The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 04, 1902, Image 1

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1 procesdings in estate of Caleb A A Gray. | DEATH ANGEL'S HARVEST
"| In same matter, deere directing sale
ia of certain real estate.
i Report of Harvey Roland, Fang, and | :
itor, to report distribution of fouds in pom GA Ror i wii h Lo Held Wolsey
bands of Mary M. Myers, adusinistra- Wis 8 member, stiended thes faneral of ! bbe
rx af D, G Myers, inte of Ashville Ooo Harber, the weoll- Known hotel Tan |
* | borotigh, decenssd. Confirmed nisi. lof 86 Augustioe, ou Monday, The BUT ONE BRIDGE BID
: Petition of jowis J. Bearer, dminis foneral wan held in the Ustholle ehh | :
od trator of John B. Baam, for an order at that place at Ono m. Mr Harber © Cisse r= i : «Lr ;
* ito sell ronl estate; granted. wana victim of eancer sud died or Bae "- : Our i ail Ste R of ‘Ladies’ Shoe CS
: Trio of Well Brows : Fonpls Wiha romp
pe farent Thvide,
Report of viewers appointed to ss day,
Sesion. © wera Tale nf Detector Sd
ooea damages for land taken by the
{ Reade township school directors; dam-
Arlington Hotel for a quarter for a rigs
Deceased lied beets proprietor of he. Campintnix, : AN Ss now on ‘hand and we show some r
ages fixed at B45, century. He bad seer service in ihe | Piusident Donnelly sid Councilmen
In the case of the Hastings Building lon army oader Gen. Blokes and Pramrt, MeUormick, Ardell, Lingle ; : : Ly yy
3 & Lasn Association aw Harvey Boo bad an honorable resoed. His wife and | and Prindible attended the meeting of Q MM 4 e, :
land ve J. L. Baom, petition of J. BE | #ix children survive him, as follows: the horoagh soancil held Wednesda - LAM hk
_(Evansto stay writ and for a rule to Mary, wife of Joseph Cooper, of Al evening.
show ease why Bond and mortgsge bona: Washington, at home; Adelia, Borough Eaginesr Yerger was pros : great $3.50 Shoe, is the finest looking, be
should not be assigned to him granted. | {wife of Herbert Perkios of Clearfield ent and stated that bot one Bid had ; searing Shoe i in the town.
Petition of Trema Gill for the ap township; Edith, Charles and Margarit, been received for the work of bulidi : ;
poistment of appralsers; L.A. Gates at bome. the two new bridges. It was the opis Sho w nT less than 12 sty les of this great g
3 { Pe : R—— ferent members | hat Yi oe,
aad fern tok appointed. wan i 0 Mrs. Mary (¥ Brian, relict of Sohn Rom of the i Se i to
Patt ‘with the United States geok {EF Brian, who died on October 36, 1818,
Leal surveyor, whose stealing of a mile followed hor husband to the great te fae
book from the station st Bake ‘yond on Friday morning at six o'clock.
age detailed 3p the CODRIER at the ‘She was stricken with apoplexy at ber Fel
home on West Magee avenue about
pi time, plead gality to the chargy of lar- | 2
of eeny and was sentenced to pay the (three woeks ago aud grew rapidly
1 oosts % Pworse aotil the Anal dissolution, :
ela 7 ¥6 1d avve tem Sbe was fifty six sears old and Was
wociimded by Ardell a to EE.
. The qoestion of silowing Young
J dge ("Connor scored several jos born in Soatinnd of Irish parentage. Yeigee to move the old corner dri) Big Stock of Fe oot Ww car for Gn
i AY 3 "6 i 1
Abopt twenly years ago she eameto : ig i re
i 8 of the ov sud Slderman he America with hee husband, first Joos. = aa tad and Boys.
held oF § ini al urges of, ting at Trenton, ¥. J. They moved © whed shat th :
yh defrauding boarding i Shan Septem 1 from there to Antrim, Tioga conmly,
oe rab ris paymtars iE In and from thore here, SDOUL Rind Years
8g. ordinance. The right of the owners
each case, a stall balance. The judge, The. funaral wes held in St Mar ga vepair a wooden bullding in the fre
poke ont while dealing with the cows = © charch Spades afleyaccn 3 lime wae questioned and on potion of " 11 . : \ f Ln"
inclita MoHugh, of Blandturg, a ed; Shar taipd Afters on at hor Meg ermmiok, soconded by Prin nd the MEN hoes yy ‘ear.
wan decided to again advertise fie
4 and i ‘at the nest Our popular selling $2.50 Shoe is all g
meting, on motion of MeCormick, ave at least 15 sty Jes of this Shoe. All the Jeather
i Lots of new styles, all kinds of leather and styl
® soon the building | Hine aid are
3 Lin Geel ii Bey
- Harry Nolan and Sa Lantzy, Fume del The
fr bok 88 dn their board
Pep ecint, The Court sig § § : : would pave.
remRas Wire taken on
Oarrolbown ber lsternunt Ms
IV Prion lease
hi ang
& W suger toy PE ah ¥ with the t
wr nrdinanes,
. shiloh prevated, shad
cimsioner parchase nals Wy We s how stich Shoes 2 as the famous and exclusi
by the keg hereafier, ln Lilly |
$d vB * a Esa &® is $8 i 1
"tarda by the ponnd as furmerly. Mr. a rackett, Rice and Hutchits and On Tops” g
lan IPR Wit aie a death fo procend | fo “MES? SENG ER" SCHOOL SHOES for Boys
- it od erveniy tire Voses Her = i J ind Ci rls.
WAY ped death Wick i by the jnfirmitive of - 2 ad mot > sy 3s
neitt them to he Rie - Selling Agents for all the above.
The streevor was lnstraeted (on |
: pct and wake a lt of erator |
% Sipe Yeh sei a *® at id HER ol fron : Hrs are beftire 3
frond the souniy seat. Rate
2 cane, retarnst} ie next L argument :
Os § at the “Bammis anti three sear Bg, gor
tor of his jandiond. The = ‘peliaved | when Mr, Starbaogh disposed of lis tibsief-of Police Gill was present and
the stories of the wilteses for the | busines ss an undertaker and removid Wanted to know if the members of
b. | prosecution and found Bprougs guilty. to Carrollivwn, to make his home with ootiocil had any objections to his seirv- Sepia Ca
{The sentence in this case was tie beav- his son, T. A, who is cashier of the IDR a8 constable in the first ward if it. IN THE RING.
lest imposed at. this term of court, being First National Back of Carrolltown. id not interfere with his other borough el Lo
the costs, £500 fine and three years and Mrs. Sharbangh In survived by the! duties and was given the necessiry Rings and engagements
1s a half in the penitentiary. following children: Dr. W. A Shier: Ror sisson: By the removal of Stitt have had a pan ality for eac h
: : havugh, of Altoona; A. J, of £3} MEer from Lown A Vacancy wield . :
FOR PIN MONEY. | 3 gh, of of rd. 5 etuas the constabulary and Mr. i will pe other so long * that the meme
; 5 dp i i Wi ¥ 3 : 4 i ds
3 What Sane Judges Side “on Ihe mai ot i arroiitown: Sennhe wite of De Ho : HON fhe cont tate &% ppointed. “ ory £¥; man or runneth not to
[Es * : 4 3 ¥, 4 { pt 3 i i
1st Your, J: Bask; of Pittatn BYE] Annie, af none, sluwing bills wore ordered oho contrary, If you want
and Aline, wife of C1. 0. Adami, of Cyr. Paid: Jacob Thomas £0.71, Cordell & ta Tw iy
Bome of the common pleas jodges in | irolllown, The —_— was hed in be CoB, Wm Pyles 58 Wm Lomadue Lo see a Dandsome aispia
: the state make considerable pul money | Boned jo? % Charch at Carsiitown £1 0 Alex Motonsell $10 50 Jar Coat x SER £ 1% i Sorts. pay neg
{sitting in other districts, according to oe a LY ME BUY 2 ai
Witting in other districts, ascording to
ping and interment was made fn Wild 86 Ed Sherey 25, Joba M. Howe, (icles Ve ars ® rode
# compilation of figures given out at a in rs 5 8 Rroch Som 81.80, Lewis St ng am ot on prep Pare to
Harrisburg. When a judge sits ju a din where deceased’s iasband is buried fellow 81.75, FL HL. Leboun $13.1 joo 1 FbEol NO HOY Ww vith Rings,
| trict not his own he ix allowed by the : : ; oe tog Suni 84s 22 Howsrd Woonmer but a comple te line of
istate $10. a day as compensation snd PATION CLUB WON $3.55, WML Lucas don Karthoin
mileage from his hows to the other tinted St. La ines Athletics in 2 One.
conrt and fetorn. As most of them Sided Contest Mugday, $241. Peter He ington NEW. J
I travel on a pasa this latter iter ia mot es smi Saag GHEE BR Den 8 Good Beetle Light JOCKS, V % Saes, Bie. at price eg that are as pleasing AS the
5 | Ange from $5.40 to $3173. Judge Lyi PIAYOC 8 game wilh the be at | na : Hh He
: ots, of the Jnuinta Perey district, oe Asinth Ae * Park Prin afvevnon aad TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY WE HAVE A PINE LINE of SPECTACLES
: 0 ¥ : : 8 : : os pe bb bis 4 : gle ¥ : = Ls a gst FoaeR eal Buse hn Sata Mina ea dE Er Eee i get 17 ese % 3 3
i The highest axira comm putsitio ik TE rperiion Ja Eis Boa of he Limaty That : Eyes Taal = they celebrated Ratinoms nie Tent aid Clune correctly
Leeived by any judge was thal paid to °° freon nine bas been oy de piv (haope! Hath Rosontly ued. Lensss change, fee of oliarpe, at any time, fo spectactin sold by me
4 af oo # ¥ 2
oeived 83 175. This Was thoepe fonrthes to Puatéon YR ig do Sid :
1 Pew SEBLIP yk Fu whet wk sg 4 i : R $
cof the amount paid bm rh Batury. by such a one-sided seo 1 J ( ; SNYDER
Cu "- " . J ge y
Fyn of FEE nk SE FER Tau pe 5 ]
| eeived the next highest pay af any of One of the bet amateur ob A : ¥ _ ns 5
: PIN TA . > Take ip & vs peter Lge 9 i@ . 1 wi
+ the Jodies, his uxira Work ne Ringe fifty stave. : hid fel WB weler ang ( i an, 4 alton, Pu
z and 3 A St cer Judge Barker, of this cointy, ro | ters on Recount of the Visitor bor #50 $e SHAY : SPIO EH 1 DEA eye Beant Lng i :
: ceived 858. Judpe Lonpenevker, of sc much avermatohed, bul a gia aline Hertzop ot alto ¥ Wobesber
| Bedford anc | Senter toputied {n $324 34 Ty Tow o attended and seemed to spor Cosl and Coke company, Carroll toss WHISPER A HINT IN
A Fero¥ ass themiseives, Te feature of oT
Bett, of Blair, got $465.20, while Judge W9 the pitching of Sheehan for the Hdward Horteog et al to Webster
Maver, of the Clinton-Casieron Bik | Hocads, who strack oul seventeen men Coal asd Coke eorapany, Carrell town
district received 70 cents more. Judge Wentz for the visitors struck oat seven. shin, $847.88
04s fu place Judge Roed, of Jefferson, 321, HH. | ERR In the second, fifth, sixth, seventh Carrolite gp, $600. © co It you 1 have ail the clotm ng
i i cand ninth innings, while they made Executais of Joba Fiek to William e
* ¥ ¥ =Y ye
hare Rare Survie to Kenting. two rans in the Orst, a like number in Murphy, Carrolllown, $200, t Being interested —for us seizing the
On Sanday, Sept. Tth, the New York the third, one in the fourth and one in Henry W. Fox et ux to Frank Ue WILE IETEMCR or nol sewn EE ope
{inconsiderable. The last year's figures. 170 Bh lawretice bie ball tem 0 $75 20
A eceived the former,
3 Judge Gordon, af Clearfield, who re. FEXITa Gus itty of ball this & br, | eat : plead), Coble of al to Jerponah that oost 32.00 and over
o. | Judge Harry White, of Hunn, ree C08
: 64. The contest was devoid of
Geo, Lowmaster, drs A BLa6e :
¢ and Judge ¢ Hark, of Clarion, #48. Jud ge the game ship, $971.40
re of ine of Black. Love, of Center, gathered id g90 and The visitors were treated to goose KB. NX. Donahue et ux to Prank ger,
shirts aie hg ls L ¥ ry :
Rts ang i aif bose that vou could Conse, yonve a
| Central will run a special train over the the eighth, The Patton boys had their ban, Unreodl township, 835. portunities of ‘this
a | P2Y west branch valley line, via Clear | ‘batting clothes on and made three
field, to Keating and return, starting rans in the first, six in the third, two
at Patton, with connecting triins from | in the fourth and three each
readin and Philipsburg. Train will gan sixth and seveoth innings.
ve Patton at 7:00 a. m., rate $1.80; They made another run in the eighth
in the
‘m., rate §1.40; Philipsburg 8:30 selves to be whitewashed in the last in.
ratd § 30; Clearer 16:00 a. m., ning in order to be home in time £: ir
rn side is credited with three
; errors, while the home team had 22 hits
or only one more than the number of
r runs. But six hits were made off of
i Bheehan. Walter Dale was behind the
loss game.
The game was not very weil adver
was a eacournging:
7:20 A. m., rate $1.60; Mahsifey ¢,, good measure and slowed them.
bat for the locals and played an error.
btisod and under the circumstances the
Pauline Hertsog tv Cecelia Boley ot
Mir wr 4 w mew @PADA Finale of Our Summer
land, Susquehanna township, $1, 500,
Advirtived Letters, " | Sale.
The following letters remain ancailed |
for in the Patton post office fur the two
weeks ending Saturday, Ang. 3; 1902: |
Mrs. Wm. ays _ Minnie And our hint to you ts that if we were you we
Potts, Emro Slamisko, Ed Hern, Pred ‘would get here as soon as possible—-the cream of the sale’s
J. Hohern, John Statkewits, Mis Delia offerings may be skimmed if vou wait too long.
Persons calling for the sbove letters W ell appreciate a visit from you whether you buy or not.
wilh please say that they are “Adver- Li :
If you haven't you haven't.
hf 5
EB WiLL ( RE RENE, Postmaster. i