
represent the defendant corporation, |
Jen weler and Optician, Patton, Pa.
ti the land through purchase from one SSe———— : —— wenn
(FL MeColgan, The latter bad obtalned |
Sh Bal » gar > EE A LCommendahie As tive land through a succession in titles LET us WHI DER R RINT IN
, | slays is assured. esi : | Hastings people do sot look with | based origisally, it is claimed, on a A Smid ; :
Wa. MoPirensox, wvor upon the stats law that provides Warrant issued by the commonwealth
President Sab-district Ny. 1 that dead bodies shall be sent to the 00 John Nicholson in 1798. The Moun. | YOUR EAR.
Barnesboro, Pa Oct. 8 rea. tate dissecting rooms when they other. tin Coal Co claimed title on the
| wise wold have to be buried ly the !ITength of a warrant haaied to Robert
Two Priscuers’ Hecaptncsd, Loounty. Mr Jane W agatall died at I Mtehel! In 1985. The canee went to
Two of the three prisoners Who es. that place Sanday at an advaneed age, the Jury on the question of surveys.
caped from the county fall recently, an sary feud by sn only daughier, who was The twelve men decided thal John
account of which was published in the withoot the means to give ber tothe
; making their escape, they fled in the fcient funds to give her a deoen
. and then, later in the night, retired | | of the remains.
a. to Ebensburg 10 get their bearings 80 |
«a8 to go north to Carrolliown. They |
Marriage Liennses,
eben WH. Mease, Mr. Peandesand, Mr.
sl ‘ . John Smith snd Agnes Junes, ith of . ph :
ny; stayed a short time in Carrolitown and | | Lavan Groff, William Helet, Samuel J. would get here as soon as possible—the eream of the sale’s
wire seen thore, coming from that Carroll township.
here hey rede on a coal both of Barr township,
Carroll township.
i“, both of Harnesboro.
darkness to the wouds west of town, ‘burial Undertaker Easley had charge |
on the day after theives Edward Byrne and Pauline Sherry
og ¥
fleld and thos Steckroth | Maty Hadi and Susan Nobila, both of Foreign Majk Tebus,
Antonio Bongioni and Martha Mun- |p
If vou have all the cluthing aud hats and cool
shirts and hall hese that vou could possibly use, yow've a
p PHcholson's warrant did net cover har. 1X wl eXLUsE for not bey LEI! 5 interested ——for not seizing the ape
JOURIER at the time, were captared 8 Christian barial. The old lady nad ##e Lract as that defined in the patent HoOT(l tnities of this
at Altoons. The ones caught were | been a resident of our neighboring bor. PTanted to Robert Mitchell, and so
Steckroth and Behants, while Kundos ough fur about a desade, and the pabiic brought in a verdict for the Sefendant
ie still at nr ge, The couple Caplan wk [Bp drited eltizens abowed their dislike Livortiand. Letts. ; Gra nd Finale of Ou P SUmmer
sip talk willingly of their escapade. After for the inhuman law by raising suf
The following letters remain anoalied | :
: tor in the Patton post aillee {or the twa : Sal
| Weeks o wading Saturday, Oct. 4 190%:
| Mins Carrie Frederick, Prank Gunsal. | If you haven't you haven't.
las F. P. Hofman, B. Du Joba, Mes,
Apc our hint to you is that if we were you we
Hill, Me. Miller, “Buatoher,” Peter
EXP 7 gk Yh HY A rh 1 3 ¥
vcr offerings may be skimmed if youn wait too long.
ail; a visit from vou whether vou buv o
Perce calliag Tor the above es We Il ap spreciate a visit from you whether you buy or not
(will please say that they are Madver | aa a
et” KIN & KUSNER, Good Building.
{BE Wii GREENE, Postmaster. 5