The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 26, 1902, Image 7

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    wl eérrativ. course {o the Ha
pi without attempts by United
: course of Now river,
Horse Power.
A horse power is the force required
to Hit a dead weight of 3210480 pounds
ope foot a minute. To fini the horse
power of an engine multiply the area |
piston in inches by the aver
sam pressure In
sguare inch. Maltiply the product by
vel of the pisten in feet per
oe wuts and divide that prodoct by |
= 33.000, HH an engine is rated at 73-
i er it wil ralge 33.000 pounds
one toot 7 times in one minute.
Catarrh Curis Hontd and fs taken
Ripbuilders gel their guns and t
red No fue or nervons.
slaty en in the
| States is 900) » yes:
‘s8cuihing Syrup for ahildren
soften the gums, Jeltonintamne
y tents to which boys sre much given, |
} which are bot little understood by the |
© gider people, i
us 4 got
pounds per | ;
Iu Bat Land.
Little bat, when the day is nigh,
home to his anny lithe bed:
As soem ax the sun is up in the shy
Ko hat should be seen overbesd.
: | They sleep sll day, tocked out of the way,
And what seems the strangest of ll,
Their heads hang down where their tails
ought to be,
i And they cling by their tom ta the wall,
- When the amp has wet and the birds re at
And the moon snd the stars are on high,
Then each little bat pops om of hix vest
i And goes for a sail through the sky
How g¥ taper turvy thelr Ife moat be!
fast at Sp. om:
Eg Jost at dawn they are ready for tea
Bat it doesnt seem queer to & ee
~Waslisgion Star.
Talking Stones.
They do not understand how to make |
the most of the opportunities at hand. |
Here are some hints of uee to sach |
There is a particular class of amuse.
These are the Ange
“toents which have to do with hmagin
ing opesell something quite different |
from what ene really is
Robin Hood;
vitality, - opnration for
r an troubles. : Not » Nery cheerful
3 1 diane, with a chief vamed Biting
| or Raipdnthe Face
It is usually a very reckless, blood
thirsty individual whom boys choose
Perhaps they form them.
‘ to represent.
selves Into a band of outlaws, possitiy
the famone crew upuder the lead of
will turn pirates, and the leading spire
its will be known aa Kidd or Morgan: |
OF else the boys suddenly becothe In
he letter A 2 sone pisced no he
ita lower edge Just touches the Tine
represents the letter B.
A stone placed so that its upper ofige
just touches the line represents the
etter OC,
ietter I),
the line, not touching it. represents the
jetter E.
Two stone placed vertically scrose
the line represents the letter Two
stones placed horizontally across the
line represent the jotter I.
Two stones placed obliquely avross
the lime, slanting from loft right,
represent the jetter K. Tes
i placed obliquely across the line,
ng apward from ri to
sent the etter 10 Those stones
Lavith their fower edges ing 1
line represent the etter Z. Twi stones
with = slight spaces between
piaved so that thelr lower edges just
{ht fy ty
&. This is usually contracied in stone
written messages to ane stots, A ap
swerving in place of “and.” The tontext
Contrary to the general belief, eity |
it may chance that they
4 wil i
. boys are often at a loss to know how | The remaining letters of the sipha-
® amuse themselves in the country.
I bet explain themselves. Consilerable
[space must be left between words.
of an improvement on this ia to lay
(8 small twig between your words
When a boy has familiarized himwelf
(with the alphabet the sthrks snd stones
In the disgram will se found to rend;
“Making Arrows at the big spring”
i When the messages indicated fo &
member of the outlaw band that his
fellows were engaged In sopw sort of
cwork which would keep theo moving
Cabonr, as for InNtance, Hing [or
few Camping groutde pew sprigs
the proper ds of woud from wi
th make bows and arrows, he won
find his companions (hroogh hid knowl
the woods wines toey
most ihely to Bnd what they wanted,
and by tracking them New York Suan
R&R 2
dpe af
What a Drop of Water Can iyo,
In whatever game of this sort the
boys may adopt a grest des) mnst be
It was largely to escipe
ridicule, which every boy dreads, but)
partly, also, becuuge they liked the idea
of writing In such x fashion that it
could not be read except Ly their own
fellows, that a crowd of bays In
The |
upper part of New York State were
led to evelye a form
means of which they could eave me
sages intelligible only fo 8 Tew
| spirits.
i Unless one was in the server,
a looked like
pei bing =
| worked out the silek and stone alpha
of cinher by |
“hosen |
{ewe :
ax ient i
a few sticks and stones scattered by i
the roadside; bul fo those who had |
EY ahr,
FE the nek of a ree bottle op to
(of the mateh place & piece of fx
: Washington L signing the eapitula
dian Half-King and Queen Al nuippa.
Baia de a i A i
In playing at belng Robin Hood and
ment of these boys, this means
writing was of great assistance
of their leader.
rows, searching for seasoned hickory
out of which to fashion fnew bows, or,
possibly, bolding a tournament tw
prove the efficiency of the band in the
use of their weapons.
The method of leaving messages by
means of sticks and stoues is quile
One afternoon of practice
1d perfect any boy in its use
‘he alphabet is given ia the diagram
mpanying this article,
can be drawn in dirt or seratehed |
a boulder. Each of the crosses
at this line represents a stone.
he stone placed across the line, a8
1 bet, the letters were perfectly intel ‘a
his band, which was the chief aruse |}
: in|
‘gathering the band, and of making
known to late comers the commands
At certain rendezvous details of the.
for the day would be left, and:
n this way different members of the |
band could at any time learn where
heir fellows were to be found and in
what they were engaged making ar
The biack |
tion of Fort Necessity. Find ike In
“& cent, for Instance, as shown La figure,
| The trick is to pot the mosey into the
battle without touching the match or!
Dip rour finger in water, holding It
over the place where the mateh is bent,
afd aliow one or two drops to fall on
that point. The two sides of the angle |
will open slowly, allowing the money!
te drop into the bottle New York!
Press, ?
A Cat and Mouse Game.
8 circle, the mouse being inside and the
; eat outside,
(ing their arms and lowering them al
: ternately, which gives the cat 4 chance
to jump in at one side, while the mouse
Jumps out at the other. The ent is now
i & prigoner and goes round “nvaul
ing.” but as the dance contipues she
SOUlt gets out aud chaser the mouse,
i who darts in to save herself, If she
“gets in by herself, the car pays a for
felt, but if puss gets in also it is the
: mouse who has to suffer for it.
A BS Sa es hei He
IMsposing of Sewage,
Plants for the destruction of sewage
| hy cremation are now operated in nine
Fares cities of the United States.
A stone placed just above J)
the line, not foucking if, represents the |
A stone pincadd just below
touch the Hope, represent the character |
oe orp
Ro LOp,
Lambs in the Market,
Jamis bring twice as much in mar
ket as shes including the wool de-
rived from the sheep, and the marget
i= scldom overstocked with lambs
Ar rine
Evaporated Lorn.
poninds of fresh cot corn will make a
trifte over twenty dive pounds of the
finished product of high grade. MH the
corn is bard aml pearly ripe hia yield
would be increased hat at The expense
of quality. Such eérn will sell 81 from
eight to ten vents per pound in car jolg
pocording to the market. Most of those
engaged In evaporating corn have ine
creased their husiness pradasily abo
pay from twenty-five fo foriy cele
per hundred ears, or about 83 pur (op,
. i delivered at the factory In the husks
will always make this abbreviation in |
A pay
A Profitable Crop.
It is safe to say that the market gar
Cdeners near our large cities reali
greater profits from jetiude than from
any other vegetable. It ix a very hardy
plant and when well noder way with
but also the beat,
the sunny side of ridges, they progress
much more rapidly in growth than
| when pot so carefully managed. a
the quicker they can bi grown the het
fer the quality. If the plants are set
free nse of tre hoe and well manored
faey will become solid, bn wisn sown
broadcast on rich beds they amo fur
Peoding Large and Kemal! Chicwons,
them Becomes a & Monit Hatter, ioe he
of the fool
| Get ote or more big bas
part of each side, as shown in the eur
| making the opening just high ensugh
to permit the smaller «hicks 1o enter
| Streteh a wire
and throw fesd inside for ithe
yonnger broods. They will quiekily
Iearn to start Yor their own guariors |
when the fend dish appeyrs —~New Bog
land Homestead
«oo that | m
{ pince
oe. |
CREW ine,
They dapoe aroun), rales
f should nol seek the adyl
Lair or I na ent
Where the Hog Leads.
For au tek relurne te
5 pg ar i
fire 4
% SR¥2 fiw
id &i 1 SEI,
onthe old, & thant
Bud been wall fat
| of bis live w
| Bar,
a8 The saying gous, svery
fas exeepting the
fx ptitigedd. The bristleq the intialines
SOF RaUSRge eh ngs. the Blood mad the
A bone #1 pi y Ww Rita
3 WY parts,
liver and Years are favorite food Ww
‘Bot more than filly per vent of bis
welght in drew seat widle 1 6 to
waRal to Sond one that does Bae
over forty por esfit. Oe vrop of
will fatten both the fall and
[pigs such year
(adrantage tu favor
: and thease wha
and avoided the at
| swine plagne have been susee
Cprokpeross in their busdinoge RK
Farmers and Breeds.
lL The breeds of sheep are being Im
| proved wvery year, and farmers whe
| have not familiarized themselves with
| the characteristion of sheep should bear
[i mind that they are behind the buy
| ers, who can distinguish at a few me |
i ments’ examination exactly what kind
cof a sheep from which the woal was
[sheared and ha ftoess for the pur
| pose fur which It is desired. The buy
[ers know the breeds, the kind of wool
| peculiar to each breed, and all about |
¥ 4
bthem, for it is “business” A
i would steer at a carpenter whe priv
‘ fessed to be a carpenter and yer could
mot do a piece of work in that line: aud
Uyet, It ;
(dreds of farmers who profess to be
farmers, asd who would rebel if their
knowledge of the husitieds shout be
questioned, but whe, at the same time,
| cannot tell as much ahout fie products
tof the farm as many of thuse whe
| know pothing about farm life. There
; are bundreds of farmers who are dot
able to distinguish breeds of sheep,
and who do not Know the particular
{ purpeses for which a breed Is most |
i suitable,
The players stand hand and hand is
and still they pride them.
selves on their calling as 8 business
which they intend to make profitable
If sech farmers could be nrought to
a reglization of the faot that they are
really deficient In Kpowiledge it woalkt
be to their interests. Every wear we
witnuss the shipment of the products
of the farm to market, where the auves
fixes the grade, although be has no ex.
perieiics on the farm. Farmers as a
class are pot bosicessdike, for they pely
too much on the judgment: of athars
It is pot intended to inaply thai they
on of ofhers,
but when the farmer sartenders gvery
thing to hard work he should begin to
educare himself In every possible way
It takes about ten ears fo ATETAEe Ohe
pout of evaporated corn. asd JOO
out in rows wide enough to admit the |
nish & large quantity of lender jeaves &
Where large and sroall chickens run
st large in the same lot the feeding of
larger row the weaker nnd Lake foost
bow dry
' goods or grocery boxes and renjove a
# from wide 10 ds at the
weight 18 in dressed ment |
part of
3 i & 3
grant and the wues] |
£ fe &
CE §
many, The steer will need abort (hires |
crops of corn to fatien him, and often ; |
ghrink :
tho spring i
All of this va decided |
af fis Keeping af i
Sire a
tacks of eholera aud
may be claimed, there are Bun
to improve bis chances.—Philadelpbis |
effected re organization for export |
It i» ansoooced thi they
sesh to invade France (lermany,
Switzerland and Praly, and wrest those |
cointries if possible, from tie Amer.
jean company wilh now | supiies
thelr demands for petrojenms, and that
they also proposes contesting certain |
markets with Russia”
A rn OA WA An
Rents are fallisy In Buenos Altres.
The Okapi.
The okapl. the stranes avimal a |
short time ago discovered in Central §
Africa by Bir Henry Johnstone, fs now
thonght to have bean knows to the
The old mon
of |
get” a desert quadraped variously
suposed 10 have been a fox, & musk: ©
ancient Deyptiane,
ments slow a socalled “animal
rat. a dog. a camel and even a fabal
ous animal
convineey Prof. Weldeman
Sak isan (wei,
In Hombolt and Mendocing coun |
ties, California, there are 38 sawmills
at work upon the famous redwood for.
cate. which are gradually disappear
ing. the value of the output of the |
gear 1900 being nearly $5000.00.
stands Dot only quite a degree of cold,
If the plants are
partially protected by Iwing sel out on
s Sarsaps
of 1648. Since
: every spring as &
oe pusityin and nerves
Can ne.’
re easily tired, if your | 4
nerves are weak and your
blood is thin, then begin
take the good old stand-
ard family medicine,
It's a regular nerve |
i fer, s perfect blood
Poor man! Hee can’t help it, |
It’s his liver. He needs a
liver pill. Ayer’ $ Pills.
want roar moustache | or Years a
beautifal brown or rich Bach ¥ Use
A study of tha pictures
that this
cremiure was the okap! which early
hunters exterminuted in Exyit.
: 7
Sete of si wre BP wei le Nedhun H.W F
shins hd vrai
piles fur years, and I have fried ev.
eryibing 1 Beard of, and bave been
in the hospital at times. 1 have had
Biceding plies amd Telit terrible. A
sunt of malge caine from the country
fipans Tabules 1 or took tivo fear
meal anid then one every day. At
the end of two weeks [ felt a great |
change. 1 thank Ripaas for rellev-
ing wo of adi I suffered.
At druginsts.
ordinary coonsiin. The family bottle,
1 have been a great suffers with |
to see me and she made me take |
times & day, then I ook one at each | :
The Five Cent packet is enough for sn
#0 cente, sontains » supply fue a ver.
cored her title po , woman hag
per philanthropic besefactiers.
Concessions have just paen granted
to construct and rum 27 branch lines
of the Swedish railways. The new
lines will cover a distances of 3
{ mites in all, aod it means that Sweden :
will again have occasion to purchase
a lurge quantity of rolling stock.
Hest feported a Amarivvin feath
| Panet Bat Fo "ar Geir Codd Win
Coll, Bat. Kangarsa dd
Shorr oy —— fy a price
THIS IS A TYPE of the bright, up-to-date girl who
is not afraid of sun, wind or weather, but relies on
preserve, purify and beautify her skin, scalp, hair and
hands, and to protect her from irritations of the skin,
heat rash, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, lameness
and soreness incidental to outdoor sports.
B-Much that all should know about the skin, scalp, and hair ls told Ia
the eircular with Coricona Boar.