| trade with Fagan, the painter, Hast Kings, Pa a A Wes Tine of pocket ledgermrecords, | of receipts and note books at Kinkead's ; News Depot. | arisk Pittsburg Club, $1.25 a quart. ges avenue. Will be sold chesp for _ leash. For farther information apply i at this offs. : Nu 3 paper, fools] cup, pencils, memorandum and time | For Sale—A property on Russell | 7g | avenge will be sold at asacrifice if + taken at once. Call on or inquire of + Bart Young, Patton, Pa. * hops and is recommended by physi- of eins every where m the purest heer or sddress J. E. Ardell, Patton, Pa. a. for selling. {write to M., P. O. Box 177, Patton, Pa. 11 with & few gray hairs on the back 4nd rn | white spot on forehead. Had a bell on. Finder will please notify or addrem | A young man can learn painting Lovers of good whiskey shonid En. A MELON. Bill files. daters, samp pads; siso { orders taken for wl Kinds of seals and | rubber stamps at Kinkead’s News De. | on West Ms For Bale—Good Jot Hooks, ete, ic, : 8% Kinkead’s Nows If you want fine laandey work, _ | leave your laundry with The Keystane | . Clothing Co., Magee avenoe, the agent | | for the Empire Steam Laundry. | Duquesne heer is made from pure Ep A. Merion. For Sale House and lot on West For fale-Stock of s Racket Store Por farther Jaformsation | Leave your order for a oss or keg the or Duquesne beer and te convinced | bo] fut 5 io he beet ad Purest xian ok En A Meuiox cow about eight ¥ ars old, black, mixed py 2) Cathe, Patton, Pa. itor ; f the Windber Eras! to take any editorials from | he At and pablish © eredit. We consider ita he does it anyway. Io Nicholson, former! y se Commercial Hotel at ry il at the Moun place. Mrs, Nichol n ng in bard tack “Aether | one has ‘High Grade lies, a and Miners’ Supplies. ete and at prices as low as a the lowest. 5 the Hota oe ee + oe Wine) You can do better at the Wie shoe store. ta, ink sod pons sf Kinkend's| {Is now in order and todo: | proper tools. Chrysoline Ware, i Deering Mowers, Lost A week #20 Toesday,a mooley for that pair of pair waiting for you that will comfort and adorn your feet until Father [ime Ts cut great big hole in the coming summer. proper] y you must have the We have ther and at prices as low as the lowest. When the garden is completed the rea} trouble ber; The new Shoes and Oxfords for the little folks are fn. . Everything that's new and desirable in the way of shap and styles. There's a knack m making right shoes for i young people—Shoes as shapely and stylish as ‘those ri! the ve | (elders, yet built to stand harder wear. : ito inform you that we handle ‘a complete line of imported If $0, , buy some of our and domestic wines, brandies jposlery netting and keep them ‘and liquors at moderate prices. out of the garden. Special Purity and age guaranteed. Best on!Ciive me a trial and be con- | Earth and Fully Guaranteed. | vinced. ; ood Shoes for Children are here, Here are a few of our brands: {"EURERA™ CLARETS, vt frum Thousands of y ads of all silk, fresh, to $1.00 clean, crisp ribbons of desirable sorts and | FRENCH CLARETS from Marie Pere ¢()[orings have come to us. There are the En & Cis, per bottle, from &0c to $1.50. : )BES. RHINE WINES, imported aod cai POpUlar corded taffeta ribbons, satin-faced | fornia, from 50c to $1.50. ribbons, sash ribbons, velvet ribbons. PORT & SHERRY, direct from the California vineyards, per quart, from Sc up. Yine of Anders. : PURE CALIFORNIA BRANDY, per few quart, 75 up. MONONGAHELA PURE RYE per. quart, 75. “Sterling Special.” Try one and you will never use any other. A complete son buggies—none better, 8 go {, prices right. Champion Road Machines, | Binders, TIPPECANOE PURE RYE, per quart, | Reapers and Rakes, Conklin | $1.00 i Wagons and Syracuse Plows. pe OF DAUPHIN PURE RYE, Tin, ,Copber and Iron Work | pegs, ate we I “OLD PUT" RYF, 10 Years Od, | Por Family and Medicinal Use, per quart, $1.50. ‘always bakes the same. ED. A MELLON, ‘the best of satisfaction. : Paiton. Pa. ~~ We share the feast with you. Itisa time of all times to provide bhons Fash- ‘ion puts no limitation to their manifold uses. 1s our Plow Department. ‘two solid cars of flour. Ben Hur, America’s Best and Perfection. Just unlc i There is a We guarantee al our flour to give - | Magee Ave, ‘PHONE. We wil carry at all times a full line 7 f Flour, Produce By our y i can share ou pre fits whether are ad staockhol Je ‘T # not. Why not save money by buy ing for cash and’ getting profits 2 ? ¥ Crit << PATTON INDUSTRIAL G0- : © ASSOCATON, JOHN W. MAUDE, Manager. | | of] Grocer-! vou ori ie ib . Hot weather will be stealy company’ now for several months, and of course you know everyone has to prepare for company. i's in the preparation that you ! find us helpful. Serge suits—very light—36, 23. 210. Flannel trousers 32 up. Nou will ind the largest. cheapest Fourth Ave, and best line of PATTON, PA. furniture, carpets, lin ‘oleum, matings, din- | Jing room chairs, cup- Groce ries, Flour, Feed ‘boards, kitchen chairs, sideboards, sinks, ex-! ‘tension tables, couches from $4.50 to $18.00, > oo letc., etc. HARDWARE A SPECIALTY. Paints, glass, putty, sash ‘and doors, plows, wheel bar-, fron aid wood punips, Desde fa frases, trousers, 1 crash | coats, white and fancy vests. linen trousers, apace’ oligee shirts beg Thin Csi derwear starts at 2350. Ric every right kind: new neckwear. STRAW HATS fur everybody. headwear. WOLF & THOMPSON The Peopit’s Clothiers. and Provis- in at soc. ions. vole hose, belts of All sorts of caps. All winds of } i {First-Class L Goods. ! Stock Give me a call. and New ! SH, i A POP! : the hot weather ‘here you will want to lay aside : mn a bh ete. The finest line of ‘Red C ims and St a3 We SLRBIPS. » EL. ran ges, all. 4 your coat and vest. You will then need TY a ts Bathiih, gar teed, % oF 3 a a nobby vii of Tro USC ‘We have a beautiful assortmant in all vii {ive % ETE RT RE AREA STR Ea the newest stripes and, share of shades Also * ful i line of Suit- in hlack and Call and see. . Dinsmore Bros, Merehant Tailors, Patton, Pa. Yours respectfully Magee Av band] PATTON, + pd a i so end % Yas a Cscol salad Nt? ard ; celebrated a ead PML. ph Pe Fo Linx i It took us quite a while to find makers that put tee things into Children’s Shoes, but we have dome it and 0 | supreme satisfaction in using flour that is always good; that : .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers