A SR bo, : Hoifldavaburg 1 Me Paul Short returned from la Jone, Mo. : where they were called last sreek om | jaoconnt of the death of Mes Bhat i brother, Veter Hershel, Mr. Hershel {was a native of this eonnty. —~W. Hu Denlinger bus about perny iable to make a bosiness trip to Clears "ea Tuesday. He will take a much | Deeded rest and vacslion aod wil leave Patton Saturday for Mt Clemens, | Mich, expecting to spend some tite at the great lakes befor returning 1. N. Nagle was | attending o- eu Miss MoClaskey of Lack Have ier, Bisa End {wo slave rr by the resignation of Mise Nel 0. Grenntagor i viting| ie Sram wt tired on eo is : \ 3 EE 1 the : mbetland Vall. duties. Mine McCloskey is a uister of | Miox Lottie MeCiurkey, who has been a plo Sow York ity. | member of the faculty for several bh i confined fo his | LyoRrs ok of typhoid fever. © puto ER Meyers, of the govern. in, of Altoona, Is a ment weather department, sive the dence of M. M. Crain, summer season will be prodongid ne ial “i MM Holaday, of Pitts. Inte iu the fall He alan : protic 5 thie gues of Patton relatives. ‘mild winter. His theory tik ra (volume of water which bas Et tor das > fiat broken ground May, Juve and July cannot be on N orth Sixth : evaparst todd from the earth during i SEs summer and that the water in the earth | as in eastern ’ yo will bold the summer heat far iat) the | baying Bow " goods for the winter. : The chestnut crop w wili be very | Saige this year, and, scvonling 6 ex- ‘ perta, the nots will be well developed and free from worms, Abundant moisture, cool pights and slow devel "opment tend to make chestnuts fat Go : i and sweed, and the sume weatir von. Mrs, Chan. ¥ pit were | di itlons are favorable io the full devel : Y.. opment of walnuts, haselnuts, hick. (orynuts and butternuts. : ha visit i ~The great roral romance “The | ; towns New Folks up Willow Creek” is shortly to : : Appear at Firemnen's Hall for oie | the chairman of the night only, Tidy atiraction bring an : tanusition, wis in ‘elaborate squipmient of special somery, : | mechanical and electrical offs ay tous | jand ether details feo v.30 0 per prodaction. The weil. Hniwn eon dian, Frank bs when, hela Lhe 3 organization, which vomprises 4 abn bur of glit-edged artists. The dute wt ® is Wednesday, Bept. 24 Thokéls for rmoryoil souls Oy sade wt 4 “the Reystone Clothing 20, . A movement has beet inaugurated | ee ito establish an orphanage for this dio- eckley oft Monday for “oese of tie Catholic church and it is : hers he will tak A that Bishop Garvey favors Cresson : ag a and survey. a the location. Boras Ame so Chas, | 8 R20, 000 of the | ae ) Sebrasb ot orphan. bi Schwa » Ttertions a tls 41 : Bot mn bees wade public. Is eEREar NG Exp VAT eR ropmired a : 3 pov yuteoreat Leged beaches oY x rate of cored from his indisposition Absit Was EY 3 ‘been slected to Hil the vasaney in th “ a | faculty of the Fatton public weiooly Second ward in the rough of Pa sitet, Wh tons in said boronagh of Patton, Ps, | interont, the building of bradges on Bony ars With she Rots of Assembly Boxp onviNAXCE PASSED, fin rek Thuan Pag» | i birys spe Bord, And thas | per tis Sibi ! dre Prien 4IC NOW in se ason, date of bsue, but redeemable ten years and das usual we. Yeon date of bei 8 She optian of te | arena ~~ arepreparedto sup. That notice of gid slection he ives ply all demands. hy putdioation of foliorwing oothe i the Patton Uo RiEn. the Holy news Re ; $i Tres Iatisn printed oe $ » al ; Riv heagt Ju r TL) to : ¥ be < 1 ao ith Fe of Stow es and bir — for ati oan. Wiirly days prior Lo said election. | : : { more or sewciatmaeron. + Ranges is fuller Noth bi ag roby give ¥i by ¥ 36s boron ye : aud town counsel of the borough of and morc complete’ than ever. We can please the Patton that a Spe i wisciion will be woes Of holding sounieipal ele | most fast idious. : and Ly the offlonrs provided by law for bled in the Han 1g in the Find | ward and in the Ps iremen’s Hall in the | Few as good and ther hiding of munspal elations thers, ou Teeedag, Nuvastnr fn, 4. none better thang 1 TY hat th We Boars of seven yr o'tlonk a mand seven o'clock pom the lin Lof the said 4 wv. for the purpose of sub. Piling to the guaiified voters of the Burough of Patton the question as Gy whether or not the said borough shali Jdnvrease the indebtedness thereod, for the purposes of payisg off and cancel]. 1g vutetanbing lens bearing orders and funding the same st & jower este of Furnish you with any kind of a Gun made, and also! the ammunition to shoot it with. A specialty of all kinds of Buggies. Big 60-day sale! now on. orders ee ” Total rr Ti5 a i it : 1 i : . ; Blesonspes o wine fherete within Evet y t h ing tha {resent Litas thal af Pas in © in Hardware.” J. CORDELL & CC 0, Fifth Ave, P ATTO N. PA. Lang and Magee avenues, and other! Becessary ounicipal improvements and sets forth the following statement in Ia terh capes made And provided: ty First. The amount of tatable prop | (ery im said borough oof Patmos shewn by the lust | Cwaliiation there ff oe an Rages The nly, Se Rar Guesernetils, Baas i walk accounts, of i 4 Se plisaioe tax on Bosented | Fits = Tax dupiioute tor (resent fer, 8&5 0, Fi Townl, B01 90 Third. Ue mnannt of the pir oyesed Lae hs 3 sf # the Pris wrsel ; fsck rang, VEER: por aasounl dd the last 5 & $35 Lhe ent debt, aid will be & Fo af He White 3.53 “Dngucane oes is good. 3 : Fo A Muon, Daquesne bier on tap 5b all fleet. “Fi A Mumaon 0d 4 ack at Commwered Apply at ore 5 Hr sat. voters of Hw r approval or ree. “uf thr cons Ce purposes aforesaid SNOT READ ale derby hats. : | Pall sty ies now ready. Wor & Tasso Ye pony other ghee boar & the besit and rest. ; Ei A. a thie ¥ Boe LE & THON psON new and ade. ton gail gave i Patton, Pa If you miss sep HE aur new fall ais before 3 you buy, you will be a long those 5 forgiving yourself. Wo wig, Hinge ; you but from 85 to 1 it that ning the coal for will be sare to pleas the ohrront year. Wiis & Tn auc For Bale A large SIght-ronm fara 0 in g house with all modern Linents, hot waler heat, alc 80X57 in the (weniy-0 : town, Pa. Breet cur pesos door ove y seven minutes © Ten niinntes' de from post office. Will he sold heap bh it resonable terms or will exchange for country property, Address £1, 0. RB ox 525, Patton Ps You can do. better at the White fee giant he es or Blew of Led CEVAE Ed a8 an : £53 ae WwErEger i and Hn 4 aan 50 § It su the ob ’ Si an Es cin od oi AE) eR: ITEI IE yon EERRTND bo . ) CRRA th EER NE On EEE Peansy ivan shad all AR. x 2REY al Ul rE #3 EB Pl 'T ny 19 Years Old, 8 ad TE i FEATS 8 now in service an quart, a EL ED. A. MELLON, Peonsylvania division Gave a hank forty cars These pocmative © orks at the Maheoneet tay shops. «1% this your paper ? ; ‘PHONE. €s We handle. | Magee Ave, Yatton, Pa. lug that you are isterestei] in the welfare of your familys an nd) dein also that unless yom give them ods they cannot be healthly and happy, we submit a list of dibles (that are best] that we believe you will appreciate. By Best, we ean nothing of their kind better. Con- sidering qualit Y, We are lower in prices than any store mo Patton. Salmon, Hapgocd's Brand. This is connted the finest Salmon packed, a fancy rich Salman steak, only 25¢ can. PRIDE OF ROME CANNED Peas and Beans, You can hardly tell them from freshly gathered. They slmost melt in your month, Use them once and you will nse them aiways. Price 12, 15 and V 118¢ LAL. Condensed Soups. Pre epared in i a minute. Camphell’s he most popular, therefore must be the best. Assorted any- way you wish. The denen 1.007 the san 100 Pure Maple Syrup and Sugar direct from the Sugar ot . | Guaranteed fix be as Pure as pure cap be Prices Me sugar i 15¢ ih. mapie syrap 258 Guar. “My! But that Coffee is Good.” This and similar ex- pressions are constantly heard whenever our Mexican Java Coffee 1s used. Don't you think 11 is shout time you gave xe this mach talked of Coffee a trial. Just see what it is You will be surprised 10 find such high grade Coffee sold for only 25¢ Ib. Tiy our Blended Coffen at only 17¢ 1b. It makes a good drink. | MOTHERS, ATTENTION! Use Ben Hur and A mesica’s Best Flonr and yon will get better results and more bread. Have a sack sent Eome i and if itis aot the fest you ever used your money will po 2 . Foe i a . * fio cheerfully refunded. Price eight | or quality. Now on the road ; ning every day, one of the largest ine of up-to-date Shes i" at we ever had. Den't fail to look them uver. Resgectiaully, Patton : Sup) new and (ood tail- * prin 15 our hebt sand our constantly m- creasing adie prove S Conc lusively that the people apprecr ite it. If you want a Nobby Be mm io PHUASC, ros. PATTON, PA. ‘mmm wiint na ciean and stands nuthinge Ye = i hy » & > SCLFCLS 3 WR Liar, | he HiMost dare ANOTHE RS SPEC IALTY SESE ER Rgftnis &8 % igs. {5 TOCIVER TCR every Spiele Une ol die nest