The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, July 31, 1902, Image 5

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    where the Filton have resided nce
they left bere, on Sunday evening at |
815 d'clock. The deceased was born
of in Aostria, January 7, 1974. She was a
x member of St. Mary's German Cstho.
in order and to do i it
ol properly you must have the
Ja PTOpEr tools. We have them
and at prices as low as the
lowest. When the garden is
completed the real trouble Be-
Ir To buy s some of our!
of noultry netting and keep them
“out of the garden, Special
Chrysoline Ware, Best on
{ Earth and Fully Guaranteed.
for that pair of
‘pair waiting for mfort
‘adorn your feet antl Father Time has cut a
great big hole in the coming summer. |
| The new Shoes and Oxfords for the little folks are in. i
: Everything that's new and desirable in the way of shapes
and styles. There's a knack in making right shoes for Si
. .. young people-Shoes as shapely and stylish as those for the a
We will carry at all elders, yet built to stand harder wear. | i
times a full line of It took us quite a while tc ‘ind makers that put these
‘High Grade Grocer- things into Children’s Shoes, but we have dome it and -
- goed Shoes for Children a are here.
1s, Flour, Produce |
and Miners’ Supplies
and at prices. as low as
the lowest. By our
fo hed thr v3 ck Tandy Thousands of yards of all silk, fresh,
re lock clean, crisp ribbons of desirable sorts and
colorings have come to us. There are the
popular corded taffeta ribbons, satinfaced
ribbons, sash ribbons, velvet ribbons.
bi BR AA a er ss
| “Sterling Special. ” Try | = we
— repaired ae ome and you will never use! you can share our We share the f feast with Vou. It Bsa
{any of er, SL . a , oe
tite Tac of An der. profits whether you ‘time of all times to provide ribbons. Fash-
son buggies—none better, few are a stockhole der or ion puts no limitation to their manifold uses.
y Stor hos new Th dete, § ink and pens at Kinkead's
colomn of ne as good, prices right.
al 6% py Champion Road Machines, not.
Pecring Mowers, Binders, Whv not save Lod
i Reapers and Rakes, Conklin, YY hy not save money
: BoA Merion. Wag goons and Dyrs CRE P ws by buyi ng for cash and l ! .. A mi
Dua beer on ta at all first. oi Si pe : pone
: ey z ax Misiox. Tin, Copper and Tron Work. getting your share of is our F Your Dien artment. Tint t unloaded
, ything the profits ? 2 two solu cars of flour.
1 Har, America’s Best snd Perfection. There is a
in Hardware.” : ’ TION INRIHCTOIM PR. >
: 1 La : J : £ p Vi J os } | 18 th : 1 J) i 2 Pr © artigfqe fiom 18 Hsin ug flour tha £ 1% always s good; that hu !
BR CORDELL t i yf n + = - r ; 1 0 1 10n1 ia may zs Bakes the same. Ye ha tarantee all onr four to give aw
pn, A Matton : F th | Ay £.,
mill filen, Aaters, stamp pads; Riso : it :
orders taken | for all kinds of seals and P ATTO! <
t the Pat pot. : .
wi Linen enrrempondence pRper, tok
oe oap, pondils, memorandum and tine
and Anna Duke, ole, ete, at Kinkead's News
want fre laundry work,
Cour er laandry with The Keystone HIT
ao) Co., Mages Avene, | the agent | | iil
Hot weather will be “steady
company” now for several months,
oy fash and of course you know every one
a mo the purest be 7 a largest, cheapest
. mow: en me A el ' Fourth Ave. a . F . has to prepare for company. It's
vor For Sale—Howe and lot on Wet! + and best line of inthe preparation that vou will
ntormsion aes, PAT ON, PA. furni oo fe || Feimbgll
g same. For further information call on i -» furmture, carpets, in- a ite vere Hohi-—&f
- or address J. BE Ardell, Patton, Pa. | . > bg nk or F] i ag Serge StS very light—86,
| oleum, mattings, din- | i850
Leave your order for a case or keg | ; ;
ng room Chairs: cup. i Flianel trousers $2 up.
ief Duquesne beer and be convinced
: that, it Is the bust und purest extant. id : | . ;
: Eo A Myon, ~ Py I ls. ki Loy + Dwiek frovsers, crash trousers, linen tro ISETE, Aipara
hei Groceries Flour, Feed boarc itchen caalrs,: oC Lt
} % ls 3
: . y. sid ehoards. Sin Ka», ©X-
for I the Patton i two and I Fovis tension tak les, cone ches 5 oo |
| wevkn ending ring July 2, 1000: ‘ Phin Underwear starts at 2s
es Ons. {rom $4.5 50 to
is wl dwanan Jorn.
HY ie hh ne B 2 fst BYery voist ks SE Ley BECK WRAT
son, Neator Krise, ., Fd Nagle, Alberti etc. etc, 51 R: AW. HATS jor everybody, Al sorts of caps. All
Ginidn Mengheri, Ed Nagle, Chas
Ty John Walton, Albenos Warner. : ha a PR IERS a Dean
i Persons calling for the shove letter First.C) Hass £ stock and Nes HARDW A RE vw 0 L Fr & TH 0 M PS ON,
will lease say that Shaary are “Adver-
The People’s Clothiers,
Lo tied,” : : ive ;
h: E. WiLL Girma, Postmaster. . Gx as. Gi yo : : A
: ase, ty. cash | n - 3} IH x P ’ 1 > : R
Striking Shoe there you wall want en, ete PI A ( E
i Values. | to lay aside he Hines se +f ranges, hd A >i
Wel Ts vour coat and vest. Red Cross and Sommits, all.
Eres 2 [Oxfords for men, ar will thien dl 5 Etamntesd, ir elma
- Dealer in “
Rr RR ; a a
ATE GRC shifts oul atl Se.
You can do better at _
children and as the season r
ring them will soon he a nobbyv pair
‘we offer the above giwuls T
a tgroatls reduced prices.
- We have a
Full and Complete
of Men's Women's
? sorry to of
: Children’s She
Aa 5
Shoe Store. 4 Patton, Pa. SATTON, PA. Won