PATTON, CA MBRIA CO, PA, TH URSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1902. DIUM I} we weobine sets ee PATTON LECTURE COURSE. THE 1 AGES Fn Mikrriigs ot Hirst Messravriils und Mink i Arrangemoria Have Revn Made toy Four | 12 § Eva Robekah Derr. ; : Goad Dostana This Winter dee a Fenn, wi, Evang News Sept, 17, 1907 Patton to have a lecture comme Over Twa Hundred Criminal ob A very pratt v wadding was aolemn. | this full and winter. With comments | : eh ized at 11 o'clock thin morning at the ble enterprise the members of the Sun- Cases Acted u Pon : y nd Mm John Ps Derz on dn = wed hoot Slasses of T. J. Soll and S : : Lhe ats : CIVIL COURT NEW arranpe. . iin ments for four frst clas Tootures. | TT> Tru Cmses Amuag the List Contig Course tickets will be sold ut 81, while | 0d Tatil Dw Special Term Called # "4 admimion toa single lecture wilt (nt | | Mordtuy, Novation 1. New Jury Com {ony = copits, The nctares will be deliv. mbskiaer A ppdnied; : ! HE end} : i . : HM you do, come here, ~ We have some dand; i The Fi in the Cnr will be by WW. Criminal court closed Friday with 5 ing one for $ 3.00 you dan go is high AS $18, 00 he : dant fo the bride was Mien Quay Rosselle, PhD, who will tke the dase of Barney Camphell, charge os) i he best, Intermedi ate D0 | : Mh LT ; he ; ices ar 00, 00, ? rl Emery of Sontpor, | i» zonsin a his Figen tapi Thenghts on I $ are 3s $7. $8. ith asssnlt and battery opon an Y rr. Rowelle is no tgbt.vear old niece, with Tot 13 : 0.00, $12. oa, $14.00, $16.00. veomunit 4 rape. The jury retired Inte The range suits any pocketbook. in the afternoon amd Brought | in a ven 2 dick of guilty, but recommended Bin CR he ee ee Bs CR ies ed oe to the mero of the coart. He was sens Se ia Tt tend to pay the conte snd enter inh nt itlaan . Bo y a mae 3 lar ya thin 5 sis Peoomizanee in $500 to appear in court HENAN WW LULL TT ; 's or 00ys’. in aba ein est APPORIRBL ows that saying. when wanted for furthersentence. He & moe Ap j apie 1 afer which a1 On Monday evening, Ottober 27, An. Was furtiier ordered to surrender the | 81 AL a suit ‘brings honest warm, well wear ing dian * Was served. Brey NM. Hummers, AM, of the ln oust why of the ohild, whe will be take cece od & tr ribbed | & ; sr diana wash will talk ou charge of By the poor directors, IT ribbed. cotton, $2.00 bys all wool; $3. 4 “Rann Hal y ! pt Venice to Vesuvion”' Campbell = miner, nomarcied, am ays fine wool here. We s speak of the suit, not each Ly of retnement snd cities st o and of Foam x ig: Noses ig Heow wit 1 ® hie mother near Bando : lent of Renovo for . 18, Bor. Linen 8 He Hey, ; - st it Bt rein alert lens ds dB ; i co ttiad « of fonting from an "orphan : Fall | Sui d A i S430 Honueat Wilmington, el, when the S S an a s, Sy Shirts and Gloves now at your service. Price ) correct. daly fellow, bat one who is Bkely to be ols sehen Srinklog. Wy Ade The Cam hell wart iw aid tn EA rb ve fed to CT aftacks of Bar. Ny MON ARCE H | SHIRTS! he new ones, stiff aud trio st rey jy soft bosduus, greatest wearer and fitter in the world. anh wing Price only $e. 00. : ark he La i an rt Enatice at Patton. MM. Hammers sre ey will reside after 5 wedding ng and whalem 2 ty ew ial and the resait of bm on. after Soaring t the exilimin of the pros : svete, They deal with lhe sention. He was sentenced to pay the tone isd whit | bi ary, ha He £ and ome life of the Rt and $5 Hue, and happinces. most juteresting peoples of foreign : Si countries. : tried! ya Cambria Sons: court. aaa ; way omens. Dr. Lincoln Hulley, of Rackneli wal total of 288 canes were wy So ani : : rt ana Stes From we versity, is one of the brighest men it wer acted apon In some way, quite Come het ore to ’ get the best or t has been my priviegs to hear. His number falling to get beyond the 9. lecture, n Cha soal.’t is jars. Rl ges bey rang ; test at a fair pies. Jout before criminal const adjourne id t Judie Concor appomnted Char | Levimtry, of Stony Creek township, fies: that reach the Heart, Ruy el jury sonumimioner, to All the vacancy manity is fortanate in being able to cased by the death of William Shale gr Dr. Halley, ‘of Fan Taylor owas : . 14 has gros wy privilege to boar deliver their leciores on Ara Pots ay of residents of Sosquetian in dncoln.” 1 have also beard Dr. Fess and Elder townsbips for appointment peak on the seme subject and am free of cimnsbsionere to ascertain the i to say that 1 regard bia lecture lhe viding lines betwuen these townships. | ad of either of the other two in Pidition of C. BE. Troxell, sdoriniste every way. Dr. Fess is a young mas tor of HW, Campbell, Tate of Rew! 3 i Bn the platforay, bat be has spoken in tawiship, for discharge; granted fi : : : r of he or . your own needs or one | momny parts of this connlry, He bas Pultition of Genevieve, Bernetia, Mo 2 a ph kl been recalls to Pittsburg soveral “J. Vidgar and Thomas Cawley, minor to present to & friend, sustaining a severe injuny of the iy | Umes, and is lsbanad to each Uae with ehihdven of James © wwiey, ate of Clear. | WOU respectful ¥ Piet ; Bbe was taken ta the home of he increasing Inferust fhe 1 sendin, deceased, for appoint | ‘that you look over our assort- REE | Wer Hie ¢ T 1. Laima. Charles " rhe ape £ Ve ~ . ter and a physician called, who found Hm, ¥ > ment of time pieces. We have | that her injuries were serious enough | | cAnDiOATES comme | poet. tof HI Myce. anuitor. ub ‘used the utmost care, aided by : fae vn i z 48 te hase aig 2 B ¥ ELSE AR ‘ aT : $a atin gr She na wen is oad i Pat fre, Crile amd Other Oratory Wii bo pitted to distrilate the fonds in th 1} judgment gained throngh oom, in Pacian Mauiuy, : sarge od Joseph A Liray, sigies of | Sears ot experience in the Hon Robert B. Pattison, of Phila Poward Farsbaogh. Jewelry business in selecting a Kev. Father Rupert, the well known Seipbin, the Democratic candidate for | Jinlge O'Connor announced thatia every watch or Article of | itholic charch at Nick. (governor of Penssylvania, snd Hoa | apa lesa af Hw an wold be Jewel ry in our establishment. Jefe od in a sung 990 W. Guthrie, of Pittsburg, the nom- "1 oneay, Navember 10, sa] ys ; "ine of the party for lientenant gover | Te following cas wore continued: Call in and see the largest and most complete hue of i de hms plais to-Chrto mor, will address an open air meeting | Suma ope va E. P. MoCornuick, ne watches, rings, laides’ and gents’ chains and brooches ever iL Father Rupert's horse waa srfulle ie by. hers Monday afternoon ab 1.00 g'elock, | jor C a Murray 1 shown i mn fi town. : by the antics of a pig, which » woman | They Wil he accompanied by the fol. 1 oo Peni Ey he br WE HAVE A FINE LINE OF SPECTACLES was deiviug ln a0 opposite direction, owing orators, who will ale discos | aa : - Henlhinger, gurnishes ns *f : and bolted. going through a barb wire tho isaues of the campaign from a Den Cp Fit. a ¥. Barer. who hat saad A Hyon testind by the celebrated * ‘ Retinoscogic Test" and glasses correctly | fence. Father Ropert was thiown gat 00T8C standpoint: Hon, Charles J. dew » and William E 1 phi oe dis a fitted. Lenses changed, free of charge, at any time, in spectacles scld by me sof the buggy. A gush was cot in bis Reilly, of Williamsport; Hon. Geo R. AIHEY: sXecne | ahd ane of Ha logs ae badly | | Dixon, of Ridgway; and Judge Francis | of tons Sniay, Sean iy r for $000 wl | that cost $2.00 and over. : l i wrenched. He was taken to Carrgli. J-0'Counar, of Johnstown. The distin- ettrod . — ERO an! J C SN YY D wa R, town, where his wounds were dressed, Buisbed party will spend the entire day SHUT © SCARE SORRY STO Je re INT LALIT Land then he was taken home to Nick. 10 Cambria county and the following satin F antey yd Prone iL a soo town. He is improving rapidly and no ohedule has been arranged. oe y F - eweler and Optician, Patton Pa serious al | Arrive at Gallitzin at 5:10 a. m, Cres. PET Share fur his assistance in buying | La : | results are anticipated, { son, 8:37: Ebensburg. 9:10; Baraesba o. {the shares in the Zeérn estate, a plece of | . He Dutt Vint the Mine. i 15, where disner will be taken: leive | valuable coal property. He claimed oy oF Samuel Phipps, the coal inspecter for Barneshors 1:15 p. m., arrive at Pation have helped its nie shares,but could | LET 0s W HIS OF R RA HINT IN the New Jersey Contra! ralirond at this | 3t 1:30, and leave Patton at 2:45, arrive Produce no evidence in support of his} | place, drove a friend to Carrolltown | at South Por at 0 and at Johns “UL qo 5 : Monday for the purpose of inspecting | town aks The trolley line will then Tie jury in the of A.J, Rock. YOUR ERR. a mine and thereby hangs a most stren- be taken - Wiadber, which will be a vs F. L. Fleming, appeal from ah inoumtale. The Jerseyman’s time was reached at 8:20, and the return to ai - in abu, 5 rs ta : ; “1 v | Johnate w will be made aboul 8 hie FIRE the paunlh WO * 1 YY yr 3 rl ; er mi re mun of scl, wi ner ows IF you have ll the clothing and hats and. coo ;ihe loft the buggy and started across | dade the meetings at all of the points ‘Javuary 11, 1902 Rockwell was em- shirts and half hose that you could possibly use, you've a alot to reach the mine by short cut mentioned. Floyed by Piomiug ox > log jobbles good excuse for not being mnterested:—fur net seizing the op- : : ea Eee LT yand claimed a atin of this 1; He wns hurrying when he went, bat | Arivertisnd Eotiors. ohne of $56.75 fn. wages was due him portunities of this his return wis much fuster, aod he lit | The following letters remain uncalled after a settlement on November 17, | erally fell over the fence in his suxiety Ho or fo the Patton post office for the lwo 1901. Rockwell obtained a judgment 4 : d Fina + 1 th Ou Su of | to reach the bagKY again. Close at his | weeks ending Saturday, Sept. 13, 102: * aguinut Fleming, who appealed, i rand 1 I ind e 0 r MIRE r bovine was also ng record break. Williams, Miss Cececlin Yahner. | dian of Vincent Himmel. minor in -| ing me. It was then too late to visit. Porm gn:—Endi Demo, Emanuel Woj- | of John Himmel, late of Carroll town- d the mine and get back here by train Laika ‘ship, deceased, for her discharge time,and that particular mine und that Persons ealling for the above letiers firinted. emtute of John 1. Hurvey, late | | particular Jerseyman will not come in will plesse say that they are “Adver of Barr township, deceased, petition for | And our hint to you is that if we were you we ie jeontact, unless he makes another trip | eed.” a decree of specific performance of | wonld get here as soon as possible—-the cream of the sales to this section. : E wor GREENE, Postmaster. ‘econtract made with J. L. Mitchell. i ps ¥ be shi (0r it too 1 i : i : ; Petition of exeentors of Jacob Zern, HO erings may sSKimmed t on wal 00 ng. —Patronise the home print shop. To M mS 35D late of Carroll tawuship, deceased, Yar | ¥ | We are better prepared than ever to Born—To Mr. a Mrs, JJ Don. leave to sell coal dghts on land of that} We'll a cetate a vis it from ott wh ther you tarn out commercial printing of all | (nelly on Sanday a daughter. estate to John B. Reed. Citation appro : : you whethe ¥e buy or at oy be duit. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. HL. B. Har fo Sr i seg parties fn interset | If you Raven's yon I ated for goad work. :