, granting “the rights and | ot a COMMON CANS to the its in the tollecticn of Goran Thomas Phiiadeiohia. | The fee estate of the late Dr. Bd: who bought it sight vears Henry H. Almack, in the of Fritehley, in Darby, Eng Mr Almack's father was en transcribing the manuscripts l Bir Henry Fenn, and it was from | . #aid to be the largest Manchurian Railway admin ration Is constructing at Charbin otel which will cost aver 2.000.000 A ol doses have fo be a magician to ery Lh lobuter and then make epirit made from rotatoes is com- ~ yas isto use in Germany as Sc — J ently cured No fits or nervous. : ohn of De. r: Riine's Great rind bottle nd trestiselres Tess, , that the charter was prob | | faflures. order of mind, so will be,onr conception of the associated disorder of the moral» HE Fundergoes a remarkable change { lo#es ita tenacity and In a short time | them, _itew hours after punishment, “ may show po sign of intellectual deficiency. eontrol In such cases, whatever be {tx cause i= of the same nature as that | may alternate with periods is which no sich defect {a present ‘Lio the move temporary aitacks of moral defects, modern patinlory hy ity { teaching In regard to toxing would seetn to pive much support to the meth | Baughty he had recourse to Gregory powder: while in regard scheme of education to be adopled in the cz of naughty children one | Is produced fn the Intellectual faculties by early and jondiclons teaching, that perhaps ap shameless children, whose condition is allied to moral imbecility, from the jsad future that Is before them. pher and NERALLY speaking, the tnaccuracy of Americatis is nite worthy In almost every branch of life. We are not a mathe matical people. We “guess” at things—the length of » buliding, the date of an event the duration of a war. We say “it was sbout #0 9 #¥ long” “about such and such a date” “adout so many days” instead of giving the exact date. American children are brought up to believe the uselesaness of exnet- They form quicker impressions than the European children They ‘have genvral tdeay of a thousand and one things, bul few of tim can give an exact statement of facts about anything, Our home and social life and school training are responsible for this. Even our business training seldom recognizes the pevessity of fiecuracy In maiters outside the ledger and cash book. Just the reverse of all this one finds in Germany, Francs and England. | But we have our compensation for {his Inaceoracy—a benefit that we pay for, to be sure. Bint still a benefit We are a nation of executives woe act where others plan: we do what others explain bow to do. The foremost exeuse made for our inaccuracy Is our Jack of time. We are oblized fo accomplish fn months what it requires years for the Europeang to finish. Here It Is required tisat evervihing be done quickly. We are said to jump at conclusions. Possibly we do, but we arrive af re- suits quickiy. and geperally with sufficient accuracy for all practical par poses. We often jurap over details in these quick methods of arriving at re sults. We make use of a practical method in the field rather than waste time over a theoretieal method fn the office. Practical results are what are demanded, and when everything is considered there are surpridiogly lew We are first of all snccesuful, and FRCCERS i* what connis Our men of se. cess are usually not the slow, grinding fellows, but the men with ideas, who Bire other men fo work ont the dealin build the bridges, erect the buildings and drill the tunnels 1: Tecopnined that defectire moral control is apt : to ocenr in association with those disorders of intellect which * are ordinarily recognized as idiocy, imbectlity, or insanity, and bh no one doubts the morbid nature of the moral defect In j these cases, Whether jt be regarded ax dependent uopon the Intellectual failare or not. it is clearly part and pares! of the #nd according to oir conception of the processes golig on in dis sense. If the one be reganled as due to disease or imperfection of brain tissue, so also will the other. There are children who He andl steal without reason, are cruel to anh mals, are dancorons to leave with other children lest they should injure and who commit the same misdemeanor time after time within a notwithstanding that they may Dave been greatly sfocted by the punishment at the time. yot these children #0 frequently seen in cases of obvious intellectual deficiency. But Dr 84D goes further and sbows thal defect of moral vontral, while semetinies per | ; t. may be only temporary, in some cases passing away after an ont | Lo pover to return, while in others pericda of dulfective moral control | In regard | edz of the old schoolmaster who sald that when he found a boy ineorriginiy | to the general | ean hat feel, fn view of the marvelous improvement which vjually careful training of hat residuum of moral control which is still o be found in all, might rescoe some of those passionate, spiteful lawless, * | scouring Almighty God. 18 to glorify Gold and to enjoy It forever.” {days of astiquity. The Bille speaks of the men in whose right bands are { inlquities, and in whose left are bribes Macedon for advice, utiered thess thou wilt conquer a : fications by money than by ars, saying that a golden key would wpen | the money power of to-day, | eniversal fawning and cowering before wealth, fortupe or favor. We are taught to act a part, when we should embaly a principle. We sloop over and walk on all fours, when we should stand erect, remembering the siars sbove us seeking to push their way [ats the social swim hin feet are working people, who are dependent on him for food and shilier Ing, Is the effect it has on tie xo § bis attention away from the real apd the permanent in life to the false and the fleeting. oan. granite; and when to character we add culture, more derable than time and richer than the kingdoms of this world