The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 14, 1902, Image 4

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    {ata in id Sir oy Charis a nd | Gearge.
1 Adams on double trapeze; halloon ss
; censions by Prof F. B. Robison, in ad- |
for that pair of Oxfords? We havea
pair waiting for you that will comfort and
idorn your feet until Father Time has cut a
We have a few slippers and:
Oxfords for men. women and
children and as the season for
‘wearing them will soc
de dition to Jogglers, leapers, comical
. clowns, trained dogs, ste.
1 KendalVs vandeviile shows | threo in,
© amber) will be at the fair, is well as
te Several fasion shows and pumerous
_ | refiied attractions have beer secured. |
“| There will be band concerts daily and |
{the exhibition hall Sour for
jve | PoSuLY and ec mpleter ess of iepiays.
: big fair August BE Ban Ex
oussiae rates ou alf allroad. :
Adivertiond Letters,
it The following letters remain uncalled
: for in the Patton post office for the two |
“om 1 will please say that they sre ¢ “Adver-
| E WILL GREENE, Postmaster.
~ Work was begun Monday on Clear-
flold's $300,000 steel plant. Five hua-
Lead Ate were sold leat week and the
1 | The new plant will be under the man.
{agement of Hyde Brox, of Pittsburg,
who slso operate plants in thes Smoky |
{Oe sad in West Yirgiois
Notion bs Hovolie piven that sg appisentio yt
Wil Ne pele 30 the fRvssar | fe BY
Pernuyivania ny Mamita, in
ftoantyr A Fv leg Bo Blokes
Thomas 1 Gates Chanhers UO Tomato
Lat Banal EB. Mewar amd Catirad Wain hy
id adr he Act a Aswrinidy AE Femi
Ah Say ot et
TAS Kod fee)
= : ed Bheiatinen
4 ot i tal Ee S34 : Ih,
Like ard the supplormsils
ad af we te %
{a Sahema by Which Brows Quicted
Hin Wien Bousician, i
: Ta be perfectly bopest. Bromn toes
Bot go to bie Griswold weet lee
£ to the pt. | :
: | publie, Baye an
prone the averige |
beac :
wn lato te
: nary and the 1 man What be In goin
oo fruition. Son (10 meet does met exist He belo |
in business Bere 45 8 lub. and clube bave ther attras :
are for years are Gone He thought hat bis wife was
grow ing suspicion, and Brow is Te
tustomers proper | souraetni :
¢ afford to play | On the evening in question. ax the
nme. His differ. | lawyer would aay. be wid Ber that
there was a matter of Snwlvens (hat
who in here Wrday | { eonld not possilily be deferred until the
ris of the earth pext dag Alout 9 o'elork sha anmwin
i make any sort ced the “phone and was asked if Brown |
; was al bovie, and she replied that hs
1 the moment of . Was Bt Blk oflee :
sy ire out of reach “Guess pot” was the alarming mm
victims, Patrontzs spate. U1 owas just down thers and
Sin ail boked dark
“1 Ble mang off viclously, if wotben Lal 3
3 of > your money do such things. arderel 8 cone told
ii went and Hew up ataivs to on
Mee as though a mote wete ln bot
; Her bushand met her soll
of 3 larg fgly, Tottated that she had given him
: ful surprise, put bin easiest
ele, ete, but the | ® delight -
hair near the High deed
ruth and is worthy ight, handed lor 8 pa
lidate mentioned sume work that wonld possilily keep |
i xii for his origi him ti a Rhee pond Bot sxuigin she
Ela Leould nat Keep awake, she wan arham-
: truth nines, if for nothing ed of berrelf. and after lamely telling |
Listen s th statement of facts: | him that she bind dreamed that be was |
fas a candidate MI whe left
on wz J In wen migntes he was st the chub |
deeds for Kiowa County, and shook bands with a man who smi.
£ jon of the Republi:
fugly asked if the schenie worked
. He replied that it was as good as ready
s convention in Septe aber, | .mogey for at least 60 days, snd then
iat the earnest request of a ‘each baught a stack of ehips that pass
mber of my friends, nor has. tn the night. - Detroit Pree Pris
been a large delegation of the | ;
8 of the count Advice From a Buteher,
¥. “What the sewspapers should do is
drank my ‘whiskey | to devote less space to describing what
my dgars and urgently People should wear and more to what
: they should : 5
to come before the con- ¥ should est.” remarked the bute
as ‘candidate, believing that in here every day who don't know lamb
on man who could be elect- from mutton or a hen from 8 rooster. | :
eo | No wander nen have dyspepsia! {find
of this has happened. I have . that men know more about the quality
i myself. In fact, it is a of food stuffs than women do, Many
boom. Tam tting a little | of the latter don't even know the fow
: esti Eg ve . sltipie tests thst might help them to
and a too ambi. distinguish an old fowl from a young
in the waste basket, | one, and about meat they're greener |
Takis of r v office Fel. A voung woman came in here the
other day and asked for two pounds of
‘veal entlets 1 showed her the loin I |
‘ i proposed to chop the cutlets fron. and |
- : - i she remarked, ‘Yes: that's very nice,
r and ortise. the but isn’t it rather thick to fry? "- |
: 4 Philadelphia Times. : |
y Benith's Vaudeville Circos, |
‘the hot weather
‘here you will want
{town is experiencing an exsiting boom. i
En full hine of Suit-
| =p | Dinsmore Bros,
per and apologized for having fo re
er. “Fashionably dressed wogien come brated
over we offer the above g ok
at greatly reduced prices.
‘We have a
Full and Complete
Line |
of Men's Women's an
| Children’ s Shoes in all leat
ers and styles, heavy or igh .
{for work or dress.
You will at all times find |
our prices lower than the Jow- |
est 1 in town.
great big hole in the coming summer.
The new Shoes and Oxfords for the little folks are m.
Everything that’s new and desirable in the way of shap
nd styles. There's a knack in making right shoes for
young people—Shoes as shapely and stylish as those for the
(elders, yet built to stand harder wear.
| It took us quite a while to find makers that put these
[things into Children’s Shoes, but we have done it and so
good Shoes for Children are here. |
least money. As Se
‘knows Kirk's is the place to go
‘when a man gets married, as
‘they can furnish everything
from cellar to garret.
The well known Red Cross!
‘and Summit Ranges take the
lead. Guaranteed in every
to lay aside : Poe arpentery Tools, Cutlery, Guns and
» full fine of OF Cloths and Linoteam
Thousands of yards, of all silk, fres
clean, crisp ribbons of desirable sorts and
colorings have come to us. There are the
popular corded taffeta ribbons, satin-faced
ribbons, sash ribbons, velvet ribbons.
We share the feast with you. Itisa
time of all times to provide ribbons. Fash.
Palate el Glam fon puts no limitation to thei anifc id
~ Sash and doors will be sold. f | : cir manila uses.
at a bargain for 30 days to
make room for heating stoves.
and f nIniture, !
The Pollowing will be suid below som:
“1% and teineh Lawn Mowers at $1.93.
fen Cream Frovsers at $1.35; Bere is our
Doors as lo se The
Give ae a call st the oid stand beigw | WO SO
She £2 “rmrpurial Hotel
Magee Ave,
your coat and vest.
You will then need a
‘a nobby pair
of Trousers.
‘We have a beautiful
» assortment in all
the newest stripes and |
A Iso
Just unloaded
Flour Departme nt.
hel ¢ cars of four.
; u Hur, America’s Best and Perfection. There is a
spre cme satisfaction in using flour that is always good: that
always bakes the same. We guarantee all onr flour to give
{the best of satisfaction.
5 Ed
black and
Call and SCE,
Merchant Tailors,
Patton, Pa.
The Patton
| Co-Ope rative
to do it
ave the
ave them
we 48 the
arden 18
the real trouble bee
3 hog 2
14) a
ropers h
F lt ih be
. ¥
pres 78
d Lwin di .
bag AXE ed Wh av the as
I» DOW QOL Iv ahidi
wi ¥eaiee in
Groce Cries, Flou ir, Feed
Neighbor Keep
AR Provis-
of oar
£0 them
Spec fal
Best on
hs ig al JF
B y our
First-Class Stock and New as Ow
Here ST
“EURERAY CLARETS, direct from |
the viaeyarids, pee battle from die
to $1.00.
oeyd ai
5. Leite Ne 3 Cail,
Best Quality
“Sterling Special.” Try
one and vou will never use
any other.
per A complete line of Ander
sou buggies—unone better, few
stockhole ler Or | MONONGAHELA PURE RYR per 35 good, prices right.
Champion Road Machines,
GiLart, AE !
fo Deering Mowers, Binders,
i TIPPECANOE PURE RYE, per quart, | Reapers and Rakes, Conklin
=MOoncy} n= Wagons and Syracuse Plows.
| KELLE OF DAUPHIN PURE RYR| Copper aod Iron Wark
per gaart, §1.00, :
in Hardware.”
PRENUH CLARETS from Marke Pars
; & Cle, par hottie, from Sle to 858
Ha ving n moved to onr wey ou
location in the Fisher Block:
we are now better prepared profits
‘than ever to do all work in dre
‘this line. |
Cambria county for the cele- \\/ hy not save
by : buying for cash and
getting vour share of
Manager |
F RHINE WINER imported and {di-
forndas, fron 300 to $1.50 :
PORT & SHERRY, direct from the
: California vineyards, per quart,
Sion] from Sic ap.
can share our
whether vy ou
quart, The ag
We are sole agents for
Brooks Oil Co.'s
Gutta Percha
Roofing Paint.
profits ?
spb 10 Years (Oh
| For Family and Medicinal Use, per
spart, $1.56.
Patton, Pa.
Estimates cheerfully
for all work i in our line.
d.C Ra
Fifth Ave
i Magee Ave,
rhap r
¥ Het»